Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)

-1 jfATDRDAY, JUNE SO, 1936.. stargazetxe- -PAGE THIRTEEN. It's Smart to Be a Thrifty Shopper Many Half Price Items Below Give the Same Pleasure as New Ones. COCO THINGS TO EAT S3 1 i cottages-resort property h' lURN'TURE-RUGS-DISHES 41 APARTMENTS True Life Adventures OTS FOR SALE or Iran on Weller leland. Lake Lamoka, fJ up.

O. H. i Dundee 172-L. ALLY'S MARKET 8 Creek F.d.l4. USED SPINET ORGAN Tea we Open day.

1-10 upplie a var old a and legal beveragea. 7618. perfect flnub, Fl'trher Piano. RRATil.EVS PnAnSTANDL7wTr' S'lTS Lake ht. C'V TOP or THE WORLD 4-room i Cwh.lmin.

view nf the hill. In I directions. Arret If includes woodsy PLEASANT 3-room flat private and plantation of pine, soma for; Bth entrance, rarer' harvet thi year. cah or term tol Service. 1-SS34.

UNION 517-2-roora furnished! housekeeping. S943. WATER. E. "1 -Upper, furnished 2 rooms.

Including kitchen and ml- i m.r 1-5354 c.uinmp Ave. 4-9502. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 731 B. Water St. AVAILABLE JILT IST-Upper.

unfurnished 2 housekeeping rooma, bath, hot ater. porch. All private. 1 or 2 ad.i, 111 Sullivni St. A THREE-ruom.

unfurnished apart- ment Adults. Call 3-313S. ANTRAL 3 rooms, furnished. $13. Also i room.

10. x-5116. CENTRAL 2 and S-room furnished tin Utiiitie Included. week up. 3-4620.

n.r, room aparimem. ciove. remg- 5 EX EC A LAKE Westside, all fur- nished. Reasonable. -l p.

I WANETA LAlTEIl.tirdNo 6V .5 3 bedroom, hath, furnlahed. ISO t. I ivi Vm -v. ft ,1 n) private. nun River.

3 bedroom, wood-, Knmlnr Areolae. New raa furnace erator furnished. 3C8 Irvine PI. rfzi vv.n.. 3-o47 for appointment.

I FOUR ROOM and bath upper, with ranse and refrigerator. All utilltiea. Ol'V- AYi'1' be seen after St sajl ANTIQUES Bought sold. Austin. Mansfield.

Pa. Phon COME OUT and ee and you II "rmlu nartiens. e. upem (tally. DROPLF.AF TABLE.

4 chalra. double complete. Treadle sewing ma- chine, ironer, cleaner. 3-4H60. FIVE-PIECE rhrom.

dinette et Excellent condition. 3-430. HOUSEHOLD SALE 4 complete rooms of furniture Including kitchen utensils. 31. Washington St.

NOMI AUANCES an flXTURfS 41 ANOTHER GOOD BUT-Philco. 7 cu. ft refrierator. nice condition, like new. 139 93.

It'a teated, approved! and guaranteed. Othera as low as 39.93. Hae.loop's. Krlgidairei Dealer," Upper Lake St. pial 3-7141.

Open evenings. nrTii-TTS muPlttVL null Buy i k.v ii i i burg Dial 6644 BOTTLED CAS Pyrofax. Serral gas or electric refrigerators Jerrj Rhodes Big Flata Route ITS feet condition. 713 N. Slain.

FRIGIDAIRB automatic Ironer. like new. Phone j-peni-er ljti-r -I. FOR LOW COST home cooling. ee our comolete line of OK window and table fans, as low as 5.95.

Don Wrigltt. 230 S. Mam. Dial KEROSENE water heater. A-l con dition.

Reasonable. Big fiats, boot iKITCHEN SIXK-bO" wide, i Aspen Ridge. PERFECT for apartment, rented' home. home Movable oisn HBJUCr. lira.

no S. Cnapei CO- will viwn; a Plmira r. rrifrr; FURNACE with good stoker. Inquire 419'; Balsam, after IIOTPOINT electric range, like new. 123 601 John up.

I kELvTNATOR refrigerator fC! i' Maple Ave now open featuring strawberriea and peaa. HOME GROWN atrawbernea 1 mi across Fitch's Bridge. Hendy Hoi low Road. Laura Seyter. LOPES, oranges.

27 sire. 4 93r, Nael 2 dor. 79c. Potatoes. 10, lba.

59c Strawberries. S9c qt. Ch.KaHU. 'tt. Knapp'a Market.

Troy Rd. 3-7295. bury Townhip School by Llmoln, yrange oioeniey treea, june Adulta 11.00. children 50c nre-chool tree STRAWBERRIES Tou pick Next to Rustic Garden. Harold Farmer.

3-0975. STRAWBERRIES Peat Moss. Also nn m.nt. iani Farmers Market. Tim Maney.

WATERMELONS 79c. Krappa Mar ket. Troy Rd. Dial 2-7295 WANTED MEKCHtNDISt 33, ALL KINDS acrap Iron, metala. ptper.1 t.g..

Ge, price "it our yard. V.p-i 1m Hrnt Ifi Wnni laarn 1 1 r-. wooaiawn. 'hicvci. "w.p..

Tr.i bircl wanted. Dial BOY 3-7471. 24 in. HIGHEST CASH pncea paid for acrap iron. rigs, paper.

tr.t!s I. Shulman Son Co. 197-159 E. Wayhinron Ave. 3-7111.

HIGHEST CASH paid for unk car, scrap iron, metal and rag. WNtYDhndrnTaa sue auto mobile, Reasonable. 3-4451. LIVESTOCK PET STOCK St AIREDALES Iris Settera countrv fid KnV Paint! boarding Westwl ed post. AKC REGISTERED miniature Bins 41, there.

1 male (believed to be the! only registered male thla breed in: Elmira). 1 female. 118 Milton St. AKC REGISTERED Dachshund pup P'- D'' ftlii nnth. 7 I I 1 i I 1 i i i FOUR ROOMS, bath 'm" ViVion Electric, gaa furnished.

03 Sullivan1 Excellent condition. t-3590 St. 2-9077. EASY apin drj'er. 1952 model, per- raps-y ARTICLES FOR SALI It ar av axi New idlnf.

Bath upstair I d'n. run oa'emeni. t-arport. siswg.i down. Full baement.

Carport. 15 Country A Town, SI Realtora, 3-42693-7744. SENECA LAKE Near Hector Falls. N.c.e 3-bedroom cottar with living room, kitchen and full bath dork. 73 ft frontage Owner will finance.

T. F. Milne. Broker. 3-6olS.

SEVERAL desirable cottsge, with! i f-rke S4.500 and up. Broker. M. J.1 Rappalee. Robert Benson.

G-orge, McGough Phon Penn Tan 312 or; or n7. WANTED HAt ISTATI 31 ACREAGE In Horseheads area, wl'h! or wunoui wuuuinga. i. -l ajJ.a.a eT Star-Gasette. CASH BUYERS All tvpea of property Moor Realty.

1 BUT REAL ESTATE Tour money in hours If you have worth while buy "Realty Senrtee." Ben Solomon. 21 William ft 1-9139 LIST TOURS NOW Buyera waiting Aaifef 0 9, 1 LvJ' WIM -A. iTfQk Hjffl flK OHC WITHIN THE 00., At i V'V THE RETAIN UVihOcS 0C WITHIN THE JiYii MHyf THE 5EEI7i5 KETA1M UWK3 Vt.k I i Ths VELVETWEED's ARB WITM t. MOVg THE PUAWT 6TEM, THUS THS TO AO. VO.KXS OP THE ARTICLES FOR SAll EXTENSION" LADDERS.

33 J.3 so. tiawiejr a oi the tvrtca alil4 inri tn ta 1 f- ed nor awning- conunrie patioa. R. Barber. Sku-BUt rence J-30S7 a v( 'P-v 1 1 1 i-r" FLOOR poli Will sacrifice.

3-34M af Brand new. "'r DOORS, roh-uptype. imme- oian oc nvery. a ua uu Juiw. lo hardware for overhead doora.

"Our low overhead your low cost." Wellsburg 'GAS RANGE. $13. Baby crib, excel 15- Llothinf, rum- I.ST.nv;iflnpiWde.l for mag-. -odj. i mcr iceaing or lawns, yv noi ourn.

rw-rps yUUi awa (ifitl ait finr lastinr fine i. viMir. from Banfleid-Jenmngi 3.11 115 Railroad Ave. I l. t'AT'TmiffYT a.4.k vj.r for all types property.

8-room brick house Cen. ft.lpUMPS for and deep wells. it-i-Kvilii- -n an 17 i niiviii, mil aji" I Dartment all conven lences Central. Dial 6o 2-01 b3. 1 tTRNISHED upper, rooms, bath Dial 2-6518.

1 1 HORSEHEADS S. Main St. Modern 4 rioms. Utilities furnished. 9-4272.

HORSEHEADS CentraTiy located. All improvements. Unfurnished Adults only. References required. Address V-658.

8tar-Gazett. HORSEHEADS Unfurnished. 4 rooms, bath. Lower, Very desirable. trally located.

Addresa K-630, Star 1 Caxette. cvitd it 'v CT rmno trsvn fri 1 season preferred. Near Star- WhLr. Dundee. J.0:.' AP'rtinent.

fur Ledford'a Esio Station. Cor. My St. TWO-ROOM furnished, heated, per month. Dial 3-tVA.

165 UNFURNISHED UPPER 4 rooms and bath with amall Private entrance. All utilities paid. Ki. 2-8s28 after 5. Xf*ckXISHED APARTMENT -On West Church Street, and one unfur-, nished.

and one furnished In South-! port. No children. Dial 8-935H. I UNFURNISHED Apartment West- em lection, a rooms, hath, garage. Ullliur luriliail'-a.

J30 per: month. Adults only. Reference re Grace Haight Parker, 1-4616 WESTERN SECTION-Uppcr 4 rooms and bath, privat entrance, atove. utilities, garage. 1-0701 after 5:30.

WESTSIDE Small uppr apartment. will furnisn stove and refrigerator. Heat and utilities furnished. 110. Dm! weeks'ni-o rvriTivc.

ii-. for retaining walls old. Also sir. for Call -fter 4 p. 2-3166.

lA.K.C. BOXER PUPPIES-10H Can- AKn 9 t' ft. BOXEIt PUPPIES 12 weeks regiateren. aisi BOXER r'emale puppy, a monins old. with nanera and shn'S.

1253 West 1st 8treet. "Relsonable." Also) dog house, BOXERS nnSTftV TERRIERS 8 Over atockett. 1 I I PIANO and bench, excellent eondi- tion. 29 Sunr.yside Dr. PIANOs ThS area'a beat aelection mnA U.4.i irg makea.

New apinets and granoa "1 Rebut Dianoa frow 179 Private in. V' oafs 'FTervtbtrg in Muic for years. M. Doyle Mark's Son Via TElf WKiOM-fABins i 2 AUCRAFTER. television.

17" Majestic. $59. 21" Admiral. 149, 21" Olympic li9. Arrow Television.

2011 Lake Rd. Dial 2-8735. LhE I J' Broadway. UKTHSIDE TV-Fpr best buva ex pert service. IthsHf Rd 9-4t21.

SEVERAL GOOD nsd TV sets, yerv reasonable. Jov Ailtomaflra tnX E. Church. 2-7462. t'HF CONVERTERS, new.

Regency. Bow ties. ill fift flnAl 1 Ifl aTarrant an. rann-i ij iti eietrni an- t-- 0 ft. mast.

11.75. Lead! in ft rHr mtirg Fenrice. 203 w. Center St EMPLOYMENT IE MA 11 HELP WANTED i KITCHEN woman in Home Dairy. ir.

Water. i Z-i MAID Age 40-50. for tourist 1301 Lake St home. IAID Part-time. 7-11 a.

6 days PPly Pfrjon. Arnot- Utull AA' i Aur-aiust oe ac- 'urate typiat. Machine dictation. norinana neiprui dui noi necejfary. 9ft ft Infill' In) person, Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hos- P''- MIDDLEAGED WOMAN cosmetics and toiletries can give you an unusual earning opportunity! aurmg tn ivimmer season.

Avon; C. J.LI rtr N. or call Elmira 3-7621. Avon District Manager. RESPONfclBLE-lady for work in mr.

nnnni ingV Apply In peraon after 3 p. phone calls. 119 Hoffman St. Well paying Job for capable girl. Apply Marvin's.

103 W. Water St. WAITRESS One who ran tend bar. Catherine Tavern, Montour v.h, (WOMAN for kitchen work. Apply Smlthoma Farms Kitchen (opposite Dnve-ln).

WOMAN or girl to make home with couple, help with housework. Small wages. store. Call Mr. Miller 2-3324 bet ween 5.

Call Mr, MALI HELP WANTED 47 BARBER WANTED Rathbun Bar- ber Shop, 140 E. Water 5t. EXl'tlRIENCED married man on dairv farm. Small family. Curtis Smith.

Mosherrine, 20-R-4 irvprBirvrrn meat cutter and counter men. Steady work. Apply lx m. EXPERtF.XCF.D MAN wanted on or ronlact Martin Kahler, RD Elmita EXPERIENCED door to-floo, xsFrf- Pl" commission. Apply 1:30 to 1.30 m.

104 W. Second St. MAN wanted with mechanical experience Apply 304 K. Water St. MARRIED MAN to work on fruit a.n4 Am itv farm (Znnti hmifil tnri working conditions.

Modern house! providd S. C. Peterson, phone! jg.y.g Burdett I wags. union shop, liberal company; benefits. 40-hour week.

See Donahue. International Hamster 634 State St. I OPPORTUNITY National com-1 pany. over 90 yean old, is calling! ied! wv f. wilhnr to work Tor Excel willing to work for it.

Excel. lent opportunity for advancement to lor a salesman for this area who mansgement wrni earnings trom, to 112.0"0 yearly In 3 to 3 years. Must have top references! and ambition to succeed. Car nee-j ejjary. Wrlto giving full particulars, Including phone contact Address Star-Gazette.

RELIABLE MAN with car to manage! Fuller Brush buslne.e To the right man his position is; worth 1100 per week guaranteed commission to start. For interview, Address X-43R, Star-Gazette PIANOS ORGANS i I 1 I f' I Perminent poti'tion. svpvn. refrieeia'or. iM' slxe, bed complete.

Cheap. 4-9250. TOILETS Stream lined, close reeular V.2. Overstocked. esa 125 93 Schuyler.

Wellsburg. tFrVTifTi.r.tor. for home or cot- wn.ona Frchsnre 41 Carroll St. yiliJ'-l1''- iimrvffn lir A CtlrDC aorl SnTYlil tn C.iostrevs Kalama lnn Water. 3-2114.

WANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS CASH for your rugs, bderoom aets mattresses ana sn otner g'i ucu furniture. Call Partlett's, 360' AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AUCTIONEERS 4A In.nds of Oklahoma saddle horaes. shipped by Phil Quartier. A large asisortnient of palominos, i I price. Come and look tnem over.

Hemlock Kennels. 43 Bigelow Ave Dundee, Y. c.hi. COLLIE PIPPIES-Fabl. and white.

tri-color. Xlcely marked. Also Shet- land sheepdog fmin. collie), sable and white. AKC, registered worm Inoculated.

Gaynell Thomas. Canton, Pa. 19-M. DOGS Boarding kennels, training, school. U.

S. Army K-9 experience, AKC license handler. AKC register-l ed Gordon setter pups. K-8 Country: r-A I. Via -1 A A i Meaner, a-is or SOME ACREAGE On bard road, with! or without bulldlncs.

near Klmira. 1 C. E. Campbell. Broker.

3 WlhJ Helgnte. 4-gbj s-sw. nevmenl l-IWih I 3 or 4 bedroom homes in or near Elnitia. Have many customers but nearly! out of listings. For rellnble service.

call C. Pollen. 3-0697. A C. Broker.

WANTED for executive home with view, south of city, on paved road. be exclusive home in desirable location. Edison Realty, 3-9S18 or K7SV WE BUY, SELL or build homes In and around Elmira. Slater. Realtor.

1051 Walnut St. Dial 8-1321. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HOUSES lOt RINt 33' BOSTON Upper apartment. Ideal for counts with 1 child. This la a new horn just outside city limits1 7H ys-'S evenings.

BUNGALOW 4 milea out. electricity. 133 SSI River St s.jATiiX? I ZK included. Lease required. cnMdren allowed.

Available now. A Olson. 714. A BC. Broker.

TWO-ROOM CABIN" for rent, Heights. Dial in FOR RENT JULT 1ST Half dmible house. rooma and bath. Central location. Children accepted.

DIAL J-S7S1-3-0761 APARTMENTS 34 BATY. S6!) Lovely, quiet, room.) Upper, redecorated, gar- age heat Included. 4-94. EIRCHWOOD, 221 -(Heighta) Fur J)RtlL 1L BOARDMAX 168-1 rooma, i nith olf hulls rsrta and hr- i cw.o 'SUMMER ROUND-T'P SALE Wed tpper 5-room eprtr juV a. 1956, 7 m.

Two 1 hid. rea i-mner. i nines nAnT'l'ni'ni'n 1 owego. Route c. 1066J-1 Qwega.iBQQKKt.LFLR for shoe nays, spois.

marea iiu puiii-a iurre r-- hi. compieie ior living, on.r, Vnd eunteed broke for' Kitchenette, water, toilet, electric HOUSFBOAT 10Cie satisfied you can go BOXES for sale, SI and up. TANKS 500 gal finm. H.m.veH in aMnninr at a discount Barnard. Sing Sing Rd.

9-2641. I ruvtr-n lawnmower, o'nun matic washer, vrnmoic itnn: new. Twin double sash windows Piorm winno xsriuin. ci. 2-3SU0.

ROMAX CABLE 250 ft. rolls. 12 2 Wlr, w(th trolini j14.60. Hawley of the Heights, 2-65S0 p7-rYv7IJjtTh fT Asnhalt ahinrles. steel and Ing Elmira GLF.

Cor. E. Fifth and, State Sts. Dial 2-5563. 1 rug imnorted.

hand woven. New. ADout Classic Persian pat- tern. Reasonable. Dial 3-64S2.

i mi jsALiii i.niiaren7a nd Fri-, c. I ele lit; clothing, miscellaneoua. rtiy inij ggturday. 3-024 Lake SAKRETE Ready-mixed concrel i aniall baRti. Juat jdd tr.

Linn Chapel 1040 Caion1 Elmira im n-trtr cated on premises. Frames repaired tyea examined I iscner. registered Optometrist. Merchanta Bang 109 W. Water St.

Dial SEPTIC TANKS, oil tanks. 275-530 and 1.000 gallons. We ar carload buyera. "Our low overhead your low roiftt." Schuyler. Wellsburg.

6644. S4285. Hawley aof the Heights CLOVER L. Stevens. Rids.

Horseheads. 9-2943. STANDING HAY, 20c a bale. George STANDING HAY for sale. Dial 2-92 itfter 4 STEPPING STONES tmsiraw Ruildlng Stone, for walka.

ect stock'. rices. Linn S. Chapel 0 Caton Ave Elmira.l fireplace, sol Reasonable prices Inc. 1O40 SWAP New spinet pisno or giana boat and trailer.

5M7. THOMPSON car top boat Dundee fisherman boat. 5125 and JoQ epeciiveiy. oit. TIRES300 used.

Bargains. All slrea 25'rire Point Tire Sales, 400 Baldwin MAKER TOOLS, cheap Mi- crometers equarM draft in instru USED LUMBER 2 4 to I 12 TIMBERS. SHEATING. SIDING. ETC.

A WRECKING CO. 757 East Ave. 3-5641 ARTICLES FOR Rtm 4IA ADDING MACHINES, bales. repairs. auppltet Elmtr I I I ll-'v v.ji u.

mi cimift-vt wli, Trichlor Perehlor. Carbontet. Xylol. Hornet '1 h. Jet 760 GPH 12-for Toluol.

Beniol. Methanol and other! gallon tank JS3.50. Cash Electric Inc. "6, 243 W. Water.

at Horseneaas. enippea nmj be sold prior to anv imai muuic MERCHANDISE 41 ARTICLES FOR SAil A BARGAIN gasoline. lSle plug taxes. Aliens. 71t Baldwin aBAS3 can help fa from Syd's Bait an hiie-TbaH Tackle Shop hnMA.

TtnrseheSdS LiVeSTOCK lnr M-K ln vour kill" horsed the afternoon Thev arej mA Vn Tme nigh of 6 to 7c 4 A' fir1 1154 Plvmouth 1 clock oit Trellis, larger sixes ac-Caton. Soft shell crabs, night crawl-, cordingly. Rear Del Kader. Fox St 47 POSITION in tlsa higher b''t with sciirity future. l-rfi'ed wae.

paid vacations. P'nsion ard otn-r b-yfltn cpB to the r.sht man Ate 22 to So Previ- oua sellirg experience hlpful h-jt nt rcesary. Apply National Co Bread Bnery. H1 Lacka wanna Ave. are In- mis hrn-d m-orkirr mumed man with car frt rn-At Vatlnn.l -e ft I Vl'IK II IMCI 'esr oii in Elnura-Corning buijlrt.

No tr.v, seasonal Abwn iwn minn in atart. Excellent npnortunity for ad vancement to in one to two years with earnings of HO tVO to $12,000 first 5'ear as manager. Inquiries from surrounding area invited. Call Mr. Smith.

Largwell Hotel. Monday. July 2. If) a. m.

to iTAXI DRIVERS Part-time, week- ena-nignts Apply ONeil Taxi. 1001 Sullivan St. 535 commission guaran- ym. 11 in re a i C- Ad" Star-Gazette TWO MEN" to inspect furnacea Will train. Apply 1.

a. 104 W. Second St. WANTED Married man on dairy farm. Ralph Ostrander, Nichola, X.

T. iir a vrrn a a i 'hoT Phone EaSOS iV.m KNOWN COMPAXY will have local established territory open about 2 weeks, due to transfer. To qualify: Neat appearance, married, car. dealre and need to earn over 110) a week commission. Addresi Y-618.

Star-Gazette. WELDER Experienced arc welder, preferably with gray Iron welding. Anply Personnel Office, General Electric Co. 100 Wood lawn At-, Elmira. N.

Y. BOOKKEEPfiR for shoe 1 .1 Ml- store, a iso wmin? 10 learn SaleS WOlk- Ipr riofn'oon NOT IN CALIFORNIA OR RED CHINA hut right here in good outside salesman ran make Just aa much as "chasing the rainbow1' thousand of milea away. We want experienced man who can close the tough onea a well as the easy ones. Salary and commission, Burkpitt Pianos, 154 Lake Elmira. ALL TOtT SALES RrpprcrvTATTVir are a bunch of hums wa don't know anything about selling, you would be a fool ti answer this ad.

but for some reason our salesmen are all making good money and love their Job. Must be the Product If vou get around to it. call 1-S063. you might like It too. SALES MANAGER CAPABLE OF FILLING $12,000 JOB.

Must have rf'nt successful direct to consumer sales experience which can be verified. Substantial local Individual r-qulred. Addresa T-661, Star-Gazette, giving fyll Information concerning experience and background. MAll-FIMAll HELP A FULL-TIME real estate salesman. Opportunities galore! Address L-651, Star-Gaiette.

SIEDICAL TECHXOLOGIST Traln- rt m'dlr1 technologlrt. needed. director of department. 34u-bed hosp.t.i and i.imii. Krn.nt working conditions Salarv above average fur area.

Apply Personnel Director, Robert Packer Hospital Guthrie Clltiir. Savre, Penna. WOULD 125 to 115 wekly hlp. 3 of 3 evenings selling Use of car nee- essary. Phone 4-9T17 between 5 and tf.

SITUATIONS WANTED 70 LABOR FOREMAN Building or highway construction. Burt Amey. Alpin, Y. Odr-sa 107-Y-8, WOMAN TEACHER desires work or tutoring grades 3 to S. Addresa RI'S Star-Gazette.

INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION CLASSES ACCORDION. fre use, private lsona, certified trachers. Momo's. 2-5105. 'CS- International Correspondent t-chpols Sot Uake ClMAMflAI rirwMlwWlMl, sales.

Zoned for business Only 19.5, Trms. Days 513o, Best Buy Realty, Ganung. A B.C. GENERAL STORE-In Finger Lakea Viilaie. A good going business with clean merchandise and equipment.

Owner will help finance Broker M. J. Rappalee; Salesman. H. M.

Stock- noue LHindee 32. ROUTE 17E Restaurant and bar dan be licensed 1. 960 sq. ft. dining area, nic kitchen, nasem*ni.

auio- n-atic hot mater, baseboard near. Modern livii quarters overhed. Built Ki vacant: A. Olson. "146, A BC.

Krokcr. and business block. A thriving business that is worth your time investigate nri ir Itself in years John M. Coughlin R'sity. 2-STCiJ TWENTY UNIT deluxe motel, r.ear-i lv new.

Route 17. Dinr. Creedon Estate. 10-07 Waverly CtASSfFllo INFORMATION gir i averaje ii itter word te th l-ne tncludir? name, address. IP-tone number Initials of one or lef.rt of fgure urh bouse or te.epbone ntrmoer.

count ill or word If bx number i ued court 4 word Mmimum eharg 3 lire. Credit for errors will J'swefi only smen reported oefore aeeoti ins'lion of the advertisem*nt The right is reserved to reject or edit ail All we.kda advertisem*nt atart 'in Star-Gaxett. Deadline: 6 m. day oetore publication except Mon- iay urttil 10 a for Monday pper Corrections and 'a'ter lrt insertion accepted -until 10 a day of publication. Sunday Teteg-am until 1 p.

aa. Sat-, Classified Dept. Open LMo.ndav through Saturdar 3 A. M. to 5 P.

M. DIAL 5151 MAlf Hft WANTED men and women. Used once. Will sacrifice 2-34S4 after 5:30. HAY for cutting baling, on shares, Dial 9-2908.

jay St. i INSULATION All k'nds msuli Pock Wnnl rminn R.I. a I Zonollt ami the pouring tvpe. Also f.r plastering Srhuyler. Wcllshtirg.

IRON RAILINGS, fibre glass awn inns, custom made. Free estimates, MJ-- LISTEN $1.49 3 In corner fences. "i.vnw ra tiii hup Zni, The Metro Wane especially designed, manufactured imi guaianteed for 1 year will cov pr up lo OXDlf 11. Aon-lS. TO noi-iw nyi.

year guarantee. Ungtlia from ii. inrt uir i tsaniicia-aennings 111-113 Railroad Ave. 00Drg0RS CoegA. rAi 1 -AU coiors-insiae ana out side.

$2 $2 49 sal. Ruboerired alkvd! r.infnrr,A jianur. VxpreVvr i PAINT KLISTER? Well Mister, vou1 need Allena Special BlistT tnnt Hout Paint. Only 14 93 gal rt'n i n.iKiwiii luriwccn and PENN" TAN BOAT-14 ft. Johnson 10 p.

-gesr shift motor and boat trailer. Complete outfit, 4V1. Fred Specchio, Holden Rd. (off Mt. Zoar I "11 PENN YAN Dvnamold boats SDlfii I nished.

Very clean. CATHERINE 819 Modern, furnished studio apartment Private entrance, large living room. bed- room, kitchen and bath. All utilities. Garage.

CHURCH. W. 4-room and tile bath. 2-bedroom; automatic gas heat. 6453.

CHURCH, 6-Unfurnlshed. utilities. 113 per week. CHURCH. 374 Furnished, cozy, modern kitchenette, bedroom and living room, private bath and en-tance.

Inquire aide porch, 2-1436. CLEVELAND AVE. Unfurnished upper. 4 large rooms and Heat furnished. No obiection to 1.

child. $75 month. 3-3231. CLINTON. 80 Beautifully fur.

niaVtArl 9.rAnm nriviU hath I westside" ment with garage. Heat furnished. 170. Dial 3-S90g. ROOMS AND SUirts IS ASPEN RIDGE, 8-2 large keeping rooma.

Dial 1-5374. houae- COLLEGE 1070 Sleeping room and completely furnished kitchen. HUDSON, 2053 sleeping rooma. Married couple or 3 ladies. 2-9918.

PENNA. 451 Lower room. Private entrance, private bath. Gentleman. 1-3618.

SECOND 454 Sleeping room, adjoining living room. Dial 2-3668. WATER. 380 Clean comfortable; sleeping room. Shower, 530-Large front el'P- ing jroom, private entrance.

73g3 ATTRACT IVE room for Garage free. References. fentleman. 2129. CENTRAL Pleasant aleTninir room.

private entram-e. Dial 2-1411. CENTRAL Nice sleeping and light housekeeping rooms. 2-2424. HEIGHTS Sleeping rooms.

SSOS Birchwood Ave. 7003. before 1. LARGE upper, front sleeping room with kitchenette. 402 Fulton St SLEEI'iNG ROOM for rent Gentleman.

Private bath and entrance. 9-2441. 802 John Horseheads. SOUTHSIDE Furnished-unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 6773.

SOUTHSIDE Near Rand. Light housekeeping room. lOARb 53P2. 34 'BOARD and rocm, working man. 724 ROClM mnA hrtstvl fnr Mtrlv irui 4-9119.

ROOM, good board. $11 week. Tele-phone, television, elderly man. 7SQ1. COTTAGES-CAMPS-RISORTS 38 'coTTicp I.

rr 'T "esiisRe na. VMU v'cOTTAGE Eastside Lake Kenka J. i il i.n:,-! rl! Tnnh Walts fvnnnn Hotel, Penn Yan 681 or 1273-M-2. COTTAGE FOR RENT-Seneca Lake. Julv and August.

Conveniences. 9-2290. EAST LAKE RD 127 Keuka. In- side plumbing. MODERN COTTAGES Also house- trailer.

Electric kltchns. Simmons Rockwell. N. for Information phone Elmira' S057. MODERN" COTTAGE Seneca Lake, I Available July 7-14 Aug.

11-? 9-1 n. NEW COTTAGE at Lodi Point, mod- iifii.I Sent.mher per. unfurnished. COLLEGE AVE. I rooms, private bath.

Unfurnished. $75 month. Util- Ervav Ma Gr CenVr.I Av. i. PENN TAN SWIFT.

Mercury motor, remote controls, running Of c. Eguipme'nt. Water A FEW good western broke 1 ldle borscs for sale Mnd and i ADDING MACHINES, typewritera, Prfd from $100-1173. Chap-1 i for rent. 6tudent rates as low as i Hill Stable.

RQ J. Waverly, N. T.l months $5. Bums, 142 E. Water 19341 pnn.

912M2. CLERK Nest appearing. Ap ply Mr. Constantine. assistant man un uiai era.

Worms, etc. uiiib'! vn lures, cane poles; resident and non resident licenses. ALLEN'S PAINTS S2.75 Raj. tor best! 1 coat fiata. wnitcst.

sen c.eanms, nouse pnuil wr gal. Aliens. 716 Baldwin. ALFALFA LADINO Timothy hay baled. 115 at field.

Eero Ruus- pakka. Newfteld. N. T. Phone 4-7693 APPROXIMATELY 1 acre.

et.ndinV clover hay. 4-0174. after 4:30 rr7tVM7rFhkine I oet unno riy jvi ury only i lb ot MaV. Hi- In T.hurrrl Handled bv better dealers through-: nut this 'area. Banfield-Jennings; Corp, Distributor, 111-115 Railroad Ave ASPHALT Shingles Many carloads In stock.

Carey Arties new. beautiful blend. Schuvler. Wellsburg. BIBco*ck ladders, step ladders, complete stock Hortons.

307 Broadway RRV CRIB-9X12 rug" Wilson a Central Exchange, Carroll eioitincTh.vr baby walker. Fetter. Dial SS40. BACKHOE hydraulic, mounted Dodge truck. International power a r.

Heateri 25 cash di scountw 8chuy-j Wellsburg 644 BALED HAY Out of field. You haul. 4ie bale. Cornish, Horseheads. 9-4237.

BLACKTOP In bars for handyman. Just empty bag and roll it. Harris. MrHnry Lumoer trie ev Phone Wsverly 163. after 4 BOAT New 13 ft Dundee motor an'i trailer.

922 Lackawanna between 10 and 2 p. m. B0AJ-16 "Marfn-" In' varn'snen minnswy. nard. r.ft.

vmitri innn CIIHIlg. 1(1 V.iHHI BUILDING? Let figure your requirements "Our Big Buying And Our Low Overhead Your Low Cost." Schuvler. Wellsburg 6644. CABIN F.USER 36 ft. Perfect 42 ft Christ Craft, built tm lnergine crash boat built to go envwhre.

4 years old. $1500. Dial for I Also AW0 ed on! COTTAGE FOR RENT Above K-uRa Dial 2-9S13-2-lu6o. Shovel at pit ler, Wellsburg Dial 6644. I 't'lepf rteleVnte: 'W Privacy.

M''P4. $100 per week "rJ' STi li Complete bath. Openings from June Welisourg, B4. I r. j-aaj itiea Included.

3-24SO 3-4620 rnt.t.VrB- 117li9 rootn garage. ia, iiai fir 'for Util Busi ness coiiDle. 114 oer week. FULTON 338-2 lower furnished GRAY. 3612 and 8 room nished.

newly decorated. HUDSON. 213 Three unfurnlsh- ed rooms with utilities. $11 50 week JAY 600 Furnished 3 rooma, lower. Private entrance.

FIRST, W. pis-Lower furnished. 3 TmZZ Dartment. All utilities furnished s-sjjg i 1 I ENGLISH Shepherd cow dog puppies guaranteed to Inherit the instinct of their parents. Wayne Huntington.

Columbia Cross Roads. Pa, P.D 2. Phone Troy. Pa 357R1I. FLASHY BOXER PUPPIES for aale.

Iionejl-SS; GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies. L. Oderkirk. Phone Van Etten 61TU. GOING ON A VACATION? Give! your dog a acation board him ali Stony nroog Kenneis, S0--3, KERRY BLUE terrier puppies; Bred' tempersnient ana quality, van; Etten tll;

rirrita registered. Also tov collie puppies. AKC reiistcrerl. co*cker alud seiv 7- ,7 "'C? '5 aVlmira S-4078 i PiiH: 'Z?" B-ii' I Rnoids. 426 Fa I ay Ave 8-3742 shopt' iTcR EAGLE BuppleJ rij.i j.cigi TROPICAL FISH Closing out all fish, tanks, phmts and Real bargains.

Cunningham, 301 )TWO Tf.f,fttrfli Gemisn Shepherds months old: females: will sacrl flee for quick 'ale. Harold Gleason. 720 E. Lake Hammondsport. N.

Y. Phone Dundee 2334 TWO purebred co*cker puppiea. mack, uiai (TWO 13-lnch beaeles. 14 moa. 4 years Dial S-4723.

i- 1 YOUNG Hamstis for pets. also guaranteed Plastoben Deeeebark tablecloth. Mrs. Fred Gromes. Maine.biirg Rl, Pa YOrNGAlITS50e eath.

Dial 3-9S37. HORSES. CATTH F0R pAi.j rHEAP-Ssddle piai 3-2926 after 5 p. m. REGISTERED Jerseys, fresh, close.

Unl.t.ln. U'huUr Tlvvmtt 8AUUL.E MUKtit* tor cniiaren, reg istered Tennessee Walking All kind and gentle. Ck M.T1r, Talmsdee Hill RD. Waverly. N. ru.M AlAur. r.n "rrwi brood mare and gocd Morgan ti.rn... and sadaies. J'nnings Pony Farm. Mtllertcn Phone Mosherville.

Pa, 13P.33 rouuar. itt SI JN gyg wi, rhlek i tt-A rn 1 1 I. Maeneaas. ILL THE PERSON from Pine ity, looking at the Red Rock pullets at! Burdett plsse caH 3-96' T- cOWS Have special or frn JuWlKt Xn (y, 15. order for ed ones h.

Must be t'sted. Also 1 entire herd blood tested. Writs Don Nichola. East Smithf'eld. P.

pkaD ANIMALS removed promptly vVe horae. Phone collect ft' 1 a DEAD ANIMAL! removed Speedy eervire. Paying up to $70 for live! tip lo $7 for disshi-d rws Call coM-ct. 46. llortour Fal'a Rendering Works.

LIVE POULTRY WANTED a Tol- brt Pin. City al Elmira MM. WANTED Live poultrv D- Vr- p. Phor.22-R-l MUSICAL MERCHANDISE 1 INSIUMENTS-tECO0S 49 ACOORDIOX5 All leading braid a'l ize C'son. l-e raui gut'ar C'avoltna.

trade, terms Open erenings. Kr.apps. 104 College Ae MUSICAL "INSTRUMENTS All kind Bnd. oreheatra piano, p'anoj electric organs. Exclu- agent for Pllngeriand drum G'tzen.

Conn and other nted t'ne profeasioral or amateur Won- flerrui graduation gtTis -n rren'i or rental Frark Huer 3" Wa nut Street. Elmira Phore I i-stPI iFNT New and BD Vnd uniW Reps HamUn ,3, St. 2nd PIANOS-ORSANS 41 excellent tore and! keyboard Many peop.e Iktr.g for thi type of instrument. with! b-neh. Term.

Buckpitt X4 Lkl Bank 1 i 1 i 1 i i horse.iROOM i i I rem T1T i. 1. LAKE 3-room IXTve? ThSiow" headi SlSh BOATFOR SALE-ll" rabln. bath, free oarkln. utilities.

I 1'B with motor and controls Plum Point. Himrod. 'J LAKE 1106 Furnished 1 room! l. S-B1 business WS.NESS OPPORTUNITIES fi Rocks. Julv S-W L-rhorn, ftles' 'harLte7 tt.

ECELLEVrOPPORTUNlf Tnd Hatery. Phone S.3. Pen. 1 for home and business. Mrn(nff and other benefits Apply Modern bungalow with extra lot.

PULLETS. Rock, ready! at HIII Bakerv. 202 College Ave Oexxi location for radio, television. in i.v ni.i e.iirc i ln earsae. used car lot or trailer upper, garage.

Adult, LAKE ST. Unfurnished upper. mum an? LAKE. 1405-2 rooms, nicely furnish MAGEE 16I'-UpDer. unfurnlsh- Wvekoff7 Lodi.

N. Y. Phon Lodi 'nds. Cottage No. 4.S.

from Brancn-ed 4 rooms and bath. Automatic! port keuka. SENECA LAKFcOTTAGETeirt BOY i hSX GIRL bicvcle. Roll-by week. Modern conveniences andl ak AVLTm 'e.

1 AMERICAN SANDERS for a better finish. Floor vibrator and Belt sand era. Wallpaper ateamera Horton Store. Broadwav. 12UJ.

SEWING MACHINE. Phone 4-022 by th W'eclt' FARM GARDEN EQUIPMENT and Used AL 43 WC- rrtrtiii, New eup-r tiS Nw Hiil i. Ta v.w Unii.nrf. balers. Side rskes.

trac tor mowers, elevators and -wagoii Guaran'eed baler twine peri bale. Binder twine, p.r bale Harold Havens. rtoaa. and models rue a i Xlnlice Case. $293 up 5 SP combines.

$1.0" 20 corn binders driven, $20 up 10 u-d forage motor-PTO. teal special b.iys. Or- der now. 20 hay loaders. SIS up.

graln Oinflers at ine price you warn t0, rrm wltn loaders and doxer. jO us-d tractors. $9. up. I Bed-new elet a- grain bindera at the price you want tots, i.iw in price.

Don Howard. Cananuaigua FORD TRACTOR with plows, drags and cultivator for sale or trade for luestock. TTu 1 Slue, icr p-ice, Barnard, 9-26tl TROJAN motor grader with hydtau lie conro's in A-l condition $1 675. Harold Havens. Phone Tnimans- burg 323 WEARING APPARf.

SO r-vr-s: 7, B1G SAINGi-ijrge atocis of fine d-y cleaners uncalled (f garments I'lTiiv Bargain Center Third on.n urt.i CntDTT Mr Tchfl A.1I St. Dial 2-019 SEfOS PLANTS 1 ASTER PLANTS. Zmniaa. Petunia. Marigolda.

Snapdragons, fcalvia. Tomato. Pepper. Cabbage. 3roceolt Cauliflower 605 Roe Ave.

BULK GARDEN aeed, fertiliser. Itme, peat nss. garden tooi. Clark' GLF. 140-U6 Broad Waverly DELPHINIUM Field grown bloom.

50c. eis Laur-I In cacoege caiiiiiiom-r Druri snrouts and broccol, Plants Also flowering r.ttuai. Bradley Farms. lots Mao PLANTS All rleti caobage. ra'ji'fiower broccoli Bru'sel i I ivf I am Ventrar.

and por mower; at Tate Co. Mew-, Ithaca r.oa,.. Open eve-. mnssand Saturdays FARM MACHINERY 20 used-re- i i.i... i af rnmnineiB i 44 i S3 tarpaulin for motor and 'oat Complete with trailer.

2-90S9 after i. Elmira Floor Co. 217 Oakwood Ave. PIPE New and used, for drainsA-e: and other uses All sines. Chemung cuppiy torp.

old Corning K1. mile rir.rui "i r.i np. uiai COXSTRUCTIOX Tools Machinery 700 frames Waco ateet 160 Framea Universal steel Eracea Side brackets and many other accessories to fit any scaffolding Job. We will sell or prt This was all recently repainted and Is la very good condition. t'S per frame.

Also approximately 2000 3 in by in by 11 ft. aprura scaffold plar.k. Very god condition. $130 each. Two portable Ja'ger 10S cu.

ft. air compressor mounted on pneumatic tirea good condition. Two Wagaer Seoepmobilfg with 1 cu. yd. buckets and interchange fork lift 17 ft.

of track ea-h. Good condition. Two cu. yd. Jaeger eon crete mixert good condition.

We have many other Itema of constru-tion equipment for sal. Mke me an offer! JOHN INNER AND ASSOCIATES CORNING. T. CORNING. T.

T. 0. box in FHONE 4-4651 1 I i a-r. jiar iin SALESMEN Due to ever increasing' demand for our rjrodiicta a leadir.a 1" "J' -tiii. winiini inn)UnQUi tt for over 20 years.

qualify, you must have initiative, i ability to absorb training and earnest desire to earn above aver- (receive thorough training $260 income, i ne men S'-iecieq will monthly plus bonus and the tunity to earn yearly! after tralnirg period Cardner anil North. V'4 Harmon St A.N hallent nr onnortun a-rage man in s.nthg TV cable to Elmira retidnts. ao x- SINGLE MAN on dairy farm. Milton R(1y Jr Road. Horse- Q'aos OPPORTUNITIES AS IBM SALESMAN" In Electric Division Are You Interested in ABOVE AVERAGE EARN- ING5 LIBERAL COMMISSIONS.

COMPLETE SALES TRAINING AT COMPANY EXPENSE WITH FULL PAT. OUTSTANDING COMPANT BENEFITS Retirement-Insurance Hoapitalitatlcn and Disability Coverage for Tour Family. SALES EXPERIENCE and COLLEGE DEGREE EE-SIRED. Telephone 3-4641 or visit IBM 360 N. Main St.

Elmira, Y. I I i i i 1 for entire kitchen, all atyles. 2iiet off. Cypress H-1426 G.I AND FAMILY ntly need 'rtvnrp" pi neat and not water. utilities, uu.

Dial 3-5536 MAGNOLIA ST 261 Upper rooma and bath, unfurnished. Large porch. Adults. MAIN. 8.

l-room and 4-room apart- ment furnished. Private. 2-62. MAIN 30-J room, all furnish ea. arter a.

MAPLE AVE. Studio apartment v.V.;,;.eer Shower. V9241' after' OAKWOOD AVE Modern furnished. 2-room apartment. Private entrance.

Parking Adulta. 5615 ORCHARD ST 210 Modem 2-bd room upper. Heat and wa'er nlhed. private entrance. S-0339.

room upper. Heat and wa'er fur- UPPER W. CHURCH ST. -5-room apartment with garage. All utilltiea furnished.

SulsbTe for 1 or 2 adulta. Rental $110. Shown by appointment only. Dial 3-1947. WALNUT ST 201t-r3-room upper, unfurnished anartment with bath.

Heat and utilltiea furnlahed. 3-16S4I or 3-296. WASHINGTON Completely furnished, including linen. 2-wav ventilating fans, automatic laundry. Parking.

1 or 2 adulta. LOWER APARTMENT 4 rooms, utilities furnish-; PARK 66S 4 rooms and bath. UNION 521 Small, for I or 2. 4-0114. i I.nd Julv 1 Ttlal 5.S1M frtre and Stamps, call LiT IS junt your nouse or apart turn East side of lak.

9 miles from Watklna Glen. J. W. Luden' frost. Hector.

N. Y. Phone 8439. THOUSAND ISLANDS 3 bedroom cottage. $45 week, boat Included.

In- quire 824 Bonaview Ave. Elmira. irost PtQPIRn 31, WAREHOUSE apse. lO.ODO aa. ft fioor.

Alaa 900 ft of office r. A B.C. oronT. I -o WANTED TO RENT BUSINESS COUPLE desirea modern i-O'aroom low-r. uniurnisnea ariri- ment.

In Northwest section of H-ights or Horseheads. 9-4120. ment We hare many responsible tenents with high credit ratings on our waiting list. Call us for service Wood. 3-9191.

WESTINGHOUSE Industrial relations assistant with 3 children. 2-1 bedroom house. Call 9-3611, Ext 324. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FURNITURt-RUC-DISHES 42 ANDYS at t37 Baldwiii Ftirn'iTurV. stoves, gyre tonls anttquea.

bought, and sold. Dial 1-3057 TVim ANTIQI and dtsh-s bourbt- sold. Furman. 1263 Map Ave 2-267 BALDWIN Ud go-ds bought and Mid. Furniture, cash register tjpe- John St BLOND doubU dre.s.r.

3 Hollywood tun bed con-plete with box i 1 CASH REGISTER. chicken crates Berman Sf1? Ma-ket St. Dial S53.V LOCKS Get the best quality, with SAH Green evenings, w. unison. CLAS3 sail boat.

nw bottom, new sails. $49V fiirtt. COMBINATION doora and Schuyler. Wellsburg S44. screens CONCRETE Ready mixed in any nuantitv.

alao washed sand and gravel and run of bank rravel For) quick aervlct. dial 8-3'29 Elmtra; Transit Mix. Horseheads. GRAVEL for drivewavs I Gravel fill, loam, top oilJSial 05 FAVE length of hlf round gutter. 11 49: 10 't length, of K-box type itter $1 'S Ai accessories, in stock Elmira 'SI-F ELECTRIC MOTORS-Bought r.n.ired L'ni'ed Electric Co 204 iecnd St 533 ENAMELED TILE BOARD Urge assoitment S-huyler Wellsburg No 2.

1 ir. 10 ft rolla. 173.00 Hawleya of thel Hetrbta. 1 1 1 rx 1 Vd. DowntOWn location.

II a i untM Aug 1 C'iger Doty no)cott'A SMALL Pin cased upright piano "aii-iu-nu vaipci iui- 01011 knr: Pr.ore I TREES Shade, ornamental, fruit I Mtruo terg--n r-a Re.l'vi i Nursery. 151 Milton. Opa dally 14. aettrrdey-Eunday until A I enit iiirtiITTRArr. 1 ts ft uw.v.v, 5, 9-525S after 5.

1 I iz electric rarge, Phllco rfngra-i ntareltawanna. -A38. I.

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.