June 7, 1952 THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER Page 11 UC Graduates 1,478 In Ceremony At Nippert Stadium; Speeches Omitted, Students And Others Receive Honors The University of Cincinnati Minida, granted commencement degrees in exercises its at Nippert Stadium. Missing from the exercises this The year were the customary speeches. University alloted speakers' time to the granting of diplomas. Honorary degrees were conferred on Dr. Norman P.
Auburn, President of the University of of UC, Doctor of Laws; Dr. WinAkron, and former Vice President E. Kock, director of acoustics research with the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Doctor of Science, and Kronenberger, author, editor and drama critic, Doctor of Letters. Heading the list of student honor recipients WAS Thomas Putnam, Detroit. Putnam, who received the Bachelor of Science degree, was awarded the Robert Patterson McKibben memorial prize, gold medal for the liberal arts senior, who, by faculty vote, best qualifies manliness.
Degrees were conferred by the respective deans. The Very Rev. James F. Maguire, S. President of Xavier University, delivered the invocation.
Dr. Nelson Glueck, President of Hebrew Union College, gave the benediction. Walters UC President Raymond presided. Sidelights of the graduation: father and his future daughter in law both received degrees. Col.
Porter P. Lowry, 4308 Grove Mariemont, graduated from the College of Law at the age of 61. Miss Nina J. Marucci, 5344 Cloverleaf who will marry Colonel Lowry's son, Wuliam, UC '50, on Saturday, received B. S.
wtth honors in physics. Three French girls received Master of Arts degree. They were Miss Jacquelyne Roy, daughter of a UC graduate; Miss Marthe Young, wife of a former GI, and Miss Helene Marie Lelievre, graduate of the University of in Paris, absentia. who was awarded a degree Daughter made the grade last night but mother still has year to go. Mrs.
Henrietta E. Kinsburg, 828 Erkenbrecher UC College of Home Economics junior, watched her daughter, Miss Vivian Kinsburg, receive her College of Liberal Arts degree. Joseph Leach, 3315 Reading Sharonville, Mayor of Sharonville, received a Master of Arts degree in political science. Paul C. Menne, 28, Erlanger, Edward C.
Menne, $1, 5082 Willnet and Arthur C. Menne 83, 871 Zan were first three brothers to graduate together from UC Evening College. All received the Bachelor of Commerce degree. Two prominent educators received Master of Education degrees from the Teachers College. They were Ora E.
Smith, principal of Graphic Arts and Printing High School, and Merrill B. Van Pelt, supervisor of instrumental music in Cincinnati public schools. For the wives of graduating men, the UC Wives Club had recognition service this week. The club awarded 14 of its members the degree of "Ph.T" (putting husband through school). The Enquirer was well represented in the College of Law.
Richard B. Kirkpatrick, veteran reporter and Kentucky political writer, was awarded Bachelor of Laws degree, was Grant D. Owings, son of Malcolm Owings, veteran composing room employee. Mr. Kirkpatrick has been with The Enquirer since 1934 except for six years with Army Intelligence in World War IL.
His preddictions in the 1948 Kentucky Democratic primary for the U. S. Senate, the 1950 Kentucky Senate race and the 1951 governorship race were extremely accurate. Receiving Bachelor of Arts degree last night was Sherwood D. Kohn, son of Stan Kohn, Enquirer artist.
Young Kohn was announced as winner of the Robert Lee Strauss Prize of $20, given to the undergraduate who writes the best original composttion in verse during the college session, and as one of the ners of the Cincinnati Literary and Musical Society Prizes for the best poems written by students in 1952. Included among the winners of the larger prizes last night were William R. McElravy and Eugene Trimmer, College of Business Administration students, who ceived Mullins Manufacturing Corp. scholarships of $1,000 each, and Richard H. Bruns, who received the Fenneman Fellowship of $500.
A brother and sister, both. graduates of UC, received degrees of Master of Education from the Teachers College. They are Lillian M. Clarniello, 8442 View demonstration er at North Avondale School, and William J. Claraiello, 3016 Griest Assistan Principal at Madisonville School.
There are two Dr. Kreiders at the family home in Mariemont, now. Dr. Thomas M. Kreider received his Ph.
D. in English in the presence of his father, Dr. Paul V. Kreider, UC Professor of English. Five children are not stopping Mr.
and Mrs. James G. Sheehan from completing their education. Mr. Sheehan, former Army Lieutenant Colonel, last night received his M.
A. in Economics. His wife, Mrs. Patricia Ann Sheehan, will enter her second year of study at UC for a B. S.
in Nursing. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Ralph H. Walter Archer Mary Joseph T. Humbrecht Kennedy Harold BaumLouis Samuel Becker David Mark Kerman Richard William Booth Willian Alley Kessler Donald Brinkmann Dale Laverne Kile Milton H. Bronstetn Robert Eugene Klots John Brose Robert Patrick Koenig Clay Browa Mor cn Mara Donald Arthur Buck Norbert Richard L.
Donald Kosater Kruer Karl F. Burns Jr. Thomas P. Caine dr. Robert J.
Kuba Chasan Robert Huch Kuhn Farris Conway Paul Edwin Lyon Seymour rhomas Joseph Conway Russell G. Manning Lawrence R. Thomas Cornelius Devin Glen Francis Eldon C. McPartiand McPheroa Richard Case DeGolia James A. Millard Dover H.
Arlen Dickey Dick James Robert B. Benson Ott Preston James R. Dohm Raymond Jules Py Jr. Arthur Stephan Doyle Kenneth William Rahe Frank E. Dudenhoeffe: Thomas Rielly Fred Arnold Akus Howard Rissover Joseph Englert Thomas K.
Roberts Andrew C. Essman Phelps M. Robinson C. Flessa mol 1 Don-14 Rover Kenneth Allen Gaines William Albert Roll Lionel M. Gallagher Harold C.
Rothermel Robert Henry Garrett Robert John Schmidt Ryan Thomas J. use William C. Schubert Carl Martha Jack Lyle Curtis Gray Griffith William Richard Howard Shafer Alon Serbin Thomas P. Hackett El I. Shnelder Charles Hugh Edward Hart Clyde Daniel E.
Curtis Smith Jesse L. Helse Clarence Robert Sowers SCHOLARSHIP AND SENTIMENT IN UC EXERCISES Principals in the annual commencement exercises of the University of Cincinnati exchanged handshakes before the start of the ceremonies. From left to right are Dr. Winston E. Kock, Director of Acoustics Research with the Bell Telephone Laboratories; Dr.
Raymond Walters, President of UC; Louis Kronenberger, author, editor and drama critic; Dr. Norman P. Auburn, President of the University of Akron and former Vice President of UC, and Mayor Carl W. Rich. Dr.
Kock, Dr. Auburn and Mr. Kronenberger received honorary degrees. The lower photograph shows William Lowry, rear, as he capped both his father and his fiancee at the graduation. His father, Col.
Porter P. Lowry, 61, 4303 Grove Mariemont, was the oldest graduate from the College of Law. His fiancee, Miss Nina J. Marucci, 5344 Cloverleaf received a B. S.
degree, with honors, in physics. The younger Lowry is a 1950 graduate of UC. He and Miss Marucci will be married (Wellinger) Photos. BACHELOR OF ARTS Jackie Armandort! Martha J. Macke Richard W.
Bauer Dino J. Malavazos A. Mary Bayles William S. Mathews Laurence R. Bean Jr.
Edward G. McAuley Shirley L. Blank Robert R. McFarlan Gerald Blumberg Madelyn McGof! Don Clark Bolsinger Dan C. McKeever Mary L.
Bortsch Robert C. Meissner Ernest H. Bradley George E. Montag George S. Bristol Bush P.
Mulford Lawson C. Carter Jr. Addison R. Myers Martha J. Carter Rebekah J.
F. Neisch John J. Cerimele Jeanette L. Newburgh Wallace J. Comer James W.
Niehaus Nancy Davis Jo Ann Overberg Robert Davis Robert C. Painter Rebecca H. Demorest Robert D. Petrie Louise Grace Dine John W. Purdy Charles M.
Dolman James P. Randall Robert E. Donovan William B. Rank Nelson E. Drummond Mildred Elleen Reed Audrey Edwards Rose M.
Reitenour Jane Espy Albert Richman Judith Walter Roberta Lols A. Fields Sigmund A. Rolat Margit K. Friedlander Betty B. Sample Thomas M.
Funk Jr. Charlotte J. Schultz Hugo G. Green Thomas B. Scott Ann A.
Gutjahr Nancy Sears Lawrence C. Hale Nancy J. Sebastian Rollyn M. Hallforth Jesse F. Sellers Alice J.
Hamilton Perry F. Selonick Andrew L. Handerm'nn Candelu Seta Oliver W. Hardin Jr. Charles E.
Shelley Karl W. Hawk Jr. Nicholas Shundich Roger W. Heather William L. Slaughter Mary Olive Hecht Robert Smith Fred J.
Heinritz Jr. Janet Garland Snyder John L. Herold Allen R. Steffan Jack R. Hightower Otis Stell Whittaker R.
Hill Jr. Edward J. Stockson Shirley A. Holmes Ruth N. Strauss Albert Ed Huber Jr.
Florence L. Stutz Charles N. Jones Rose N. Tashjian Paul Jones Francis K. Taylor Mace C.
Justice Robert C. Terwillegar James C. Kiefer John L. Tewart Vivian M. Kinsburg Kenneth J.
Thompson Marilyn C. Knodel Carol L. Tiemeyer Sherwood D. Kohn Jane Vollman Ingard E. Kroeger Patsy Ruth Wallace Magnus J.
Krynsk! Jacquelin M. Weiss Ardyth Lahrman Keith L. Werner Clifford Landen Mark David J. Wright Jr. Virginia Lang Louis Emil Low Hella Marie Zink Stanley Lynch Laslo Zsoldos ASSOCIATE OF ARTS, STEPHENS COLLEGE Mary Edwards BACHELOR OF SCIENCE James LeRoy Armstrong Robert D.
MacKenzie Appel Laken Ralph W. Atchley Andrew Maretaki. Joan H. Ault Florence M. Martinesu Emil LeRoy Bergdolt George T.
McDuffie Sidney Bernstein Bonnie LaB. McNeely Edward R. Brown Devid F. Merten Tom H. Richard 8.
Moriates Howard K. Caball Richard H. Morris Donald Cashman Stanley H. Nedelmas August Cassini Alfred C. Niemeyer Warren W.
Daudistel Jesse Pogue 11 Paul J. Ditmyer Jr. Edw. S. Puffenbarger Richard J.
Drexelius Thomas C. Putnam Donald Dunn John R. Qualey William J. Frizzell Robert Rau Edwin Gallenstein Kenneth Record Richard Gebhardt Marilyn J. Rouser Edward Grad Jr S.
P. Schweinfurth David C. Henning. Conrad Seyfried William D. Heuer Thomas A.
Siwula C. Gerald Allen Holden Hickman Willis Caroline Stanley Stapp John C. Holmes Francis Stevens Donald W. Hopping Philip R. Sticksel James Huston Gordon Stones Frederick Ingold Harold D.
Ulmer Richard J. Jarvis Glenn 8. Visher James B. Kats Henry Wedig Jr. Robert Kramp Roy Allen Wildey Richard Lancaster Robert J.
Yingling John J. Lombardo BACHELOR OF SCIENCE FOR WORK IN THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Phelps M. Robinson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Joan Anareno Ingebors Schiller Harriet Harper Joyce Seifert Eileen Hogan Alice C. Twidale Margaret H. Regan Edythe G.
Warwood The degree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred upon the following candidate September 8, 1951. Joseph H. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AERONAUTICAL ENGINEER Armbrust Jr. Joseph De Carlo Donald C. Ballentine John Doner Edward Balsink Frank Laacke Dale Benethum Richard E.
Meeker Thomas T. Blanco Bruce A. Raymond Joseph N. Bond Edward Wheeler Armand Charest Robert J. Wilson Errol Davis Jr.
CHEMICAL ENGINEER Ralph Bauman Jerold R. Dearwater Martin Behrens Jr. James L. Dickerscheid Thomas Bel Paul E. Ehrnschwender Robert Bollman Robert G.
Finch Donald Brown Charles T. Fischer Jr. Robert Campbell William FOx Jr. Richard C. Coates Curtis Gibson Carroll R.
Cobura Albert Giovanett! Philip Davis Donald W. Glass of Civil IN Jr. candidate BACHELOR. OF SCIENCE Engineer in METALLUR- as August Gen- Jr. Jo Ann Joyce Carol Zaina Nancy Helen Hester C.
L. A O' GICAL Robert Arthur Dean The degree Aeronautical conferred upon the following August 25, 1951. B. Frank Click of The degree Engineer was entered upon the following candidate as of 1951. Carl George Yund Mary The degree of Electrical Engineer was ferred upon the following candidates as Mary August 25.
1951. Donald Everett Placke Joseph A. Rave Jean The degree of Bachelor of Science Mary eral Engineering was conferred upon the following candidates of August 25. 1951. Harvey George Winners Jr.
The degree of Mechanical Engineer conferred upon the following candidates Migust 25, 1951. Forrest E. DeVol Richard L. Gerald P. Dietrick G.
Moser Dale E. Howell David R. Turnbull Edward Kimble Robert Wilbur Jo TEACHERS COLLEGE BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Carol Jane Acomb Ruth Ann Carole J. Barnhart Ellen H. Hets Thomas D'Amico Ruth LaVerne Stein Marilyn Doscher Philip A.
White Edward B. Elsert Carolina L. Zuriage The degree of Bachelor of Education conferred upon the following candidates August 25, 1951. Richard L. Dawley Robert H.
Gebhart BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION John E. Allen Joyce Kinney Elisabeth E. Anderson Betty W. Klotsch Rosalie F. Andrews Joan E.
William T. Andrews W. Paul Krummel Donald H. Ault Rudolph Krumpack Judith Ann Barr Walter Kuhihorst Dorothy E. Bauer Roger 1.
Kuhn John Richard Beat Marcia J. Kyrlach Carol R. Behrendt B. S. in UC Margaret R.
Benjamin Standey A Lair John G. Bennington Jacques R. Laughlin Shirlee M. Beuttel Joan La tell Shirley M. Bird Roslyn Fay Libby Barbara Ann Block Della H.
Lidell Josephine Borgmann Myrtle R. Lindeman James 8. Bowman Sally- Lou N. Loudin H. Bradrick, Jr.
Barbara J. Lundberg Frank J. Braun Joanne L. Lundquist rift G. Bronstein Esther Helen Lutz Mattie Ruth Brown Betty Ann Lux Norris W.
Bullock Sally Lynch Jeanne O. Busch Lulu MacKinnon Patricia J. Byrd B. Detroit ConJoann Y. Calmeise servatory of Music Para L.
Carnes Jeannine McCue Nancy Carpenter William C. McDonald Dell C. Chenoweth Leah Lane McGhee Robert G. Clayton Verlie May Meyers Martlyn A. Conover Gino R.
Micheletti Patricia J. Dells Frank J. Middendort Marilyn J. Derbes Jane Alice Moesta Jacque O. Diets Dorothy Moreland B.
B. UC Lawrence A Mraz Janet A. Dison Joseph Myers, Jr. B.S.. UC Louetta Davies Myers Frank H.
Doggett Robert L. Neumann George L. Dorlay. Jr. Jane Niederhelman Mary A.
B. Doscher Dorothy F. Nielander James E. Driscoll Ora Junior Nixon Margaret A. Durham Ruth Rita Hogen Virginia McC.
Eberle Rose Bettie Norris Joyce Fiche Marjorie Peoline Jeanne K. Ellison Shirley Ann Paolino Joyce A. Ernst Roland P. Payette June Van Nest Faig Dorothy L. Pisek Lorraine S.
Falcon Donald J. Pollock P. Janet Farmer Joseph H. Presnell Patricia Finn Robert H. Prigge Joseph Frattalione Martha Jean Quinn Robert Frazier Lawrence H.
Rapp, Jr. Joanne Friedman Martha Jane Rauh Glenn Fugate John Paul. Raymer Betty Spencer Punk Georgia L. Richardson Anna E. Gardiner Nancy E.
Roudebush Thomas L. Garner Sharon Lynn Sander Elmer R. Geehan George M. Saribalas Paul Renton Geisen E. Robert Schanz Charles L.
Geraci Robert R. Schierioh R. B.A., XU Jacquelin E. Schmidt Shirley F. Gershuny John J.
Schneider Theresa E. Goldfarb Ann B. Schneiderman Charles R. Green Patricia A. Schramm Frederic P.
Grove Mary Lee Schulte Carolyn D. Grueninger Sonia Pay Simkin Alva F. Guinn Jr. Rosalyn R. Simmermon William F.
Haert Jeanne Sisson Jerald W. Hagerty, Jr. Jack W. Snyder Rita Harkavy Ralph Ray Staub Marilyn M. Martin Carl J.
Strassle Grace E. Hartzel Richard J. Suddendort Rosemary E. Harvey Jean E. Taint Lee W.
Haslinger Thomas F. Tate Jr. Joseph C. Hauk Robert E. Taylor Dorelle M.
Heisel Joyce M. Theler A. De Pauw Univ, Brenda C. Thomas Helen L. Hermerding Annie G.
Thornton Miriam R. Hinds Herbert pen Lots Barbare Hoerr Suzanne E. Martin D. Holtzman James Van Zoeren Marjorie Lou Huber Helen Jean Vernau Carol Ann Imfeld Suzanne Vosmer Joseph M. Ireland Glenna M.
Wagner Joyce Tyler Jantz Robert L. Watson Rita Joy Jenkins Laura Wierwillie Shirley A. Kahn Shirley J. Williamson Arthur William Wilson Richard Kane Jack C. Wimmer Irene Kaplan Ronald H.
Wuh Mary Joan Keete Stephen J. Young Wm. G. Kenning Jr. Virginia Zimmer Beulah Mae Kibble Marilyn Ann Zwick William Robert King The degree of Bachelor of Science in cation was conferred upon the following candidates as of August 25, 1951.
Ursula Barron Shigemi Kabutan Calvin J. Berliner Karl P. Kadon. Jr. Donald J.
Brill James W. Kinne Frederick H. Boles Charles C. Murden Veda T. Chapman Sayra B.
Nikoloff Evelyn M. Christensen James Petty Gladys 1. M. Clausen Frances B. Rawlinson Monica Ann Deubel Hannah W.
Rodamer Donald Joelle Fine Maurice M. Shigesato Geraldine Mae Fitch James M. Sigmund Helen Joan Fleming Lois Brook Unger Pauline Freeh William Vineyard Alma Cassady Frey Betty Ann Wigbell Emmy Lou Gladden Virgil H. Wilson Wilhelmina Glendening Eugene D. Wolfe Otto F.
Adams Joseph P. Merz Jr. James D. Alexander Robert M. Montgomery Charles E.
Anderson Jr. Helen V. Moorman Kenneth B. Anderson Walter Elza Morton Robert Bachman George Stuart Morton Jeanne Bernard Grace Ludeke Neises Robert Berning John T. Neises Mary Ann Birn James C.
Nelson Walter J. Boncher Jr. James M. Niswonger John K. Brice Robert E.
Parker Willam H. Brung Doyle Leon Parking Russell Burkhardt Paul Pauly Abrom J. D. Burke Prank E. Pinckard Jr.
Ella Irene Campbell Harold R. Reisiger Richard M. Cogan Richard Reuthe Herbert F. Davison Jr. Sherwood T.
Rodrigues Francis J. Detchmendy Harry Russell Eugene L. Ditmer Doris Patricia Rydin Eunice E. Engelke Madeline Saffran George Kern Fisher William J. Schort Jr.
Jean Lee Flaig Charles Scott Donald S. Friesa Lois Jean Smith Rafael Furst Prank P. Sterrett David L. Gamble Ralph C. Strickland Mary A.
Gartner James J. Suttman Theodore C. Geter Stanley I. Tekamp Phyllis J. Graham Richard John Thiele Weston N.
Hammel Shirley A. Thompson Patricia Anne Happy R. W. J. Von Weber Luehrte Robert E.
Haverkos Frank Jr. Leonard J. Ipp Betty Westover Earl H. Kiter Jr. Joseph Whittaker Russell L.
Kimball Robert W. Wicktora Helen L. Kisker Oma Burkett Wilson Alvin J. Kuresman John T. Woodruff Wayne F.
Lorimer Richard G. Yost Jr. M. David Magili BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Billie Doerman Joseph J. Fiori Jr.
James R. Gillespie Donald Grover Richard J. Hasselbeck Charles N. Kiefer A. A.
Fairieigh Dickinson College Fred C. Lohrum James P. McFarlan Jr. Ronald B. Pullem Donald J.
Schwindt William G. Steele Jr. William J. Stiem Clarence R. Unger Joseph A.
Wiezha us John C. Wimsey COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL ILLUSTRATION George B. Schwenk Arthur L. Wimberly Emilie Stentz Campbell Evelyn Vivian Kennedy COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS COLLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Lois V. Archambeault Marian Louise Meyer Sarah Anne Dairymple Janet Ellen Mills Norma L.
Dawley Yetsuko G. Nakamoto Betty Jean Davis Mary Alice, Phillips Dolores DeLopaz Betty Retter Mary Jane Denham Nancy Sanford Florence Erma Feist Irene Laura Saville Lois Marilyn Louise Alice Graves Finley Betty Susan Jane Schwartz Schmitt Agnes Harrell Marilyn V. Simmons Ann Hokman Dixiana Smith Patricia J. Johnson Maxine Frick Spears Roberta Elaine King Marlys Rose West Maren Mansberger Lisa K. Witt The degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing was conferred upon the following candidates as of August 25, 1951: John Richard Bear John Bigham Jr.
Thomas H. Bradrick Jr. Eleonore M. C. Dahms Marilyn Jean Derbes Jeanne Koch Ellison Patricia Finn Joseph Frattalione Donalda L.
Gates Grace Elizabeth Hartze! Bonnie Jean Keuper BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Rail Albright Alfred W. Ambrosius Herbert T. Becker Fred Edward Betz John Kyle Boyd Russell L. Champiin Jr. Robert H.
Christian William J. Copich Harold M. Dickinson Richard Johnson Dimit Walter C. Doench James Henry Donnelly Thaddeus J. Dulemba Charles William Fish Don B.
Fisher John P. Gasiorowskd Morton C. Cassman Harry Gaz Thomas Joseph Geers Louis William Gerhardt James W. Glaser Richard Emil Glaser Robert S. Goforth Herbert L.
Hamilton Jr. Raymond B. Hayes Jr. John Q. Hejduk BACHELOR OF C.
Dudley Brown Mary P. Bruemmer Laura Cadman Richard Morse Chapin A. Amherst lege Jean Ellen Davis Betty Doyle Mary Jo Ellis William Joseph Peck Theodore J. Fialkowski Glenn William Gale Jack S. Gunderman Ruth Ellen Henke William George Hents Margaret Anne Hunt Robert Earl Jordan Shirley Ann Lange I COVINGTON GIRL Injured Only Slightly In 108-Foot Leap From Railroad Saestle Into Shallow Waters Of Bank Lick Creek A 15-year-old Covington girl escaped with minor injuries yesterday after jumping 108 feet from railroad trestle into shallow Banklick Creek, just north of Independence, Ky.
The girl, Charlene Andrews, 15, 318 Byrd was taken to St. Elizabeth Hospital, Covington, where her condition was said to be good. Attendants said the girl was dazed, but apparently had suffered only a bruised back. Police said the Andrews girl and several companions had been playing on the trestle, owned by the Louisville, Nashville Railroad, when an oncoming locomotive sent them into panic. One girl leaped into a water barrel and several others ran to safety to the opposite side of the trestle.
Officers said a fall in another section of the creek probably would have proved fatal. Banklick Creek is rock filled and extremely shallow in most places. But the Andrews girl fell to a pool which broke her fall, police reported, and she was able 1 to swim to the shore. Post Office Wins! U. S.
Gets Money Of Man In Aurora Robbery WASHINGTON, June 6 (P)- The government may keep $268 it took from a man who robbed the Aurora, post office of $172 and caused $112 damage to the vault. The Court of Claims has dismissed a suit by John L. McDowell, an inmate of a Michigan penitentiary, to recover the money. The post office burglary was October 8, 1944. A montht later McDowell was arrested in Omaha by Federal officials who took $268 from him.
He pleaded guilty to the burglary, but apparently the money found on him did not include the post office loot, the Court of Claims said. However, the court ruled the government was entitled to the $268 to offset its losses in the burglary. FOUR SWARMS Of Bees Captured By Richmond Man As Warmer Weather Sends Insects In Search Of New Homes Enquirer Bureau Special RICHMOND, June 6-Hot weather is bringing out the bees In force here. Harry Aikin, beekeeper, said tonight he had captured four swarms this week. The latest swarm, Mr.
Aikin said, gathered tonight on a red bud' tree in the yard at the Herbert Van Etten home, 610 N. W. St: The beekeeper had no trouble getting them into a hive after he applied a little smoke, captured the queen and clipped her wings. The other swarms were collected by Mr. Aikin at the McCord Building, N.
Ninth and Sailor and in rural areas earlier this week. This afternoon Mr. Atkin was called to two places in North Richmond but when he arrived the bees had moved on. City Hall employees received reports that swarms of bees were causing excitement in parts of town. One man reported he wanted help in getting bees "out of my Several residents of Berry Field, north of Richmond, said a swarm of "black spots that roared like a buzzed the area today and "drove us to cover." Mrs.
C. E. Tharp was struck by the bees in flight but was not stung. UK Quartet Wins First In Radio Star Hunt Series A quartet of University of Kentucky students won first place last night in the WLW Search. The winners were chosen from 1,750 entries from Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan and West Virginia.
Winners of 16 regional contests were eliminated yesterday afternoon except the nine who appeared in the final contest at the Albee Theater. The quartet was composed of James Woodward, Harry Carter, Gus Kalos and Bill Don Grote, all of Lexington. They received the $1,000 first prize and a preliminary contract with WLW for three months. Second place was awarded to Roger Balph, 18, Lexington, Ohio, clarinetist. He received $500 and a three-month prelinimary contract, which may be extended, like that of the quartet.
Sonny Walters, 31, Elkhart, baritone, won third and the same kind of contract. Judges for the contest, the second annual Star Search, were Bill Fachs, Cincinnati, executive news editor of Billboard magazine; Joe Colling, Cincinnati correspondent for Variety, and Winn Levi, Washington, 'sals manager of Broadcasting magazine. CRASH KILLS TWO OHIOANS COLUMBUS, Ohio, June 6 (AP)-A head-on automobile collision today killed two men and seriously hurt third on Route 33 mile north of Canal Winchester (Franklin County). The dead: Murray L. Abbott, 62, Lancaster, and Ansel N.
Summers, Logan. Charles Shahan, R. R. 4, caster, is in "very critical" condition at Grant Hospital in Columbus. SUICIDE ATTEMPT FAILS man registered as Ernest Parsons, 62, Miami Beach, chauffeur, swallowed 50 aspirin tablets in an attempt to end his life when seated in his automobile parked in Eden Park yesterday, police reported.
They removed him to General Hospital. His condition was not believed serious. ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF HOME ECONOMICS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Margery Me Henry Zeine As Bailey Joanne Moister George Mollie Dannette Miller Rettman Bilta Joan Geneva Munro Barbara Barbara 1. Nebiett Jean Broen Janet Niches Virginia Janyth Odenthal 2 Ann Marie DeSaivo Frances P. Reilly Dock Binet Persner Louise Donnelly Lois M.
Rapp Martin Let Duffy Lynn N. Suzanne Eyrich Nancy L. Renn Trickman Joan Mec. St. Cyr Dorothy A.
Glasgow Joan M. Schildmezer Goertemiller Ruth Ann Schmid Peninan E. Gootman Marcia Ruth Schwid Pauline Green Shirley Elizabeth C. Hall Barbara La Sprout Nathalie Harris Mary Stavroff E. Hedy K.
Heidacher Natalie J. Stettinits Joan M. Hock Isabelle Laura k. Honeywell Shirley Ellen Thomas Betty A. Huber Jane Voigt Margaret M.
Huss Virginia Claire Emizo Itakure Billie Jean Weimer Doris Joanne Kite Patricia Ann Wiison Ann Koegel Mary J. Witsehger Joyce Reeves Kopt Lois Jean Woodward Elizabeth C. Levine Mary G. Woolery Mary C. Males Helm Doris Yer Martha Anne Mason Eva Nordby Vivisaker Nancy R.
McConachie Shirley M. Zopt The degree of Bachelor of Science conterred upon the following candidates of August 1951: Helen R. Brewer Ann Mueller Rita T. Katz Helen Louise Rush EVENING COLLEGE BACHELOR OF INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT Stanley Malcolm Zada Dese Jr. Geo.
Jack W. Wessel Schneider Karman tin BACHELOR OF PHILOSOPHY Mildred Morrison BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Robert Philip Brester Carl M. Lupp Robert J. Stevie BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMMERCE Mark Armatrong Edward C. Menne Lloyd Bradshaw Paul C.
Menne Joseph S. Bridges George J. Plast Norma Helen Conner Richard E. Riebel Walter Cordes Kauta George William Ruth Walter V. Latacha Wm.
Schmiedeser George M. Lack wood Weldon Shanks Theme Mahimeister Marian Thaubald Arthur C. Menne Jr. Robert Vorhis BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Daniel William Miller Purl Clifford Ramsey Nicholas Ribariu Jr. CERTIFICATE IN ACCOUNTING Edward Achepohi Ben H.
Humphrey Donald C. Acomb Allen R. Jahnke Vernon E. Ahrman Robert Jenkins Vincent J. Auskamp Winfred K.
Jones August J. Batter Clarence E. Kessler Elmer C. Braun John V. Kinder Paul L.
Braun Thomas Harold lenk Dean Cox Cyril Kruse Philip B. Cremine Mary Roberta Lowry James Henry Deering Richard A Mairose Raymon4 Dieckman Irvin R. Niemoeller Thames J. Dolt Walter Novikoff Rocco A. Domino John J.
Rattermann Howard C. Engelken Joseph F. Rickard Robert P. Evans Raymond C. Robertson Eugene Hargrave Wilbert L.
Taeuber Edward Heiden Jr. John J. Taylor Raymond L. Herrick George Wheatley William R. Kilgeman Carl Wickemeler Vera Marie Hoffman Robert Wiedemann Forrest Walker Huff William H.
Wulfeck B. Ohio State Robert H. Zimmer University CERTIFICATE IN ADVERTISING Earl D. Arnold Jr. William C.
Grindrod John Lawrence Reck Harold W. Hettel Howard M. Berry Robert J. Thoman CERTIFICATE IN ARCHITECTURE Wendell R. Hart Oscar H.
Thielen Jr. CERTIFICATE OF ART -IN INDUSTRY Roy Neale William M. Shepard Helen K. Anna Riess George Stille Irene L. Trena CERTIFICATE OF ASSOCIATE IN ARTS Catherine Breyer Lols L.
Masters Mary Ann Donisi Elmer F. Poock Robert J. Granger Effie Fern Wilkinson Martha M. Krampe Kenneth T. WiHis CERTIFICATE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION John H.
Day Charles Medhamer Roy Edward Dunn Park Frank J. Flowers Alvin Georze Bernard Porte Peters Myron C. Frank Eimer C. Guenther William Poynter Jr. Frank Honebrink Wilbur L.
Rawlings Arthur J. Huesman Mack 1 Robinson Thomas W. McDowell Owen Schumacher Howard O. Miller Robert E. Sebastian CERTIFICATE IN CHEMISTRY John Joseph Drennan Raymond John Lishka Allen F.
McCracken CERTIFICATE IN CIVIL ENGINKERING John J. Duffy Willard J. Arthur Hupperts Matthew J. Schultze CERTIFICATE IN COMMERCIAL ART Harry Russell Koenig Priscilla Jane Loew CERTIFICATE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Robert L. Corson Lyle W.
Oliver William A. Miter John Pearson Dale Edward Wolfe CERTIFICATE IN FACTORY MANAGEMENT Lewis Bauman Joseph A. Iacobucci Richard C. Berling Ralph Henry James Lewis C. Davis Austin Riley Jr.
Lloyd C. Dick Willard Sauer Harlan E. Houser Elmore C. Schilling William L. Hubble Georze R.
Schwein Nicholas 7. Sila CERTIFICATE IN GENERAL ART Mildred Leidol! Wagner CERTIFICATE IN GENERAL BUSINESS William A. Bruggemen Frank E. Honebrink Tigar C. Elbel Richard w.
Landsledel Thomas A. Glassmeyer Robert H. Mai Corbett L. Harvey Ralph A. Venn Fred Henry Heisel Jr.
Blanken Wendell J. Morton Daniel F. Burke William Okvit Dennis W. Collins Thomas Henry Olding Francis E. Lapelage Raymond L.
Rettinger John J. Glassmeyer Bertram H. Steinhard W. H. Herdeman Jr.
George A. Storch Lincoln Lauch Joseph Warren David G. Marcus Thomas Webb Harold A. McWhorter George Winkelman CERTIFICATE IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING ward H. Macke CERTIFICATE IN PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Jack Kent Barrett Anthony J.
Giaccie Philip 8. Braun Harold R. McClure Alvin Edward Currens Charles Florence M. Gay CERTIFICATE IN REAL ESTATE Warren J. Cammerer Jules David Rosen Joseph M.
Dempsey Norene C. Speckman Richard G. Hamilton Francis R. Sturgeon allott N. Hancock Joseph N.
Willing George W. Malone CERTIFICATE IN SALESMANSHIP William L. Cordes Ralph C. Mueller Ralph Robert Hille Robert Charles Smith J. Clifford Mueller Jr.
Pitcher Thomas Glassmeyer Robert Roiman Jacob M. Klopfatein Edward G. Schmitt Lawler Sells Store To Cincinnati Chain In Richmond Deal RICHMOND, June 6 (Special) C. Lawler, owner of Lawler's, department store at 808 Main announced this afternoon he had sold the store to Litt Brothers of Cincinnati. The deal became effective June and payment to Lawler will be Amount of the transaction was not announced.
Lawler was informed that the new owners, who operate a chain of retail department stores in Ohio and, Indiana, plan to retain the same store name, policies and personnel here. Paul Shores and Dan Higgins, now with the store, will continue in supervisory capacities. Lawler has been in business here since the spring of 1934 when he opened his drapery and specialty shop at 923 Main St. He later operated his store at 918 main and obtained his present site in 1948. Prior to 1934 he had been employed here by the R.
H. Granger Co. since 1918. Lawler indicated that after vacation he probably would pass some time in the winter at Clearwater, where he recently built a home, and perhaps later get into some other line of business. STUDENT FOUND DEAD Police requested Coroner Herbert P.
Lyle to investigate after Delores Smothers, 18, 2852 Stanton student, was found dead in bed by her father, Mathew, early yesterday. He told police she had nerve been under a physician's care for a ous disorder for several months. LICENSED IN KENTUCKY COVINGTON Warren soldier. and Malverson. Louise 23, M.
Jamestown. Carroll, 20. Covington. Bernard Brinkman, 34, Ludlow, man, and 23, Fort Mitchell, NEWPORT Ralph Cincinnati, Compton. 34.
and Lots 3104 Poe, Harvey 21. 5134 Carthage both Cincinnati. Robert Campbell. soldier, and Dorothy 812 Hamlet Newport. OBITUARIES Arnold Tietig Jr.
Dies; Father Was Cigar Maker Arnold Tietig associated (with Arnold Tietig Son, cigar manufacturers, until the company ceased operation in 1930, died early yesterday at his home, 1445 E. McMillan Walnut Hills. He was 79 years old. Mr. Tietig joined his father, the late Arnold Tietiz, in the cigar concern after his graduation from Woodward High School in 1891.
His wife died in 1932. He is survived by a son, Arnoid Tietig III, President of the Metal Specialty who lives on Given Road, Indian Hill; a daughter, Mrs. Andrew P. Happer, New York City; sister, Mrs. Clifford Kaiper, Park Road, Fort Mitchell, brother, Rudolph Tietig, 2529 Observatory Hyde Park; five grandchildren, and two greatgrandchildren.
Services will be held at 2 p. m. Monday at Spring Grove Chapel, with the Rev. Luther Tucker, Indian Hill Church, officiating. Veteran Patrolman Dies; Frank J.
Emmons Was 52 Russell T. Spears Jr. Jack Wesley Weiland Donald Morton StevensRalph Westfall White Norman L. Straw Gilbert E. Williams Richard Hugh Tabor Ransome Ross Williams W.
J. Tanenbaum William B. Williamson Robert L. Vernier John F. Wilson Jr.
Leo Wayne COLLEGE OF LAW BACHELOR OF LAWS winam H. Anderson Richard B. Kirkpatrick Malcolm Aukerman Marvin Seldon Kline Cramer Beall Edward Holmes Kopf James A. Beinkemper Michael Lacinak Jerome David Berman George C. Lamb Jr.
Clair Edwin Berry Thomas F. Lazaron Richard E. Brown Robert J. LeMaitre Joseph David Charles podonico Brucker Porter Bernard P. Lowry Lieberman Frederick J.
Cartoiano Ronald McDonnell Jr. Cochrane Roy Meyer Charles Shreve DautelRichard Owen Michael Thomas Shuter DeLaywilliam C. Miller Dean Denlinger Joseph J. Murphy Robert E. Dennard Donald W.
Neisch David Francis Dillon Grant David Owings Daniel Patrick Dooley William F. Parker John D. Erhardt Shafter W. Prather Thomas H. Eshman George Rallis Harry N.
Frengya Jr. Noel Mitchell Rheins Michael Leo Flynn Jr. Larry H. Rutenschroer Herbert O. Foss Jr.
Wm. Ed. Sammons Jr. Richard Moulton Gay John Paul Scahill Herschel R. Glenn Carl A.
Smith Donald M. Gose E. Lynch Smith David Grossmann Elmer Spencer Richard Daniel Haney Jack Edwin Staley Edward J. Hanion Jr. Hiromu Suzawa Hendrickson John Marcus Trabert Gerald Elbert Jarvis Anthony J.
Vradelis Bernard A. Kastner Howard K. Watkins Jr. Frank John Kaurich Paul L. Westerfield William D.
Keast Vernon Wilson Betty Klippel Kerley MASTER OF LAWS Robert Andrew Mace TEACHERS MASTER OF Syvilla M. Aplin Dorothy McNeel Backs Mendell Beattie Robert G. Benkert Carl E. Bennett Emery Herman Bethel Bryant Agnes M. Carlson Betty B.
Choate Lillian M. Ciarniello Mary C. Civille Robert William Colwell Richard F. Dallmer Forrest W. DeVore M.
Kathleen Donovan J. Fraser Douglass, Jr. Betty Jane Farians Paula Virginia Floyd Marie K. Freder Albert W. Geselbracht Roberta Greensmith William Harold Hanson Esther A.
Harlow The degree of Master ferred upon the September 1, 1951. Bernard J. Bohmann William J. Clarniello Louise Bracht Conrad James Lee Cook Sidney B. Cutlip Hammond L.
Davidson Olive A. Ewan Theodore S. Genther Edwin H. Greene COLLEGE EDUCATION Francs H. Henderson Richard F.
Hobson Charles L. Kautz Jr. James O. Kinker Elleen S. Knueven Myrrl H.
Krieger Daniel Lawrence Lynn Rex L. McHatton Sara McSpadden Ruth Ellen Moore Marion D. Palmer James A. W. Powell Georte R.
Rachford Marvin R. Renshaw Rosemary M. Roettele Ora Eugene Smith John F. Stevenson Williard J. Sweeder Rev.
C. J. Taylor, OFM D. Rossman Turpeau Merrill B. Van Pelt George W.
Winter James H. Wollenhaupt of Eaucation was confollowing candidates of Hattie R. Vernon C. Lowdenback Robert A. Martin Julia V.
Montgomery Sister J. d'Arc Evans Sister Mary J. Schultz Charles W. Smith Edwin M. Stephens Susan A.
Strickland Robert Kleemas Callie Trinkle Paul John Lee Lotta T. Veazey Ruth Libbe Wilber S. Wiseman degree of Master of Education was conferred upon the following candidates of August 25, 1951. Herman V. Carter Ann G.
Jacobs Marjorie M. Dale Mary C. Segmiller Richard F. DeMar Harold Thomas Harry Eugene Fields Carl K. Walker Eugene C.
Giell Bobert E. Wearly Garland D. DOCTOR OF EDUCATION John Alton Buelke Wesley L. Duewel The degree of Doctor of Education was conferred upon the following candidate as of August 25, 1951. Charles Lester Gary GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES MASTER OF ARTS Carol Jane Ancomb Jr.
Mary Helene K. Marie McCarthy Lellevre Alderman James Burke Charles McCracken Jr. Richard T. Layne Everett Jr. Dingus Frank Richard Ralph Duvall Miller Miller John Andrew Frey Garry Norton Murphy Rena Gazaway Herald Kurt Nuppenau William C.
Gescheider Henry W. Philips Carl Albert Grimm Mary Helen Porteous W. Merle MIll George S. Robbert Charles H. Kippert J.
C. M. J. Roy Bernard L. Jackson Horst James Russell John Gordon Walker Sheehan Sarah Johnson Marthe Eugenie Young L.
Eugene Basinger Nevzat Uras Rossiter Hopkins Hobbs Joseph Pearl Leach The degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon the following candidates as of August 25. MASTER OF SCIENCE Charles Abrams William B. Macke All R. Daniel Connor Malcolm William Cornell Baird Jack Edzar Mase C. William Sales Robert P.
Middendorf Sanford Bar sow Norton Richard Stanley Clarence Most Moon Robert Borofka Rosalind Oppenheim Dewey Blair O. Buetemen Jr. Donald Arthur Paynter Jack Leon Comell Ernest John Penka Raymond. F. Fling Joseph A.
Peterson Donald Fauser William Ponz Thomas Fay Harold E. Province Louis. Robert J. Girifalco George H. Rawlinson Gardner Mllott Raisen John Chase Gregory A Rosenauer Clark Grosvenor Don Boyd Schiewetz Robert Holbrook John Stepen Swinehart William C.
Kaiser Arnold B. Tein Robert S. Kapper Masse Teramura James Evan Kennedy Edward Frank Weiss Stanley Lasoski Jr. Donn Edward Young The degree of Master following of Science candidates was as con- of ferred upon the August 25, 1951. Zaki bd Aydin Esenis Mumtaz Akman Robert Hayner Norman Avrutin William P.
Koster All Salim Berkmen DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Angus Udell Blackham James D. Ogle Robert Ellery Fulmer Gordon 0. Potts w. Kallander Glibert C. Schmidt Richard Francis Kayser Joseph Benjamin Story Anne Thomas Evelyn MeR.
Kreider Kingsbury Alan Sigmund C. Traub Valin Oddist D. Murphree Herbert Vinik Weiss The degree of Doctor of Philosophy conterred upon the following candidates as of August 25, 1951. Aubrey Paul Lawrence E. Swabb Jr.
K. Barnett DOCTOR OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE Lee Booth Grant William F. Nardone James Paul Hughes HONORARY DEGREES DOCTOR OF LAWS Normas Auburn DOCTOR OF SCLENCE Winston Kock DOCTOR OF LETTERS Louis Kronenberger COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HIGH HONORS Herbert Bronstela Emil F. Herrmann Anne Malta Faye Levine Cora Freytas Elizabeth Ann Marts Paul Game Leonora 1. Mastin Joan Garside Anne Miles Shirley Goetz Martha M.
Price Virginia Mall William R. Stegner BACHELOR SCIENCE WITH HIGH HONORS Robert Birkmeter Harold Spitz Harold Thomas H. Stegman Louis Menachol Donald Steiner Jack L. Rivers Lawrence D. Trown BACHELOR OF ARTS WITH HONORS Robert Frank M.
Kawamoto Miriam G. Rosemary D. Morton Jack Barsman Charles G. Nieman Bloom Burst R. Sioniker Carolyn White Arthur Bresta BACHELOR OF SCIENCE WITH HONORS Lawrence Altman Roy Jett Jr Richard Kenneth Kreines Richard Marucci Arthur Patrolman Frank J.
Emmons, city policeman for 26 years, died at General Hospital after long Illness. He was 52 years old. A native of Laurel, Ohio, Patrolman Emmons. for many years served in District 4 and was to be retired July 6. He was a ber of the Fraternal Order of Police.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nina Emmons of the home address, 1839 Robley three daughters, Mrs. Ruth Whited and Mrs. Mildred Parks, Cincinnati, and Mrs. Menta Ross, Hillside, a son, Frank Emmons and stepson, Maurice Boultinghouse Emmons, both of Cincinnati: his mother, Mrs.
Annabel bacher Emmons, and brother, Lorenzo Emmons, also of nati. Services will be held at 1:30 p. m. Monday at the Busse Borgmann funeral home. Burial will be at Laurel, Ohio.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Archbishop Thomas J. Walsh, 78, of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark, Orange. N. J. Miss Isabel Townsend, 51, for.
merly prominent in New York society and a leader in the French underground in World War IL, at New York City. Ralph D. Klebes, 56, City Manager of New Rochelle, N. for the last three years, at New Rochelle. Herbert C.
Taylor, 63, Vice President and Secretary of the Home Insurance Company of New York, at New York City. Mrs. Carrie Peables Cushman, 81, former Maine State Regent and national officer of the Daughters of the American Revolution, at Scarsdale, N. Y. William B.
Mackey, owner of H. Kellogg Sons, Philadelphia wholesale grocers, at Philadelphia. Fred B. Cutter, 69, founder and Executive Vice President of Bar. rington Associates, ment consultant firm, at New York City.
William Harold Hoover, 63, President of the Anaconda Copper Mining Co. since 1949, at Butte, Montana. Lew P. Reese, the "shirt-sleeved philanthropist" who set pa for hundreds of pottery ers in Scio, Ohio, at Pittsburgh. Miss Delia Law, retired schoolteacher, at Hamilton, Ohio.
William N. Youngs, 74, retired harness horse race driver and trainer, at North Madison, Wis. Mrs. Mildred McConaha, 53, wife of Lawrence McConaha, artist, at Richmond, Ind. John Henry Justis, 70, retired Pennsylvania Railroad engineer, at Richmond, Ind.
Anthony J. Pflum, 75, retired employee of the Wadsworth Watch Case Dayton, at Fort Thomas, Ky. Richard H. Gresz Howard Muhlhauser Allan P. Grossman Donald O'Connell Kenneth Halloran Timothy J.
O'Leary Jerome W. Harpring Jerry Orndorf! Jill B. Hersman Herbert R. Pahren Robert 1. Hesterberg Raymond T.
Schneider Donald G. Holman Robert W. Snyder Robert B. Jones Anthony V. Soidano Pete Kalomeres Herman Stern Stephen A.
Kiorpes Robert S. Sterrett William Kirch Paul Tarcha L. A. Kieinhenz Jr. Robert E.
Thiele Jr. Daryl L. Lackey Charles Tidd Lindemann Jr. Lewis R. Trice Melvin F.
Maringer William Vaughn John McKinstry James Weissenberg John G. McRae Fred U. Zolg BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING David Andree CIVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEER Irwin E. Harris Rupert A. Anderezz Jr.
Fritz C. Kattau Eugene Beckett Richard W. Klockner Alfred Berndsen C. H. Kulenburg Bernard F.
Bielefeld Jack L. Kuhn Roy C. Butz William E. Landis Warren W. Cline Rogers Miller Jack Coomer Fred A.
Mitchell Frederick J. Dieh! William D. Murphy Charles C. Dregul Merle Netar Marvin Emmons George Phillips John Farrell Laurence M. Pockras Gene C.
Fischer Harry Putman Joe F. Florian Donald C. Schramm James J. Fry George J. Thomas BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Don I.
Craven William Schoelwer John A. Schroer Jr. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Robert Bailey Carion D. Kramer Richard W. Bangert Francis J.
Kramer Jr. Donald Berg Arthur T. Kupferle Richard -Bernard Philip Lawrence Richard Bickel Bruce W. Loughrey Jr. Charles D.
Blust Paul J. Luhn Richard W. Bradmiller George H. Luken Lowell G. Brodrick Robert G.
Marsh Kenneth Broermann H. L. McLaughlin Robert G. Dauwe Anthony F. Mentink Richard H.
Deip Henry R. Meyer Aldo De Simone Edwin H. Miller Robert Dineen Richard E. Miller Thomas Dineen Gaylord Morris Jr. Nathan Doctrow James W.
Murray James Donahue Lee Arthur Nienaber David Dougias John J. Oezer George Drysdale Edward 1. Donald Felts Edmond R. Peita Warren Picker Edwin Rahn Jr. Robert Frech Robert H.
Rakel Allen W. Garrard Edward J. Runck George R. Gilles John W. Ryan Michael.
Bernard J. St. John Robert L. Gordon G. St.
Leger-Barter Benjamin Gower Robert L. Shepherd John R. Grosser Clifford Stegman Jr. Gerald Gustafson Robert Tenenholtz Charles Harmon J. Von der Wische Frank Hartmuth K.
S. Vreeland Jr. Steer Johnson John W. Wilson Harry Jugend Wilford W. Wolfgang James Kaiser BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Glen Brumitt David Vaughan INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER David C.
Shaw MECHANICAL ENGINEER Keith Kenneth W. Jones David Richard J. Kemme Robert R. Bintzler William H. Kirk Blickensderter III James R.
Knodel Thomas G. Bresser Roy A. Krabacher Richard Brooks Richard K. Lacy Robert 3 zoomall Lauren C. LeRoy Darrell G.
Brown Elias L. Levine N. J. Constantine Lawrence F. Lueken Ronald Dewson James Moore Richard A.
DeLong Frei'k C. Nesb.it Stanley DeMoor Joseph O'Byrne Jack Drake Robert C. Penn Faulkner Jr. Paul L. Pfennigwerth Charles G.
Fell wock Douglas L. Poland Prank K. Fischer John S. Quelley Eugene Fisher Jr. Leland J.
Radtke Albert M. Poltzer Leo G. Roell Philip Forsyth Howard C. Shaw Jr. Clifford A.
Pralich Paul H. Siegel Freudenberger Robert Sigl John Tricker Glenn Smith Carlos Garrett Jr. Robert Smith Gast Jr. Charles L. Steele John Gibson K.
Stegemiller Goertemoeller James Thorpe Anthony Colando T. J. Vannatta A. Naggerty George Vornberger Jack Harding Charles Waddell Derald Hatton Wm. C.
Whitcomb John Hottman Robert H. Willer Prank R. Homan Harry D. Wright Jr. Paul Hoover BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mikal H.
Gronner Ray Werner Smith Walter Haas METALLURGICAL ENGINEER John D. Anderson Jr. John MacNeil Carl Blasch Charles Michel Ralph C. Davis Donald Moore Leonard Gromman Eugene Moore John Guernsey Allen Richt Limer Herbert Jr. Carl H.
Roland Walter Thele August Stapl William lopp Lewis Stoll D. Lewis Richard Wolfe Jail Term Sat Out By Baby Sitter, 20, Before Appeals Court Can Rule On Case Resulting From Infants' Death Roger I. Kuhn Marcia Joan Kyrlach Joanne L. Lundquist Floria. Minella Nancy Dorothy Clair Moreland Peterson and Robert H.
Prizze Martha Jane Rauh Georgia L. Richardson Jeanne Sisson Nancy Jane Taylor IN ARCHITECTURE Henry Hoyle Hodgson George Bacon Irby Robert Eugene Issacs Gilbert Kolman Jacobs Richard H. Kehimeler Leroy S. Kimmons Arthur Raymond Georze, McNutt Martin Robert W. Meyer Richard A.
Mitchell Melvin Henry Mull Frank Poti Robert Puskar James E. Redmond Charles H. Rivkin Marcel Sedlecky Charles Clifton Shilling Thomas Shimer Jr. Kenneth T. Smith James Edgar Steed Earl Cooper Stephens Dan Robert Stewart William William L.
Williams James A. Williamson William Yee SCIENCE IN DESIGN Thomas Morse William H. Nostrand Mary Anthony Pascal Stanley M. Pearce Col-Jacqueline w. Potrot William David Quina Clayton Ratcliff James T.
Robe Jr. Robert S. Rogers Otto T. Rosenbusch Betsy Ross Paul William Smart Patricia Jane Steele Patricia C. Tierney Russell Turner Kenneth G.
Wetterer Faye Zinkhos (BY ASSOCIATED PRESS) FRANKFORT, June 6- -The Court of Appeals said today baby sitter sat out her jail sentence before it could rule on her case. Anna Louise Dillingham, 20, was indicted in Owensboro for the deaths of two children she left one night in February, 1951, to take an automobile ride with a soldier. A fire started early in the morning and the children, Ronald Holt, 2, and Sheila Ann, 21 months, suffocated. Their mother worked at night. Their father, Lt.
Harold M. Holt, was serving overseas. Miss Dillingham was being paid $10 a week to stay with the babies at night. She was indicted twice for involuntary manslaughter. at the trial in the death of Ronald.
the jury reduced the charge to a misdemeanor and gave her a 90-day jail sentence. The 90 days expired before the Appelate Court could rule, making the question moot. Unable to make bond, she still is in jail on the second indictment. Appelate Judge Bert Combs said attorneys in the case had sug. gested that the high court write an opinion for the benefit of circuit court in trying the second case.
In dismissing the appeal on the 90-day sentence, Judge Combs plained that the court was not authorized to offer advise in a pending case. Miss Dillingham had polio when a child and now wears a brace on her leg. She testified that a girl friend arranged for a soldier to visit her in the Holt. home. The soldier and Miss Dillingham sat in the living room, smoking cigarettes.
Thirty minutes later the soldier, whose name she did not remember, took her for ride in his car to Fort Knox, 125 away. The Holt house was not troyed. Firemen testified that the intense smoke brobably was caused by a smoldering fire in a divan. The mother. Mrs.
Maxine Holt, said she had turned off all fires in the home before leaving for work that night..