Management: A Practical Introduction - PDF Free Download (2025)

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A promise:

To make learning management easy, efficient, and effective

The fifth edition of Management: A Practical Introduction—a concepts book for the introductory course in management—uses a wealth of instructor feedback to identify which features from prior editions worked best and which should be improved and expanded. By blending Angelo’s scholarship, teaching, and management-consulting experience with Brian’s writing and publishing background, we have again tried to create a research-based yet highly readable, innovative, and practical text. Our primary goal is simple to state but hard to execute: to make learning principles of management as easy, effective, and efficient as possible. Accordingly, the book integrates writing, illustration, design, and magazine-like layout in a program of learning that appeals to the visual sensibilities and respects the time constraints and different learning styles of today’s students. In an approach initially tested in our first edition and fine-tuned in the subsequent editions, we break topics down into easily grasped portions and incorporate frequent use of various kinds of reinforcement techniques. Our hope, of course, is to make a difference in the lives of our readers: to produce a text that students will enjoy reading and that will provide them with practical benefits.

“Kinicki/Williams is an effective principles of management textbook that does an excellent job of conveying the excitement of management and leadership to undergraduates. Engaging and practical, it comes with a comprehensive set of support materials that range from the traditional to exciting new uses of technology that

The text covers the principles that most management instructors have come to expect in an introductory text— planning, organizing, leading, and controlling—plus the issues that today’s students need to be aware of to succeed: customer focus, globalism, diversity, ethics, information technology, entrepreneurship, work teams, the service economy, and small business.

supercharge the teaching of critical concepts. We looked at over ten textbooks before we adopted Kinicki, and we’re most certainly glad that we did. Publisher support has been excellent.”

Beyond these, our book has four features that make it unique:

—Gary B. Roberts, Kennesaw State University

1. A student-centered approach to learning. 2. Imaginative writing for readability and reinforcement. 3. Emphasis on practicality. 4. Resources that work. ix ix ix

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A Student-Centered Approach to Learning

CHAPTER OPENERS: Designed to help students read with purpose kin12710_ch03_068-101.indd Page 68


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chapter 3

PART 2 —The Environment of Management

the manager’s toolbox

The Manager’s Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities Doing the Right Thing

Major Questions You Should Be Able to Answer

Some companies are “toxic organizations,” Stanford University business professor Jeffrey Pfeffer’s name for firms with high turnover and low productivity. “Companies that manage people right will outperform companies that don’t by 30% to 40%,” says Pfeffer. “If you don’t believe me, look at the numbers.”1 The author of The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First, Pfeffer says that employees’ loyalty to employers isn’t dead but that toxic companies drive people away.2 Companies such as Costco, Starbucks, and The Men’s Wearhouse have had lower turnover—and hence lower replacement and training costs—than their competitors for a reason: They have bent over backward to create workplaces that make people want to stay. Here are some ways that companies keep their employees: •

3.1 The Community of

Stakeholders Inside the Organization Major Question: Stockholders are only one group of stakeholders. Who are the stakeholders important to me inside the organization?

3.2 The Community of

3.4 The Social Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager

Major Question: Is being socially responsible really necessary?

3.5 The New Diversified Workforce

Major Question: What trends in workplace diversity should managers be aware of?

Stakeholders Outside the Organization

Benjamin Group, a California public relations agency, has fired clients who have been arrogant and hard to work with. This reflects management theories that troublesome customers are often less profitable and less loyal and so aren’t worth the extra effort.4

Treating Employees Right: Toward a More Open Workplace

Being generous with personal and team recognition. CompuWorks, a Pittsfield, Massachusetts, computer systems-integration company, cultivates employee loyalty by piling on personal and team recognition, as in giving the Wizard of the Week award to the employee who goes beyond the call of duty. It also operates the Time Bank, into which every month 10 hours of free time is “deposited” for each employee to use as he or she wishes. Training is given in how to read financial statements and in how to chart billable hours and watch cash-flow levels. Regular bonuses are given based on company profits.3 Occasionally backing employees over clients. Sometimes, despite the mantra that “the customer is always right,” companies will even side with employees against clients. For example, The

Major Question: Who are stakeholders important to me outside the organization?

3.3 The Ethical Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager

Major Question: What does the successful manager need to know about ethics and values?


Use of “open-book” management. One way of challenging traditional military-style management and of empowering employees and increasing earnings is through “open-book management,” Inc. magazine editor John Case’s term for a company’s being completely open with employees about its financial status, projections, costs, expenses, and even salaries.5 This approach “means training employees in how the company is run,” says one account. “It means asking for employee input and acting on it. It means rewarding employees with bonuses when the goals they create are met.”6

By learning the key numbers, employees are able to use their heads instead of just doing their jobs and going home. “Whether or not you have equity ownership, open-book management helps employees to feel, think, and act like owners,” says Gary T. Brown, director of human resources for Springfield ReManufacturing Corp., a rebuilder of truck engines in Springfield, Missouri. “True open-book management means asking employees what the goals should be.”7

For Discussion In tomorrow’s highly diverse workforce, with people representing many different ethnicities, ages, and abilities, taking care of employees will be one of the biggest challenges a manager will face. Could you work for an old-style company that did not feature some of the approaches mentioned above—even if it gave you a shot at getting into higher management?

What’s Ahead in This Chapter

This chapter sets the stage for understanding the new world in which managers must operate and the responsibilities they will have. We begin by describing the

Each chapter begins with four to eight provocative, motivational Major Questions, written to appeal to students’ concern about “what’s in it for me?” and help them read with purpose and focus. Instead of opening with the conventional case, as most texts do, we open with The Manager’s Toolbox, a motivational device offering practical nuts-and-bolts advice pertaining to the chapter content students are about to read—and allowing for class discussion.

community of stakeholders that managers have to deal with—first the internal stakeholders (employees, owners, and directors), then the external stakeholders in two kinds of environments (task and general). We then consider the ethical and social responsibilities required in being a manager, as well as the new diversified workforce and the barriers and approaches to managing diversity.

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Structured into constituent parts for easier learning


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major question

Stockholders are only one group of stakeholders. Who are stakeholders important to me inside the organization? THE BIG PICTURE Managers operate in two organizational environments—internal and external— both made up of stakeholders, the people whose interests are affected by the organization. The first, or internal, environment consists of employees, owners, and the board of directors.

Chapters are organized to cover each major question in turn, giving students bite-sized chunks of information. Each section begins with a recap of the Major Question and includes “The Big Picture,” which presents students with an overview of how the section they are about to read answers the Major Question.

Costco. In the war of big-box stores, has Costco or Walmart been better for everyone involved?

Which company is better—Walmart Stores (2.1 million employees) or rival warehouse club Costco Wholesale (142,000)? And why? Fortune named Walmart to the No. 1 or No. 2 spot on its annual “Most Admired Companies” list in the years 2000–2005. (It dropped to No. 11 in 2008 and 2009. Costco was No. 22 in those years.) Is this because Walmart’s low prices probably save consumers $20 billion a year? Because it generates 3.5 cents for each dollar on sales compared with Costco’s 1.7 cents? Certainly Walmart’s “Always low prices” strategy has been hugely successful in bringing in revenues. But Walmart’s strategy also earned it a reputation for being “the most evil company on the planet.”8 That’s less of a problem now, as the company has worked hard at improving its relationship with employees and the public, both in word and deed. Walmart also benefited from the recent recession, when low prices became especially important to customers. In the past, however, the difference in the way Walmart and Costco treated their employees was dramatic, and still is in terms of pay rates: Walmart pays its retail cashiers an average of $8.89 an hour; Costco pays retail cashiers $12.86. At Costco 96% of eligible workers were and are covered by company health insurance (higher than the 80% average at large U.S. companies). Walmart used to claim fewer than 10% of its employees lacked health insurance (it is now less than 5.5%), but the company’s system of premiums and deductibles made it difficult for low-wage employees to afford such insurance.9 Walmart’s low-wage policy forced rivals, such as Safeway, to reduce benefits for their workers in order to stay competitive. Costco’s wages enabled its employees to buy homes and take vacation trips. Finally, Walmart has reportedly locked out workers overnight, ignored overtime rules, hired illegal immigrants to mop its floors, shut down a store to avoid letting union organizers in, and was slapped with a big discrimination suit.10 The differences could be seen in annual employee turnover—at least 50%, perhaps 70%, for Walmart, 24% for Costco.11 It’s been calculated that a 10% reduction in employee turnover can yield a 20% savings on labor costs. Thus, whereas Walmart’s labor costs amounted to 12% of its annual sales, Costco’s were only 7%. On a per-store basis, Walmart’s Sam’s Club generated only half the sales of the average Costco store (in part because Costco attracts higher-income shoppers and because it charges a yearly membership fee, spending no money on advertis-

“This style textbook succeeds in presenting management information with a fresh face. Each chapter is filled with current and useful information for students. The chapters begin by asking major questions of the reader. As the student reads, they are engaged by these questions and by the information that follows. A totally readable text with great illustrations and end of chapter exercises!” —Catherine Ruggieri, St. John’s University, New York x

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Chapter tools help students learn how to learn In focus groups, symposiums, and reviews, instructors told us that many students do not have the skills needed to succeed in college. To support students in acquiring these skills, we offer the following:

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the manager’s toolbo A One-Minute Guide to Success in This Class Got one minute to read this section? It could mean the difference between getting an A instead of a B. Or a B instead of a C. It is our desire to make this book as practical as possible for you. One place we do this is in the Manager’s Toolbox, like this one, which appears at the beginning of every chapter and which offers practical advice appropriate to the subject matter you are about to explore. Here we show you how tobe a success in this course.

Four Rules for Success The following four rules will help you be successful in this (or any other) course. •

Rule 1: Attend every class. No cutting allowed.

Rule 2: Don’t postpone studying, then cram the night before a test.

Rule 3: Read or review lectures and readings more than once.

Rule 4: Learn how to use this book.

“A One-Minute Guide to Success in This Class,” found on page 3, lays down four rules for student success in class and suggestions for how to use this book most effectively.

How to Use This Book Most Effectively

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When reading this book, follow the steps below: •

Get an overview of the chapter by reading over the first page, which contains the section headings andMajor Questions.

Read “Forecast: What’s Ahead in This Chapter.” k


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Practical Action

“Getting Control of Your Time: Dealing with the Information Deluge in College & in Your Career,” at the end of Chapter 1, gives students a crash kin12710_ch02_036-067.indd Page 51


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Getting Control of Your Time: Dealing with the Information Deluge in College & in Your Career Professionals and managers all have to deal with this central problem: how not to surrender their lives to their jobs. The place to start, however, is in college. If you can learn to manage time while you’re still a student, you’ll find it will pay off not only in higher grades and more free time but also in more efficient information-handling skills that will serve you well as a manager later on.91

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course in time management skills, solid study habits, memory aids, and learning from lectures.

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Using Your “Prime Study Time”

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Each of us has a different energy cycle. The trick is to use it effectively. That way, your hours of best performance will coincide with your heaviest academic demands. For example, if your energy level is high during the evenings, you should plan to do your studying then.

the least effective means of absorbing information. Research shows that it’s best to space out your studying of a subject over successive days. A series of study sessions over several days is preferable to trying to do it all during the same number of hours on one day. It is repetition that helps move information into your longterm memory bank. /Users/user-f499/Desktop/9-08-2010/FREE048:BERG:201/CHAPTER-31 Review Information Repeatedly—Even “Overlearn It” By repeatedly reviewing information—what is known as “rehearsing”—you can improve both your retention and your understanding of it. Overlearning is continuing to review material even after you appear to have absorbed it.

Use Memorizing Tricks

The Systems Viewpoint The 52 bones in the foot. The monarchy of Great Britain. A weather storm front. Each of these is a system. A system is a set of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose. Even though a system may not work very well—as in the inefficient way the Russian government collects taxes, for example—it is nevertheless still a system. The systems viewpoint regards the organization as a system of interrelated parts. By adopting this point of view, you can look at your organization both as (1) a collection of subsystems—parts making up the whole system—and (2) a part of the larger environment. A college, for example, is made up of a collection of academic departments, support staffs, students, and the like. But it also exists as a system within the environment of education, having to be responsive to parents, alumni, legislators, nearby townspeople, and so on.

Key terms are highlighted and terms and definitions are in boldface, to help students build their management vocabulary.

Other devices to help students develop understanding: • • •

Important scholar names in boldface so students remember key contributors to the field of management. Frequent use of advance organizers, bulleted lists, and headings to help students grasp the main ideas.

A policy is a standing plan that outlines the general response to a designated problem or situation. Example: “This workplace does not condone swearing.” This policy is a broad statement that gives managers a general idea about what is allowable for employees who use bad language, but gives no specifics. A procedure (or standard operating procedure) is a standing plan that outlines the response to particular problems or circumstances. Example: White Castle specifies exactly how a hamburger should be dressed, including the order in which the mustard, ketchup, and pickles are applied. A rule is a standing plan that designates specific required action. Example: “No smoking is allowed anywhere in the building.” This allows no room for interpretation.

Illustrations positioned close to relevant text discussion so students can refer to them more easily and avoid flipping pages.

“It’s hard enough to try to make the class exciting, and the only way is to incorporate upto-date, relevant, and interesting examples. This text and McGraw-Hill have done just that. [It] makes my life easier, but more importantly, the students are getting the valuable education that they’ve paid for by having better materials and instruction.” —Laura L. Alderson, University of Memphis


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Imaginative Writing for Readability kin12710_ch06_162-193.indd Page 175


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Research shows that textbooks written in an imaginative, people-oriented style significantly improve students’ ability to retain information. We employ a number of journalistic devices to make the material as engaging as possible for students. INSIDE MATTERS—Analysis of Internal Strengths & Weaknesses kin12710_ch06_162-193.indd Page 169


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We use colorful facts, attention-grabbing quotes, biographical sketches, and lively tag lines to get students’ attention as they read.

S—Strengths: inside matters Strengths could be work processes, organization, culture, staff, product quality, production capacity, image, financial resources & requirements, service levels, other internal matters.

W—Weaknesses: inside matters Weaknesses could be in the same categories as stated for Strengths: work processes, organization, culture, etc.

O—Opportunities: outside matters Opportunities could be market segment analysis, industry & competition analysis, impact of technology on organization, product analysis, governmental impacts, other external matters.

T—Threats: outside matters Threats could be in the same categories as stated for Opportunities: market segment analysis, etc.

OUTSIDE MATTERS—Analysis of External Opportunities & Threats

figure 6.2 SWOT ANALYSIS

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

Example Crisis Leading to the Strategic-Management Process: JetBlue Weathers an Ice Storm Founded in 1998, JetBlue started out as a low-fare airline, promising fares up to 65% lower than competitors along with, in one description, “creature comforts like assigned seating, leather upholstery, and satellite TV on individual screens in every seat.”29 The formula was an immediate hit, and by 2007 JetBlue had grown from 6 daily flights and 300 employees to 575 daily flights to 52 destinations and 9,300 employees. Then in 2005, the founder, David Neeleman, decided to depart from the low-cost model of Southwest Airlines–style carriers and to imitate more traditional airlines. He added different kinds of aircraft, increased routes and airports, and built a $25 million training center in anticipation of expanding the workforce to 30,000 by 2010. “These moves,” says one analysis, “increased the airline’s costs while drawing it into competition with a greater number of rivals, which in turn made it harder for JetBlue to raise

fares.”30 JetBlue lost $20 million in 2005 and $1 million in 2006. The Valentine’s Day Ice Storm. Then the Valentine’s Day crisis happened. On February 14, 2007, an ice storm settled on JetBlue’s New York hub at John F. Kennedy International Airport, preventing planes from taking off. Having acted on forecasters’ prediction that the ice would change to rain, JetBlue had continued to load flights and allowed them to taxi to the runway. The result: planes couldn’t take off, and passengers were stuck in their seats for hours—up to 6 hours, in some cases. In fact, only 17 of the airline’s 156 scheduled departures left JFK that day, disrupting the entire system and displacing crews and aircraft. “In subsequent days,” says one account, “JetBlue management canceled more and more flights, angering thousands of passengers, until finally, on February 20, normal operations resumed.”31

Our emphasis on practicality and applications extends to the Example Boxes, “mini-cases” that use snapshots of real-world institutions to explain text concepts. “Your Call” invites student critical thinking and class discussion at the end of each example. Suggestions for how to use the example boxes are found in the Instructor’s Manual.

“The Kinicki/Williams text is attractive and well organized. The writing is engaging, and there is much more than my current text in terms of examples, application, summaries, and cases. The graphical quality of the book is much better than the black and white version[s] [of texts]. Overall, I think this book represents an excellent approach to the subject of management from both an instructor and learner perspective.” —Jeffrey Anderson, Ohio University


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An Emphasis on Practicality

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We want this book to be a “keeper” for students, a resource for future courses and for their careers—so we give students a great deal of practical advice in addition to covering the fundamental concepts of management. Application points are found not only throughout the text discussion but also in the following specialized features.

Practical Action boxes, appearing one or more

Practical Action How to Achieve Your Important Goals: Don’t Keep Every Option Open We’ve all been told that “It’s important to keep your options open.” But should we? “You don’t even know how a camera’s burst-mode flash works, but you persuade yourself to pay for the extra feature just in case,” writes a journalist about this phenomenon. “You no longer have anything in common with someone who keeps calling you, but you hate to just zap the relationship. Your child is exhausted from after-school soccer, ballet, and Chinese lessons, but you won’t let her drop the piano lessons. They could come in handy.”37 The natural reluctance to close any door is pointed

and settle on the one with the highest rewards. But when students stayed out of a room, the door would start shrinking and eventually disappear. Researchers found that most students would waste clicks by rushing back to reopen doors, even though they lost money by doing so—and they continued to frantically keep all their doors open even when they were fined for switching. Were the students just trying to “keep their options open”? Ariely doesn’t think so. The real motivation, he suggests, is fear of loss. “Closing a door on an option is experienced as a loss and people are willing to pay a

times in each chapter, offer students practical and interesting advice on issues students will face in the workplace. Detailed discussions of how to use these sections appear in the Instructor’s Manual.

End-of-Chapter Resources that reinforce applications

Each chapter continues our strategy of repetition for learning reinforcement. We include various unique pedagogical features to help students take away the most significant portions of the chapter’s content:

Management in Action cases depict how

Self-Assessment Exercises enable

companies students are familiar with respond to situations or issues featured in the text. Discussion questions are included for ease of use in class, as reflection assignments, or over online discussion boards.

students to personally apply chapter content. These exercises include objectives for ease in assigning, instructions for use, guidelines for interpreting results, and questions for further reflection. They can also be found on the text Web site.

Ethical Dilemmas present cases—often based on real events—that require students to think through how they would handle the situation, helping prepare them for decision making in their careers.

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Resources that Work

No matter the course you teach—on campus, hybrid, or online courses—we set out to provide you with the most comprehensive set of resources to enhance your Principles of Management course. Audio visuals for your visual students: We present the richest and most diverse video program on the market to engage your students in the important management concepts covered in this text:

ensure that students understand the purpose of the assessment. Students test their values, beliefs, skills, and interests in a wide variety of areas allowing them to personally apply chapter content to their own lives and careers. Every self-assessment is supported with PowerPoints and an instructor manual in the Management Asset Gallery, making it easy for the instructor to create an engaging classroom discussion surrounding the assessments. Test Your Knowledge. To help reinforce students’ understanding of key management concepts, Test Your Knowledge activities provide students a review of the conceptual materials followed by application-based questions to work through. Students can choose practice mode, which provides them with detailed feedback after each question, or test mode, which provides feedback after the entire test has been completed. Every Test Your Knowledge activity is supported by instructor notes in the Management Asset Gallery to make it easy for the instructor to create engaging classroom discussions surrounding the materials students have completed.

McGraw-Hill’s Expanded Management Asset Gallery! McGraw-Hill/Irwin Management is excited to now provide a one-stop shop for our wealth of assets, making it super quick and easy for instructors to locate specific materials to enhance their courses. All of the following can be accessed within the Management Asset Gallery: Manager’s Hot Seat! This interactive, video-based application puts students in the manager’s hot seat and builds critical thinking and decision making skills and allows students to apply concepts to real managerial challenges. Students watch as 15 real managers apply their years of experience when confronting unscripted issues such as bullying in the workplace, cyber loafing, globalization, inter-generational work conflicts, workplace violence, and leadership vs. management. Self-Assessment Gallery. Unique among publisherprovided self-assessments, our 23 self-assessments provide students with background information to


Management History Timeline. This web application allows instructors to present and students to learn the history of management in an engaging and interactive way. Management history is presented along an intuitive timeline that can be traveled through sequentially or by selected decade. With the click of a mouse, students learn the important dates, see the people who influenced the field, and understand the general management theories that have molded and shaped management as we know it today. Principles of Management Video DVD Volumes 1 & 2— Offers more than 70 video clips from sources such as BusinessWeek Online, BBC, CBS, FiftyLessons, NBC, PBS, & McGraw-Hill are provided on three DVD sets. These company videos are organized by the four functions of management and feature companies such as PlayStation, Panera Bread, Patagonia, Mini Cooper, the Greater Chicago Food Depository, Employer-Subsidized Commuting, Grounded: Are U.S. Airlines Safe?, Using Facebook at Work, Adult Bullies, and Encore Careers in 2½- to 15-minute clips. Corresponding video cases and a guide that ties the videos closely to the chapter can be found in the Instructor’s Manual and online.

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Assurance of Learning–Ready Many educational institutions are often focused on the notion of assurance of learning, an important element of some accreditation standards. Management: A Practical Introduction, 5e is designed specifically to support your assurance of learning initiatives with a simple, yet powerful solution. Each test bank question for Management: A Practical Introduction, 5e maps to a specific chapter learning outcome/objective listed in the text. You can use our test bank software, EZ Test and EZ Test Online, or in Connect Management to easily query for learning outcomes objectives that directly relate to the learning objectives for your course. You can use the reporting features of EZ Test to aggregate student results in a similar fashion, making the collection and presentation of assurance of learning data simple and easy.

AACSB Statement The McGraw-Hill Companies is a proud corporate member of AACSB International. Understanding the importance and value of AACSB accreditation, Management: A Practical Introduction, 5e recognizes the curricula guidelines detailed in the AACSB standards for business accreditation by connecting selected questions in [the text and/or the test bank] to the six general knowledge and skill guidelines in the AACSB standards. The statements contained in Management: A Practical Introduction, 5e are provided only as a guide for the users of this textbook. The AACSB leaves content coverage and assessment within the purview of individual schools, the mission of the school, and the faculty. While Management: A Practical Introduction, 5e and the teaching package make no claim of any specific AACSB qualification or evaluation, we have within Management: A Practical Introduction, 5e labeled selected questions according to the six general knowledge and skills areas.

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The Instructor’s Resource CD includes multiple resources to make your teaching life easier. •

The Instructors Manual, authored by Bobbie Knoblauch of Wichita State University, was revised and updated to include thorough coverage of each chapter as well as timesaving features such as an outline on incorporating PowerPoint slides, lecture enhancers that supplement the textbook, video cases and video notes, and answers to all end-of-chapter exercises.

Also included is a set of PowerPoint slides prepared by Brad Cox of Midlands Technical College, improved and streamlined for this edition. In addition to providing comprehensive lecture notes, these slides also include questions for the class as well as company examples not found in the textbook.

Finally, the Test Bank by Tia Quinlan-Wilder from University of Denver, includes more than 100 questions per chapter in a variety of formats; it has been revised for accuracy and expanded to include a greater variety of comprehension and application (scenariobased) questions as well as tagged Bloom’s Taxonomy levels and AACSB requirements.

McGraw-Hill’s flexible and easy-to-use electronic testing program EZ Test (found on the IRCD) allows instructors to create tests from bookspecific items. It accommodates a wide range of question types, and instructors may add their own questions. Multiple versions of the test can be created, and any test can be exported for use with course management systems such as WebCT or BlackBoard. And now EZ Test Online ( allows you to access the test bank virtually anywhere at any time, without installation, and it’s even easier to use. Additionally, it allows you to administer EZ Test– created exams and quizzes online, providing instant feedback for students. The Online Learning Center is located at www. At this site, students can take chapter quizzes to review concepts, review chapter PowerPoint slides and watch videos that relate back to concepts covered in this chapter. Students can easily upgrade to a richer set of Premium Online Resources right on this site.


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Always at the forefront of learning innovation, McGraw-Hill has taken another leap forward. . . .

McGraw-Hill Connect Management Less Managing. More Teaching. Greater Learning. McGraw-Hill Connect Management is an online assignment and assessment solution that connects students with the tools and resources they’ll need to achieve success. McGraw-Hill Connect Management helps prepare students for their future by enabling faster learning, more efficient studying, and higher retention of knowledge. McGraw-Hill Connect Management Features: Connect Management offers a number of powerful tools and features to make managing assignments easier, so faculty can spend more time teaching. With Connect Management, students can engage with their coursework anytime and anywhere, making the learning process more accessible and efficient. Connect Management offers you the features described below.

Diagnostic and Adaptive Learning of Concepts: LearnSmart Students want to make the best use of their study time. The LearnSmart adaptive self-study technology within Connect Management provides students with a seamless combination of practice, assessment, and remediation for every concept in the textbook. LearnSmart’s intelligent software adapts to every student response and automatically delivers concepts that advance the student’s understanding while reducing time devoted to the concepts already mastered. The result for every student is the fastest path to mastery of the chapter concepts. • Applies an intelligent concept engine to identify the relationships between concepts and to serve new concepts to each student only when he or she is ready. • Adapts automatically to each student, so students spend less time on the topics they understand and practice more those they have yet to master. • Provides continual reinforcement and remediation, but gives only as much guidance as students need. • Integrates diagnostics as part of the learning experience. • Enables you to assess which concepts students have efficiently learned on their own, thus freeing class time for more applications and discussion. Online Interactives: Online Interactives are engaging tools that teach students to apply key concepts in practice. These interactives provide them with immersive, experiential learning opportunities. Students will engage in a variety of interactive scenarios to deepen critical knowledge of key course topics. They receive immediate feedback at intermediate steps throughout each exercise, as well as comprehensive feedback at the end of the assignment. All Interactives are automatically scored and entered into the instructor grade book.

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Student Progress Tracking: Connect Management keeps instructors informed about how each student, section, and class is performing, allowing for more productive use of lecture and office hours. The progress-tracking function enables you to • View scored work immediately and track individual or group performance with assignment and grade reports. • Access an instant view of student or class performance relative to learning objectives. • Collect data and generate reports required by many accreditation organizations, such as AACSB. Smart Grading: When it comes to studying, time is precious. Connect Management helps students learn more efficiently by providing feedback and practice material when they need it, where they need it. When it comes to teaching, your time also is precious. The grading function enables you to • Have assignments scored automatically, giving students immediate feedback on their work and side-by-side comparisons with correct answers. • Access and review each response; manually change grades or leave comments for students to review. • Reinforce classroom concepts with practice tests and instant quizzes. Simple Assignment Management: With Connect Management, creating assignments is easier than ever, so you can spend more time teaching and less time managing. The assignment management function enables you to • Create and deliver assignments easily with selectable end-of-chapter questions and test bank items. • Streamline lesson planning, student progress reporting, and assignment grading to make classroom management more efficient than ever. • Go paperless with the eBook and online submission and grading of student assignments. Instructor Library: The Connect Management Instructor Library is your repository for additional resources to improve student engagement in and out of class. You can select and use any asset that enhances your lecture. The Connect Management Instructor Library includes • Instructor Manual • PowerPoint files • Test Bank • Management Asset Gallery • eBook Student Study Center: The Connect Management Student Study Center is the place for students to access additional resources. The Student Study Center • Offers students quick access to lectures, practice materials, eBooks, and more. • Provides instant practice material and study questions, easily accessible on the go. • Give students access to self-assessments, video materials, Manager’s Hot Seat, and more.


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acknowledgments We could not have completed this product without the help of a great many people. The first edition was designed by Karen Mellon, to whom we are very grateful. Sincere thanks and gratitude also go to our former executive editor John Weimeister and to our present executive editor Michael Ablassmeir. Among our first-rate team at McGraw-Hill, we want to acknowledge key contributors Laura Griffin, developmental editor II, and editorial coordinator Andrea Heirendt; Anke Braun Weekes, executive marketing manager, and Annie Ferro, marketing specialist; Harvey Yep, senior project manager; lead production supervisor Michael R. McCormick; designer Pam Verros; senior photo research coordinator Jeremy Cheshareck; photo researcher Judy Mason, senior media project manager Greg Bates. We would also like to thank Bobbie Knoblauch for her work on the Instructor’s Manual; Brad Cox for the PowerPoint slides; and Tia Quinlan-Wilder for the test bank. Warmest thanks and appreciation go to the individuals who provided valuable input during the developmental stages of this edition, as follows: Laura L. Alderson, University of Memphis Jeffrey Anderson, Ohio University Patricia Bernson, College County of Morris Barbara A. Carlin, University of Houston Julie J. Carwile, John Tyler Community College J. Dana Clark, Appalachian State University Glenda Coleman, University of South Carolina Kate Demarest, Carroll Community College Ken Dunegan, University of Cincinnati Bob Eliason, James Madison University Paul Fadil, University of North Florida Lucy R. Ford, Saint Joseph’s University Marie Gould, Peirce University Anne Kelly Hoel, University of Wisconsin-Stout

Richard Kimbrough, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Todd Korol, Monroe Community College Sal Kukalis, California State University-Long Beach Chi Lo Lim, Northwest Missouri State University Natasha Lindsey, University of North Alabama Guy Lochiatto, MassBay Community College James Manicki, Northwestern College Daniel W. McAllister, University of Nevada-Las Vegas Zack McNeil, Longview Community College Sheila Petcavage, Cuyahoga Community College-Western Campus Anthony Plunkett, Harrison College Cynthia Preston, University of Northwestern Ohio

George Redmond, Franklin University Rosemarie Reynolds, Embry Riddle Areonautical University Gary B. Roberts, Kennesaw State University Catherine Ruggieri, St. John’s University-New York Frederick J. Slack, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Wynn Teasley, University of West Florida Joy Turnheim Smith, Elizabeth City State University Carolyn Waits, Cincinnati State Technical & Community College Tekle O. Wanorie, Northwest Missouri State University Velvet Weems-Landingham, Kent State University-Geauga David A. Wernick, Florida International University Wendy V. Wysocki, Monroe County Community College

We would also like to thank the following colleagues who served as manuscript reviewers during the development of previous editions: G. Stoney Alder, Western Illinois University Phyllis C. Alderdice, Jefferson Community College xx

Scott Anchors, Maine Business School John Anstey, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Maria Aria, Camden County College James Bell, Texas State University-San Marcos

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Victor Berardi, Kent State University David Bess, University of Hawaii Stephen Betts, William Paterson University Danielle Beu, Louisiana Tech University Randy Blass, Florida State University Larry Bohleber, University of Southern Indiana Melanie Bookout, Greenville Technical College Robert S. Boothe, University of Southern Mississippi Susan M. Bosco, Roger Williams University Roger Brown, Western Illinois University Marit Brunsell, Madison Area Technical College Neil Burton, Clemson University Jon Bryan, Bridgewater State College Pamela Carstens, Coe College Glen Chapuis, St. Charles Community College Rod Christian, Mesa Community College Mike Cicero, Highline Community College Jack Cichy, Davenport University Anthony Cioffi, Lorain County Community College Deborah Clark, Santa Fe Community College Sharon Clinebell, University of Northern Colorado Ron Cooley, South Suburban College Gary Corona, Florida Community College Ajay Das, Baruch College Kathleen DeNisco, Erie Community College Pamela A. Dobies, University of Missouri—Kansas City David Dore, San Francisco City College Lon Doty, San Jose State University

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Ron Dougherty, Ivy Tech Community College/Columbus Campus Scott Droege, Western Kentucky University Steven Dunphy, University of Akron Linda Durkin, Delaware County Community College Subhash Durlabhji, Northwestern State University Jack Dustman, Northern Arizona University Ray Eldridge, Freed-Hardeman University Judy Fitch, Augusta State University David Foote, Middle Tennessee State University Tony Frontera, Broome Community College Michael Garcia, Liberty University Evgeniy Gentchev, Northwood University James Glasgow, Villanova University Kris Gossett, Ivy Tech State College Kevin S. Groves, California State University, Los Angeles Joyce Guillory, Austin Community College Stephen F. Hallam, The University of Akron Charles T. Harrington, Pasadena City College Santhi Harvey, Central State University Samuel Hazen, Tarleton State University Jack Heinsius, Modesto Junior College Kim Hester, Arkansas State University Mary Hogue, Kent State University Edward Johnson, University of North Florida Nancy M. Johnson, Madison Area Technical College Rusty Juban, Southeastern Louisiana University Dmitriy Kalyagin, Chabot College

Heesam Kang, Bacone College Marcella Kelly, Santa Monica College Bobbie Knoblauch, Wichita State University Rebecca Legleiter, Tulsa Community College David Leonard, Chabot College David Levy, United States Air Force Academy Beverly Little, Western Carolina University Mary Lou Lockerby, College of DuPage Paul Londrigan, Charles Stewart Mott Community College Tom Loughman, Columbus State University Brenda McAleer, University of Maine at Augusta David McArthur, University of Nevada Las Vegas Tom McFarland, Mount San Antonio College Joe McKenna, Howard Community College Jeanne McNett, Assumption College Spencer Mehl, Coastal Carolina Community College Mary Meredith, University of Louisiana Douglas Micklich, Illinois State University Christine Miller, Tennessee Tech University Val Miskin, Washington State University Gregory Moore, Middle Tennessee State University Rob Moorman, Creighton University Robert Myers, University of Louisville Francine Newth, Providence College Jack Partlow, Northern Virginia Community College Don A. Paxton, Pasadena City College John Paxton, Wayne State College Sheila Petcavage, Cuyahoga Community College



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Barbara Petzall, Maryville University Leah Ritchie, Salem State College Barbara Rosenthal, Miami Dade Community College/Wolfson Campus Gary Ross, Barat College of DePaul University Cindy Ruszkowski, Illinois State University William Salyer, Morris College Diane R. Scott, Wichita State University Marianne Sebok, Community College of Southern Nevada Randi Sims, Nova Southeastern University Erika E. Small, Coastal Carolina University Gerald F. Smith, University of Northern Iowa

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Mark Smith, University of Southwest Louisiana Jeff Stauffer, Ventura College Raymond Stoudt, DeSales University Robert Scott Taylor, Moberly Area Community College Virginia Anne Taylor, William Patterson University Jerry Thomas, Arapahoe Community College Joseph Tomkiewicz, East Carolina University Robert Trumble, Virginia Commonwealth University Isaiah Ugboro, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University Anthony Uremovic, Joliet Junior College

Barry Van Hook, Arizona State University Susan Verhulst, Des Moines Area Community College Annie Viets, University of Vermont Tom Voigt, Jr., Aurora University Bruce C. Walker, University of Louisiana at Monroe Charles Warren, Salem State College Allen Weimer, University of Tampa James Whelan, Manhattan College John Whitelock, Community College of Baltimore/Catonsville Campus Wendy Wysocki, Monroe County Community College

The following professors also participated in an early focus group that helped drive the development of this text. We appreciate their suggestions and participation immensely: Rusty Brooks, Houston Baptist University Kerry Carson, University of Southwestern Louisiana Sam Dumbar, Delgado Community College

Subhash Durlabhji, Northwestern State University Robert Mullins, Delgado Community College Carl Phillips, Southeastern Louisiana University

Allayne Pizzolatto, Nicholls State University Ellen White, University of New Orleans

We would also like to thank the following students for participating in a very important focus group to gather feedback from the student reader’s point of view: Marcy Baasch, Triton College Diana Broeckel, Triton College Lurene Cornejo, Moraine Valley Community College Dave Fell, Elgin Community College

Lydia Hendrix, Moraine Valley Community College Kristine Kurpiewski, Oakton Community College Michelle Monaco, Moraine Valley Community College

Shannon Ramey, Elgin Community College Arpita Sikand, Oakton Community College

Finally, we would like to thank our wives, Joyce and Stacey, for being understanding, patient, and encouraging throughout the process of writing this edition. Your love and support helped us endure the trials of completing this text. We hope you enjoy reading and applying the book. Best wishes for success in your career. Angelo Kinicki xxii


Brian K. Williams

contents Key Terms Used in This Chapter 32

part I Introduction Chapter One The Exceptional Manager: What You Do, How You Do It 2 1.1

Management: What It Is, What Its Benefits Are 4 The Art of Management Defined 4

Seven Challenges to Being an Exceptional Challenge #I: Managing for Competitive Advantage­ Staying Ahead of Rivals 8 Challenge #2: Managing for Diversity-The Future Won't Resemble the Past 10 Challenge #3: Managing for Globalization-The Expanding Management Universe 10

Evolving Viewpoints: How We Got to Today's Management Outlook 38 Evidence-Based Management: Facing Hard Facts, Rejecting Nonsense 38 Two Overarching Perspectives about Management: Historical & Contemporary 39 Five Practical Reasons for Studying This Chapter 39

2.2 Classical Viewpoint: Scientific & Administrative Management 40 Scientific Management: Pioneered by Taylor & the Gilbreths 40 Administrative Management: Pioneered by Fayol &

Challenge #5: Managing for Ethical Standards II

Weber 42

Challenge #6: Managing for Sustainability-The

The Problem with the Classical Viewpoint: Too

Challenge #7: Managing for Your Own Happiness & Life Goals 13

Mechanistic 43

2.3 Behavioral Viewpoint: Behaviorism, Human Relations, & Behavioral Science 44

What Managers Do: The Four Principal

Early Behaviorism: Pioneered by Munsterberg, Follett,

Functions 14

& Mayo 44

Planning: Discussed in Part 3 of This Book 14

The Human Relations Movement: Pioneered by

Organizing: Discussed in Part 4 of This Book IS Leading: Discussed in Part 5 of This Book IS Controlling: Discussed in Part 6 of This Book IS

Pyramid Power: Levels & Areas of Management 16 The Traditional Management Pyramid: Levels & Areas 16 Three Levels of Management 16 Areas of Management: Functional Managers versus General Managers 18 Managers for Three Types of Organizations: For-Profit, Nonprofit, Mutual-Benefit 19 Do Managers Manage Differently for Different Types of Organizations? 19

Roles Managers Must Play Successfully 20 The Manager's Roles: Mintzberg's Useful Findings 20 Three Types of Managerial Roles 22

The Entrepreneurial Spirit 24 Entrepreneurship Defined: Taking Risks in Pursuit of Opportunity 25



Challenge #4: Managing for Information Technology 10

Business of Green 13


Management Theory: Essential Manager 36

Manager 8


Chapter Two

Effect 6

Management? 7


Self-Assessment 34 Ethical Dilemma 35

Background for the Successful

What Are the Rewards of Studying & Practicing


Management in Action 33

Why Organizations Value Managers: The Multiplier Financial Rewards of Being an Exceptional Manager 6


Summary 32

The Skills Exceptional Managers Need 28

I. Technical Skills-The Ability to Perform a Specific Job 28

Maslow & McGregor 46 The Behavioral Science Approach 47

2.4 Quantitative Viewpoints: Management Science & Operations Research 48 Management Science: Using Mathematics to Solve Management Problems 48 Operations Management: Being More Effective 49

2.5 Systems Viewpoint 50 The Systems Viewpoint 51 The Four Parts of a System 51

2.6 Contingency Viewpoint 53 Gary Hamel: Management Ideas Are Not Fixed, They're a Process 54

2.7 Quality-Management Viewpoint 56 Quality Control & Quality Assurance 56 Total Quality Management: Creating an Organization Dedicated to Continuous Improvement 56

2.8 The Learning Organization in an Era of Accelerated Change 58 The Learning Organization: Handling Knowledge & Modifying Behavior 58

2. Conceptual Skills-The Ability to Think Analytically 28

Why Organizations Need to Be Learning

3. Human Skills-The Ability to Interact Well with

Organizations: Living with Accelerated Change 59

People 29 The Most Valued Traits in Managers 29

How to Build a Learning Organization: Three Roles Managers Play 60


Key Terms Used in This Chapter 61

One Big World Market: The Global Economy lOS Cross-Border Business: The Rise of Both

Summary 61 Management in Action 63 Self-Assessment 64

Megamergers & Minifirms Worldwide 106

4.2 You & International Management 108 Why Learn about International Management? 109

Ethical Dilemma 65

The Successful International Manager: Geocentric, Not Ethnocentric or Polycentric Ill

part 2

4.3 Why & How Companies Expand Internationally 112

The Environment of Management

Why Companies Expand Internationally 112

Chapter Three

How Companies Expand Internationally 113

The Manager's Changing Work

4.4 The World of Free Trade: Regional Economic Cooperation 117

Environment & Ethical Responsibilities:

Barriers to International Trade 117 Organizations Promoting International Trade 118

Doing the Right Thing 68

Major Trading Blocs: NAFTA, EU, APEC, ASEAN,

3.1 The Community of Stakeholders Inside the

Mercosur, & CAFTA-DR 119

Organization 70 Internal & External Stakeholders 71 Internal Stakeholders 72

Most Favored Nation Trading Status 121

4.5 The Importance of Understanding Cultural Differences 122

3.2 The Community of Stakeholders Outside the

The Importance of National Culture 122

Organization 73

Cultural Dimensions: The Hofstede & GLOBE Project

The Task Environment 73

Models 123

The General Environment 77

Other Cultural Variations: Language, Interpersonal

3.3 The Ethical Responsibilities Required of

Space, Communication, Time Orientation, & Religion 127

You as a Manager 80

U.S. Managers on Foreign Assignments: Why Do

Defining Ethics & Values 80 Four Approaches to Deciding Ethical Dilemmas 81 White-Collar Crime, SarbOx, & Ethical Training 82 How Organizations Can Promote Ethics 84

3.4 The Social Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager 85 Is Social Responsibility Worthwhile? Opposing & Supporting Viewpoints 86

Summary 131 Management in Action 133 Self-Assessment 134 Ethical Dilemma 136

Corporate Social Responsibility: The Top of the

part 3

Pyramid 86


One Type of Social Responsibility: Philanthropy, "Not Dying Rich" 88 How Does Being Good Pay Off? 89

3.5 The New Diversified Workforce 90

Chapter Five Planning: The Foundation of

How to Think about Diversity: Which Differences

Successful Management 138

Are Important? 90


Trends in Workforce Diversity 92 Barriers to Diversity 95

Planning & Uncertainty 140 Planning & Strategic Management 140 Why Not Plan? 140

Key Terms Used in This Chapter 96

How Planning Helps You: Four Benefits 141

Summary 96

How Organizations Respond to Uncertainty 142

Management in Action 98

Three Types of Planning for Three Levels of

Ethical Dilemma 100

Management: Strategic, Tactical, & Operational 146 Goals & SMART Goals, Action Plans & Operating Plans 147

Chapter Four

Types of Plans: Standing Plans & Single-Use Plans ISO

Global Management : Managing across Border s 102 4.1

5.2 Fundamentals of Planning 144 Mission & Vision Statements 144

Self-Assessment 99


They Fail? 130

Key Terms Used in This Chapter 131

5.3 Promoting Goal Setting: Management by Objectives 151 What Is MBO? The Four-Step Process for Motivating

Globalization:The Collapse ofTime & Distance 104

Employees 151

The Rise of the "Global Village" & Electronic

Cascading Objectives: MBO from the Top Down 153

Commerce 104

The Importance of Deadlines 154


Stage 4: Implement & Evaluate the Solution Chosen 199

5.4 The Planning/Control Cycle 155

What's Wrong with the Rational Model? 200

Key Terms Used in This Chapter 157

Nonrational Decision Making: Managers Find It

Summary 157 Management in Action 158 Self-Assessment 159

Difficult to Make Optimal Decisions 201

7.2 Evidence-Based Decision Making & Analytics 204 Evidence-Based Decision Making 204

Ethical Dilemma 161

Chapter Six

In Praise of Analytics 207

7.3 Four General Decision-Making Styles 209 Value Orientation & Tolerance for Ambiguity 209

I. The Directive Style: Action-Oriented Decision Makers

Strategic Management: How Star

Who Focus on Facts 210

Managers Realize a Grand Design 162 6.1

2. The Analytical Style: Careful Decision Makers Who Like Lots of Information & Alternative Choices 211

The Dynamics of Strategic Planning 164

3. T he Conceptual Style: Decision Makers Who Rely on

Strategy, Strategic Management, & Strategic Planning 165

Intuition & Have a Long-Term Perspective 211

Why Strategic Management & Strategic Planning Are

4. The Behavioral Style: The Most People-Oriented

Important 165

Decision Makers 211

What Is an Effective Strategy? Three Principles 167 Does Strategic Management Work for Small as Well as Large Firms? 168

Which Style Do You Have? 211

7.4 Making Ethical Decisions 212 Can We Have "Kinder Capitalism?" 212

6.2 The Strategic-Management Process 169

Road Map to Ethical Decision Making: A Decision Tree 212

The Five Steps of the Strategic-Management Process 170

6.3 Establishing the Grand Strategy 174


Decision Making & Expectations about Happiness 215

Competitive Intelligence 174

How Do Individuals Respond to a Decision Situation?

SWOT Analysis 174

Ineffective & Effective Responses 215

Forecasting: Predicting the Future 177

Six Common Decision-Making Biases: Rules of Thumb,

6.4 Formulating Strategy 179 Porter's Five Competitive Forces 179

How to Overcome Barriers to Decision Making 215

or "Heuristics" 217

7.6 Group Decision Making: How to Work with

Porter's Four Competitive Strategies 180

Others 220

Single-Product Strategy versus Diversification Strategy 181

Advantages & Disadvantages of Group Decision Making 220

The BCG Matrix 183

What Managers Need to Know about Groups &

6.5 Implementing & Controlling Strategy: Execution 184

Decision Making 221

Execution: Getting Things Done 184

Participative Management: Involving Employees in

The Three Core Processes of Business: People,

Decision Making 222

Strategy, & Operations 184

Group Problem-Solving Techniques: Reaching for

Building a Foundation of Execution 185

Consensus 222

How Execution Helps Implement and Control Strategy 186

Key Terms Used in This Chapter 188 Summary 188 Management in Action 190 Self-Assessment 191 Ethical Dilemma 193

Chapter Seven

More Group Problem-Solving Techniques 223

Key Terms Used in This Chapter 226 Summary 227 Management in Action 229 Self-Assessment 231 Ethical Dilemma 232

part 4

Individual & Group Decision Making:


How Managers Make Things Happen 194

Chapter Eight


Two Kinds of Decision Making: Rational & Nonrational 196

Organizational Culture, Structure, &

Decision Making in the Real World 197

Design: Building Blocks of the

Rational Decision Making: Managers Should Make

Organization 234

Logical & Optimal Decisions 197 Stage 1: Identify the Problem or Opportunity­


What Kind of Organizational Culture Will You

Determining the Actual versus the Desirable 197

Be Operating In? 236

Stage 2: Think Up Alternative Solutions-Both the

How an Organization's Culture & Structure Are Used

Obvious & the Creative 198

to Implement Strategy 236

Stage 3: Evaluate Alternatives & Select a Solution­

Four Types of Organizational Culture: Clan, Adhocracy,

Ethics, Feasibility, & Effectiveness 198

Market, & Hierarchy 237



The Three Levels of Organizational Culture 239

9.2 The Legal Requirements of Human Resource

How Employees Learn Culture: Symbols, Stories,

Management 276

Heroes, & Rites & Rituals 240

I. Labor Relations 276

The Importance of Culture 240

2. Compensation & Benefits 276 3. Health & Safety 276

8.2 Developing High-Performance Cultures 242

4. Equal Employment Opportunity 276

Cultures for Enhancing Economic Performance: Three Perspectives 242

9.3 Recruitment & Selection: Putting the Right

Eleven Ways Cultures Become Embedded in

People into the Right Jobs 280

Organizations 243

Recruitment: How to Attract Qualified Applicants 280

8.3 Organizational Structure 246

Selection: How to Choose the Best Person for the Job 281

The Organization: Three Types 246 The Organization Chart 247

9.4 Orientation, Training, & Development 287 Orientation: Helping Newcomers Learn the Ropes 287

8.4 The Major Elements of an Organization 249

Training & Development: Helping People Perform

Common Elements of Organizations: Four Proposed

Better 288

by Edgar Schein 249 Common Elements of Organizations: Three More That

9.5 Performance Appraisal 290

Most Authorities Agree On 250

Two Kinds of Performance Appraisal: Objective & Subjective 290

8.5 Basic Types of Organizational

Structures 252

Who Should Make Performance Appraisals? 291

I. The Simple Structure: For the Small Firm 252

Effective Performance Feedback 293

2. The Functional Structure: Grouping by Similar

9.6 Managing an Effective Workforce:

Work Specialties 252

Compensation & Benefits 294

3. The Divisional Structure: Grouping by Similarity of

Wages or Salaries 294

Purpose 253

Incentives 294

4. The Matrix Structure: A Grid of Functional & Divisional for Two Chains of Command 254

5. The Team-Based Structure: Eliminating Functional

Benefits 295

9.7 Managing Promotions, Transfers, Disciplining, & Dismissals 296

Barriers to Solve Problems 255

Promotion: Moving Upward 296

6. The Network Structure: Connecting a Central Core

Transfer: Moving Sideways 297

to Outside Firms by Computer Connections 257

Disciplining & Demotion: The Threat of Moving

7. The Modular Structure: Outsourcing Pieces of a

Downward 297

Product to Outside Firms 258

8.6 Contingency Design: Factors in Creating the

Best Structure 259 I. The Environment: Mechanistic versus Organic Organizations-the Burns & Stalker Model 259

2. The Environment: Differentiation versus Integration-the Lawrence & Lorsch Model 260

3. Life Cycle: Four Stages in the Life of an Organization 261 Getting the Right Fit: What Form of Organizational Structure Works Best? 262

Key Terms Used in This Chapter 262 Summary 263 Management in Action 265

Dismissal: Moving Out of the Organization 297

Key Terms Used in This Chapter 298 Summary 299 Management in Action 301 Self-Assessment 303 Ethical Dilemma 305

Chapter Ten Organizational Change & Innovation: Lifelong Challenges for the Exceptional Manager 306 10.1

Self-Assessment 266

The Nature of Change in Organizations 308 Fundamental Change: What Will You Be Called

Ethical Dilemma 268

On to Deal With? 308

Chapter Nine

Two Types of Change: Reactive versus Proactive 310 The Forces for Change: Outside & Inside the

Human Resource Management:

Organization 311

Getting the Right People for

Areas in Which Change Is Often Needed: People,

Managerial Success 270 9.1


Technology, Structure, & Strategy 313

10.2 Organizational Development: What It Is,

Strategic Human Resource Management 272

What It Can Do 315

Human Resource Management: Managing an

What Can OD Be Used For? 315

Organization's Most Important Resource 272

How OD Works 315

Planning the Human Resources Needed 272

The Effectiveness of OD 317


10.3 Promoting Innovation within the Organization 318

11.5 Understanding Stress & Individual Behavior 358

How Good Are US Firms at Innovating? 318

The Toll of Workplace Stress 358

Two Myths about Innovation 319

How Does Stress Work? 358

The Seeds of Innovation: Starting Point for

The Sources of Job-Related Stress 359

Experimentation & Inventiveness 319

The Consequences of Stress 360

Types of Innovation: Product or Process, Incremental

Reducing Stressors in the Organization 362

or Radical 320 Celebrating Failure: Cultural & Other Factors

Key Terms Used in This Chapter 362

Encouraging Innovation 321

Summary 363

How You Can Foster Innovation: Four Steps 323

Management in Action 364

10.4 The Threat of Change: Managing Employee Fear & Resistance 325 The Causes of Resistance to Change 325 The Degree to Which Employees Fear Change: From Least Threatening to Most Threatening 326 Lewin's Change Model: Unfreezing, Changing, & Refreezing 328 Kotter's Eight Steps for Leading Organizational Change 328

Key Terms Used in This Chapter 330 Summary 330

Self-Assessment 366 Ethical Dilemma 367

Chapter Twelve

Motivating Employees: Achieving Superior Performance in the Workplace 370 12.1

Motivating for Performance 37 2 Motivation: What It Is, Why It's Important 372

Management in Action 332

The Four Major Perspectives on Motivation: Overview 373

Self-Assessment 334

12.2 Content Perspectives on Employee

Ethical Dilemma 335

Motivation 374 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory: Five Levels 374

part 5

Alderfer's ERG Theory: Existence, Relatedness, & Growth 376


McClelland's Acquired Needs Theory: Achievement,

Chapter Eleven

Affiliation, & Power 377

Managing Individual Differences & Behavior: Supervising People as People 338 11.1

Personality & Individual Behavior 340

Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory: From Dissatisfying Factors to Satisfying Factors 379

12.3 Process Perspectives on Employee Motivation 381 Equity Theory: How Fairly Do You Think You're Being Treated in Relation to Others? 381 Expectancy Theory: How Much Do You Want & How

The Big Five Personality Dimensions 340

Likely Are You to Get It? 383

Five Traits Important in Organizations 341

Goal-Setting Theory: Objectives Should Be Specific &

11.2 Values, Attitudes, & Behavior 345 Organizational Behavior: Trying to Explain & Predict

Challenging but Achievable 386

12.4 Job Design Perspectives on Motivation 387

Workplace Behavior 345

Fitting Jobs to People 387

Values: What Are Your Consistent Beliefs & Feelings

The Job Characteristics Model: Five Job Attributes

about All Things? 345 Attitudes: What Are Your Consistent Beliefs & Feelings about

Specific Things?


Behavior: How Values & Attitudes Affect People's Actions & Judgments 347

11.3 Work-Related Attitudes & Behaviors Managers Need to Deal With 349

for Better Work Outcomes 388

12.5 Reinforcement Perspectives on Motivation 391 The Four Types of Reinforcement: Positive, Negative, Extinction, & Punishment 391 Using Reinforcement to Motivate Employees 392

12.6 Using Compensation & Other Rewards to Motivate 394

Job Involvement: Being Immersed in One's Job 349

Motivation & Compensation 394

Work-Related Attitudes: Employee Engagement, Job

Nonmonetary Ways of Motivating Employees 396

Satisfaction, & Organizational Commitment 349 Important Workplace Behaviors 351

11.4 Perception & Individual Behavior 353 The Four Steps in the Perceptual Process 353

Key Terms Used in T his Chapter 399 Summary 399 Management in Action 401

Four Distortions in Perception 353

Self-Assessment 403

The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, or Pygmalion Effect 357

Ethical Dilemma 404



14.2 Trait Approaches: Do Leaders Have Distinctive

Chapter Thirteen

Personality Characteristics? 444

Groups & Teams: Increasing

Is Trait Theory Useful? 444 Kouzes & Posner's Research: Is Honesty the Top

Cooperation, Reducing Conflict 406 13.1

Leadership Trait? 445

Groups versus Teams 408

Gender Studies: Do Women Have Traits That Make

Groups & Teams: How Do They Differ? 409

Them Better Leaders? 445

Formal versus Informal Groups 409

Leadership Lessons from the GLOBEProject 446

Work Teams for FourPurposes: Advice,Production,

14.3 Behavioral Approaches: Do Leaders Show

Project, and Action 410

Distinctive Patterns of Behavior? 448

Self-Managed Teams: Workers with Own

The University of Michigan Leadership Model 448

Administrative Oversight 410

13.2 Stages of Group & Team Development 413

The Ohio State Leadership Model 448

14.4 Contingency Approaches: Does Leadership

Stage 1: Forming-"Why Are We Here?" 413

Vary with the Situation? 450

Stage 2: Storming-"Why Are We Fighting Over Who

I. The Contingency Leadership Model: Fiedler's

Does What & Who's in Charge?" 413

Approach 450

Stage 3: Norming-"Can We Agree on Roles & Work

2. ThePath-Goal Leadership Model: House's

as a Team?" 414

Approach 452

Stage 4:Performing-"Can We Do the JobProperly?" 414

3. TheSituational Leadership® Theory Model: Hersey's Approach 454

Stage 5: Adjourning-"Can We Help Members Transition Out?" 414

ApplyingSituational Theories: FiveSteps 457

13.3 Building Effective Teams 415

14.5 The Full-Range Model: Uses of Transactional &

I.Performance Goals & Feedback 415

Transformational Leadership 458

2. Motivation through Mutual Accountability 415

Transactional versus Transformational Leaders 458 The Best Leaders Are Both Transactional &

3. Size: Small Teams or Large Teams? 416

Transformational 459

4. Roles: How Team Members Are Expected to

Four Key Behaviors of Transformational Leaders 459

Behave 417

Implications of Transformational Leadership for

5. Norms: Unwritten Rules for Team Members 418

Managers 461

6. Cohesiveness: The Importance of Togetherness 419 7. Groupthink: WhenPeerPressure Discourages

14.6 Four Additional Perspectives 462

"T hinking Outside the Box" 420

Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Leadership: Having Different Relationships with Different

13.4 Managing Conflict 423

Subordinates 462

The Nature of Conflict: Disagreement Is Normal 423

Shared Leadership: Dividing Responsibility for

Can Too Little or Too Much Conflict Affect

Leading among Two or More Managers 463

Performance? 424

Servant Leadership: Meeting the Goals of Followers &

T hree Kinds of Conflict: Personality, Intergroup, and

the Organization, Not of Oneself 463

Cross-Cultural 425

E-Leadership: Managing for Global Networks 464

How toStimulate Constructive Conflict 428

Key Terms Used in T his Chapter 430

Key Terms Used in T his Chapter 465 Summary 466

Summary 430 Management in Action 431

Management in Action 468 Self-Assessment 469

Self-Assessment 433

Ethical Dilemma 47 1

Ethical Dilemma 435

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Power, Influence, & Leadership: From

Interpersonal & Organizational

Becoming a Manager to Becoming a

Communication: Mastering the

Leader 436

Exchange of Information 472


The Nature of Leadership: Wielding Influence 438

The Communication Process: What It Is, How It Works 474

Managers & Leaders: Not Always theSame 438

Communication Defined: The Transfer of Information

RveSou�es ofPower 439

& Understanding 474

Leadership & Influence: Using Persuasion to Get Your Way at Work 441

How the CommunicationProcess Works 475 Selecting the Right Medium for Effective

Five Approaches to Leadership 443




Communication 476

15.2 Barriers to Communication 478 I. Physical Barriers: Sound, Time, Space, & So On 479 2. Semantic Barriers: When Words Matter 479 3. Personal Barriers: Individual Attributes That Hinder Communication 480 Nonverbal Communication 481 Gender-Related Communication Differences 482

15.3 How Managers Fit into the Communication Process 486 Formal Communication Channels: Up, Down, Sideways, & Outward 486 Informal Communication Channels 488

15.4 Communication in the Information Age 489 Digital Communication Technology & Workplace Behavior 489 The "Always On" Generation 489 Digital Communication & the New Workplace: Videoconferencing, Telecommuting, & Teleworking 490 The Downside of the Digital Age 492 Cell Phones: Use & Abuse 493

15.5 Improving Communication Effectiveness 494 Being an Effective Listener 494 Being an Effective Reader 49S Being an Effective Writer 496 Being an Effective Speaker 497

Key Terms Used in This Chapter 498 Summary 498 Management in Action 500 Self-Assessment 501 Ethical Dilemma 504

part 6

16.4 The Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Maps, & Measurement Management 517 The Balanced Scorecard: A Dashboard-like View of the Organization Sl7 Strategy Map: Visual Representation of a Balanced Scorecard Sl9 Measurement Management: "Forget Magic" Sl9

16.5 Some Financial Tools for Control 522 Budgets: Formal Financial Projections S22 Financial Statements: Summarizing the Organization's Financial Status S24 Ratio Analysis: Indicators of an Organization's Financial Health S24 Audits: External versus Internal S24

16.6 Total Quality Management 526 Deming Management: The Contributions of W. Edwards Deming to Improved Quality S26 Core TOM Principles: Deliver Customer Value & Strive for Continuous Improvement S28 Applying TOM to Services S30 Some TQM Tools and Techniques S31

16.7 Managing Control Effectively 535 The Keys to Successful Control Systems S3S Barriers to Control Success S36

Epilogue: The Keys to Your Managerial Success 538 Key Terms Used in This Chapter 539 Summary 540 Management in Action 542 Self-Assessment 544 Ethical Dilemma 545



The Project Planner's Toolkit:

Chapter Sixteen

Flowcharts, Gantt Charts, &

Control & Quality Control Improvement: Techniques for Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness 506 16.1

Managing for Productivity 508

Break-Even Analysis A Tool #I: Flowcharts-for Showing Event Sequences & Alternate Decision Scenarios A Tool #2: Gantt Charts-Visual Time Schedules for Work Tasks A2 Tool #3: Break-Even Analysis-How Many Items Must You Sell to Turn a Profit? A3

What Is Productivity? S08 Why Increasing Productivity Is Important S09

16.2 Control: When Managers Monitor Performance 510 Why Is Control Needed? SIO Steps in the Control Process Sl2

16.3 Levels & Areas of Control 515

Chapter Notes CNI-CN48 Credits CRI-CR2 Name Index 11-16 Company Index 17-112

Levels of Control: Strategic, Tactical, & Operational SIS Six Areas of Control SIS

Glossary/Subject Index 113-140



The Right Way to Conduct an Interview .......... .......... 284 .

How to Make Incentive Pay Plans Meet Company Goals: Communicate Them to Employees


........................ 295

The Right Way to Handle a Dismissal



What Makes a Successful Start-up? ...

The Manager's Toolbox

. .. .. ............. 298 .





.............. .... 320 .

How Can Managers Harness the Pygmalion Effect to Lead Employees? .......................... ........... 357 .

A One-Minute Guide to Success in This Class................... 3 Evidence-Based Management: An Attitude of Wisdom .. ..... . 37 .

The Flexible Workplace ............. ..... .. .......... 397 .



Dealing with Disagreements: Five Conflict-Handling Styles ..... 427 .


Ten Tips on Being an E-Leader...................... ..... 465 .

Treating Employees Right: Toward a More Open Workplace.......................... ........ .. .





How to Streamline Meetings ..................... ....... 485 .

What Makes a Service Company Successful?

Learning to Be a Success Abroad: How Do You Become a World Citizen? ..




Four Core Elements ..... .................... .



......... 531

Planning Different Career Paths: "It's a Career, Not a Job".......139


How Successful Managers Stay Successful: Seeing Beyond the Latest Management Fads............... .. 163 .

How Exceptional Managers Check to See If Their

To What Extent Do You Possess an Entrepreneurial Spirit?....... 34

Decisions Might Be Biased................................ 195 When Should You Delegate & When Not? How Managers Get More Done ........................... 235

What Is Your Level of Self-Esteem? ......................... 64 What Is Your Guiding Ethical Principle? ................. .... 99 .


How Well Are You Suited to Becoming a Global Manager? . ...... 134 .

How to Stand Out in a New Job: Fitting into an Organization in the First 60 Days ..... ............... .... 271 .


Managing for Innovation & Change Takes a Careful Hand ....... 307 Managing Gen Y: What's Different about Today's Generation of Younger Workers.................... ...... 339 .

Holland Personality Types & You: Matching Your Personality to the Right Work Environment & Occupation ....... 159 Core Skills Required in Strategic Planning.................... 191 What Is Your Decision-Making Style?........................ 231 Is Your Organization a Learning Organization? ...

Managing for Motivation: Keeping Employees



.......... 266

Invested in Their Jobs ................................... 371

HR 101: An Overview...... .................. .......... 303

Reaching Across Time & Space: The Challenge of

How Adaptable Are You? ................................ 334



Managing Virtual Teams............. ................... 407

What Is Your Emotional Intelligence Score? .... ..... .... .. 366

Advancing Your Career: Staying Ahead in the

What Is Your Reaction to Equity Differences? ................ 403


Workplace of Tomorrow ........ ............ ........... 437 .


Communicating by Listening ...................



........ 473




What Is Your Conflict Management Style? ................... 433 Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Leader?........... ...... 469 .

Improving Productivity: Going Beyond Control Techniques to Get the Best Results ........... ............ 507

What Is Your Most Comfortable Learning Style? ...............501


Do You Have Good Time-Management Skills?................. 544

Practical Action Are Lying & Cheating Required to Succeed? ............. . ... 12 .


Executive Functioning: How Good Are You at Focusing Your Thoughts, Controlling Your Impulses, & Avoiding Distractions? ................................... 22 Getting Control of Your Time: Dealing with the Information Deluge in College & in Your Career ............ 30 Mindfulness Over Mindlessness: Learning to Take a

Efficiency versus Effectiveness: "Let Me Speak with a

Contingency Point of View . ...... ................... ... 55 .



Person-Please!" ... ... ... ....... ........ .... .......... .. 5

Going Green: How Businesses & Individuals Can Fight

Losing Competitive Advantage: How Did Newspapers

Global Warming . ................. .................... 87

Lose Their Way?..............................

Being an Effective Road Warrior ...................... ....109

Example of an Intrapreneur: Marissa Mayer




Fall Victim to Offshoring?............... .......... ...... 114 .




... .......... 153 .

Mentoring: The New Rules .......... . ................... 187 .


How Exceptional Managers Make Decisions........... .. .. .




Transition Problems on Your Way Up: How to Avoid the Pitfalls.... 248 Would You Lie Like This on Your Resume? ............... ... 282 .

Applying for a Job? Here Are Some Mistakes to Avoid.......... 283



......... 9

Google News ... ..... ................................ 26 .


Is Cisco's Upsetting of the Traditional Pyramid Hierarchy

How to Achieve Your Important Goals: Don't Keep .


Develops a Researcher's Little Personal Program into

Global Outsourcing: Which Jobs Are Likely to

Every Option Open.. ...................


the Best Way to Organize a Company?.......



............ . 39 .

Application of Behavioral Science Approach: Which Is Better-Competition or Cooperation? ................ 47 Management Science: Do Calorie Postings in Restaurants Change Eating Habits?........ .......................... 49 .

Operations Management: Was Toyota's "Lean Management" the Right Approach? ......................... 49

Open versus Closed Systems: How Successful Jeans

Network Structure: EndoStim, a Medical Device Start-up,

Makers Keep Up ........................................ 52

Operates Virtually ..................................... 257

The Contingency Viewpoint: What Incentives Work in

Modular Structure: Bombardier Builds a Snap-Together

Lean Times? ........................................... 53

Business Jet ......................................... 258

Taking Care of Customers: Obsesses about

Personality Tests: How a Sporting-Goods Chain

"the Customer Experience" ................................74

Screens Job Applicants Online ........................... 286

Local Communities as Stakeholders: What Does a Company Owe its Community? .................. 75 Corporate Social Responsibility: Office-Furniture Maker Herman Miller Competes on Sustainability ....................................... 85 E-Commerce: Resolers to the World ........................105 Small Companies That Get Started More Easily &

Off-the-Job Training: Getting Ahead through E- Learning ....... 289 The 360-Degree Assessment: How Can It Be Compromised? .... 292 Reactive Change: BP Takes a Chance-& Loses Big- Time .........310 Proactive Change: Being Ahead of the Curve with Natural Beef ........................................... 311 Changing Technology: Web 2 . 0 Is Radically Altering

Can Maneuver Faster: Bay- Traders .........................107

How Business Is Done ...................................314

Americans Working Overseas .............................108

Organization Development: Patagonia Tries to Become Greener ...316

Cultural Differences in T ime: Peru Strives for

Achieving Success by Celebrating Failure:

Punctuality ............................................128

3M's On-Again Off-Again On-Again Culture of Innovation ....... 322

Mission Statements for Three Different Companies:

How Values & Attitudes Affect Behavior: IBM Uses an

Marriott, Patagonia, & Etsy ...............................145

"Innovation Jam" to Move Beyond Incremental

Vision Statements for Three Different Companies:

Improvements to Catalytic Innovations ..................... 348

Marriott, Patagonia, & Etsy ...............................145

Extreme Counterproductive Work Behaviors:

Strategic, Tactical, & Operational Goals:

Violence in the Workplace ............................... 352

Southwest Airlines ......................................149

The Halo Effect: Are Attractive Men & Women Paid More

Setting Objectives: Walmart's CEO Lays Out an

Than Ordinary People? .................................. 355

Agenda for Change ......................................154

Higher-Level Needs: One Man Finds a Way to

The Planning/Control Cycle: Apple Keeps Its Products

Measure Integrity ..................................... 376

Secret to Generate Buzz ..................................156

Acquired Needs Theory: The Need for Power of

Developing Competitive Advantage: Is Apple's App Store a

an Ad Agency CEO ..................................... 378

Model for Ford? ........................................167

Use of Expectancy Theory: A Drug Company

Crisis Leading to the Strategic-Management Process:

Ties CEO Pay to Performance ............................. 385

JetBiue Weathers an Ice Storm ............................169 SWOT Analysis: How Would You Analyze Toyota? ...............176 Contingency Planning: Southwest Airlines Uses Hedging to Hold Down Price of Aviation Fuel ...........................178 Which Is Better-Fast or Slow Delivery? Maersk Shipping Line Managers Decide among Alternatives ...................196 What Do Billionaire Warren Buffett & Female Investors Have in Common? Making a Correct Diagnosis ................198 Faulty Implementation: Customer Service Is Often ':Just Talk" .......................................199 Evaluation: The Boeing 787 Dreamliner, a Bet-the-Company Decision ..............................200

Informal Groups & Informal

Learning: Sharing Knowledge

in the Lunchroom & on Social Media ........................410 Team Size: And the Magic Number Is ... ....................417 Team Norms: A Steelmaker Treats Workers Like Owners .........418 Groupthink: Is Nokia Losing Out in Cell Phones? .............. 422 Negative & Positive Conflict: Do Nasty Bosses Get Better Performance? ................................... 424 Communication Problem: "Mr. Hewlett, Why Aren't You at This Important Meeting?" ................. 426 Use of the Dialectic Method: How Anheuser-Busch Debates Important Moves ............................... 429

Evidence-Based Decision Making: "If People Are Your

Cult Leader: Apple's Steve Jobs, "CEO of the Decade" ..........441

Most Important Assets, Why Would You Get

The Superior Performance of Both a Transactional &

Rid of Them?" ......................................... 206

Transformational Leader: PepsiCo's CEO lndra Nooyi .......... 459

Use of Analytics: Could an NBA Star Who Doesn't

Shared Leadership: Tech Companies Spread the Power .........463

Rank High in Scoring, Rebounds, Assists, & Steals Actually Be His Team's Most Valuable Player? ................ 207 Deciding to Decide: How Should MTV Networks React to Broadband Internet? ....................................217 Avoiding Escalation of Commitment: L.L.Bean CEO Is Glad to Reverse Big Decision, Even at a Cost of $500,000 ...............................219 The Corporate Cultures of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals: The Different "Personalities" Within an Organization .......... 238

Servant Leadership: Leaders Who Work for the Led ........... 464 Do Female Executives Have an Edge in Business? Women & Communication ............................... 484 Steps in the Control Process: What's Expected of UPS Drivers? ..........................................514 Initiating a Quality Fix: Crown Audio Redesigns Its Production Line to Eliminate Defective Products .............. 528 Searching for "Best Practices": What Kind of

The Grateful Dead Demonstrates an Adaptive Culture ......... 243

Newspaper Ads Work Best? .............................. 532

Use of a Team-Based Structure:

Break-Even Analysis: Why Do Airfares

Motorola Designs a Cell Phone ............................ 255

Vary So Much? .........................................A4


xxx i

chapter I

The Exceptional Manager What You Do, How You Do It

m 1.1 Management: What It Is, What Its Benefits Are

� 1.5 Roles Managers Must Play Successfully

Major Question: What are the

Major Question: To be an

rewards of being an exceptional

exceptional manager, what roles


must I play successfully?

�� 1.2 Seven Challenges to Being an Exceptional Manager

Major Question: Challenges can

fB 1.6 The Entrepreneurial Spirit

Major Question: Do I have what it

takes to be an entrepreneur?

make one feel alive. What are seven challenges I could look forward to as a manager?

� 1.3 What Managers Do: The Four Principal Functions

Major Question: What would I actually do-that is, what would be my four principal functions­ as a manager?

l[g]ll.4 Pyramid Power: Levels & Areas of Management

Major Question: What are the levels and areas of management I need to know to move up, down, and sideways?

Exceptional 1�11Managers .7 The Skills Need Major Question: To be a terrific manager, what skills should I cultivate?

the manager's toolbox A One-Minute Guide to Success in This Class Got one minute to read this section? It could mean the difference between getting an A instead of a B. Or a B instead of a C. It is our desire to make this book as practical as possible for you. One place we do this is in the Manager's Tool­ box, like this one, which appears at the beginning of every chapter and which offers practical advice appropriate to the subject matter you are about to explore. Here we show you how to be a success in this course.

Four Rules for Success The following four rules will help you be successful in this (or any other) course. •

Rule 1: Attend every class. No cutting allowed.

Rule 2: Don't postpone studying, then cram the night before a test.

Rule 3: Read or review lectures and readings more than once.

Rule 4: Learn how to use this book.

How to Use This Book Most Effectively When reading this book, follow the steps below: •

Get an overview of the chapter by reading over the first page, which contains the section headings and Major Questions.

Read "Forecast: What's Ahead in This Chapter."

Look at the Major Question at the beginning of each section before you read it.

Read the "The Big Picture," which summarizes the section.

Read the section itself (which is usually only 2-6 pages), trying silently to answer the Major Question. This is important!

After reading all sections, use the Key Terms and Summary at the end of the chapter to see how well you understand the major concepts. Reread any material you're unsure about.

If you follow these steps consistently, you'll probably absorb the material well enough that you won't have to cram before an exam; you'll need only to lightly review it before the test.

For Discussion Do you sometimes (often?) postpone keeping up with coursework, then pull an "all-nighter" of studying to catch up before an exam? What do you think happens to people in business who do this?


What's Ahead in This Chapter

We describe the rewards, benefits, and privileges managers might expect. We also describe the seven challenges to managers in today's world. You'll be introduced to the four principal functions of management-planning, organizing, leading, and controlling-and levels and areas of management. We describe the three roles managers must play. Then we consider the contributions of entrepreneurship. Finally, we describe the three skills required of a manager.

the manager's toolbox A

One-Minute Guide to Success in This Class

Got one minute to read this section? It could mean the difference between getting an A instead of a B. Or a B instead of a C. It is our desire to make this book as practical as possible for you. One place we do this is in the Manager's Tool­ box, like this one, which appears at the beginning of every chapter and which offers practical advice appropriate to the subject matter you are about to explore. Here we show you how to be a success in this course.

Four Rules for Success The following four rules will help you be successful in this (or any other) course. •

Rule 1: Attend every class. No cutting allowed.

Rule 2: Don't postpone studying, then cram the night before a test.

Rule 3: Read or review lectures and readings more than once.

Rule 4: Learn how to use this book.

How to Use This Book Most Effectively When reading this book, follow the steps below: •

Get an overview of the chapter by reading over the first page, which contains the section headings and Major Questions.

Read "Forecast: What's Ahead in This Chapter. "

Look at the Major Question at the beginning of each section before you read it.

Read the "The Big Picture," which summarizes the section.

Read the section itself (which is usually only 2-6 pages), trying silently to answer the Major Question. This is important!

After reading all sections, use the Key Terms and Summary at the end of the chapter to see how well you understand the major concepts. Reread any material you're unsure about.

If you follow these steps consistently, you'll probably absorb the material well enough that you won't have to cram before an exam; you'll need only to lightly review it before the test.

For Discussion Do you sometimes (often?) postpone keeping up with coursework, then pull an "all-nighter" of studying to catch up before an exam? What do you think happens to people in business who do this?


What's Ahead in This Chapter

We describe the rewards, benefits, and privileges managers might expect. We also describe the seven challenges to managers in today's world. You'll be introduced to the four principal f unctions of management-planning, organizing, leading, and controlling-and levels and areas of management . We describe the three roles managers must play. Then we consider the contributions of entrepreneurship. Finally, we describe the three skills required of a manager.

m 1.1


major question

What are the rewards of being an exceptional manager? THE BIG PICTURE Management is defined as the pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively. Organizations, or people who work together to achieve a specific pur­ pose, value managers because of the multiplier effect: Good managers have an influence on the organization far beyond the results that can be achieved by one person acting alone. Managers are well paid, with the CEOs and presidents of even small and midsize businesses earning good salaries and many benefits.

In January 2009, Carol Bartz became chief executive officer (CEO) of Yahoo!, the California-based Internet services company that operates the second- or third­ Yahoo! CEO Carol Bartz.

most-visited Web site in the United States (after Google and possibly Facebook).

While CEO with her previous

Yahoo! had been in a financial funk for two years and thus, Bartz observed dryly,

employer, Autodesk, Bartz

"frankly, could use a little management." What induced her, an already well-off

promoted the concept of

veteran manager, to take on such a difficult, high-risk job?

"fail fast-forward," shaping a company to risk failure in some tasks but to move on

Bartz is regarded as a "tough operator" and has great resilience. When she was eight, her mother died, and Bartz was raised by her grandmother. She was

quickly if failure should occur.

one of only two girls in her high school to take physics. She earned a degree in

Bartz attributes this "just deal

computer science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison while supporting

with it" approach to growing

herself as a cocktail waitress. She quit 3M, the manufacturing conglomerate, over

up on a Midwestern farm that encouraged hard work. "The farm won't wait for a better mood." If you were

blatant gender discrimination. She is a breast cancer survivor. A fter early jobs with technology companies DEC and Sun Microsystems, she became CEO of design software maker Autodesk, putting down a rebellion of programmers,

in her shoes, what would

imposing a management hierarchy, and growing annual revenues over 14 years

you consider to be the key

from $285 million to $1.5 billion.1 Now, after a short retirement, she was back

component of managerial success?

working as top manager for Yahoo! because, she says, "I love to work. I love to run companies. I love to help people I work with. And I don't let anything get in the way of doing what I love."2 Yahoo! faces a host of challenges, including threats from Google and Microsoft, and not everyone believes the new CEO is up to the task. However, Bartz is used to being underestimated. "Failure is not in her vocabulary," says an Autodesk product man­ ager. Actually, her favorite motto is "fail fast-forward." "It's about not being afraid to fail," she says, "and if you do, identify it quickly and move ahead fast so no momentum is lost."3 She also embraces change. "I like change. Frankly, it's hard for me to understand why more people don't embrace it." The ability to embrace change and to keep going forward despite failures is important to any manager's survival, and dealing with continuing change-in the world and in the workplace-is a major theme of this book.

The Art of Management Defined Is being an exceptional manager a gift, like a musician having perfect pitch? Not exactly. But in good part it may be an art. Fortunately, it is one that is teachable. Management, said one pioneer of management ideas, is "the art of getting things done through people."4





Getting things done. Through people. Thus, managers are task oriented, achieve­ ment oriented, and people oriented. And they operate within an


a group of people who work together to achieve some specific purpose.

More formally,

management is defined as (1) the pursuit of organizational goals (2) integrating the work of people through (3) planning,

efficiently and effectively by

organizing, leading, and controlling the organization's resources.

Note the words




which basically mean "doing things


Efficiency-the means. Efficiency is the means of attaining the organiza­ efficient means to use resources-people, money, raw

tion's goals. To be

materials, and the like-wisely and cost-effectively.

Ef f ectiveness-the ends. Effectiveness is the organization's ends, the goals. effective means to achieve results, to make the right decisions and to

To be

successfully carry them out so that they achieve the organization's goals.

Good managers are concerned with trying to achieve both qualities. Often, how­ ever, organizations will erroneously strive for efficiency without being effective.

Exam Efficiency versus Effectiveness: 11Let Me Speak with a Person-Please!" We're all now accustomed to having our calls to com­

most telling finding is that 50% of those surveyed had

panies for information and customer support answered

become so irritated that they were willing to pay an

not by people but by automated answering systems.

additional charge for customer service that avoids

efficient for the companies,

going through an automated phone system.8 The head

Certainly this arrangement is

since they no longer need as many em­

of a firm that evaluates the experi­

ployees to answer the phones. But it's

ences of call-center customers says

effective if it leaves us, the custom­

that companies "create more value

ers, fuming and less inclined to continue

through a dialogue with a live agent."

doing business. '�ust give me a person

A call is an opportunity to build a rela­


to speak with, please," pleads a Nevada

tionship, to encourage a customer to

resident.5 Even most online shoppers,

stay with the brand. There can be a

77% to 23%, say they'd prefer to have

real return on this investment.9 Rec­

contact with a real person before they

ognizing this, Netflix, the DVD-by-mail

make a purchase.6

rental company, in 2007 added 24/7

Still, a lot of companies obviously

live operators to deal with customers'

favor efficiency over effectiveness in


their customer service. "The approxi­


mate cost of offering a live, American­ based customer service agent averages somewhere around $7.50 per phone call," says one researcher. "Outsourc­

Effective? Is this irate customer dealing with a company customer-support system that is more efficient than effective?

ing calls to live agents in another coun-

The average wait for customer service at Facebook was 99 minutes (rated "Horrible" by users); for it was I minute ("Excellent"). These and

try brings the average cost down to about $2.35 per

other company wait times and ratings appeared recently


call. Having customers take care of the problem them­

on a Web site called Get Human

selves, through an automated response phone system,

started by technology officer Paul English to try to

averages around 32 cents per call, or contact."7

"change the face of customer service." Get Human also

However, the president of one firm that does sur­

publishes the unpublicized codes for reaching a com­

veys on customer service says that 90% of consumers

pany's human operators and cut-through-automation

say they want nothing to do with an automated tele­

tips.11 What recent unpleasant customer experience

phone system. "They just don't like it," he says. The

would you want to post on this Web site?

The Exceptional Manager




Getting things done. Through people. Thus, managers are task oriented, achieve­ ment oriented, and people oriented. And they operate within an


a group of people who work together to achieve some specific purpose.

More formally,

management is defined as (1) the pursuit of

organizational goals

efficiently and effectively by (2) integrating the work of people through

(3) planning,

organizing, leading, and controlling the organization's resources.

Note the words




which basically mean "doing things


Efficiency-the means. Efficiency is the means of attaining the organiza­ efficient means to use resources-people, money, raw

tion's goals. To be

materials, and the like--wisely and cost-effectively.

Effectiveness-the ends. Effectiveness is the organization's ends, the goals. effective means to achieve results, to make the right decisions and to

To be

successfully carry them out so that they achieve the organization's goals.

Good managers are concerned with trying to achieve both qualities. Often, how­ ever, organizations will erroneously strive for efficiency without being effective.

Exam Efficiency versus Effectiveness: "Let Me Speak with a Person-Please!" We're all now accustomed to having our calls to com­

most telling finding is that 50% of those surveyed had

panies for information and customer support answered

become so irritated that they were willing to pay an

not by people but by automated answering systems.

additional charge for customer service that avoids

efficient for the companies,

going through an automated phone system.8 The head

Certainly this arrangement is

since they no longer need as many em­

of a firm that evaluates the experi­

ployees to answer the phones. But it's

ences of call-center customers says

effective if it leaves us, the custom­

that companies "create more value


ers, fuming and less inclined to continue

through a dialogue with a live agent."

doing business. ':Just give me a person

A call is an opportunity to build a rela­

to speak with, please," pleads a Nevada

tionship, to encourage a customer to

resident.5 Even most online shoppers,

stay with the brand. There can be a

77% to 23%, say they'd prefer to have

real return on this investment.9 Rec­

contact with a real person before they

ognizing this, Netflix, the DVD-by-mail

make a purchase.6

rental company, in 2007 added 24/7 live operators to deal with Cl.lstomers'

Still, a lot of companies obviously


favor efficiency over effectiveness in their customer service. "The approxi­


mate cost of offering a live, American­ based customer service agent averages somewhere around $7.50 per phone call," says one researcher. "Outsourc­

Effective? Is this irate customer dealing with a company customer-support system that is more efficient than effective?

The average wait for customer service at Facebook was 99 minutes (rated "Horrible" by users); for it was I minute ("Excellent"). These and

ing calls to live agents in another country brings the average cost down to about $2.35 per

other company wait times and ratings appeared recently


call. Having customers take care of the problem them­

on a Web site called Get Human

selves, through an automated response phone system,

started by technology officer Paul English to try to

averages around 32 cents per call, or contact."7

"change the face of customer service." Get Human also

However, the president of one firm that does sur­

publishes the unpublicized codes for reaching a com­

veys on customer service says that 90% of consumers

pany's human operators and cut-th-rough-automation

say they want nothing to do with an automated tele­

tips.11 What recent unpleasant customer experience

phone system. "They just don't like it," he says. The

would you want to post on this Web site?

The Exceptional Manager




Why Organizations Value Managers: The Multiplier Effect Some great achievements of history, such as scientific discoveries or works of art, were accomplished by individuals working quietly by themselves. But so much more has been achieved by people who were able to leverage their talents and abilities by being managers.For instance, of the top 10 great architectural won­ ders of the world named by the American Institute of Architects, none was built by just one person. All were triumphs of management, although some reflected the vision of an individual.(The wonders are the Great Wall of China, the Great Pyramid, Machu Picchu, the Acropolis, the Coliseum, the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel Tower, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Empire State Building, and Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater house in Pennsylvania.) Good managers create value.The reason is that in being a manager you have a

multiplier effect: Your influence on the organization is multiplied far beyond the

results that can be achieved by just one person acting alone.Thus, while a solo operator such as a salesperson might accomplish many things and incidentally make a very good living, his or her boss could accomplish a great deal more-and could well earn two to seven times the income.And the manager will undoubtedly have a lot more influence. Exceptional managers are in high demand. "The scarcest, most valuable resource in business is no longer financial capital," says a

Fortune article. "It's

talent.If you doubt that, just watch how hard companies are battling for the best people....Talent of every type is in short supply, but the greatest shortage of all is skilled, effective managers.12 Even in recessionary times-maybe

especially in

such times-companies reach out for top talent.

Financial Rewards of Being an Exceptional Manager Aubrey McClendon. The CEO of Chesapeake Energy earned $112 million (including a $77 million bonus) in 2008, making him one of the highest­ paid managers in the United States that year. What do you

How well compensated are managers? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median weekly wage in 2009 for American workers of all sorts was $748, or $38,896 a year.13 Education pays: The median 2008 yearly income for full-time workers with a bachelor's degree was $48,097 and with a master's degree was $58,522.(For high-school graduates, it was $27,693.)14 The business press frequently reports on the astronomical earnings of top

think your chances are of

chief executive officers such as Chesapeake Energy's CEO Aubrey McClendon,

making over $100 million in

whose 2008 compensation was $112 millionY However, this kind of huge payday

your lifetime?

isn't common. Median compensation for CEOs in North America in 2008 was $2 million, according to a survey of 3,242 participating CEOs.6 1 More usual is the take-home pay for the head of a small busi­ ness: According to recent research, the median salary for a small busi­ ness chief executive was $233,500.(A small business was classified as a company with up to 500 full-time employees.)The national median sal­ ary for a CEO with 500 to 5,000 employees was $500,000, and $849,375 for those at companies with more than 5,000 employees.7 1 Managers farther down in the organization usually don't make this much, of course; nevertheless, they do fairly well compared with most workers.At the lower rungs, managers may make between $25,000 and $50,000 a year; in the middle levels, between $35,000 and $110,000. There are also all kinds of fringe benefits and status rewards that go with being a manager, ranging from health insurance to stock op­ tions to large offices.And the higher you ascend in the management hierarchy, the more privileges may come your way: personal parking space, better furniture, lunch in the executive dining room, on up to­ for those on the top rung of big companies-company car and driver, corporate jet, and even executive sabbaticals (months of paid time off to pursue alternative projects).





What Are the Rewards of Studying & Practicing Management? Are you studying management but have no plans to be a manager? Or are you trying to learn techniques and concepts that will help you be an exceptional man­ agement practitioner? Either way there are considerable rewards.

The Rewards of Studying Management

Students sign up for an introduc­

tory management course for all kinds of reasons. Many, of course, are planning business careers, but others are taking it to fulfill a requirement or an elective. Some students are in technical fields, such as accounting, finance, computer science, and engineering, and never expect to have to supervise other people. Here arejust a few of the payoffs of studying management as a discipline:

You will understand how to deal with organizations from the outside. Since we all are in constant interaction with all kinds of organizations, it helps to un­ derstand how they work and how the people in them make decisions. Such knowledge may give you some defensive skills that you can use in dealing with organizations from the outside, as a customer or investor, for example.

You will understand how to relate to your supervisors.

Since most of us

work in organizations and most of us have bosses, studying management will enable you to understand the pressures managers deal with and how they will best respond to you.

You will understand how to interact with co-workers. The kinds of man­ agement policies in place can affect how your co-workers behave. Study­ ing management can give you the understanding of teams and teamwork, cultural differences, conflict and stress, and negotiation and communica­ tion skills that will help you get along with fellow employees.

You will understand how to manage yourself in the workplace. Management courses in general, and this book in pa�ticular, give you the opportunity to realize insights about yourself-your personality, emotions, values, per­ ceptions, needs, and goals. We help you build your skills in areas such as self-management, listening, handling change, managing stress, avoiding groupthink, and coping with organizational politics.

The Rewards of Practicing Management

Mentoring. Being a manager is an opportunity "to counsel, motivate, advise, guide,

However you become a management

practitioner, there are many rewards-apart from those of money and status-to being a manager:

empower, and influence" other people. Does this sense of accomplishment appeal to you?

You and your employees can experience a sense of accomplish­ ment. Every successful goal accomplished provides you not only with personal satisfaction but also with the satisfaction of all those employees you directed who helped you accomplish it.

You can stretch your abilities and magnify your range.


promotion up the hierarchy of an organization stretches your abilities, challenges your talents and skills, and magnifies the range of your accomplishments.

You can build a catalog of successful products or services. Every product or service you provide-the personal Eiffel Tower or Empire State Building you build, as it w�re-becomes a monu­ ment to your accomplishments. Indeed, studying management may well help you in running your own business. Finally, productivity-improvement expert Odette Pollar of Oakland, California, concludes that this is an opportunity to counsel, motivate, advise, guide, empower, and influence large groups of people. These important skills can be used in business as well as in personal and vol­ unteer activities. If you truly like people and enjoy mentoring and helping others to grow and thrive, management is a greatjob."18


The Exceptional Manager






major question

Challenges can make one feel alive. What are seven challenges I could look forward to as a manager? THE BIG PICTURE Seven challenges face any manager: You need to manage for competitive advantage­ to stay ahead of rivals. You need to manage for diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, and so on, because the future won't resemble the past. You need to manage for the effects of globalization and of information technology. You always need to manage to maintain ethical standards. You need to manage for sustainability-to practice sound environmental policies. Finally, you need to manage for the achievement of your own happiness and life goals.

The ideal state that many people seek is an emotional zone somewhere between boredom and anxiety, in the view of psychologist Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi.19 Boredom, he says, may arise because skills and challenges are mismatched: You are exercising your high level of skill in a job with a low level of challenge, such as licking envelopes. Anxiety arises when one has low levels of skill but a high level of challenge, such as (for many people) suddenly being called upon to give a rous­ ing speech to strangers. As a manager, could you achieve a balance between these two states-boredom and anxiety, or action and serenity? Certainly managers have enough challenges to keep their lives more than mildly interesting. Let's see what they are.

Challenge #I: Managing for Competitive Advantage­ Staying Ahead of Rivals Competitive advantage is the ability of an organization to produce goods or services more effectively than competitors do, thereby outperforming them. This means an organization must stay ahead in four areas: (1) being responsive to customers,

(2) innovation, (3) quality, and (4) efficiency. I. Being Responsive to Customers

the customer.

The first law of business is:

Take care of

Without customers-buyers, clients, consumers, shoppers, users,

patrons, guests, investors, or whatever they're called-sooner or later there will be no organization. Nonprofit organizations are well advised to be responsive to their "customers," too, whether they're called citizens, members, students, patients, voters, rate-payers, or whatever, since they are the justification for the organiza­ tions' existence.

2. Innovation Finding ways to deliver new or better goods or services is called innovation. No organization, for-profit or nonprofit, can allow itself to become complacent-especially when rivals are coming up with creative ideas. "Innovate or die" is an important adage for any manager. We discuss innovation in Chapter 3.

3. Quality

If your organization is the only one of its kind, customers may put

up with products or services that are less than stellar (as they have with some air­ lines whose hub systems give them a near monopoly on flights out of certain cities),





but only because they have no choice. But if another organization comes along and offers a better-quality travel experience, TV program, cut of meat, computer software, or whatever, you may find your company falling behind. Making im­ provements in quality has become an important management idea in recent times, as we shall discuss.

Exam Losing Competitive Advantage: How Did Newspapers Lose Their Way? American newspapers are more widely read than ever before-72 million unique visitors a month in 2009 versus 60 million two years earlier.20 The problem: Many people aren't paying for news; they're getting it free online. Indeed, newspaper revenues have dropped steadily for 20 years, and in 2009 fewer papers were sold than at any other time since the 1940s. Lower revenues have forced newsroom layoffs and thus less original news gathering. What happened to bring this long-standing industry to this point?

First: Giving Away the Product.

At the be­

ginning of the Internet age, newspaper proprietors, seduced by the new technology, decided to promote their product by giving it away for free to various Web sites. They didn' t reckon on more and more readers (especially younger ones) preferring to get their news online, particularly if it was free.

Kindle OX. After the success of its book-size Kindle 2, OX, with a 9.7-inch screen, designed to be used

introduced the Kindle

for electronic newspapers and magazines.

Second: Relying Too Much on Advertising for Revenue. Even before the Web came along, for decades publishers relied for revenues more on adver­

to citizens participating in their government. How­

tising than on readers willing to pay, and so were dis­

ever, the disciplined function of gathering and veri­

counting subscriptions, providing premiums, and giving

fying original news is expensive, not something most

away copies to boost readership figures to attract

bloggers and other Web opinion makers can do.

advertisers. "The new Internet editions," says a veteran

Some critics suggest it's too late for newspapers to

newsman, "were merely the ultimate extension of that

now begin charging readers for online news, but The

trend: free news to the consumer; total reliance on the

Wall Street Journal, a specialized business paper,

advertiser."21 But because of search sites and many

has done it for years, and The New York Times plans

other new competitors, online ads produced only a

to do so.22 Other sites, such as Politico and TMZ, dig

fraction of the revenues of print ads. In addition, clas­

for news, but none fulfill the traditional role of tradi­

sified ads, the lifeblood of newspapers, migrated to

tional newspapers.23 Some publishers are working

Craigslist and eBay.

on re fashioning their brands for a tablet world, such as the Kindle DX or the Apple iPad.24 What


do you think newspaper proprietors should do to

Newspapers are protected by the U.S. C onstitution

exploit their competitive advantage-professional

because the free flow of news is considered essential

news gathering?

4. Efficiency

A generation ago, organizations rewarded employees for their

length of service. Today, however, the emphasis is on efficiency: Companies strive to produce goods or services as quickly as possible using as few em­ ployees (and raw materials) as possible. Although a strategy that downgrades the value of employees might ultimately backfire-resulting in the loss of

The Exceptional Manager




essential experience and skills and even customers-an organization that is overstaffed may not be able to compete with leaner, meaner rivals. This is the reason why, for instance, today many companies rely so much on temp (tempo­ rary) workers.25

Challenge #2: Managing for Diversity-The Future Won't Resemble the Past Today nearly one in six American workers is foreign-born, the highest proportion since the 1920s.26 But greater changes are yet to come. By midcentury, the mix of American racial or ethnic groups will change considerably, with the United States becoming half (54%) racial or ethnic minority. Non-Hispanic whites are projected to decrease from 66% of the population in 2008 to 46% in 2050. African Americans will increase from 14% to 15%, Asians and Pacific Islanders from 5.1% to 9.2%, and Hispanics (who may be of any race) from 15% to 30%. In addition, in the coming years there will be a different mix of women, immigrants, and older peo­ ple in the general population, as well as in the workforce. For instance, in 2030, nearly one in five U.S. residents is expected to be 65 and older. This age group is projected to increase to 88.5 million in 2050, more than doubling the number in 2008 (38.7 million).27 Some scholars think that diversity and variety in staffing produce organiza­ tional strength, as we consider elsewhere.28 Clearly, however, the challenge to the manager of the near future is to maximize the contributions of employees diverse in gender, age, race, and ethnicity. We discuss this matter in more detail in Chapter 3.

Challenge #3: Managing for Globalization-The Expanding Management Universe "In Japan it is considered rude to look directly in the eye for more than a few sec­ onds," says a report about teaching Americans how to behave abroad, "and in Greece the hand-waving gesture commonly used in America for goodbye is con­ sidered an insult."29 The point: Gestures and symbols don't have the same meaning to everyone The famous golden arches.

This McDonald's store in Beijing is an example of globalization.

throughout the world. Not understanding such differences can affect how well organizations manage globally. American firms have been going out into the world in a major way, even as the world has been coming to us-leading to what New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has called, in The World Is Flat, a phenomenon in which globalization has leveled (made "flat") the competitive playing fields between industrial and emerging-market countries.30 Managing for globalization will be a complex, ongoing challenge, as we discuss at length in Chapter 4.

Challenge #4: Managing for Information Technology The challenge of managing for inforilTiation technology, not to mention other technologies affecting your business, will require your unflagging attention. Most important is the Internet, the global network of independently operating but inter­ connected computers, linking hundreds of thousands of smaller networks around '

the world.

By 2012, more than a billion consumers are projected to spend $1.2 trillion online, and online commerce between businesses will be 10 times larger, totaling $1.2 trillion, according to IDC Research.31 This kind of e-commerce, or electronic commerce-the buying and selling of goods or services over computer networks-is





reshaping entire industries and revamping the very notion of what a company is. More important than e-commerce, the information technology has facilitated


using the Internet to facilitate


aspect of running a business. As

one article puts it, "at bottom, the Internet is a tool that dramatically lowers the cost of communication. That means it can radically alter any industry or activity that depends heavily on the flow of information."32 Some of the implications of e-business that we will discuss throughout the book are as follows: Far-ranging e-management and e-communication. Using wired and wire­

less telephones, fax machines, electronic mail, or



and documents transmitted over a computer network-as well as

management soft ware-programs


for planning and scheduling the people,

costs, and resources to complete a project on time-2 1 st-century managers

will find themselves responsible for creating, motivating, and leading teams of specialists all over the world. This will require them to be masters of organizational communication, able to create concise, powerful e-mail and voice-mail messages. Accelerated decision making, conflict, and stress. The Internet not only

speeds everything up, it also, with its huge, interconnected


computerized collections of interrelated files-can overwhelm us with

information, much of it useful, much of it not. For example, studies show that employees lose valuable time and productivity when dealing with excessive and unimportant e-mail volume and increasing amounts of cell-phone spam (junk messages).33 Among the unavoidable by-products are increased conflict and stress, although, as we will show, these can be managed. Changes in organizational structure, jobs, goal setting, and knowledge management. With computers and telecommunications technology, orga­

nizations and teams become "virtual"; they are no longer as bound by time zones and locations. Employees, for instance, may



work from home or remote locations using a variety of information tech­ nologies. Meetings may be conducted via


using video

and audio links along with computers to let people in different locations see, hear, and talk with one another. In addition,

collaborative computing,


state-of-the-art computer software and hardware, will help people work better together. Goal setting and feedback will be conducted via Web­

based software programs such as eWorkbench, which enables managers to create and track employee goals. All such forms of interaction will require managers and employees to be more flexible, and there will be an increased emphasis on

knowledge management-the

implementing of systems and

practices to increase the sharing of knowledge and information throughout an organization.

Challenge #5: Managing for Ethical Standards With the pressure to meet sales, production, and other targets, managers can find themselves confronting ethical dilemmas. What do you do when you learn an employee dropped a gyroscope but put it in the helicopter anyway in order to hold the product's delivery date? How much should you allow your sales reps to knock the competition? How much leeway do you have in giving gifts to prospective clients in a foreign country to try to land a contract? In an era of global warming and rising sea levels, what is your responsibility to "act green"-avoid company policies that are damaging to the environment?

The Exceptional Manager




Ethical behavior is not just a nicety; it World's biggestfraud. Financier

is a very important part of doing business.

Bernard Madoff got away with

This was certainly made clear in December

the world's biggest fraud for

2008, when financier Bernard Madoff con­

years, and he might still be in business had not his scheme

fessed that his investments were all "one big

been undermined by the

lie"-not investments at all, but rather a

2007-2008 recession. At age 71,

$50 billion scheme (Ponzi scheme), using cash

he was sentenced to 150 years

from newer investors to pay off older ones. 34

in prison. If you're tempted to

A few months later, the perpetrator of the

stretch your ethics in order to

world's biggest fraud, then age 71, was sen­

pass a college course, do you think you'd do the same in

tenced to 150 years in prison. 35 Madoff joins

business, where the pressures

a long list of business scoundrels whose

can be even worse?

names came to light in the early 21st cen­ tury. Earlier there were Tyco International CEO Dennis Kozlowski (now serving prison time for grand larceny, securities fraud, and other crimes), WorldCom head Bernard Ebbers (doing 25 years for fraud), Adelphia CEO John Rigas (15 years for conspiracy and bank fraud), and former Enron chief Jeffrey Skilling (24 years for similar white-collar crimes). Not since sociologist Edwin Sutherland invented the term "white-collar crime" in the 1930s were so many top-level executives being hauled into court. We consider ethics in Chapter 3 and elsewhere in the book.

Practical Action Are Lying & Cheating Required to Succeed? Today's teenagers and young adults are much more

likely than their parents "to believe they're great people, destined for maximum success as workers, spouses, and parents/' says an article summarizing a study spanning the years

1975 to 2006.36 In part, this

may be because their parents were much more likely to praise them. Nothing wrong with self-confidence. But another study suggests a more troubling trend: Teenagers and young adults are more cynical than people over

40 and

"are more likely to believe it is necessary to lie or cheat to succeed."37 The study, by the Los Angeles-based Josephson Institute of Ethics, found that younger generations are more likely to engage in dishonest conduct, including cheating on exams in high school, which meant they were "at least twice as likely to become unethical adults." Some of the findings include the following:38 •


17 and younger in 2008, 64% cheated on an exam, 42% lied to save money, and 30% stole something from a store. Of teenagers

17 or under are five times more likely than adults over 50 to believe that lying and cheating are necessary to succeed (51% versus 10%) and four times more likely to deceive their boss (31% versus 8%).





Young adults

(18-24) are more than twice as likely

to lie to their boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or part­ ner about something significant •

(48% versus 18%).

Regardless of age, people who believe that lying and cheating are a necessary part of success are more likely, in fact, to lie and cheat. They are three times more likely to misrepresent themselves on a resume; three times more likely to lie to a customer; more than twice as likely to conceal or distort information to their boss; and much more likely to illegally copy software, videos, or music.

Your Call The Josephson Institute suggests that parents can take a TEAM (Teach. Enforce. Advocate. Model.) approach to help children learn the importance of honesty. But perhaps companies can also take steps to create ethical employees and customers-building trust by trusting. One New York doughnut shop owner, for example, began letting customers make their own change from coins left out on the counter. The result: faster service, more loyal customers, and a leg up on his competitors. Do you think companies should trust their employees on how much vacation to take and not require manage­ ment approval of expense reports? Do you think such companies would generally have loyal employees?39

Challenge #6: Managing for Sustainability­ The Business of Green An apparently changing climate, bringing increased damage from hurricanes, floods, and fires throughout the United States and the world, has brought the issue of "being green" to increased prominence. Former U.S. Vice President AI Gore's documentary film An Inconvenient Truth, along with his book by the same name, further popularized the concepts of global climate change and the idea of sustainability as a business model.40 Our economic system has brought prosperity, but it has also led to unsustainable business practices because it has assumed that natural re­ sources are limitless, which they are not. Sustainability is defined as economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.41 In the United States, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is supposed to represent the views of business, has been resistant to climate change legislation.42 However, a number of companies, including Apple Inc. and Pacific Gas & Electric, re­ signed from the Chamber in protest.43 Perhaps, then, business can begin to take the lead. After years of being slow to address climate change, major corporations-including industrial giants that make products ranging from electricity to chemicals to bulldozers-have begun to call for limits on global warming emissions.44

Challenge #7: Managing for Your Own Happiness & Life Goals Ann Garcia had the view that good managers push decision making down, spread the compliments, and take the blame, but after being given a team to manage at her technology company, she gave it up. "I'm just not a big enough person all the time to want to do that," she said. "Many of us realize that we don't want the career path that corporate America has to offer."45 Some employment experts counsel that the lesson of today is that you're working for yourself-that employees should identify themselves with the job, not the company.46 Regardless of how well paid you are, then, you have to consider whether in meeting the organization's challenges you are also meeting the chal­ lenge of realizing your own happiness. Many people simply don't find being a manager fulfilling.47 They may complain that they have to go to too many meetings, that they can' t do enough for their employees, that they are caught in the middle between bosses and subordinates. They may feel, at a time when Dilbert cartoons have created such an unflattering portrayal of managers, that they lack respect. They may decide that, despite the greater income, money cannot buy happiness, as the adage goes. In the end, however, recall what Odette Pollar said: "If you truly like people and enjoy mentoring and helping others to grow and thrive, management is a great job." And it helps to know, as she points out, that "one's experience in man­ agement is greatly affected by the company's culture."48 Culture, or style, is indeed an important matter, because it affects your happiness within an organization, and we discuss it in detail in Chapter 8.49


The Exceptional Manager






major question

What would I actually do-that is, what would be my four principal functions-as a manager? THE BIG PICTURE Management has four functions:

planning, organizing, leading,



What do you as a manager do to "get things done"-that is, achieve the stated goals of the organization you work for? You perform what is known as the

management process,

also called the

four management functions:


organizing, leading, and controlling. (The abbreviation "POLC" may help you to

remember them.) As the diagram below illustrates, all these functions affect one another, are ongoing, and are performed simultaneously.

(See Figure 1.1.)

figure 1.1 Planning


You set goals and

What you as a manager

decide how to

do to "get things done"­

achieve them.

to achieve the stated

Organizing You arrange tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish the work.

goals of your organization.



You monitor

You motivate, direct,

perfor mance, compare

and otherwise

it with goals,

influence people to

and take corrective

work hard to achieve

action as needed.

the organization's goals.

Although the process of management can be quite complex, these four func­ tions represent its essential principles. Indeed, as a glance at our text's table of contents shows, they form four of the part divisions of the book. Let's consider what the four functions are, using the management (or "administration," as it is called in nonprofit organizations) of your college to illustrate them.

Planning: Discussed in Part 3 of This Book Planning is defined as setting goals and

deciding how to achieve them. Your college

was established for the purpose of educating students, and its present managers, or administrators, now must decide the best way to accomplish this. Which of several possible degree programs should be offered? Should the college be a resi­ dential or a commuter campus? What sort of students should be recruited and





Leading. Steve Jobs, cofounder and CEO of Apple Inc. and Pixar Animation, is famous for being an innovative leader. Do you think you have the ability to take the kind of risks he has?

admitted? What kind of faculty should be hired? What kind of buildings and equipment are needed?

Organizing: Discussed in Part 4 of This Book Organizing is defined as arranging tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish the work. College administrators must determine the tasks to be done, by whom,

and what the reporting hierarchy is to be. Should the institution be organized into schools with departments, with department chairpersons reporting to deans who in return report to vice presidents? Should the college hire more full-time instructors than part-time instructors? Should English professors teach just English literature or also composition, developmental English, and "first-year experience" courses?

Leading: Discussed in Part 5 of This Book Leading is defined as motivating, directing, and otherwise influencing people to work hard to achieve the organization's goals. At your college, leadership begins, of

course, with the president (who would be the chief executive officer, or CEO, in a for-profit organization). He or she is the one who must inspire faculty, staff, students, alumni, wealthy donors, and residents of the surrounding community to help realize the college's goals. As you might imagine, these groups often have different needs and wants, so an essential part of leadership is resolving conflicts.

Controlling: Discussed in Part 6 of This Book Controlling is defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed. Is the college discovering that fewer students are

majoring in nursing than they did five years previously? Is the fault with a change in the job market? with the quality of instruction? with the kinds of courses offered? Are the Nursing Department's student recruitment efforts not going well? Should the department's budget be reduced? Under the management function of controlling, college administrators must deal with these kinds of matters.

The Exceptional Manager







major question

What are the levels and areas of management I need to know to move up, down, and sideways? THE BIG PICTURE Within an organization, there are managers at three levels:


Managers may also be

general managers,

top, middle,

or they may be functional

and first­ managers,

responsible for just one organizational activity, such as Research & Development, Marketing, Finance, Production, or Human Resources. Managers may work for for-profit, nonprofit, or mutual-benefit organizations.

The workplace of the future may resemble a symphony orchestra, famed manage­ ment theorist Peter Drucker said.50 Employees, especially so-called knowledge workers-those who have a great deal of technical skills-can be compared to concert musicians. Their managers can be seen as conductors. In Drucker's analogy, musicians are used for some pieces of music-that is, work projects-and not others, and they are divided into different sections (teams) based on their instruments. The conductor's role is not to play each instrument better than the musicians but to lead them all through the most effective perfor­ mance of a particular work . This model is in sharp contrast to the traditional pyramid-like organizational model, where one leader sits at the top, with layers of managers beneath. We there­ fore need to take a look at the traditional arrangement first.

The Traditional Management Pyramid: Levels & Areas A new Silicon Valley technology start-up company staffed by young people in sandals and shorts may be so small and so loosely organized that only one or two members may be said to be a manager. General Motors or the U.S. Army, in contrast, has thousands of managers doing thousands of different things. Is there a picture we can draw that applies to all the different kinds of organizations and describes them in ways that make sense? Yes: by levels and by areas, as the pyramid on the next page shows.

(See Figure 1.2.)

Three Levels of Management Not everyone who works in an organization is a manager, of course, but those who are may be classified into three levels-top, middle, and first-line.

Top Managers

Their offices may be equipped with expensive leather chairs and

have lofty views. Or, as with one Internet service provider (ISP), they may have plastic lawn chairs in the CEO's office and beat-up furniture in the lobby. What­ ever their decor, an organization's top managers tend to have titles such as "chief executive officer (CEO)," "chief operating officer (COO)," "president," and "senior vice president." Some may be the stars in their fields, the men and women whose pictures appear on the covers of business magazines, people such as MySpace cofounders Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe or PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, who appeared on the cover of


or former eBay CEO Meg Whitman or AT&T CEO

Ed Whitacre, who were on the cover of






As we've seen, the salaries and

figure 1.2 THE LEVELS AND AREAS OF Top managers

Levels of



Top managers make long­ term decisions, middle managers implement those decisions, and first-line managers make

Middle managers

short-term decisions.

First-line managers

Nonmanagerial personnel







Human One kind of top manager.


Jeffrey lmmelt, chairman and CEO, has worked at General Electric for over 28 years. Known for its consumer

bonuses can average $290,000 a year for CEOs and presidents of small and mid­

appliances, GE also sells

size companies to far over $10 million for top executives in large companies.

aircraft engines, lighting, and

make long-term decisions about the overall direction of the orga­ nization and establish the objectives, policies, and strategies for it. They need to pay Top managers

a lot of attention to the environment outside the organization, being alert for long-run opportunities and problems and devising strategies for dealing with

medical imaging equipment. Do you see yourself joining a company and staying with it for life, as lmmelt did, or is that even possible anymore?

them. Thus, executives at this level must be future oriented, dealing with uncertain, highly competitive conditions. These people stand at the summit of the management pyra­ mid. But the nature of a pyramid is that the farther you climb, the less space remains at the top. Thus, most pyramid climbers never get to the apex . However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try. Indeed, you might end up atop a much smaller pyramid of some other organization than the one you started out in-and happier with the result.

Middle Managers Middle managers implement the policies and plans of the top managers above them and supervise and coordinate the activities of the first-line managers below them. In the nonprofit world, middle managers may have titles such as "clinic director," "dean of student services," and the like. In the for-profit world, the titles may be "division head," "plant manager," and "branch sales manager." Their salaries may range from under $50,000 up to $110,000 a year. Sometimes the titles have become more creative, in accordance with the changing face of management. For instance, now there are titles such as chief security officer, chief sales officer, chief revenue officer, and chief investment officer. A company may also have a "chief learning officer" in charge of training, a "chief green (or sustainability)

The Exceptional Manager




officer" in charge of environmental concerns, and even a "chief beer officer," a position created by the Sheraton Hotels Four Points chain for a person who selects beers for hotel menus and leads brewery tours. 51

First-Line Managers

The job titles at

the bottom of the managerial pyramid tend to be on the order of "department head," "foreman" or "forewoman," "team leader," or "supervisor"--clerical supervisor, produc­ tion supervisor, research supervisor, and so on. Indeed, supervisor is the name often given to first-line managers as a whole. Their sala­ ries may run from $25,000 to $50,000 a year. Following the plans of middle and top

first-line managers make short­ term operating decisions, directing the daily tasks of nonmanagerial personnel, who managers,

Top manager of another sort. Mark Zuckerberg, shown at the Palo Alto, California, headquarters of Face book,

are, of course, all those people who work directly at their jobs but don't oversee the work of others. No doubt the job of first-line manager will be the place where you would start

has become one of today's most watched techno­

your managerial career. This can be a valuable experience because it will be the

entrepreneurs. Zuckerberg

training and testing ground for your management ideas.

founded the well-known social networking site in his dorm room at Harvard during a semester break in 2004. Do you think a top manager is always adventurous?

Areas of Management: Functional Managers versus General Managers We can represent the levels of management by slicing the organizational pyramid horizontally. We can also slice the pyramid vertically to represent the organiza­ tion's departments or functional areas, as we did in Figure 1.2. In a for-profit technology company, these might be Research & Development, Marketing, Finance, Production, and Human Resources. In a nonprofit college, these might be Faculty, Student Support Staff, Finance, Maintenance, and Admin­ istration. Whatever the names of the departments, the organization is run by two types of managers-functional and general. (These are line managers, with authority to direct employees. Staff managers mainly assist line managers).

Functional Managers

If your title is Vice President of Production, Director

of F inance, or Administrator for Human Resources, you are a functional man­ ager. A

functional manager is responsible for just one organizational activity.

Marissa Mayer, who joined Google as the search company's first female engineer, is now Vice President of Search Products & User Experience, responsible for overseeing the development of Web search, Google Earth, Google Desktop, and several other products. Leading this specialized sort of research-and-development activity makes her a functional manager.

General Managers

If you are working in a small organization of, say, 100 peo­

ple and your title is Executive Vice President, you are probably a general manager over several departments, such as Production and F inance and Human Resources. A

general manager is responsible for several organizational activities.

At the top

of the pyramid, general managers are those who seem to be the subject of news stories in magazines such as Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Inc., and Fast Company. Examples are big-company CEO Jeffrey R . Immelt of General Electric and former CEO Anne Mulcahy of Xerox Corp. It also includes small-company CEOs such as Gayle Martz, who heads Sherpa's Pet Trading Co., a $4 million New York company with 10 employees that sells travel carriers for dogs and cats. But not all general managers are in for-profit organizations.





Dr. R ick Aubry is president of Rubicon Programs, a San Francisco-area nonprofit formed after California state psychiatric hospitals were closed in 1973. The organization funds training, housing, and employment programs that have helped thousands of former patients and disabled, impoverished, and homeless people reenter society. Rubicon funds most of its $18 million annual budget from its rental properties, enterprises, and services, such as the Rubicon Bakery and Rubicon Landscape Services, which also provide job training. Aubrey makes a point of running Rubicon like a business, reflecting the strategic vision of a top-level general manager.52 Rubicon was a recipient of

Fast Company


2008 Social Capitalist awardsY

Managers for Three Types of Organizations: For-Profit, Nonprofit, Mutual-Benefit There are three types of organizations classified according to the three purposes for which they are formed-for-profit


and mutual-benefit. 54

I. For-Profit Organizations: For Making Money


For-profit, or business,

organizations are formed to make money, or profits, by offering products or services. When most people think of "management," they think of business orga­ nizations, ranging from Allstate to Zenith, from Amway to Zagat.

Nonprofit manager. A general manager is responsible for several organizational activities. Rick Aubry oversees a nonprofit organization serving 4,000

2. Nonprofit Organizations: For Offering Services

Managers in nonprofit

organizations are often known as "administrators." Nonprofit organizations may

people annually with $18 million annual revenues. Do you think managerial skills

be either in the public sector, such as the University of California, or in the private

are different for nonprofit and

sector, such as Stanford University. Either way, their purpose is to offer services to

for-profit organizations?

some clients, not to make a profit. Examples of such organizations are hospitals, colleges, and social-welfare agencies (the Salvation Army, the Red Cross). One particular type of nonprofit organization is called the


commonweal organi­ some clients,

Unlike nonprofit service organizations, which offer services to

commonweal organizations offer services to


clients within their jurisdictions.

Examples are the military services, the U.S. Postal Service, and your local fire and police departments. Mutual-benefit

3. Mutual-Benefit Organizations: For Aiding Members

organizations are voluntary collections of members-political parties, farm coopera­ tives, labor unions, trade associations, and clubs-whose purpose is to advance members' interests.

Do Managers Manage Differently for Different Types of Organizations? If you become a manager, would you be doing the same types of things regardless of the type of organization? Generally you would be; that is, you would be per­ forming the four management functions-planning, organizing, leading, and controlling-that we described in Section 1.3. The single biggest difference, however, is that in a for-profit organization, the measure of its success is how much profit (or loss) it generates. In the other two types of organization, although income and expenditures are very important con­ cerns, the measure of success is usually the effectiveness of the services delivered­ how many students were graduated, if you're a college administrator, or how many crimes were prevented or solved, if you're a police chief.


The Exceptional Manager






major question

To be an exceptional manager, what roles must I play successfully? THE BIG PICTURE Managers tend to work long hours at an intense pace; their work is characterized by fragmentation, brevity, and variety; and they rely more on verbal than on written communication. According to management scholar Henry Mintzberg, managers play three roles


in terpersonal informational, ,




sonal roles include figurehead, leader, and liaison activities. Informational roles are monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson. Decisional roles are entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator.

Clearly, being a successful manager requires playing several different roles and exercising several different skills. W hat are they?

The Manager's Roles: Mintzberg's Useful Findings Maybe, you think , it might be interesting to shadow some managers to see what it is, in fact, they actually do. That's exactly what management scholar Henry

Mintzberg did when , in the late 1960s, he followed five chief executives around for a week and recorded their working lives. 55 And what he found is valuable to know, since it applies not only to top managers but also to managers on all levels. Multitasking. Multiple activities are characteristic of a manager-which is why so many managers carry a smart phone to keep track of their schedules. Many students already use these. Do you?

Consider this portrait of a manager's workweek: "There was no break in the pace of activity during office hours," reported Mintzberg about his subjects. "The mail (average of 36 pieces per day), telephone calls (average of five per day), and meetings (average of eight) accounted for almost every minute from the moment these executives entered their offices in the morning until they departed in the evening."56 Only five phone calls per day? And, of course, this was back in an era before e-mail, texting, and Twitter, which nowadays can shower some executives with 100, even 300, messages a day. Indeed, says Ed Reilly, who heads the American Management Association, all the e-mail, cell-phone calls, text messaging, and so on can lead people to end up "concentrating on the urgent rather than the important. "57 Obviously, the top manager's life is extraordinarily busy. Here are three of Mintzberg's findings, important for any prospective manager:

I. A Manager Relies More on Verbal Than on Written Communication

Writing letters, memos, and reports takes time.

Most managers in Mintzberg's research tended to get and transmit information through telephone conversations and meetings. No doubt this is still true, although the technology of e-mail and texting now makes it possible to communicate almost as rapidly in writing as with the spoken word.

2. A Manager Works Long Hours at an Intense Pace


true break seldom occurred," wrote Mintzberg about his subjects.





A Mintzberg manager. John T. Chambers, CEO of network gear maker Cisco Systems, relies more on verbal than on written communication, works long hours, and experiences an "interrupt-driven day." Interestingly, Chambers is successful despite having had lifelong dyslexia, the common language-related learning disability. He compensates by leaving 40 or 50 voice mails a day, studies summaries in briefing binders, and tapes videos for employees. What kind of personal adversity have you had to overcome?

"Coffee was taken during meetings, and lunchtime was almost always devoted to formal or informal meetings." Long hours at work are standard, he found, with 50 hours being typical and up to 90 hours not unheard of. A 1999 survey by John P. Kotter of the Harvard Business School found that the general managers he studied worked just under

60 hours per week . 58 Are such hours really necessary? Three decades following the Mintzberg research, Linda Stroh, Director of Workplace Studies at Loyola University Chicago, did a study that found that people who work more also earn more. "Those managers who worked 61 hours or more per week had earned, on average, about two promotions over the past five years," she reported. 59 Prior to the 2008 recession, researchers at Purdue and McGill universities found that more com­ panies were allowing managers to reduce their working hours and spend more time with their families yet still advance their high-powered careers.60 However, during economic hard times, top managers may be more apt to see subordinates' work-life flexibility as a "perk" they can no longer afford.

3. A Manager's Work Is Characterized by Fragmentation, Brevity, & Variety

Only about a tenth of the managerial activities observed by Mintzberg

took more than an hour; about half were completed in under 9 minutes. Phone calls averaged 6 minutes, informal meetings 10 minutes, and desk-work sessions 15 minutes. "When free time appeared," wrote Mintzberg, "ever-present subordi­ nates quickly usurped it." No wonder the executive's work time has been characterized as "the interrupt­ driven day" and that many managers-such as the late Mary Kay Ash, head of the Mary Kay Cosmetics company-get up as early as 5 A.M. so that they will have a quiet period in which to work undisturbed.61 No wonder that finding balance between work and family lives is an ongoing concern and that many managers-such as Dawn Lepore, executive V.P. of discount broker Charles Schwab & Co.-have become "much less tolerant of activities that aren't a good

use of my time" and so have become better delegators.62

It is clear from Mintzberg's work that time and task management are major challenges for every manager. The Practical Action box on the next page, "Execu­ tive F unctioning: How Good Are You at Focusing Your Thoughts, Controlling Your Impulses, & Avoiding Distractions," examines this challenge further. The box "Getting Control of Your Time: Dealing with the Information Deluge in College & in Your Career" at the end of this chapter also offers some important suggestions.

The Exceptional Manager




Practical Action Executive Functioning: How Good Are You at Focusing Your Thoughts, Controlling Your Impulses, & Avoiding Distractions? Managers are executives, of course, and good managers

(equivalent to a seven-foot stack of Dan Brown novels)

have what psychologists call good "executive function­

in 2008, and you can see that the challenges to staying

ing." This is a psychological, rather than a workplace,

focused are overwhelming.66

term that involves the ability to manage oneself and

"Life," says Winifred Gallagher, author of Rapt, "is the

one's resources in order to achieve a goal. Specifically,

sum of what you focus on."67 Another writer says, "You

this means the ability to focus your thoughts, control

can drive yourself crazy trying to multitask and answer

your impulses, and avoid distractions.63 How good is your executive functioning right now?

every e-mail message instantly. Or you can recognize your brain's finite capacity for processing information."68

A recent study found that 8- to 18-year-olds spend

When you read this textbook while listening to music and

more than lY2 hours a day on smart phones, computers,

watching TV, you may think you're simultaneously doing

TVs, or other electronic devices. And, because so many

three separate tasks, but you're really not. "It's like play­

of them are multitasking-as in listening to music while

ing tennis with three balls," says one expert.69

surfing the Web-they pack on average nearly II hours of media content into those lY2 hours.64 Today 16- to

Your Call

18-year-olds multitask by performing seven tasks on

Do you procrastinate about getting your work done?

average in their free time-such as watching TV while

Most people do-and in fact the problem has worsened

texting on their cell phone, sending instant messages,

over the years: Today about 26% of Americans think of

and checking in with Facebook-according to psychol­

themselves as chronic procrastinators, up from 5% in

ogy researcher Larry Rosen.65 Add to that the fact that

1978. The reason: too many tempting diversions, espe­

U.S. households consumed a mind-boggling average of

cially electronic ones.7° Is this a problem for you? What

33.8 gigabytes of information and 10,845 trillion words

can you do to improve your "executive functioning"?

Three Types of Managerial Roles Three Types of Managerial Roles: Interpersonal, Informational, & Decisional From his observations and other research, Mintzberg concluded that managers play three broad types of roles or "organized sets of behavior":

interpersonal, informational, and decisional. In their interpersonal roles, managers interact with people inside and outside their work units. The three interpersonal roles include figurehead, leader, and liaison activities. 1. Interpersonal Roles-Figurehead, Leader, and Liaison

2. Informational Roles-Monitor, Disseminator, and Spokesperson


most important part of a manager's job, Mintzberg believed, is information handling, because accurate information is vital for making intelligent decisions. In their three informational roles-as monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson­ managers receive and communicate information with other people inside and out­ side the organization.

3. Decisional Roles-Entrepreneur, Disturbance Handler, Resource Allocator, and Negotiator In their decisional roles, managers use information to make deci­ sions to solve problems or take advantage of opportunities. The four decision-making roles are entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. These roles are summarized on the next page.

(See Table 1.1.)

Did anyone say a manager's job is easy? Certainly it's not for people who want to sit on the sidelines of life. Above all else, managers are







tab I e 1.1


Broad Managerial Roles

Types of Roles


Figurehead role

Description In your figurehead role, you show visitors around your company, attend employee birthday parties, and present

Managerial Roles

ethical guidelines to your subordinates. In other words, you perform symbolic tasks that represent your organization. Leadership role

In your role of leader, you are responsible for the actions of your subordinates, since their successes and failures reflect on you. Your leadership is expressed in your decisions about training, motivating, and disciplining people.

Liaison role

In your liaison role, you must act like a politician, working with other people outside your work unit and organization to develop alliances that will help you achieve your organization's goals.


Monitor role

As a monitor, you should be constantly alert for useful information, whether gathered from newspaper stories

Managerial Roles

about the competition or gathered from snippets of conversation with subordinates you meet in the hallway. Disseminator role

Workers complain they never know what's going on? That probably means their supervisor failed in the role of

disseminator. Managers need to constantly disseminate important information to employees, as via e-mail and meetings. Spokesperson role

You are expected, of course, to be a diplomat, to put the best face on the activities of your work unit or organization to people outside it. This is the informational role of

spokesperson. Decisional

Entrepreneur role

A good manager is expected to be an entrepreneur, to initiate and encourage change and innovation.

Managerial Roles Disturbance

Unforeseen problems-from product defects to international

handler role

currency crises-require you be a disturbance handler, fixing problems.


Because you'll never have enough time, money, and so on,

allocator role

you'll need to be a resource allocator, setting priorities about use of resources.

Negotiator role

To be a manager is to be a continual negotiator, working with others inside and outside the organization to accomplish your goals.

The Exceptional Manager






major question

Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? THE BIG PICTURE Entrepreneurship, a necessary attribute of business, means taking risks to create a new enterprise. It is expressed through two kinds of innovators, the entrepreneur and the intrapreneur.

Yelp is the 2004 brainchild of Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons, two engineers in their twenties working for PayPal, the online payments firm in California's Silicon Valley, who wanted to make it easier for consumers to find good businesses and avoid bad ones. "What they created ," says one account, "was an online yellow pages with attitude. Yelp lets anyone critique any business and grade it, with ratings from one star to five stars."71 All kinds of businesses are rated, from restaurants to mechanics to dentists. While the idea of rating busi­ nesses is not new, Yelp uses a special algorithm (step-by-step problem-solving procedure) that determines which reviews are deleted, which featured prominently, and which displayed inconspicuously. And the company keeps the algorithm a closely guarded secret. T he idea for Yelp came to Stoppelman and Simmons over lunch one fall, when they talked about building a Web site for people to e-mail friends ques­ tions such as "Who knows a good auto mechanic in San Francisco?" and then posting the results online. But, as sometimes happens with new enterprises, the core idea-allowing people to publish reviews without being prompted-was an afterthought. Nevertheless, after lunch the pair went back to the office and suc­ cessfully pitched their boss (who had made tens of millions on PayPal) to invest

$1 million. With this initial help, the Yelp founders were hoping to build momentum and launch a national company, but the idea failed to catch fire. After a few months, without any additional funding, the two decided they had to stay local. "If we just create a cool city guide to San Francisco and it's worth $10 or $20 million, that would be a win," Stoppelman said. To focus on making Yelp famous locally, they selected a few dozen of the most active reviewers on the site and invited them to an open-bar party; 100 people showed up. Yelp threw more parties for

Entrepreneurs. Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons founded Yelp in San Francisco in 2004. Most people, even young people, prefer the security of a job with a paycheck rather than the risks of starting a business. Which life would you prefer?





prolific reviewers, which gave casual users a reason to use the site more. By mid-2005, Yelp had 12,000 reviewers. With additional funding, it hired more party planners in New York, Chicago, and Boston. As the Yelp influence grew, bars and restaurants became more willing to host (for free) the parties in the hopes that crowds would come back and write favorable reviews. The company also began setting up call centers to sell advertising to businesses that had been reviewed. Yelp is not without controversy. By encouraging consumers to be unsparing in their critiques, it helps good businesses to thrive, but it also empowers users to be unnecessarily cruel and to hurt small mom-and-pop businesses already struggling with the Great Recession and strong competition. Still, the company seems to have achieved success, earning what is thought to be about $30 million a year in revenue, and may be a candidate to be acquired by a larger company.

Entrepreneurship Defined: Taking Risks in Pursuit of Opportunity Yelp is one of the many small outfits in the United States that is one of the primary drivers of the nation's economy. Indeed, according to the Small Busi­ ness Administration, small outfits create some 75% of all new jobs, represent 99.7% of all employers, and employ 50% of the private workforce. 72 (Note, however: Because many small firms fail, "new businesses are important to job creation primarily because they get founded," says entrepreneurial studies pro­ fessor Scott Shane, "not because most of them tend to grow.")13 Today women­ owned businesses seem to be becoming America's new job-creation machine. One report projects that female-owned small businesses, which now provide only 16% of total U.S. employment, will be responsible for creating one-third of the jobs by 2018. This could transform the workplace by creating opportuni­ ties for other people, creating a positive working environment, and being more customer focused . 74 Most small businesses originate with people like Stoppelman and Simmons. They are the entrepreneurs, the people with the idea, the risk takers. The most suc­ cessful entrepreneurs become wealthy and make the covers of business magazines: Fred Smith of Federal Express, Debbie Fields of Mrs. Fields Cookies, Anita Roddick of The Body Shop, Michael Dell of Dell Computers. Failed entrepre­ neurs may benefit from the experience to live to fight another day-as did Henry Ford, twice bankrupt before achieving success with Ford Motor Co.

What Entrepreneurship Is Entrepreneurship is the process of taking risks to try to create a new enterprise. There are two types of entrepreneurship: The entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is someone who sees a new opportunity for a product or service and launches a business to try to realize it. Most entrepreneurs run small businesses with fewer than 100 employees.

The intrapreneur. An intrapreneur is someone who works inside an existing organization who sees an opportunity for a product or service and mobilizes the organization's resources to try to realize it. This person might be a researcher or a scientist but could also be a manager who sees an oppor­ tunity to create a new venture that could be profitable.

How Do Entrepreneurs & Managers Differ?

While the entrepreneur is not

necessarily an inventor, he or she "always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity," Peter Drucker pointed out .75 How does this differ from being a manager?

The Exceptional Manager




Exam Example of an Intrapreneur: Marissa Mayer Develops a Researcher's little Personal Program into Google News Some products developed internally are the results of

impressive in that first form-a plain white page with

happy accidents. (This was how Post-it notes came

small groups of five plain blue links per topic and only

about, the eventual result of an experimental adhesive

about 10 topics covered. But I could see immediately

discovered by 3M employee Art Fry, for which the

how we could make it into a polished online news

company at first could find no use.) At Google in 2001,


following the terror attacks of 9/11, researcher Krishna

Eventually the program went through 64 different

Bharat wrote a little program to help him read news

iterations before it was launched as Google News as a

better, gathering news from his 15 favorite sources and

way to facilitate browsing between different sections

using artificial intelligence to group them. After using

such as sports, business, and entertainment, tapping

the tool for his personal news reading, he offered it to

into 4,000 news sources.

some colleagues. "The promise and excitement I felt when I first saw


Krishna's tool was immense," says Marissa Mayer, then

What companies are you aware of that do their own

Google's Vice President of Search Products. "It wasn't

in-house research and development of products?

Being an entrepreneur is what it takes to start a business; being a manager is what

Green entrepreneur. South African-born entrepreneur Elon

it takes to grow or maintain a business. As

Musk became a lead investor

an entrepreneur/intrapreneur, you initi­

and later CEO at Tesla Motors in

ate new goods or services; as a manager

Palo Alto, California, a company incorporated in 2003 to pursue

you coordinate the resources to produce

mass production of an electric

the goods or services.

sports car. The Tesla Roadster

The examples of success we men­

runs on a lithium-ion battery, has

tioned above-Fred Smith, Debbie Fields,

a range of greater than 200 miles

Anita Roddick , Michael Dell-are actu­

on a single charge, and retails

ally both entrepreneurs and effective man­

for a base price of $109,000.

agers. Some people, however, find they

What passion of yours might you turn into a business?

like the start-up part but hate the manage­ ment part. For example, Stephen Wozniak, entrepreneurial cofounder with Steve Jobs of Apple Computer, abandoned the com­ puter industry completely and went back to college. Jobs, by contrast , went on to launch another business, Pixar, which among other things became the animation factory that made the movies Toy Story and Finding Nemo. Entrepreneurial companies have been called "gazelles" for the two attributes that make them successful: speed and agility. "Gazelles have mastered the art of the quick ," says Alan Webber, founding editor of Fast Company magazine. "They have internal approaches and fast decision-making approaches that let them move with maximum agility in a fast-changing business environment."77 Is this the kind of smart, innovative world you'd like to be a part of? Most people prefer the security of a job and a paycheck. Entrepreneurs do seem to have psychological characteristics that are different from managers, as follows:78





Characteristic of both-high need for achievement.

Both entrepreneurs

and managers have a high need for achievement. However, entrepreneurs certainly seem to be motivated to pursue moderately difficult goals through their own efforts in order to realize their ideas and, they hope, financial rewards. Managers, by contrast, are more motivated by promo­ tions and organizational rewards of power and perks. Also characteristic of both-belief in personal control of destiny.

If you

believe "I am the captain of my fate, the master of my soul," you have what is known as internal locus of control, the belief that you control your own destiny, that external forces will have little influence. (External locus

of control means the reverse-you believe you don't control your destiny, that external forces do.) Both entrepreneurs and managers like to think they have personal control over their lives. Characteristic of both, but especially of entrepreneurs-high energy level and action orientation.

Rising to the top in an organization probably

requires that a manager put in long hours. For entrepreneurs, however, creating a new enterprise may require an extraordinary investment of time and energy. In addition, while some managers may feel a sense of urgency, entrepreneurs are especially apt to be impatient and to want to get things done as quickly as possible, making them particularly action oriented. Characteristic of both, but especially of entrepreneurs-high tolerance for ambiguity. Every manager needs to be able to make decisions based on

ambiguous-that is, unclear or incomplete-information. However, entrepreneurs must have more tolerance for ambiguity because they are trying to do things they haven't done before. More characteristic of entrepreneurs than managers-self-confidence and tolerance for risk. Managers must believe in themselves and be willing to

make decisions; however, this statement applies even more to entrepre­

PepsiCo's lndra Nooyi. Are

neurs. Precisely because they are willing to take risks in the pursuit of new

entrepreneurs and managers

opportunities-indeed, even risk personal financial failure-entrepre­

really two different breeds?

neurs need the confidence to act decisively.

Indian-born Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo, has taken the lead in attempting to move the

Of course, not all entrepreneurs have this kind of faith in themselves. So-called necessity entrepreneurs are people such as laid-off corporate work­ ers, discharged military people, immi­ grants,



company away from fast food and sodas into more healthy foods.


who suddenly must earn a living and are simply trying to replace lost income and are hoping a job comes along . These make up about 11% of entrepre­ neurs. However, so-called opportunity entrepreneurs-the other 89%-are those who start their own business out of a burning desire rather than because they lost a job. Unlike necessity types, they tend to be more ambitious and to start firms that can lead to high-growth businesses. 79 Which do you think you would be happier doing-being an entrepreneur or being a manager?


The Exceptional Manager





To be a terrific manager, what skills should I cultivate? THE BIG PICTURE Good managers need to work on developing three principal skills. The first is technical, the ability to perform a specific job. The second is conceptual, the ability to think analytically.The third is human, the ability to interact well with people.

A few days before becoming the new CEO at Autodesk , Carol Bartz (currently CEO of Yahoo! ) was diagnosed with breast cancer.Yet she took only four weeks off, instead of the doctor-recommended six, for surgery and recovery and worked through the entire seven months of chemotherapy.Is this the kind of beyond-the­ call-of-duty activity that's required to have the right management stuff? (Actually, today Bartz says she shouldn't have rushed things.) Let's see what the "right stuff" might be. In the mid-1970s, researcher

Robert Katz

found that through education and

experience managers acquire three principal skills-technical, conceptual, and


I. Technical Skills-The Ability to Perform a Specific Job Bartz has a B.A. degree in computer science and worked for a number of com­ puter hardware and software companies. Missing from her resume, however, is much Internet or Web advertising experience, which is critical to Yahoo!. 18 Some analysts would have preferred a "turnaround manager" rather than what they view as a "sustaining manager"to take the lead job. On the other hand, Bartz clearly raised the fortunes of Autodesk and, as one former director said, "She has this enormous [managerial] capability to make things happen."She is also on the boards of several Silicon Valley companies, such as Cisco, Intel, and Network Appliance.

Technical skills

a specialized field.

consist of the job-specific knowledge needed to perform well in

Having the requisite technical skills seems to be most important

at the lower levels of management-that is, among first-line managers.

2. Conceptual Skills-The Ability to Think Analytically Bartz also has the "big picture"knowledge to keep up with her job. While she does have a private life-a husband who is a Sun Microsystems vice president, three children, and an interest in gardening-about balancing career with family, she says, "I have belief that life isn't about balance, because balance is perfection . ... Rather, it's about catching the ball before it hits the floor."82 Thus, among her first acts at Yahoo! she asked for an organization chart, then proceeded to upend the organizational structure, replacing executives and cutting 5% of the staff, to get some breathing room to figure out what Yahoo! should do. She also negotiated an Internet search partnership with rival Microsoft, resolving a tense relationship that began with her predecessors.83 Bartz is said to lead with a consumer-based vision. "Who wants innovation for innovation's sake if it doesn't make your life easier, more efficient, more productive?"she says. "So expect us to hear you better and take better care of you."4 8





Conceptual skills consist of the ability to think analytically, to visualize an organization as a whole and understand how the parts work together. Conceptual skills are particularly important for top managers, who must deal with problems that are ambiguous but that could have far-reaching consequences.

3. Human Skills-The Ability to Interact Well with People This may well be the most difficult set of skills to master. Human skills consist of the ability to work

well in cooperation with other people to get things Yahoo! campus. This

done-especially with people in teams, an important part of today's organizations (as we discuss in Chapter 13). Often these are thought of as "soft skills." These skills-the ability to motivate, to inspire trust, to communicate with others-are necessary for managers of all levels.

sprawling office complex, or "campus," in Sunnyvale, California, is headquarters for most of Yahoo!'s enterprises,

But because of the range of people, tasks, and problems in an organization,

including CEO Carol Bartz's

developing your human-interacting skills may turn out to be an ongoing, life­

office. Bartz seems to have

long effort. Bartz believes that women manage differently from men and that she is able to get people to open up to her about their personal and professional con­

the three skills-technical, conceptual, and human­ necessary to be a terrific manager for such a complex

cerns. 85 One device she used at Autodesk was to have a series of "brown-bag

organization. Which skill do

chats" with employees. One observer of these events found her "direct and

you think you need to work on

quick-witted, quick to laugh, and willing to tease her way through tense situa­ tions."86 On the other hand , an Autodesk manager said she often talked like a

the most? (Human skills are the most difficult to master.)

sailor, famous for profanity-laced phone calls and described as someone who "doesn't spend a lot of time worrying about how people are going to feel. She always wanted to make sure the job got done."87 But others found her equally comfortable talking to technologists as well as businesspeople such as marketers or Wall Street analysts.

The Most Valued Traits in Managers "In the range of difficulty in turning Yahoo around , from one to ten, this is an eleven," says one analyst about the challenge confronting Bartz.88 By the time you read this, you may have an idea whether she's had some success or whether the company has met another kind of fate. Still, Bartz embodies the qualities sought in star managers, especially top managers. "The style for running a company is different from what it used to be," says a top executive recruiter of CEOs. "Com­ panies don't want dictators, kings, or emperors."89 Instead of someone who gives orders, they want executives who ask probing questions and force the people beneath them to think and find the right answers. Among the chief skills companies seek in top managers are the following: The ability to motivate and engage others. The ability to communicate. Work experience outside the United States (although Bartz actually has never worked overseas). High energy levels to meet the demands of global travel and a 24/7 world.90 Let's see how you can begin to acquire these and other qualities for success.

The Exceptional Manager





Practical Action Getting Control of Your Time: Dealing with the Information Deluge in College & in Your Career Professionals and managers all have to deal with this

the least effective means of absor bing information.

central problem: how not to surrender their lives to their

Research shows that it's best to space out your study­

jobs. The place to start, however; is in college. If you can

ing of a subject over successive days. A series of study

learn to manage time while you're still a student, you'll

sessions over several days is preferable to trying to do

find it will pay off not only in higher grades and more free

it all during the same number of hours on one day. It is

time but also in more efficient information-handling

repetition that helps move information into your long­

skills that will serve you well as a manager later on.91

term memory bank.

Using Your "Prime Study Time"

Review Information Repeatedly-Even "Overlearn It"

Each of us has a different energy cycle. The trick is to use it effectively. That way, your hours of best perfor­ mance will coincide with your heaviest academic de­ mands. For example, if your energy level is high during the evenings, you should plan to do your studying then. To capitalize on your prime study time, you take the following steps:

(I) Make a study schedule for the

entire term, and indicate the times each day during which you plan to study. (2) Find some good places to study-places where you can avoid distractions.

(3) Avoid time wasters, but give yourself frequent rewards for studying, such as a TV show, a favorite

By repeatedly reviewing information-what is known as "rehearsing"-you can improve both your retention and your understanding of it. Overlearning is continuing to re­ view material even after you appear to have absorbed it. Use Memorizing Tricks

There are several ways to organize information so that you can retain it better. For example, you can make drawings or diagrams (as of the parts of a computer system). Some methods of establishing associations between items you want to remember are given in the box.

(See Exhibit /.!.)

piece of music, or a conversation with a friend. •

Improving Your Memory A bility Memorizing is, of course, one of the principal require­

of what you want to remember. Indeed, it helps

ments for succeeding in college. And it's a great help

to make the image humorous, action-filled, sex­

for success in life afterward.

ual, bizarre, or outrageous in order to establish a

Here are some tips on learning to concentrate:92

personal connection. Example: To remember the

Choose What to Focus On

name of the 21st president of the United States,

"People don't realize that attention is a finite resource,

Chester Arthur; you might visualize an author

like money," one expert says. "Do you want to invest

writing the number " 21" on a wooden chest.

your cognitive cash on endless Twittering or Net surf­

This mental image helps you associate chest

ing or couch potatoing [watching T V]?" She adds, "Where did the idea come from that anyone who wants to contact you can do so at any time? You need to take

(Chester), author (Arthur), and 2.1 (21st president). •

Acronyms and acrostics: An acronym is a word created from the first letters of items in a list.

charge of what you pay attention to instead of re­

For instance, Roy G. Biv helps you remember

sponding to the latest stimuli."93 For example, to block

the colors of the rainbow in order: .ced, Qrange,

out noise, you can wear earplugs while reading, to create

�ellow, green, Q.lue, lndigo, �iolet. An acrostic is

your own "stimulus shelter."

a phrase or sentence created from the first let­

Devote the First IV:. Hours of Your Day to

Every Good Boy Does Fine helps you remember that the

ters of items in a list. Fox example,

Your Most Important Task

Studying a hard subject? Make it your first task of the day, and concentrate on it for 90 minutes. After that, your brain will probably need a rest, and you can an­ swer e-mail, return phone calls, and so on. But until that first break, don't do anything else, because it can take the brain 20 minutes to refocus.

Cramming-making a frantic, last-minute attempt to memorize massive amounts of material-is probably




order of musical notes on the staff is E -G-B-D-F. •

Location: Location memory occurs when you associate a concept with a place or imaginary place. For example, you could learn the parts of a computer system by imagining a walk across campus. Each building you pass could be asso­

Space Your Studying, Rather Than Cramming


Mental and physical imagery: Use your visual and other senses to construct a personal image


ciated with a part of the computer system.

eXhibit 1.1


(Perhaps you can see where this is all leading. If

Word games: Jingles and rhymes are devices

you read in terms of questions and answers,you

frequently used by advertisers to get people

will be better prepared when you see exam ques­

to remember their products.You may recall

tions about the material later.)

the spelling rule "I before E except after Cor

4. Recite the main points of the segment: Recite

when sounded like A as in neighbor or weigh."

means "say aloud." Thus,you should speak out

You can also use narrative methods,such as

loud (or softly ) the answer to the principal ques­

making up a story.

tion or questions about the segment and any other main points. 5. Review the entire chapter by repeating questions:

How to Improve Your Reading Ability:

After you have read the chapter, go back through

The SQ3R Method

it and review the main points.Then,without look­

SQ3R stands for "survey, question, read, recite, and

ing at the book,test your memory by repeating

review." 94 The strategy behind it is to break down a

the questions.

reading assignment into small segments and master each before moving on. The five steps of the SQ3R

Clearly the SQ3R method takes longer than simply

method are as follows:

reading with a rapidly moving color marker or underlin­ ing pencil. However, the technique is far more effective

I. Survey the chapter before you read it: Get an overview of the chapter or other reading assign­

because it requires your involvement and understand­

ment before you begin reading it. If you have a

ing.This is the key to all effective learning.

sense of what the material is about before you be­

Learning from Lectures

gin reading it,you can predict where it is going. In this text,we offer on the first page of every chap­ ter a list of the main heads and accompanying key questions.At the end of each chapter we offer a Summary,which explains what the chapter's terms and concepts mean and why they are important. 2. Question the segment in the chapter before you read it: This step is easy to do, and the point,

Does attending lectures really make a difference? Research shows that students with grades of B or above were more apt to have better class attendance than students with grades of c- or below.95 Some tips for getting the most out of lectures: Take Effective Notes by Listening Actively Research shows that good test performance is related to good note taking.90 And good note taking requires that

again,is to get you involved in the material.

you listen actively-that is,participate in the lecture pro­

After surveying the entire chapter, go to the first segment-section,subsection,or even paragraph, depending on the level of difficulty and density of

cess.Here are some ways to take good lecture notes: •

on your previous reading. Having background

segment. In your mind, restate the heading as a

knowledge makes learning more efficient.

question. In this book, following each section head we present a Key Question.An example in

Read ahead and anticipate the lecturer: Try to an­ ticipate what the instructor is going to say,based

information. Look at the topic heading of that

Listen for signal words: Instructors use key phrases

this chapter was "What are three directions of

such as "The most important point is ...," "There

computer development and three directions of

are four reasons for ... ," "The chief reason ...,"

communications development?"

"Of special importance ...," "Consequently ..."

After you have formulated the question,go to

When you hear such signal phrases,mark your

steps 3 and 4 (read and recite).Then proceed to

notes with a ! or

the next segment and restate the heading there

as a question.


Take notes in your own words: Instead of just being a stenographer, try to restate the lecturer's

3.Read the segment about which you asked the

thoughts in your own words,which will make you

question: Now read the segment you asked the

pay attention more.

question about.Read with purpose, to answer the question you formulated. Underline or color-mark sentences that you think are important,if they

Ask questions: By asking questions during the lec­ ture,you necessarily participate in it and increase your understanding.

help you answer the question. Read this portion of the text more than once,if necessary,until you

Review Your Notes Regularly

can answer the question. In addition,determine

Make it a point to review your notes regularly-perhaps

whether the segment covers any other significant

on the afternoon after the lecture, or once or twice a

questions, and formulate answers to these,too.

week. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of

After you have read the segment,proceed to step 4.

this kind of reviewing.

The Exceptional Manager




Key Terms Used in This Chapter collaborative computing II

first-line managers 18

competitive advantage 8

four management functions 14

management process 14

conceptual skills 29

functional manager 19

middle managers 17 organization 5

management 5

controlling 15

general manager 19

databases II

human skills 29

organizing 15

decisional roles 22

informational roles 22

planning 14

e-business II

innovation 8

e-commerce 10

internal locus of control 27

project management software II

e-mail II

Internet 10

sustainability 13

effective 5

interpersonal roles 22

technical skills 28

efficient 5

intrapreneur 25

telecommute II

entrepreneur 25

knowledge management II

top managers 17

entrepreneurship 25

leading 15

videoconferencing II

1.1 Management: What It Is, What Its

(1) planning-setting goals and deciding

Benefits Are

how to achieve them; (2) organizing­

Management is defined as the pursuit of

arranging tasks, people, and other resources

organizational goals efficiently, meaning

to accomplish the work; (3) leading­

to use resources wisely and cost-effectively,

motivating, directing, and otherwise

and effectively, meaning to achieve

influencing people to work hard to

results, to make the right decisions, and

achieve the organization's goals; and

to successfully carry them out to achieve

(4) controlling-monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking

the organization's goals.

corrective action as needed. 1.2 Seven Challenges to Being an Exceptional Manager

1.4 Pyramid Power: Levels & Areas of

The seven challenges are (1) managing for


competitive advantage, which means an

Within an organization, there are managers

organization must stay ahead in four areas:

at three levels: (1) top managers make

being responsive to customers, innovating

long-term decisions about the overall

new products or services, offering

direction of the organization and establish

better quality, and being more efficient;

the objectives, policies, and strategies for

(2) managing for diversity among different

it; (2) middle managers implement the

genders, ages, races, and ethnicities;

policies and plans of their superiors and

(3) managing for globalization, the expanding universe; (4) managing for computers

supervise and coordinate the activities of the managers below them; and (3) first-line

and telecommunications/information

managers make short-term operating

technology; (5) managing for right and

decisions, directing the daily tasks of

wrong, or ethical standards; (6) managing

nonmanagement personnel. There are

for sustainability; and (7) managing for

three types of organizations: (1) for-profit­

your own happiness and life goals.

formed to make money by offering products or services; (2) nonprofit-to


1.3 What Managers Do: The Four Principal

offer services to some, but not to make a


profit; and (3) mutual-benefit-voluntary

The four management functions are

collections of members created to advance

represented by the abbreviation POLC:

members' interests.





Roles Managers Must Play Successfully

existing organization, who sees an

The Mintzberg study shows that, first,

opportunity for a product or service and

a manager relies more on verbal than

mobilizes the organization's resources to

on written communication; second,

realize it. Entrepreneurs start businesses;

managers work long hours at an intense

managers grow or maintain them. Both

pace; and third, a manager's work is

(but especially entrepreneurs) have a

characterized by fragmentation, brevity,

high need for achievement, high energy

and variety. Mintzberg concluded that

level and action orientation, and

managers play three broad roles:

tolerance for ambiguity. Entrepreneurs

(1) interpersonal-figurehead, leader,

are more self-confident and have higher

and liaison; (2) informational-monitor,

tolerance for risk.

disseminator, and spokesperson; and

(3) decisional-entrepreneur, disturbance

1.7 The Skills Exceptional Managers Need

handler, resource allocator, and

The three skills that exceptional managers cultivate are (1) technical, consisting of


job-specific knowledge needed to perform well in a specialized field;

1.6 The Entrepreneurial Spirit Entrepreneurship, a necessary attribute

(2) conceptual, consisting of the ability

of business, is the process of taking risks

to think analytically, to visualize an

to create a new enterprise. Two types are

organization as a whole, and to under­

(1) the entrepreneur, who sees a new

stand how the parts work together; and

opportunity for a product or service and

(3) human, consisting of the ability to

launches a business to realize it; and

work well in cooperation with other

(2) the intrapreneur, working inside an

people in order to get things done.

Mana ement in Action Chrysler Group CEO Sergio Marchionne Faces an Overwhelming Managerial Challenge A decline in sales isn't the only big problem facing

Chrysler Group LLC.Another, according to Chief Executive

Sergio Marchionne, is the almost in­

grained tendency to react to falling sales by slashing pnces. In Detroit, "there's almost a fanatical, maniacal interest in [market] share," Mr. Marchionne told reporters Monday on the opening day of the North American International Auto Show. But rarely, he added, has heavy discounting in pursuit of high vol­ umes helped automakers generate profits in the long term .... For the past seven months, the 57-year-old Italian-born Canadian has been working to shake up Chrysler and move the company away from old ways that forced it into bankruptcy reorganization last year.He has ousted several veteran executives, flattened its bureaucracy, and, according to people who have worked closely with Mr. Marchionne, injected an element of fear into its ranks. One of the more frustrating problems for Mr. Marchionne has been the use of heavy rebates and other incentives to maintain sales-an issue that

has plagued General Motors Co.and Ford Motor Co.over the years. Last July, for example, when the U.S. govern­ ment offered as much as $4,500 in "cash for clunk­ ers" rebates, Chrysler's sales chief at the time, Peter Fang, drew up a plan to offer an additional $4,500 from Chrysler, two people familiar with the matter said .... But when Mr. Marchionne found out about it, he was furious, these people said. In an August meeting with Mr. Fang and his sales team, the CEO excoriated them, saying doubling discounts amounted to "giving away margin" at a time when Chrysler was scrambling for profits, one person familiar with the details of the meeting said." Sergio was ballistic," this person said .... Mr. Marchionne took the helm at Chrysler in June, when the company exited bankruptcy protec­ tion and formed an alliance with Italy's Fiat SpA, where he also serves as CEO and which owns about 20% of Chrysler. In November, he laid out a turn­ around plan that calls for Chrysler to launch a se­ ries of small cars designed by Fiat, and envisions Chrysler breaking even in 20 I 0 and returning to profitability by 2011.

The Exceptional Manager




Besides working out ways for the two com­ panies to work together, Mr. Marchionne has tried to shake up Chrysler's plodding corporate culture....

Mr. Marchionne, a notorious workaholic, carries five BlackBerrys and works seven days a week . He

To select his new management team, Mr. Marchionne held dozens of

15-minute interviews

with Chrysler executives over several days to evalu­ ate which ones to keep and which to push out, according to people who participated in the process. When the process was over, Mr. Marchionne had 23 people reporting to him. Some were junior executives who had been moved up a level or two in the organization .... Mr. Marchionne took an office on the fourth floor of the technology center at Chrysler's head­ quarters in Auburn

the summer to make sure no one was talking to reporters about the company's plans.


Michigan, among

Chry sler's engineers, instead of an office in its adjoining executive tower. His management team

spends about one full week a month in Michigan and flies back for weekend meetings when he isn't in town. For Discussion I. Which of the seven managerial challenges dis­ cussed in this chapter is Sergio Marchionne facing at Chrysler? Discuss. 2. Using Figure

1.1 as a guide, describe which

functions of management were displayed by Marchionne. 3. Which of the three types of managerial roles did Marchionne display? 4. To what extent did Marchionne display an

began meeting weekly in a nearby conference room

entrepreneurial orientation while trying to turn

equipped with video gear so that Fiat executives in

around Chrysler? Explain.

Italy could take part. In these meetings, Mr.

Marchionne often

spelled out what he saw as Chrysler's many deficien­ cies: margins and vehicle quality needed to improve and better control over pricing was imperative, ac­ cording to one person who has been in the sessions. Details of the discussions weren't to leave the room. Security officers even called senior executives over

5. How would you evaluate Marchionne's techni­ cal, conceptual, and human skills? Discuss your rationale. Source: Excerpted from Kate Linebaugh and Jeff Bennett , "Marchionne Upends Chrysler's Ways," The Wall Street lou mal, Januat-y 12,2010, pp. Bl, B2. Copyright© 2010 by Dow Jones

& Company, Inc. Reproduced with permission of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. via Copyright Clearance Center.

Self-Assessment To What Extent Do You Possess an


Entrepreneurial Spirit?

Take an entrepreneurial self-assessment at www.bdc



.ca/en/advice_centre/tools/entrepreneurial_self_ 1. To assess whether or not you have motivations, ap­ titudes, and attitudes possessed by entrepreneurs. 2. To consider whether or not you would like to start

.aspx. T he quiz enables you to compare your motivation, aptitudes, and attitudes to a group of entrepreneurs.

your own company.

Questions for Discussion 1. To what extent are your motives, aptitudes, and

Introduction Earlier in the chapter we noted that small businesses are creating the majority of new jobs in the United States. We also discussed a variety of personal characteristics that differentiate managers from entrepreneurs. T he overall goal of this exercise is for you to take a self-assessment that allows you to

attitudes similar to entrepreneurs? Explain. 2. Based on your results, where do you have the biggest gaps with entrepreneurs in terms of the individual motives, aptitudes, and attitudes? 3. What do these gaps suggest about your entrepre­ neurial spirit? Discuss.

compare your motivations, aptitudes, and attitudes

4. Do these results encourage or discourage you

to those found in a sample of entrepreneurs from a

from thinking about starting your own business?

variety of industries.







Ethical Dilemma the presentation is set to begin, the vice president

To Delay or Not to Delay? You have been hired by a vice president of a na­ tional company to create an employee attitude survey, to administer it to all employees, and to in­ terpret the results. You have known this vice presi­ dent for more than 10 years and have worked for her on several occasions. She trusts and likes you, and you trust and like her. You have completed your work and now are ready to present the findings and your interpretations to the vice president's manage­ ment team. The vice president has told you that she wants your honest interpretation of the results, be­ cause she is planning to make changes based on the results. Based on this discussion, your report clearly identifies several strengths and weaknesses that need to be addressed. For example, employees feel that they are working too hard and that manage­ ment does not care about providing good customer service. At the meeting you will be presenting the results and your interpretations to a group of 15 managers. You also have known most of these man­ agers for at least 5 years. You show up for the presentation armed with slides, handouts, and specific recommendations.

takes you out of the meeting room and says she wants to talk with you about your presentation. The two of you go to another office, and she closes the door. She then tells you that her boss's boss decided to come to the presentation unan­ nounced. She feels that he is coming to the presen­ tation solely looking for negative information in your report. He does not like the vice president and wants to replace her with one of his friends. If you present your results as planned, it will pro­ vide this individual with the information he needs to create serious problems for the vice president. Knowing this, the vice president asks you to find some way to postpone your presentation . You have I0 minutes to decide what to do.

Solving the Dilemma What would you do?

I. Deliver the presentation as planned. 2. Give the presentation but skip over the negative results.

3. Go back to the meeting room and announce that

Your slides are loaded on the computer, and most

your spouse has had an accident at home and you

of the participants have arrived. They are drink­

must leave immediately. You tell the group that you

ing coffee and telling you how excited they are

just received this message and that you will contact

about hearing your presentation. You also are ex­ cited to share your insights. Ten minutes before

the vice president to schedule a new meeting. 4. Invent other options. Discuss.

The Exceptional Manager




chapter 2

Management Theory Essential Background for the Successful Manager

m 2.1 Evolving Viewpoints: How We Got to Today's

� 2.5 Systems Viewpoint

Major Question: How can the

Management Outlook

exceptional manager be helped by

Major Question: What's the payoff

the systems viewpoint?

in studying different management perspectives, both yesterday's and today's?

t:i 2.6 Contingency Viewpoint

Major Question: In the end, is there

B3 2.2 Classical Viewpoint:

one best way to manage in all situations?

Scientific & Administrative

Management Major Question: If the name of the game is to manage work more

lal2.7 Quality-Management Viewpoint

efficiently, what can the classical

Major Question: Can the quality­

viewpoint teach me?

management viewpoint offer guidelines for true managerial

1§12.3 Behavioral Viewpoint:

Behaviorism, Human Relations,

& Behavioral Science Major Question: To understand how


2.8 T he Learning Organization in an Era of Accelerated Change

people are motivated to achieve,

Major Question: Organizations must

what can I learn from the behavioral

learn or perish. How do I build a


learning organization?

4 Quantitative Viewpoints: 11§112. Management Science & Operations Research Major Question: If the manager's job is to solve problems, how might the two quantitative approaches help?

the manager's toolbox based on best evidence into organizational practice,

Evidence-Based Management: An Attitude of Wisdom

bringing rationality to the decision-making process.2 Evidence-based management derives from evidence­ based medicine, embracing what Stanford business

"These days, there aren't any hot, new trends, just a lot

scholars Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton call an atti­

of repackaged ones from the past," writes Wall Street

tude of wisdom. This is a mind-set that, first, is will­

Journal columnist Carol Hymowitz.1 "Executives have

ing to set aside belief and conventional wisdom and

been treated to an overdose of management guides

to act on the facts and, second, has an unrelenting

that mostly haven't delivered what they promised.

commitment to gathering information necessary to

Many bosses have adopted them all, regardless of their

make informed decisions and to keeping pace with

company's business model, balance sheet, competition, employee bench strength, or any other unique qualities. They have become copycat managers, trying to find a

new evidence to update practices.3 "The way a good doctor or a good manager works," Sutton says, "is to act with knowledge while

one-stop, fix-it-all answer to their various problems."

doubting what you know. So if a patient goes to a

How will you know whether the next "fix-it-all"

doctor, you hope the doctor would do two things:

book to hit the business bestseller list is simply a

first look at the literature and make the best decision

recycling of old ideas? The answer is: You have to

given what's available. Then actually track the prog­

have studied history-the subject of this chapter.

ress of the treatment and see what unexpected side

Management: Art or Science?

effects you're having and what things are working. "4

Is the practice of management an art or a science?

Three Truths

Certainly it can be an art. Lots of top executives have no actual training in management-Yahoo! CEO Carol Bartz, discussed in Chapter 1, has a B.S. in computer

Evidence-based management is based on three truths: •

T here are few really new ideas: Most supposedly

True is better than new: Effective organizations

new ideas are old, wrong, or both.

science, not business. Great managers, like great painters or actors, have the right mix of intuition, judgment, and experience.

and managers are more interested in what is

But management is also a science. That is, rather

true than in what is new.

than being performed in a seat-of-the-pants, make­

it-up-as-you-go-along kind of way-which can lead to

Doing well usually dominates: Organizations that do simple, obvious, and even seemingly

big mistakes-management can be approached delib­

trivial things well will dominate competitors who

erately, rationally, systematically. That's what the scien­

search for "silver bullets and instant magic."

tific method is, after all-a logical process, embodying

(1) You observe events and gather facts. (2) You pose a possible solution or explanation based on those facts. (3) You make a prediction of future events. (4) You test the prediction under systematic conditions.

book or heard in the latest management seminar?

Following the Evidence

experimental approach, as in trying out a new idea

The process of scientific reasoning underlies what is

with an open mind to see what happens? How could

four steps:

For Discussion Do you think managers are often driven by fads, by what they've read in the latest Have you ever heard of a manager taking an

known as evidence-based management. Evidence­

you profit by taking an evidence-based approach to

based management means translating principles

the ideas we will discuss in this chapter?


What's Ahead in This Chapter

This chapter gives you a short overview of the three principal historical perspectives or viewpoints on


anage m ent-classical, behavioral, and quantitative . It then

describes the three principal contemporary viewpoints-systems, contingency, and quality-management. Finally, we consider the concept of learning organi::ations.

m 2.1


maJor question

What's the payoff in studying different management per spectives, both yesterday's and today's? THE BIG PICTURE After studying theory, managers may learn the value of practicing evidence-based management, bringing rationality to the decision-making process. This chapter describes two principal theoretical perspectives-the historical and the contempo­ rary. Studying management theory provides understanding of the present, a guide

to action, a source of new ideas, clues to the meaning of your managers' decisions, and clues to the meaning of outside events.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it," Peter Drucker said. The pur­ pose of this book is, to the extent possible, to give you the tools to create your own future as a manager. Who is Peter Drucker? "He was the creator and inventor of modern manage­ ment," says management guru Tom Peters (author of In Search of Excellence). "In the early 1950s, nobody had a tool kit to manage these incredibly complex organi­ zations that had gone out of control. Drucker was the first person to give us a handbook for that."5 An Austrian trained in economics and international law, Drucker came to the United States in 1937, where he worked as a correspondent for British newspapers and later became a college professor. In 1954, he published his famous text, The

Practice of Management, in which he proposed that management was one of the major social innovations of the 20th century and that it should be treated as a profes­ sion, like medicine or law. In this and other books, he introduced several ideas that now underlie the organization and practice of management-that workers should be treated as assets, that the corporation could be considered a human community, that there is "no business without a customer," that institutionalized management prac­ tices were preferable to charismatic, cult leaders. Many ideas that you will encounter in this book-decentralization, management by objectives, knowledge workers-are directly traceable to Drucker's pen. "Without his analysis," says one writer, "it's almost impossible to imagine the rise of dispersed, globe-spanning corporations. "6

Evidence-Based Management: Facing Hard Facts, Rejecting Nonsense Evidence-based management, described in the Manager's Toolbox, while not in­ vented by Drucker, is very much in the spirit of his rational approach to manage­ ment. As mentioned, e1'idence-based management means translating principles based on best evidence into organizational practice, bringing rationality to the decision­ making process.

As its two principal proponents, Stanford business scholars Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton, put it, evidence-based management is based on the belief that "fac­

ing the hard facts about what works and what doesn't, understanding the danger­ ous half-truths that constitute so much conventional wisdom about management, and rejecting the total nonsense that too often passes for sound advice will help organizations perform better. "7 Learning to make managerial decisions based on evidence is the approach we hope you will learn to take after studying many other approaches-the perspectives described in this chapter.





Two Overarching Perspectives about Management: Historical & Contemporary In this chapter, we describe two overarching perspectives about management: Historical. The historical perspective includes three viewpoints




behavioral, and quantitative. Contemporary. The contemporary perspective also includes three viewpoints-­ systems, contingency, and quality-management.

Five Practical Reasons for Studying This Chapter "Theory," say business professors Clayton Christensen and Michael Raynor, "often gets a bum rap among managers because it's associated with the word 'theoretical,' which connotes 'impractical.' But it shouldn't."8 After all, what could be more practical than studying different approaches to see which work best? Indeed, there are five good reasons for studying theoretical perspectives: 1.

Understanding of the present. "Sound theories help us interpret the pres­ ent, to understand what is happening and why," say Christensen and Raynor.9 Understanding history will help you understand why some prac­ tices are still favored, whether for right or wrong reasons.


Guide to action. Good theories help us make predictions and enable you to develop a set of principles that will guide your actions.


Source of new ideas. It can also provide new ideas that may be useful to


Clues to meaning of your managers' decisions. It can help you understand

you when you come up against new situations. your firm's focus, where the top managers are "coming from." 5.

Clues to meaning of outside events. Finally, it may allow you to understand events outside the organization that could affect it or you.


Example Is Cisco's Upsetting of the Traditional Pyramid Hierarchy the Best Way to Organize a Company? If Management 1.0 is what we're used to now, with its tra­

data centers. Because Chambers needs more manag­

ditional pyramid hierarchy, what would Management 2.0

ers to oversee these markets, he has established an

look like? What if, as management thinker Gary Hamel

unusual system of 48 management committees, or

suggests, Management 2.0 loo �ed a lot like Web 2.0 as

"councils." Managers participate in different commit­

represented in Wikipedia, YouTube, and other online

tees and make decisions collaboratively. Today 70% of

communities?1° Could the traditional hierarchy of boxes

Cisco's management decisions are made this way.

with lines actually become a corporate straitjacket? That's what John Chambers thinks. Chambers is


CEO of San Jose, California-based Cisco Systems, $36

Will the system of "management councils" work? Some

billion maker of telecommunications gear. He is con­

insiders say it adds bureaucracy and dilutes authority and

cerned that large companies begin to slow down

accountability. Chambers argues that the system is the

"because they didn't move out of their primary markets"

only way a company as large as Cisco can grow fast be­

fast enough, as happened with his former employer,

cause it enables it to move as quickly and nimbly as it

Wang Laboratories, bankrupted after missing out on

needs to.12 What do you think? Could other big organiza­

the rise of the PC.11 As a result, Cisco is attempting an

tions-Ford Motor Co., the U.S. Army, United Way-benefit

ambitious expansion into 30 different markets simulta­

from this arrangement? Do you think studying manage­

neously, from Flip video cameras to multimillion-dollar

ment theory could help you answer this question?

Management Theory




Ia 2.2


maJor question .

If the name of the game is to manage work more efficiently, what can the classical viewpoint teach me? THE BIG PICTURE The three historical management viewpoints we will describe include (1) the classical, described in this section; (2) the behavioral; and


the quantitative. The classical

viewpoint, which emphasized ways to manage work more efficiently, had two approaches: (a) scientific management and (b) adrrunistrative management. Scien­ tific management, pioneered by Frederick W Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual workers. Administrative management, pioneered by Henri Fayol and Max Weber, was concerned with managing the total organization.

Bet you've never heard of a "therblig," although it may describe some physical motions you perform from time to time-perhaps when you have to wash dishes. A made-up word you won't find in most dictionaries, therblig was coined by Frank Gilbreth and is, in fact, "Gilbreth" spelled backward, with the "t" and the "h" reversed. It refers to I of 17 basic motions. By identifying the therbligs in a job, as in the tasks of a bricklayer (which he had once been), Frank and his wife, Lillian, were able to eliminate motions while simultaneously reducing fatigue. The Gilbreths were a husband-and-wife team of industrial engineers who were pioneers in one of the classical approaches to management, part of the historical perspective. As we mentioned, there are three historical management viewpoints or approaches. (See Figure 2.1, opposite page.) They are Classical Behavioral Quantitative In this section, we describe the classical perspective of management, which origi­ nated during the early 1900s. The

classical viewpoint,

which emphasized finding ways

to manage work more efficiently, had two branches--scientifzc and


each of which is identified with particular pioneering theorists. In general, classical management assumes that people are rational. Let's compare the two approaches.

Scientific Management: Pioneered by Taylor & the Gilbreths The problem for which scientific management emerged as a solution was this: In the expansive days of the early 20th century, labor was in such short supply that manag­ ers were hard-pressed to raise the productivity of workers.

Scientifzc management

emphasized the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of indi­ vidual workers. Two of its chief proponents were Frederick W. Taylor and the team of Frank and LiUjan Gilbreth.

Frederick Taylor & the Four Principles of Scientific Management


doubt there are some days when you haven't studied, or worked, as efficiently as you could. This could be called "underachieving," or "loafing," or what Taylor called it-soldiering, deliberately working at less than full capacity. Known as






ouantltatlve VIewpoint

Classical Viewpoint Emphasis on ways to

Applies quantitative techniques

manage work more

to management


Scientific management Emphasized scientific study of

Management science

Early behaviorists

Focuses on using mathematics

work methods to improve pro­


to aid in problem solving and

ductivity of individual workers

Hugo Munsterberg

decision making


Mary Parker Follett

Frederick W. Taylor

Elton Mayo

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Administrative management

Human relations movement

Operations management

Concerned with managing the

Proposed better human

Focuses on managing the

total organization Proponents:

Henri Fayol

relations could increase worker

production and delivery of an


organization's products or services more effectively


Abraham Maslow

Max Weber

Douglas McGregor

Behavioral science approach Relies on scientific research for developing theory to provide practical management tools


Three viewpoints are shown.

"the father of scientific management," Taylor was an American engineer from Philadelphia who believed that managers could eliminate soldiering by applying four principles of science:

Frederick W. Taylor. Called the father of scientific management, Taylor published The Principles of Scientific Management in 1911.


Evaluate a task by scientifically studying each part of the task (not use old rule-of-thumb methods).


Carefully select workers with the right abilities for the task .


Give workers the training and incentives to do the task with the proper work methods.


Use scientific principles to plan the work methods and ease the way for workers to do their jobs.

Taylor based his system on

motion studies,

in which he broke down each worker's

job-moving pig iron at a steel company, say-into basic physical motions and then trained workers to use the methods of their best-performing co-workers. In addition, he suggested employers institute a

differential rate system,

in which more

efficient workers earned higher wages.

Management Theory




Lillian and Frank Gilbreth. These industrial engineers pioneered time and motion studies. If you're an athlete, you can appreciate how small changes can make you efficient.

Why Taylor Is Important: Although "Taylorism" met considerable resistance from employees fearing that working harder would lead to lost jobs except for the highly productive few, Taylor believed that by raising production both labor and management could increase profits to the point where they no longer would have to quarrel over them. If used correctly, the principles of scientific management can enhance productivity, and such innovations as motion studies and differential pay are still used today.

Frank & Lillian Gilbreth & Industrial Engineering

As mentioned, Frank

and Lillian Gilbreth were a husband-and-wife team of industrial engineers who lectured at Purdue University in the early 1900s. Their experiences in raising 12 children-to whom they applied some of their ideas about improving efficiency (such as printing the Morse Code on the back of the bathroom door so that family members could learn it while doing other things)-later were popularized in a book, two movies, and a TV sitcom, Cheaper by the Dozen. The Gilbreths expanded on Taylor's motion studies-for instance, by using movie cameras to film workers at work in order to isolate the parts of a job. Lillian Gilbreth, who received a PhD in psychology, was the first woman to be a major contributor to management science.

Administrative Management: Pioneered by Fayol & Weber Scientific management is concerned with the jobs of individuals. Administrative

management is concerned with managing the total organization. Among the pioneering theorists were Henri Fayol and Max Weber.

Henri Fayol & the Functions of Management

Fayol was not the first to inves­

tigate management behavior, but he was the first to systematize it. A French engineer and industrialist, he became known to American business when his most important work, General and Industrial Management, was translated into English in 1930.

Why Fayol Is Important: Fayol was the first to identify the major functions of management (p. 14)-planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, as well as coordinating-the first four of which you'll recognize as the functions providing the framework for this and most other management books.





Max Weber & the Rationality of Bureaucracy

In our time, the word

bureaucracy has come to have negative associations: impersonality, inflexibility, red tape, a molasseslike response to problems. But to German sociologist Max Weber, a bureaucracy was a rational, efficient, ideal organization based on princi­ ples of logic. After all, in Weber's Germany in the late 19th century, many people were in positions of authority (particularly in the government) not because of their abilities but because of their social status. The result, Weber wrote, was that they didn't perform effectively. A better-performing organization, he felt, should have five positive bureau­ cratic features: 1.

A well-defined hierarchy of authority.


Formal rules and procedures.


A clear division of labor, with parts of a complex job being handled by specialists.


Impersonality, without reference or connection to a particular person.


Careers based on merit.

Why Weber Is Important: Weber's work was not translated into English until 1947, but it came to have an important influence on the structure of large corporations, such as the Coca-Cola Company.

T he Problem with the Classical Viewpoint: Too Mechanistic A flaw in the classical viewpoint is that it is mechanistic: It tends to view humans as cogs within a machine, not taking into account the importance of human needs. Behavioral theory addressed this problem, as we explain next.

Why the Classical Viell'point Is Important: The essence of the classical view­ point was that work activity was amenable to a rational approach, that through the application of scientific methods, time and motion studies, and job specializa­ tion it was possible to boost productivity. Indeed, these concepts are still in use today, the results visible to you every time you visit McDonald's or Pizza Hut. The classical viewpoint also led to such innovations as management by objectives and goal setting, as we explain elsewhere.


Scientific management. Carmakers have broken down automobile manufacturing into its constituent tasks. This reflects the contributions of the school of scientific management. Is there anything wrong with this approach? How could it be improved?

Management Theory




� 2.3



major question

To understand how people are motivated to achieve, what can I learn from the behavioral viewpoint? THE BIG PICTURE The second of the three historical management perspectives was the behavioral viewpoint, which emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement . The behavioral viewpoint developed over three phases: (1) Early behaviorism was pioneered by Hugo

Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Elton Mayo. (2) The human relations movement was pioneered by Abraham Maslow (who proposed a hierarchy of needs) and Douglas McGregor (who proposed a Theory X and Theory Y view to explain managers' attitudes toward workers). (3) The behavioral science approach relied on scientific research for developing theories about behavior useful to managers.

The behavioral viewpoint emphasized the importance of understanding human behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement. The behavioral view­

point developed over three phases: (1) early behaviorism, movement, and

(3) behavioral science.

(2) the human relations

Early Behaviorism: Pioneered by Munsterberg, Follett, & Mayo The three people who pioneered behavioral theory were Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Elton Mayo.

Mary Parker Follett. She proposed that managers and employees should work together cooperatively.

Hugo Munsterberg & the First Application of Psychology to Industry Called "the father of industrial psychology," German-born Hugo Munsterberg had a PhD in psychology and a medical degree and joined the faculty at Harvard University in


Munsterberg suggested that psychologists could contribute to

industry in three ways. They could:


Study jobs and determine which people are best suited to specific jobs.


Identify the psychological conditions under which employees do their best work.


Devise management strategies to influence employees to follow manage­ ment's interests.

Why Munsterberg Is Important: His ideas led to the field of industrial psychology, the study of human behavior in workplaces, which is still taught in colleges today.

Mary Parker Follett & Power Sharing among Employees & Managers


Massachusetts social worker and social philosopher, Mary Parker Follett was lauded on her death in


as "one of the most important women America has

yet produced in the fields of civics and sociology." Instead of following the usual





hierarchical arrangement of managers as order givers and employees as order takers, Follett thought organizations should become more democratic, with man­ agers and employees working cooperatively. The following ideas were among her most important: l.

Organizations should be operated as "communities," with managers and subordinates working together in harmony.


Conflicts should be resolved by having managers and workers talk over differences and find solutions that would satisfy both parties-a process she called integration.


The work process should be under the control of workers with the rele­ vant knowledge, rather than of managers, who should act as facilitators.

Why Follett Is Important: W ith these and other ideas, Follett anticipated some of today's concepts of "self-managed teams," "worker empowerment," and "interde­ partmental teams"-that is, members of different departments working together on joint projects.

Elton Mayo & the Supposed "Hawthorne Effect"

Do you think workers

would be more productive if they thought they were receiving special attention? This was the conclusion drawn by a Harvard research group in the late I 920s. Conducted by Elton Mayo and his associates at Western Electric's Hawthorne (Chicago) plant, what came to be called the Hawthorne studies began with an in­ vestigation into whether workplace lighting level affected worker productivity. (This was the type of study that Taylor or the Gilbreths might have done.) In later experiments, other variables were altered, such as wage levels, rest periods, and length of workday. Worker performance varied but tended to increase over time,

Hawthorne effect. Western Electric's Hawthorne plant, where Elton Mayo and his team conducted their studies in the 1920s. Do you think you'd perform better in a robotlike job if you thought your supervisor cared about you and paid more attention to you?

Management Theory




leading Mayo and his colleagues to hypothesize what came to be known as the Hawthorne effect-namely, that employees worked harder if they received added attention, if they thought that managers cared about their welfare and that super­ visors paid special attention to them. However, later investigators found flaws in the studies, such as variations in ventilation and lighting or inadequate follow­ through, that were overlooked by the original researchers. Critics also point out that it's doubtful that workers improved their productivity merely on the basis of receiving more attention rather than because of a particular instructional method or social innovation.13 Why the Hawthorne Studies Are Important: Ultimately, the Hawthorne studies were faulted for being poorly designed and not having enough empirical data to support the conclusions. Nevertheless, they succeeded in drawing attention to the importance of "social man" (social beings) and how managers using good human relations could improve worker productivity. This in turn Jed to the so-called human relations movement in the 19 50s and 1960s.

The Human Relations Movement: Pioneered by Maslow & McGregor The two theorists who contributed most to the human relations movement-which

proposed that better human relations could increase worker productivity-were Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor.

Abraham Maslow & the Hierarchy of Needs

What motivates you to per­

form: Food? Security? Love? Recognition? Self-fulfillment? Probably all of these, Abraham Maslow would say, although some needs must be satisfied before others. The chairman of the psychology department at Brandeis University and one of the earliest researchers to study motivation, in 1943 Maslow proposed his famous hierarchy of human needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self­ actualization14 (as we discuss in detail in Chapter 12, where we explain why Maslow is important).

Douglas McGregor & Theory X versus Theory Y

Having been for a time a

college president (at Antioch College in Ohio), Douglas McGregor came to realize that it was not enough for managers to try to be liked; they also needed to be aware of their attitudes toward employees.15 Basically, McGregor suggested in a 1960 book, these attitudes could be either "X" or "Y" Theory X represents a pessimistic, negative view of workers. In this view, workers are considered to be irresponsible, to be resistant to change, to lack ambition, to hate work, and to want to be led rather than to lead. Theory Y represents the outlook of human relations proponents-an optimis­ tic, positive view of workers. In this view, workers are considered to be capable of accepting responsibility, self-direction, and self-control and of being imaginative and creative. Why Theory X/Theory Y Is Important: The principal contribution offered by the Theory X/Theory Y perspective is that it can help managers avoid falling into the trap of the self-fulfilling prophecy. This is the idea that if a manager expects a subordinate to act in a certain way, the worker may, in fact, very well act that way, thereby confirming the manager's expectations: The prophecy that the manager made is fulfilled. Underlying both Maslow's and McGregor's theories is the notion that more job satisfaction leads to greater worker performance-an idea that is somewhat controversial, as we'll discuss in Chapter 11.





The Behavioral Science Approach The human relations movement was a necessary correction to the sterile ap­ proach used within scientific management, but its optimism came to be consid­ ered too simplistic for practical use. More recently, the human relations view has been superseded by the behavioral science approach to management.

Behavioral science relies on scientific research for developing theories about human behavior that can be used to provide practical tools for managers. The disciplines of behavioral science include psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics.


Exam Application of the Behavioral Science Approach: Which Is Better-Competition or Cooperation? A widely held assumption among American managers is that "competition brings out the best in people ." From an economic standpoint, business survival de­ pends on staying ahead of the competition . But from an interpersonal standpoint, critics contend competi­ tion has been overemphasized, primarily at the ex­ pense of cooperation.16 One strong advocate of greater emphasis on co­ operation, Alfie Kahn, reviewed the evidence and found two reasons for what he sees as competition's failure:ll I. Competition makes people hostile. Success, he

says, "often depends on sharing resources effi­ ciently, and this is nearly impossible when people have to work against one another." Competition

Promoting performance. This open office-no cubicles or partitions­ is designed to encourage spontaneous interaction, cooperation, and

makes people suspicious and hostile toward each

teamwork, which foster achievement and productivity among employees.

other. Cooperation, by contrast, "takes advantage

The open layout is particularly favored by younger workers. Why do

of all the skills represented in a group as well as

you think that is?

the mysterious process by which that group be­ comes more than the sum of its parts."


Competition doesn't necessarily promote

superior to competition in promoting achievement and

excellence. "Trying to do well and trying to beat


others simply are two different things," Kahn

tic efforts in promoting achievement and productivity.

(2) Cooperation is superior to individualis­

says. He points out the example of children in

(3) Cooperation without intergroup competition pro­

class who wave their arms to get the teacher's

motes higher achievement and productivity than coop­

attention, but when they are finally recognized

eration with intergroup competition.18

they then seem befuddled and ask the teacher to repeat the question-because they were more focused on beating their classmates than on the subject matter.

YOUR CALL· What kind of office would you prefer to have for your­

What does the behavioral science research suggest

self-a private office, a shared private office, a parti­

about the question of cooperation versus competition?

tioned cubicle, or a desk in an area scattered with

122 studies encom­

other desks with no partitions? Which would be most

passing a wide variety of subjects and settings and

comfortable for you personally? Why does the last one

One team of researchers reviewed came up with three conclusions:

(I) Cooperation is

(the open office) best promote superior performance?

Management Theory







major question

If the manager's job is to solve problems, how might the

two quantitative approaches help? THE BIG PICTURE The third and last category under historical perspectives consists of quantitative viewpoints, which emphasize the application to management of quantitative tech­ niques, such as statistics and computer simulations. Two approaches of quantita­ tive management are management science and operations management.

During the air war known as the Battle of Britain in World War II, a relative few of England's Royal Air Force fighter pilots and planes were able to successfully resist the overwhelming might of the German military machine. How did they do it? Military planners drew on mathematics and statistics to determine how to most effectively allocate use of their limited aircraft. When the Americans entered the war in 1941, they used the British model to form operations research (OR) teams to determine how to deploy troops, subma­ rines, and other military personnel and equipment most effectively. For example, OR techniques were used to establish the optimum pattern that search planes should fly to try to locate enemy ships. After the war, businesses also began using these techniques. One group of Fed Ex. What management tools do you use to schedule

former officers, who came to be called the Whiz Kids, used statistical tech­ niques at Ford Motor Co. to make better management decisions. Later, Whiz

employees and aircraft to

Kid Robert McNamara, who had become Ford's president, was appointed Sec­

deal with wide variations in

retary of Defense and introduced similar statistical techniques and cost-benefit

package volume-such as December 23 versus December 26?

analyses throughout the Department of Defense. Since then, OR techniques have evolved into quantitative management, the application to management of quantitative techniques, such as statistics and computer simula­ tions. Two branches of quantitative management are management science and operations management.

Management Science: Using Mathematics to Solve Management Problems How would you go about deciding how to assign utility repair crews during a blackout? Or how many package sorters you needed and at which times for an overnight delivery service such as FedEx or UPS? You would probably use the tools of manage­ ment science. Management science is not the same as Taylor's scientific man­ agement. Management science focuses on using mathematics to aid in problem solving and decision making. Sometimes management science is called operations research. Why Management Science Is Important: Management sci­ ence stresses the use of rational, science-based techniques and mathematical models to improve decision making and strategic planning.





Exam Management Science: Do Calorie Postings in Restaurants Change Eating Habits? In July 2008, New York City required that restaurant

examined, it was found that orders had a mean of 846

chains post lists of calorie counts for menu items, as a

calories after the labeling law took place, compared with

way of fighting obesity and diabetes. How well does

only 825 before.19 Do calories matter? "I'm looking for the

the approach work?

cheapest meal I can," said one customer.20

Researchers tracked customers at several fast-food chains, such as McDonald's, in high-poverty New York City neighborhoods. They collected receipts two weeks


before the calorie-posting law took effect and four weeks

If, as a restaurant manager, one of your goals is to dis­

afterward (paying customers $2 each for their receipts).

courage obesity, do you think the study is useful? Do

About half the customers noticed the posted calorie

low-income people not care about calories? Was the

counts, with 28% of those who noticed saying the infor­

study done too soon and failed to capture behavior

mation influenced their ordering. But when receipts were

change that might occur gradually?

Operations Management: Being More Effective Operations management focuses on managing the production and delivery of an organization's products or services more effectively. It is concerned with work

scheduling , production planning, facilities location and design, and optimum inventory levels. Why Operations Management Is Important: Through the rational manage­

ment of resources and distribution of goods and services, operations management helps ensure that business operations are efficient and effective.


Exam Operations Management: Was Toyota's "Lean Management" the Right Approach? Over the years, Toyota Motor Corp. developed a variety

of longtime Japanese suppliers. Design engineers may

of production techniques that drew in part on operations

also have cut corners, as by relying on computer simula­

research.21 First, it emphasized the smoothest possible

tions rather than building physical prototypes.23

flow of work. To accomplish this, managers performed

Suddenly, beginning in 2004, disturbing reports

value stream mapping, identifying the many steps in a

surfaced about Toyota cars running away because of

production process and eliminating unnecessary ones.

sudden, unintended acceleration.24 A research firm doc­

They also performed mistake proofing or root-cause

umented 2,274 similar incidents, including 18 fatalities.25

analysis, using teamwork to examine problems and fix

In late 2009, thinking the problem was pedals catching

them as soon as they appeared. In addition, the car­

on floor mats, Toyota recalled 4.3 million vehicles. Then,

maker helped pioneer the just-in-time approach to ob­

in early 2010, suspecting the problem was in the accel­

taining supplies from vendors only as they were needed

erator mechanism itself, it recalled 2.3 million vehicles

in the factory. These efficient techniques, which all come

and completely stopped new production of eight vehicle

under the term "lean management," enabled Toyota to

lines in North America.

sell its cars on the basis of their superior quality.22 Then in 1995, the company launched an all-out effort to become the world's largest carmaker. To do so, it opted to use common parts among eight types of cars (Camry,

YOUR CALL In Chapter I, we described the problem of "efficiency · versus effectiveness." Which is lean management

Corolla, Avalon, and others) and to buy them from com­

mostly about? Can a worldwide car company get back

panies around the globe instead of from its small group

to its roots-reclaim bragging rights to "quality"?

Management Theory




� 2.5 SYSTEMS VIEWPOINT major question

How can the exceptional manager be helped by the systems viewpoint? THE BIG PICTURE Three contemporary management perspectives are (1) the systems, (2) the contin­ gency, and (3) the quality-management viewpoints. The systems viewpoint sees or­ ganizations as a system, either open or closed, with inputs, outputs, transformation processes, and feedback . The

contingency viewpoint emphasizes that a manager's

approach should vary according to the individual and environmental situation. The quality-management viewpoint has two traditional approaches:

quality control,

the strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production, and

quality assurance, which focuses on the performance of workers, urging employees total quality management (TQM), a comprehensive approach dedicated to continuous quality to strive for zero defects. A third quality approach is the movement of improvement, training, and customer satisfaction.

Being of a presumably practical turn of mind, could you run an organization or a department according to the theories you've just learned? Probably not. The reason: People are complicated. To be an exceptional manager, you need to learn to deal with individual differences in a variety of settings. Thus, to the historical perspective on management (classical, behavioral, and

contemporary perspective, which con­ (See Figure 2.2 below.) These consist of:

quantitative viewpoints), let us now add the sists of three viewpoints. Systems Contingency Quality-management

In this section, we discuss the systems viewpoint.

The Systems Viewpoint

The Contingency Viewpoint

Regards the organization as

Emphasizes that a manager's


systems of interrelated parts

approach should vary accord­

Three approaches

that operate together to

ing to-i.e., be contingent

The Quality-Management

on-the individual and environ­

achieve a common purpose

mental situation

Quality control

Quality assurance

Total quality management

Strategy for minimizing errors

Focuses on the performance of

Comprehensive approach

by managing each state of

workers, urging employees to

dedicated to continuous quality


strive for "zero defects"

improvement, training, and customer satisfaction

Proponent: Walter Shewart

Proponents: W. Edwards Deming Joseph M. Juran

figure 2.2 THE CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE Three viewpoints





The Systems Viewpoint The 52 bones in the foot. The monarchy of Great Britain. A weather storm front. Each of these is a system. A


is a set of interrelated parts that operate

together to achieve a common purpose. Even though a system may not work

very well-as in the inefficient way the Russian government collects taxes, for example-it is nevertheless still a system. The

systems viewpoint

regards the organization as a system of interrelated

parts. By adopting this point of view, you can look at your organization both as

(I) a collection of

subsystems-parts making up the whole system-and

(2) a part

of the larger environment. A college, for example, is made up of a collection of academic departments, support staffs, students, and the like. But it also exists as a system within the environment of education, having to be responsive to parents, alumni, legislators, nearby townspeople, and so on.

The Four Parts of a System The vocabulary of the systems perspective is useful because it gives you a way of understanding many different kinds of organizations. The four parts of a system are defined as follows: 1.


are the people, money, information, equipment, and materials

required to produce an organization's goods or services.

Whatever goes

into a system is an input. 2.

Outputs are the

products, services, profits, losses, employee satisfaction or

discontent, and the like that are produced by the organization. Whatever

comes out of the system is an output. 3.

Transformation processes are the organization's capabilities in management

and technology that are applied to converting inputs into outputs. The main

activity of the organization is to transform inputs into outputs.



is information about the reaction of the environment to the out­

puts that affects the inputs. Are the customers buying or not buying the

product? That information is feedback. The four parts of a system are illustrated below.

figure 2.3

(See Figure 2.3.)




Inputs The people, money,


Transformational processes


The organization's capabilities

The products, services, profits,

information, equipment,

in management and technology

losses, employee satisfaction or

and materials required

that are applied to converting

discontent, etc., produced by the

to produce an organization's

inputs into outputs


Example: Designer's

Example: Gold and silver rings,

management skills (planning,

earrings, bracelets, etc.

goods or services Example: For a jewelry designer-design, money,

organizing, leading, controlling),

artistic talent, gold and silver,

gold and silver smithing tools and

tools, marketing expertise


expertise, Web site for marketing

Feedback Information about the reaction of the environment to

..._____ _ _____

the outputs, which affects the inputs Example: Web customers like African-style designs, dislike imitation Old English designs

Management Theory




Closed and open systems. Top: The Apple Newton Messagepad, a personal digital assistant released in 1993 1998, probably failed because it was developed as a closed system, with inadequate feedback

and killed in

from consumers before launch. It was panned for being too expensive, too large, and having faulty handwriting recognition.

Bottom.· The iPad, Apple's tablet-style device, was released in early 2010 after much secrecy. Could

the iPad have benefited from an open system of consumer feedback under such hush-hush conditions? How might this be done?

Open & Closed Systems

Nearly all organizations are, at least to some degree,

open systems rather than closed systems. An open system continually interacts with

its environment. A closed system has little interaction with its environment; that is, it receives very little feedback from the outside. The classical management viewpoint often considered an organization a closed system. So does the management science perspective, which simplifies organizations for purposes of analysis. However, any organization that ignores feedback from the environment opens itself up to possibly spectacular failures.

Why the Systems Viewpoint-Particularly the Concept of Open Systems-Is Important: The history of management is full of accounts of organizations whose services or products failed (such as the 1959 Ford Edsel) because they weren't open enough systems and didn't have sufficient feedback. The concept of open systems, which stresses feedback from multiple environmental factors, both inside and outside the organization, attempts to ensure a continuous learning process in order to correct old mistakes and avoid new ones.


Example Open versus Closed Systems: How Successful Jeans Makers Keep Up The Baby Boomers (72 million people) were born be­

both low-priced brands and "premium" ($100-plus)

tween 1945 and 1962, and Generation X (17 million) was

jeans.28 "We all got older; and as a consequence, we

born 1963 to 1978). Now we have Generation Y, born

lost touch with teenagers," said David Spangler, Levi's

1979 to 1994, which at 60 million people is a huge mar­

director of market research. The jeans maker there­

ket for denim jeans makers. How can they discover

upon opened up its relatively closed system by insti­

what's cool with this generation?26

tuting ongoing teen panels to keep tabs on emerging

Open System: The Company That Listened. Internet­

trends. Generation Y "is a generation that must be

wise Gen Yers are accustomed to high-speed informa­

reckoned with," said Spangler. "They are going to take

tion, which has made fashions faster changing. For a

over the country."

long time, Tommy Hilfiger stayed ahead of the style curve. "When Hilfiger 's distinctive logo-laden shirts


and jackets started showing up on urban rappers in

With the onset of the recent recession, the changing

the early '90s," says one account, "the company

denim fashion market took another turn-away from

started sending researchers into music clubs to see

designer and premium jeans.29 The new hot fad is

how this influential group wore the styles." By having

so-called workwear; such as the Levi's 501 jeans that

constant feedback-an open system-with young con­

were first manufactured in 1873 for miners and cow­

sumers, Hilfiger was rewarded: In the late '90s, its

boys and now are worn by everyone. "Workwear is

jeans became the No. I brand in this age group.27

coming at a time when the country is saying, 'Let's get

Closed System: The Company That Didn't Listen.

back to work' at a very primal level," says one fashion

By contrast, Levi Strauss and Co. was jolted awake in

expert.30 Workwear may dominate for another few

1997 when the company found the brand was losing

fashion seasons, but what would you recommend any

popularity among teens, in part because of threats from

jeans maker do to broaden its feedback system and

private-label jeans from Walmart and other big retailers,

anticipate future changing business conditions?





t:i 2.6 CONTINGENCY VIEWPOINT maJor question .

In the end, is there one best way to manage in all situations? THE BIG PICTURE The second viewpoint in the contemporary perspective, the contingency view­ point, emphasizes that a manager's approach should vary according to the indi­ vidual and environmental situation.

The classical viewpoints advanced by Taylor and Fayol assumed that their approaches had universal applications-that they were "the one best way" to man­ age organizations. The contingency viewpoint began to develop when managers discovered that under some circumstances better results could be achieved by breaking the one-best-way rule. The contingency viewpoint emphasizes that a man­

ager's approach should vary according to-that is, be contingent on-the individual and the environmental situation.

Exam The Contingency Viewpoint: What Incentives Work in Lean Times? Americans of all ages and incomes have grown in­

At Ford Motor Co., managers use thank-you notes as

creasingly unhappy at work, with today only 45%

rewards. At Ohio drug maker Sanofi-Aventis, one

saying they are satisfied with their jobs, according to

manager "e-mails employees to recognize even small

a recent survey.31 The reasons: Fewer workers con­

accomplishments, and strategically copies higher­

sider their jobs interesting, incomes have not kept

ups," says one account .32 Another way to increase

up with inflation, and rising health insurance costs

productivity: screen employees' tasks to remove

have cut into workers' take-home pay. So how, in

"discretionary work"-such as internal reports that

hard economic times, is a manager to motivate non­

can be reduced or delayed-in favor of higher-priority

overtime-earning workers (those remaining after lay­

work. The mix of approaches represents the contin­

offs) to get them to produce more when raises,

gency viewpoint.

bonuses, and promotions are frozen? At





Rockwell Collins, manager Jenny Miller persuaded


20 overworked engineers to come in Thanksgiving

What other inexpensive ways of improving productivity

weekend to meet a deadline to deliver software to a

can you think of? What theories do the approaches

customer. Her lures? Free lunch and $100 gift cards.

just described seem to represent?

A manager subscribing to the Gilbreth approach might try to get workers to be more productive by simplifying the steps. A manager of the Theory X/Theory Y persuasion might try to use motivational techniques. But the manager following the contingency viewpoint would simply ask, "What method is the best to use under these particular circumstances?"

Management Theory




Contingency approach. Giving employees more money is not the only way to motivate them to be more productive. Sometimes small rewards, such as a free lunch, are equally effective. Would it make a difference to you if your boss showed appreciation of your efforts even in small ways-as by sending you a thank-you note?

Gary Hamel: Management Ideas Are Not Fixed, They're a Process Discussion of the contingency viewpoint leads us naturally to the thoughts of Gary Hamel, cofounder of the Management Innovation Lab and ranked by The Wall Street Journal as today's most influential business thinker.33 "Over time," he says, "every great invention, management included, travels a road that leads from birth to maturity, and occasionally to senescence."34 Hamel holds that much of management theory is dated and doesn't fit the current realities of organizational life and that management innovation is essential to future organizational success. Indeed, he suggests, what we need to do is look at man­ agement as a process, and then make improvements and innovation ongoing and systematic. After all, if managers now innovate by creating new products or new business strategies, why can't they be equally innovative in how they manage their companies? How do you get the ball rolling in management innovation, particularly in a traditional, conventional company? Hamel believes that the answer can be found by identifying core beliefs that people have about the organization, especially those that detract from the pursuit of management innovation. He suggests that these beliefs can be rooted out by repeatedly asking the right questions-namely, the following: Is this a belief worth challenging? Is it debilitating? Does it get in


the way of an important organizational attribute that we'd like to strengthen? Is this belief universally valid? Are there counterexamples? If so, what do


we learn from those cases? How does this belief serve the interests of its adherents? Are there people


who draw reassurance or comfort from this belief ? Have our choices and assumptions conspired to make this belief self­


fulfilling? Is this belief true simply because we have made it true-and, if so, can we imagine alternatives?35 Why the Contingency Viewpoint Is Important: The contingency viewpoint would seem to be the most practical of the viewpoints discussed so far be­ cause it addresses problems on a case-by-case basis and varies the solution accordingly.






Practical Action Mindfulness over Mindlessness: Learning to Take a Contingency Point of View the card yet, the cashier returned it to her to sign the

"Be flexible." Isn't that what we're told? Throughout your career, you will have to con­

back. After passing the credit card through the im­

stantly make choices about how to solve various prob­

printing machine, the clerk handed her the credit card

lems-which tools to apply, including the theories

receipt to sign, which Langer did. Then, says Langer,

described in this chapter. However, one barrier to be­ ing flexible is


Instead we need to adopt

the frame of mind that Harvard psychology professor


the cashier "held the form next to the newly signed card to see if the signatures matched."38 In automatic behavior, we take in and use limited

a form of active

signals from the world around us without letting other

We've all experienced mindlessness. We misplace

being open to new information-including that not

Ellen Langer has called

signals penetrate as well. By contrast, mindfulness is

engagement.36 our keys. We write checks in January with the previous

specifically assigned to you. Mindfulness requires you

year 's date. Mindlessness is characterized by the three

to engage more fully in whatever it is you're doing.

following attributes.

Mindlessness #3: Acting from a Single Perspective

Mindlessness #I: Entrapment in Old Categories

Most people, says Langer, typically assume that other

An avid tennis player, Langer says that at a tennis

peoples' motives and intentions are the same as


theirs. For example, she says, "If I am out running and

how to hold her racquet and toss the ball when making

see someone walking briskly, I assume she is trying to

camp she, like all other students, was taught

a serve. But later, when watching a top tennis champi­

exercise and would run if only she could," when actu­

onship, she observed that none of the top players

ally she may only be trying to get her exercise from

served the way she was taught and all served slightly


differentlyY The significance: There is no one right way of doing

For most situations, many interpretations are pos­ sible. "Every idea, person, or object is potentially simul­

things. In a conditional, or mindful, way of teaching, an

taneously many things depending on the perspective

instructor doesn't say, "This is THE answer," but rather,

from which it is viewed," says Langer.39 Trying out

more choices in how

"This is ONE answer." Thus, all information-even in the

different perspectives gives you

hard sciences and mathematics, where it may seem as

to respond;

though there is just one correct answer-should be

automatic reaction reduces your options.

a single perspective that produces an

regarded with open-mindedness, because there may be exceptions. That is, you should act as though the information is true only for certain uses or under certain circumstances.

Your Call Developing mindfulness means consciously adapting: Being open to novelty. Being alert to distinctions. Being sensitive to different contexts. Being aware of multiple

Mindlessness #2: Automatic Behavior

perspectives. Being oriented in the present. Picking

Langer tells of the time she used a new credit card in a

just one of these characteristics, what would you do to

department store. Noticing that Langer hadn't signed

try to become better at it?

Management Theory






major question

Can the quality-management viewpoint offer guidelines for true managerial success? THE BIG PICTURE The quality-management viewpoint, the third category under contemporary per­

quality control, quality assurance, and especially the move­ total quality management (TQM), dedicated to continuous quality

spectives, consists of ment of

improvement, training, and customer satisfaction.

At one time in the 20th century, word got around among buyers of American cars that one shouldn't buy a "Monday car" or a "Friday car"----cars built on the days when absenteeism and hangovers were highest among dissatisfied autoworkers. The reason, supposedly, was that, despite the efforts of quantitative management, the cars produced on those days were the most shoddily made of what were com­ ing to look like generally shoddy products. The energy crisis of the 1970s showed different possibilities, as Americans began to buy more fuel-efficient cars made in Japan. Consumers found they could not only drive farther on a gallon of gas but that the cars were better made and needed repair less often. Eventually American car manufacturers began to adopt Japanese meth­ ods, leading to such slogans as "At Ford, Quality Is Job One." Today the average American car lasts much longer than it used to, and some U.S. cars are equal or superior to the best foreign competitors-for example, the Cadillac CTS beats the

Consumer Reports.40 quality-management viewpoint,

Mercedes-Benz E350 and Lexus GS 450h, according to Although not a "theory" as such, the


includes quality control, quality assurance, and total quality management, deserves

to be considered because of the impact of this kind of thinking on contemporary management perspectives.

Quality Control & Quality Assurance Quality

refers to the total ability of a product or service to meet customer needs.

Quality is seen as one of the most important ways of adding value to products and services, thereby distinguishing them from those of competitors. Two tradi­ tional strategies for ensuring quality are quality control and quality assurance.

Quality Control

Quality control is defined as the strategy for

minimizing errors

by managing each stage of production. Quality control techniques were developed

in the 1930s at Bell Telephone Labs by Walter Shewart, who used statistical sam­ pling to locate errors by testing just some (rather than all) of the items in a par­ ticular production run.

Quality Assurance

Developed in the 1960s,

quality assurance

focuses on the

performance of workers, urging employees to strive for "zero defects." Quality

assurance has been less successful because often employees have no control over the design of the work process.

Total Quality Management: Creating an Organization Dedicated to Continuous Improvement In the years after World War II, the imprint "Made in Japan" on a product almost guaranteed that it was cheap and flimsy. That began to change with the arrival in Japan of two Americans, W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran.






W. Edwards Deming

Desperate to rebuild its war-devastated economy, Japan

eagerly received mathematician W. Edwards Deming's lectures on "good manage­ ment." Deming believed that quality stemmed from "constancy of purpose"­ steady focus on an organization's mission-along with statistical measurement and reduction of variations in production processes. However, he also emphasized the human side, saying that managers should stress teamwork, try to be helpful rather than simply give orders, and make employees feel comfortable about asking questions. In addition, Deming proposed his so-called 85-15 rule-namely, when things go wrong, there is an 85% chance that the system is at fault, only a 15% chance that the individual worker is at fault. (The "system" would include not only machinery and equipment but also management and rules.) Most of the time, Deming thought, managers erroneously blamed individuals when the failure was really in the system.

TQM pioneer. W. Edwards Deming (right), shown with Kenzo Sasaoka, president of Yokogawa Hewlett-Packard, in Japan, 1982.

Joseph M. Juran

Another pioneer with Deming in Japan's quality revolution

was Joseph M. Juran, who defined quality as "fitness for use." By this he meant that a product or service should satisfy a customer's real needs. Thus, the best way to focus a company's efforts, Juran suggested, was to concentrate on the real needs of customers.

TOM: What It Is

From the work of Deming and Juran has come the strategic

commitment to quality known as total quality management. Total quality man­

agement ( TQM) is a comprehensive approach-led by top management and sup­ ported throughout the organization--dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. The four components of TQM are as follows: l.

Make continuous improvement a priority. TQM companies are never satis­ fied. They make small, incremental improvements an everyday priority in all areas of the organization. By improving everything a little bit of the time all the time, the company can achieve long-term quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.


Get every employee involved. To build teamwork and trust, TQM compa­ nies see that every employee is involved in the continuous improvement process. This requires that workers must be trained and empowered to find and solve problems. The goal is to build teamwork, trust, and mutual respect.


Listen to and learn from customers and employees. TQM companies pay attention to their customers, the people who use their products or ser­ vices. In addition, employees within the companies listen and learn from other employees, those outside their own work areas.


Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems. TQM orga­ nizations are always alert to how competitors do things better, then try to improve on them-a process known as benchmarking. Using these standards, they apply statistical measurements to their own processes to identify problems.

Why Total Quality Management Is Important: The total quality manage­ ment viewpoint emphasizes infusing concepts of quality throughout the total organization in a way that will deliver quality products and services to custom­ ers. The adoption of TQM helped American companies deal with global competition .


Management Theory






maJor question

Organizations must learn or perish. How do I build a learning organization? THE BIG PICTURE Learning organizations actively create, acquire, and transfer knowledge within themselves and are able to modify their behavior to reflect new knowledge. There are three ways you as a manager can help build a learning organization.

Ultimately, the lesson we need to take from the theories, perspectives, and view­ points we have described is this: We need to keep on learning. Organizations are the same way: Like people, they must continually learn new things or face obsolescence. A key challenge for managers, therefore, is to establish a culture that will enhance their employees' ability to learn-to build so-called learning organizations. Learning organizations, says Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Peter Senge, who coined the term, are places "where people continually expand

their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together."41

The Learning Organization: Handling Knowledge & Modifying Behavior More formally, a learning organization is an organization that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge.42 Note the three parts: Creating and acquiring knowledge.


In learning organizations, manag­

ers try to actively infuse their organizations with new ideas and infor­ mation, which are the prerequisites for learning. They acquire such knowledge by constantly scanning their external environments, by not being afraid to hire new talent and expertise when needed, and by devoting significant resources to training and developing their employees. Transferring knowledge.


Managers actively work at transferring knowl­

edge throughout the organization, reducing barriers to sharing informa­ tion and ideas among employees. Electronic Data Systems (EDS), for instance, practically invented the information-technology services indus­ try, but by 1996 it was slipping behind competitors-missing the onset of the Internet wave, for example. When a new CEO, Dick Brown, took the reins in 1999, he changed the culture from "fix the problem yourself" to sharing information internally.43 Modifying behavior. Learning organizations are nothing if not results ori­


ented. Thus, managers encourage employees to use the new knowledge obtained to change their behavior to help further the organization's goals.44





Why Organizations Need to Be Lea rning Organizations: Living with Accelerated Change Just as you as an individual will have to confront the challenges we mentioned in Chapter 1-globalization, information technology, diversity, and so on-so will organizations. The challenges posed by competition from a globalized market­ place and from the Internet and e-business revolution have led to unprecedented accelerated change, forcing organizations to be faster and more efficient. Among some of the consequences of this fast-paced world:


The rise of virtual organizations. "Strip away the highfalutin' talk," says one

industry observer, "and at bottom the Internet is a tool that dramatically lowers the cost of communication. That means it can radically alter any in­ dustry or activity that depends heavily on the flow of information."45 One consequence of this is the virtual organization, an organization whose members are geographically apart, usually working with e-mail, collaborative computing, and other computer connections, while often appearing to customers and

others to be a single, unified organization with a real physical location.46 2.

The rise of boundaryless organizations. Computer connections and virtual

organization have given rise to the concept of boundaryless organization. The opposite of a bureaucracy, with its numerous barriers and divisions, a houndaryless organization is a fluid, highly adaptive organization whose members, linked by information technology, come together to collaborate on common tasks; the collaborators may include competitors, suppliers, and customers. This means that the form of the business is ever-changing, and

business relationships are informal.47


The imperative for speed and innovation. "Speed is emerging as the ultimate

competitive weapon," says a Business Week article. "Some of the world's most successful companies are proving to be expert at spotting new opportunities, marshaling their forces, and bringing to market new products or services in a flash. That goes for launching whole new ventures, too."48 Speed is being driven by a new innovation imperative. "Competition is more intense than ever," the article continues, "because of the rise of the Asian powerhouses and the spread of disruptive new Internet technologies and business models."


The increasing importance of knowledge workers. A knowledge worker is someone whose occupation is principally concerned with generating or inter­ preting information, as opposed to manual labor. Knowledge workers add

value to the organization by using their brains rather than the sweat of their brows, and as such they are the most common type of worker in 21st-century organizations. Because of globalization and information technology, the United States no longer has an advantage in knowledge workers. Indeed, because of the advancement of China, India, Russia , and Brazil; the offshoring of sophisticated jobs; the decrease in math and science skills among today's younger Americans; and other factors, the United States may be in danger of slipping behind.


An appreciation for the importance of human capital. Human capital is the economic or productive potential of employee knowledge, experience, and actions.49 Thinking about people as human capital has an obvious basis:

"Attracting, retaining, and developing great people is sometimes the only way our organizations can keep up with the competition across the street or around the globe," says Susan Meisinger, president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management. "Research has shown that highly educated, knowledgeable workers-the most in dem and-are the hardest to find and easiest to lose."50

Management Theory




An appreciation for the importance of social capital. Social capital is the


economic or productive potential of strong, trusting, and cooperative relationships.51 Among aspects of social capital are goodwill, mutual re­ spect, cooperation, trust, and teamwork. Relationships within a company are important: In one survey, 77% of the women and 63% of the men rated "good relationship with boss" extremely important, outranking such matters as good equipment, easy commute, and flexible hours.52 New emphasis on evidence-based management. Is it such a radical idea to


base decisions on the latest and best knowledge of what actually works? Wouldn't you think this would be the way medicine operates? In fact, say Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton, most doctors rely on "obsolete knowl­ edge gained in school, long-standing but never proven traditions, patterns gleaned from experience, the methods they believe in and are most skilled in applying, and information from hordes of vendors with products and services."53 Business decision makers operate much the same way. Challenging this is a push for the use of evidence-based management in business. We continue the discussion about evidence-based management in Chapter 6.

How to Build a Learning Organization: Three Roles Managers Play To create a learning organization, managers must perform three key functions or roles: (1) build a commitment to learning, (2) work to generate ideas with impact, and (3) work to generalize ideas with impact. 54 You can build a commitment to learning. To instill in your employees an


intellectual and emotional commitment to the idea of learning, you as a manager need to lead the way by investing in it, publicly promoting it, creating rewards and symbols of it, and performing other similar activi­ ties. For example, Mark Pigott, chairman of PACC AR, Inc., which makes Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks, accomplished this by looking at other kinds of businesses and learning from their success. By focusing intently on how to improve quality, PAC C AR can charge up to I 0% more than competitors for its trucks.55 You can work to generate ideas with impact. As a manager, you need to try


to generate ideas with impact-that is, ideas that add value for customers, employees, and shareholders-by increasing employee competence through training, experimenting with new ideas, and engaging in other leadership activities. Soon after Dick Brown became new CEO of EDS, he saw that the company had to be reinvented as a cool brand to make people feel good about working there. His marketing director decided to launch a new campaign at the biggest media event of all: the Super Bowl. EDS ran an ad showing rugged cowboys riding herd on I 0,000 cats. T he message: "We ride herd on complexity." 3.

You can work to generalize ideas with impact.

Besides generating ideas

with impact, you can also generalize them-that is, reduce the barriers to learning among employees and within your organization. You can create a climate that reduces conflict, increases communication , promotes team­ work, rewards risk taking, reduces the fear of failure, and increases coop­ eration . In other words, you can create a psychologically safe and comforting environment that increases the sharing of successes, failures, and best practices.







Key Terms Used in This Chapter administrative management 42

human capital 59

quality control 56

behavioral science 47

human relations movement 46

quality-management viewpoint 56

behavioral viewpoint 44

inputs 51

quantitative management 48

boundaryless organization 59

knowledge worker 59

scientific management 40

classical viewpoint 40

learning organization 58

social capital 60

closed system 52

management science 48

subsystems 51

contemporary perspective 39

open system 52

system 51

contingency viewpoint 53

operations management 49

systems viewpoint 51

evidence-based management 38

outputs 51

total quality management

feedback 51

quality 56

transformation processes 51

historical perspective 39

quality assurance 56

virtual organization 59



Summa 2.1 Evolving Viewpoints: How We Got to

be applied to management, and by Frank

Today's Management Outlook

and Lillian Gilbreth, who refined motion

A rational approach to management is

studies that broke job tasks into physical

evidence-based management, which means

motions. (2) Administrative management

translating principles based on best evidence

was concerned with managing the total

into organizational practice, bringing

organization. Among its pioneers were

rationality to the decision-making process.

Henri Fayol, who identified the major

The two overarching perspectives on

functions of management (planning,

management are (1) the historical

organizing, leading, controlling), and

perspective, which includes three

Max Weber, who identified five positive

viewpoints-classical, behavioral, and

bureaucratic features in a well-performing

quantitative; and (2) the contemporary

organization. The classical viewpoint

perspective, which includes three other

showed that work activity was amenable

viewpoints-systems, contingency, and

to a rational approach, but it has been

quality-management. There are five

criticized as being too mechanistic, viewing

practical reasons for studying theoretical

humans as cogs in a machine.

perspectives: They provide (1) understanding of the present, (2) a guide to action,

(3) a source of new ideas, (4) clues to the meaning of your managers' decisions, and

(5) clues to the meaning of outside ideas.

2.3 Behavioral Viewpoint: Behavorism,

Human Relations,

& Behavioral Science

The second of the historical perspectives, the behavioral viewpoint emphasized the importance of understanding human

2.2 Classical Viewpoint: Scientific


Administrative Management

behavior and of motivating employees toward achievement. It developed over

The first of the historical perspectives is the

three phases: (1) early behaviorism (2) the

classical viewpoint, which emphasized find­

human relations movement, and (3) the

ing ways to manage work more efficiently.

behavioral science approach. Early

It had two branches: (1) Scientific

behaviorism had three pioneers: (a) Hugo

management emphasized the scientific

Munsterberg suggested that P.Sychologists

study of work methods to improve

could contribute to industry by studying

productivity by individual workers. It was

jobs, identifying the psychological conditions

pioneered by Frederick W. Taylor, who

for employees to do their best work.

offered four principles of science that could

(b) Mary Parker Follett thought organizations

Management Theory




should be democratic, with employees and

2.7 Quality-Management Viewpoint

managers working together. (c) Elton Mayo

The third category in the contemporary

hypothesized a so-called Hawthorne effect,

perspective, the quality-management

suggesting that employees worked harder

viewpoint is concerned with quality (the

if they received added attention from

total ability of a product or service to meet

managers. The human relations movement

customer needs) and has three aspects:

suggested that better human relations could

(1) Quality control is the strategy for

increase worker productivity. Among its

minimizing errors by managing each

pioneers were (a) Abraham Maslow, who

stage of production. (2) Quality assurance

proposed a hierarchy of human needs, and

focuses on the performance of workers,

(b) Douglas McGregor, who proposed a

urging employees to strive for "zero

Theory X (managers have pessimistic view

defects." (3) Total quality management

of workers) and Theory Y (managers have

(TQM) is a comprehensive approach

positive view of workers). The behavioral

dedicated to continuous quality

science approach relied on scientific research

improvement, training, and customer

for developing theories about human

satisfaction. TQM has four components:

behavior that can be used to provide

(a) make continuous improvement

practical tools for managers.

a priority; (b) get every employee

2.4 Quantitative Viewpoints: Management Science & Operations Research

customers and employees; and (d) use

The third of the historical perspectives,

eliminate problems.

involved; (c) listen to and learn from accurate standards to identify and

quantitative viewpoints emphasized the application to management of quantitative techniques. Two approaches

2.8 The Learning Organization in

are (1) management science, which

an Era of Accelerated Change

focuses on using mathematics to aid in

A learning organization is one that

problem solving and decision making; and

actively creates, acquires, and transfers

(2) operations management, which focuses

knowledge within itself and is able to

on managing the production and delivery

modify its behavior to reflect new

of an organization's products or services

knowledge. Seven reasons why

more effectively.

organizations need to become learning

2.5 Systems Viewpoint

organizations, with members connected

organizations are (1) the rise of virtual We turn from the study of the historical

by electronic networks; (2) the rise of fluid,

perspective to the contemporary

adaptive, boundaryless organizations;

perspective, which includes three

(3) the imperative for speed and

viewpoints: (1) systems, (2) contingency,

innovation; (4) the increasing importance

and (3) quality-management. The systems

of knowledge workers, those principally

viewpoint regards the organization as a

concerned with generating or interpreting

system of interrelated parts or collection

information; (5) an appreciation for the

of subsystems that operate together to

importance of human capital, the economic

achieve a common purpose. A system

or productive potential of employees;

has four parts: inputs, outputs, transfor­

(6) an appreciation for the importance of

mational processes, and feedback.

social capital, the economic or productive

A system can be open, continually

potential of strong and cooperative

interacting with the environment, or

relationships; and (7) new emphasis on

closed, having little such interaction.

evidence-based management, in which managers face hard facts about what


2.6 Contingency Viewpoint

works and what doesn't. Three roles

The second viewpoint in the contemporary

that managers must perform to build a

perspective, the contingency viewpoint

learning organization are to (1) build

emphasizes that a manager's approach

a commitment to learning, (2) work to

should vary according to the individual

generate ideas with impact, and (3) work

and the environmental situation.

to generalize ideas with impact.




Mana ement in Action Providence Regional Medical Center Uses a Variety of Management Theories to Profitably Treat Patients Walk into most hospitals, and you'll see patients

eligible for retirement, and under the prior leader­

scattered about the halls on gurneys or wheelchairs.

ship I would have left," says pediatric nurse Kathy

They're waiting to be moved from intensive care to

Elder, a 34-year veteran of Providence. "They were

a standard ward, or to an X-ray room, or to physi­

very hierarchical, very closed. There was a lack of

cal therapy. Each journey adds to the patient's dis­

trust all around."

comfort and increases the risk of infections and

The current CEO, 48-year-old David T. Brooks,

other complications. Tally up a single patient's

a fast-talking Detroit native, took over two years

migrations over 24 hours, and they may consume

ago. He says the administration is open to sugges­

as much as half a day of staff time.

tions from any and all staffers. "We have scorecards

Walk into




for everything around here, which measures both

Center, in Everett, Washington, and you will see a

quality and efficiency. If all we had were great clini­

hospital trying something different: It brings the

cal outcomes but costs kept rising, that just wouldn't

equipment to the patient. In 2003, Providence

be good enough."

opened one of the few "single stay" wards in the

The staff embraced the challenge to innovate.

nation. After heart surgery, cardiac patients re­

The nursing team came up with an idea of check­

main in one room throughout their recovery; only

ing on patients every two hours without waiting

the gear and staff are in motion . As the patient's

for a call button, to see if they need help walking

condition stabilizes, the beeping machines of

to the bathroom or moving about in their rooms.

intensive care are removed and physical therapy

Ten percent of fatal falls by the elderly in the

equipment is added. Testing gear is wheeled to the

United States occur in hospitals. This one change

patient, not the other way around. Patient satisfac­

at Providence reduced falls by 25%, according to

tion with the "single stay" ward has soared, and

chief nursing officer Kim W illiams. "We believe

the average length of hospital stay has dropped by

we'll see more improvement over the next six

a day or more.


This is just one of many changes-some radical,

Providence's saving efforts don't stop at the

many quite small-that have enabled Providence

hospital doors. It offers financial training courses

Regional to join a special subset of American hos­

to the 800 independent doctors affiliated with the

pitals: those that do not lose money on Medicare

hospital in an effort to get them thinking about


cost efficiencies. That's no easy task, however, since

The crazy world of hospital economics does

savings don't necessarily flow into their pockets.

not offer a lot of incentives to change. Both Medi­

Cutting back on unnecessary services may be better

care and private insurers reimburse on a piecework

for the bill payer, but it lowers the income of doc­

basis-known as fee-for-service-that encourages

tors and hospitals.

hospitals to treat more, prescribe more, and test

Providence also seeks to soften contentious

more. Economists refer to this arrangement as a

encounters among doctors and patients by doing

"value-blind" payment system, since no premium is

penance for errors. The hospital set up an indepen­

paid for quality. Consequently, hospitals have no financial moti­

dent panel to investigate medical mistakes, disclose its findings to the patient, and voluntarily offer a

vation to invest in productivity-enhancing com­

financial award if warranted. As a result, Provi­

puter technology, management experts, or efficiency

dence has only two malpractice suits pending, com­

research-and by and large, they don't.

pared with an average of 12 to 14 at other hospitals

Providence took a different path after picket­

of similar size.

ing by workers nine years ago shattered morale. A

When Providence can't find standard medical

new administration decided to attack the internal

practices, it innovates. That was the case with blood

staff divisions and foster collaboration among

transfusions. Cardiac and orthopedic surgeons real­

doctors, nurses, and administrators. Everyone is

ized a few years ago that there was no widely ac­

encouraged to contribute ideas on driving down

cepted data on the optimal amount of blood to give

costs and improving patient outcomes. "I'm

patients during surgery, despite the $240 cost per

Management Theory




bag. Dr. Brevig (director of cardiac surgery at Prov­ idence) started looking around and found several studies that correlated greater transfusion volumes with longer patient stays and higher infection rates. He was particularly surprised that transfusion rates varied greatly from hospital to hospital, re­ gardless of the patient's status. "The variations were related to the culture of the hospital, not the deci­ sions of the doctor," he says. Brevig set out to create a low-transfusion culture at Providence. He got surgeons to slow down because speedy operations

For Discussion I. To what extent is Providence using evidence-based management? Do you think that this is a good way to run a hospital? Explain your rationale.

2. To what extent are the managerial practices being used at Providence consistent with prin­ ciples associated with management science and operations management techniques? Discuss.

3. Use Figure 2.3 to analyze the extent to which Providence is using a systems viewpoint.

cause more blood loss. Settings were changed on

4. How are the managerial techniques being used

heart bypass machines to save blood, and the hospi­

at Providence consistent with both a contin­

tal hired a blood conservation coordinator. In a

gency and quality-management viewpoint?

study of 2,531 operations at Providence, Brevig

Explain your rationale.

reported that the incidence of transfusions were reduced to just 18% in 2007, from 43% in 2003, while the average patient stay was reduced by half a day. T he changes have saved Providence an estimated

5. How can the effective managerial techniques being used at Providence be exported to other hospitals? Discuss.

$4.5 million. Brevig has been proselytizing for his plasma practices at medical meetings, but to little avail. Only some 200 U.S. hospitals have a blood con­

Source: Excerpted [Tom Catherine Amst, "Radical Surgery,"

Bloomberg BusinessWeek, January 18, 2010, pp 40-45. Reprinted with permission.

servation program. Since patients are billed the cost of the plasma, doctors aren't motivated to change their habits.

Self-Assessment What Is Your Level of Self-Esteem? Objectives

and knowledge is to some extent "where you find

1. To get to know yourself a bit better.

it." To manage effectively in this situation, manag­

2. To help you assess your self-esteem.

ers need strong self-esteem.


Introduction Self-esteem, confidence, self-worth, and self-belief are all important aspects of being a manager in any organizational structure. However, the need for strong self-esteem is especially vital today be­ cause organizations demand that a manager man­ age people not as appendages of machines (as in scientific management) but as individuals who possess skills, knowledge, and self-will. Managers used to operate from a very strong position of cen­

To assess your self-esteem, answer the following questions. For each item, indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree by using the following scale. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.

1 = strongly disagree 2 =disagree 3


neither agree nor disagree

tralized power and authority. However, in our

4 =agree

modern organizational settings power is shared,

5 =strongly agree






I. I generally feel as competent as my peers.

1234 5

2. I usually feel I can achieve whatever I want.

1234 5

3. Whatever happens to me is mostly in my control.

1234 5

4. I rarely worry about how things will work out.

1234 5

5. I am confident that I can deal with most situations.

1234 5

6. I rarely doubt my ability to solve problems.

1234 5

7. I rarely feel guilty for asking others to do things.

1234 5

8. I am rarely upset by criticism.

1234 5

9. Even when I fail, I still do not doubt my basic ability.

1234 5 1234 5

10. I am very optimistic about my future. II. I feel that I have quite a lot to offer an employer.

1234 5

2. 1 I rarely dwell for very long on personal setbacks.

1234 5

13. I am always comfortable in disagreeing with my boss.

1234 5

14. I rarely feel that I would like to be somebody else.


Arbitrary Norms

Questions for Discussion

High self-esteem= 56-70

1. Do you agree with the assessment? Why or why not?

Moderate self-esteem= 29-55

2. How might you go about improving your self­ esteem?

Low self-esteem= 14-28

3. Can you survive today without having relatively good confidence in yourself ?

Ethical Dilemma Should Automotive Business Executives Be Held Liable for Product Defects That Result in Death? Toyota recalled 2.3 million cars in the United

have caused a number of fatal accidents. In a

States in early 20 I 0 in response to pressure from

memorandurn to lawmakers on the House Over­

federal regulators regarding acceleration problems

sight and Government Reform Committee, investi­

with its gas pedals. T his problem is thought to

gators for the panel pointed to what they called

Management Theory




"a growing body of evidence that neither Toyota nor NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) have identified all the causes of sudden unintended acceleration in Toyota vehi­ cles." T he memo said that remedies deployed by Toyota , such as redesigning some floor mats and fixing sticky gas pedals, have failed to solve the problem. CTS Corp., the company that makes the gas pedals for Toyota , claims that it is not respon­ sible for the problem .

Solving the Dilemma Consider that several Mitsubishi executives were put on trial for manslaughter charges in Japan "for failing diligently to investigate defects in delivery trucks that were subsequently implicated in two deaths." Do you think it is fair to level criminal charges on executives for product defects that can cause death among users? I. Absolutely not. Individual managers should not

Toyota officials told Congress that it is "very, very hard to identify" causes of the problem. Some experts contend that the root cause problem is the sophisticated software that is installed in cars to help reduce emissions, control braking, and myriad other tasks. For example, a writer from the The

Wall Street Journal concluded that "implementing so many virtual and not-so-virtual control features as a network system also creates complexity and multiplies the opportunity for unpredictable soft­ ware bugs and circuitry mishaps." If this writer is correct, then one must wonder if it is fair to blame executives for defective parts that are being installed

be held responsible for the safety of all the parts that go into a car for example. 2. Yes. If we don't hold someone accountable for

product defects, then companies will ignore safety in lieu of lower costs and faster delivery. 3. No, but corporations should be held responsible.

Individuals can't control or test the safety of all parts used in a car, but organizations can. 4. Invent other options. Discuss. Source: Material for this case was drawn and extracted fTom Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., "Toyota and the Curse of Software," The Wall Slreel Journal, February 5, 2010, p. AIS; and Kate

as part of an attempt to make cars more efficient,

Linebaugh and Matthew Dolan, "Pedal Maker Says It's Not to

safe, and energy efficient.

Blame," The Wall Slreel Journal, February 9, 2010, p. B3.





chapter 3 The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities Doing the Right Thing

m 3.1 The Community of

Stakeholders Inside the


. The Social Responsibilities l(g)l 3Required of You as a Manager


Major Question: Is being socially

Major Question: Stockholders are

responsible really necessary?

only one group of stakeholders. Who are the stakeholders important to me inside the organization?

m 3.5 The New Diversified Workforce

Major Question: What trends

l3 3.2 The Community of

Stakeholders Outside the

Organization Major Question: Who are stakeholders important to me outside the organization?

1§13.3 The Ethical Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager Major Question: What does the successful manager need to know about ethics and values?

in workplace diversity should managers be aware of?

the manager's toolbox Treating Employees Right: Toward a More Open Workplace

Benjamin Group, a California public relations agency, has fired clients who have been arrogant and hard to work with. This reflects management theories that troublesome customers are often

Some companies are "toxic organizations," Stanford

less profitable and less loyal and so aren't worth

University business professor Jeffrey Pfeffer's name

the extra effort.4

for firms with high turnover and low productivity. "Companies that manage people right will outperform companies that don't by 30% to 40%," says Pfeffer.

Use of "open-book" management. One way of challenging traditional military-style management and of empowering employees and increasing

"If you don't believe me, look at the numbers."1 The author of The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First, Pfeffer says that employees'

earnings is through "open-book management," Inc. magazine editor John Case's term for a company's being completely open with employees

loyalty to employers isn't dead but that toxic com­ panies drive people away.2 Companies such as Costco, Starbucks, and The Men's Wearhouse have had lower turnover-and hence lower replacement and training costs-than their competitors for a reason: They have bent over backward to create workplaces that make

about its financial status, projections, costs, expenses, and even salaries.5 This approach "means training employees in how the company is run," says one account. "It means asking for employee input and acting on it. It means rewarding employees with bonuses when the

people want to stay.

goals they create are met."6

Here are some ways that companies keep their employees: •

By learning the key numbers, employees are able to use their heads instead of just doing their jobs and

Being generous with personal and team

going home. "Whether or not you have equity owner­

recognition. CompuWorks, a Pittsfield,

ship, open-book management helps employees to feel,

Massachusetts, computer systems-integration company, cultivates employee loyalty by piling on personal and team recognition, as in giving the

think, and act like owners," says Gary T. Brown, direc­ tor of human resources for Springfield ReManufactur­ ing Corp., a rebuilder of truck engines in Springfield,

Wizard of the Week award to the employee who

Missouri. "True open-book management means asking

goes beyond the call of duty. It also operates the

employees what the goals should be."7

Time Bank, into which every month 10 hours of free time is "deposited" for each employee to use as he or she wishes. Training is given in how

For Discussion In tomorrow's highly diverse work­

to read financial statements and in how to chart billable hours and watch cash-flow levels. Regular

force, with people representing many different ethni­ cities, ages, and abilities, taking care of employees

bonuses are given based on company profits.3

will be one of the biggest challenges a manager will

Occasionally backing employees over clients.

face. Could you work for an old-style company that

Sometimes, despite the mantra that "the customer

did not feature some of the approaches mentioned

is always right," companies will even side with

above-even if it gave you a shot at getting into

employees against clients. For example, The

higher management?


What's Ahead in This Chapter

This chapter sets the stage for understanding the new world in which managers must operate and the responsibilities they will have. We begin by describing the community of stakeholders that managers have to deal with-first the internal stakeholders (employees, owners, and directors), then the external stakeholders in two kinds of environments (task and general). We then consider the ethical and social responsibilities required in being a manager, as well as the new diversified workforce and the barriers and approaches to managing diversity.

m 3.1



major question

Stockholders are only one group of stakeholders. Who are stakeholders important to me inside the organization? THE BIG PICTURE Managers operate in two organizational environments-internal and external­ both made up of stakeholders, the people whose interests are affected by the orga­ nization. The first, or internal, environment consists of employees, owners, and the board of directors.

Which company is better-Walmart Stores (2.1 million employees) or rival warehouse club Costco W holesale (142,000)? And why? Fortune named Walmart to the No. 1 or No. 2 spot

on its annual "Most Admired Companies" list in the years 2000-2005. (It dropped to No. 11 in 2008 and 2009. Costco was No. 22 in those years.) Is this because Walmart's low prices probably save consumers $20 bil­ lion a year? Because it generates 3.5 cents for each dollar on sales compared with Costco's 1. 7 cents? Cer­ tainly Walmart's "Always low prices" strategy has been hugely successful in bringing in revenues. But Walmart's strategy also earned it a reputation for being "the most evil company on the planet."8 That's Costco. In the war of big-box stores, has Costco or

less of a problem now, as the company has worked hard at improving its relationship with employees and the public, both in word

Walmart been better for

and deed. Walmart also benefited from the recent recession, when low prices

everyone involved?

became especially important to customers. In the past, however, the difference in the way Walmart and Costco treated their employees was dramatic, and still is in terms of pay rates: Walmart pays its retail cashiers an average of $8.89 an hour; Costco pays retail cashiers $12.86. At Costco 96% of eligible workers were and are covered by company health insur­ ance (higher than the 80% average at large U.S. companies) . Walmart used to claim fewer than 10% of its employees lacked health insurance (it is now less than 5.5%), but the company's system of premiums and deductibles made it difficult for low-wage employees to afford such insurance.9 Walmart's low-wage policy forced rivals, such as Safeway, to reduce benefits for their workers in order to stay com­ petitive. Costco's wages enabled its employees to buy homes and take vacation trips. Finally, Walmart has reportedly locked out workers overnight, ignored over­ time rules, hired illegal immigrants to mop its floors, shut down a store to avoid

letting union organizers in, and was slapped with a big discrimination suit. 10

The differences could be seen in annual employee turnover-at least 50%, per­ haps 70%, for Walmart, 24% for Costco.11 It's been calculated that a I 0% reduc­ tion in employee turnover can yield a 20% savings on labor costs. Thus, whereas Walmart's labor costs amounted to 12% of its annual sales, Costco's were only 7%. On a per-store basis, Walmart's Sam's Club generated only half the sales of the average Costco store (in part because Costco attracts higher-income shoppers and because it charges a yearly membership fee, spending no money on advertis­ ing). Still, the more favorable employee benefits led to a less favorable stock price for Costco compared with Walmart.




The Environment of Management

Which should a company favor, its employees or its owners (stockholders)? Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Co., thought he could serve both. In 1914, he announced workers in his factories would receive $5 a day-a major boost over then-prevailing wages. The reason: He recognized that his promise to build a car affordable to the masses would be hypocritical if he didn't pay his own workers enough to buy it themselves. 12

Internal & External Stakeholders Should a company be principally responsible to just its stockholders? Perhaps we need a broader term to indicate all those with a stake in an organization. That term, appropriately, is stakeholders-the people whose interests are affected by an organization's activities. Managers operate in two organizational environments, both made up of vari­

(See Figure 3.1.)

ous stakeholders.

As we describe in the rest of this section, the

two environments are these: Internal stakeholders External stakeholders The General




Economic forces

The Task Environment




forces Media

forces Competitors





Owners Governments

Distributors Board of directors








Demographic forces


The two main groups are internal and external stakeholders. Source: From Diverse Teams at Work by Lee Gardenswartz. Copyright

© 2003 by Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Reproduced with

permission of Society for Human Resource Management via Copyright Clearance Center.

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




Internal Stakeholders Whether small or large, the organization to which you belong has people in it who have an important stake in how it performs. These internal stakeholders consist of

employees, owners, and the board of directors, if any. Let us consider each in turn. Employees

As a manager, could you run your part of the organization if you

and your employees were constantly in conflict? Labor history, of course, is full of accounts of just that. But such conflict may lower the performance of the organi­ zation, thereby hurting everyone's stake. In many of today's forward-looking orga­ nizations, employees are considered "the talent"-the most important resource. "My chief assets drive out the gate every day," says Jim Goodnight, CEO of North Carolina-based SAS. "My job is to make sure they come back."13 SAS is the world's largest privately held software business and No. 1 on Fortune's 2010 list of "100 Best Companies to Work For." Even during the recent Great Recession, when there were six unemployed workers for every available U.S. job opening, SAS continued to treat employees exceptionally well, resulting in a turnover rate of only 2% in 2009, compared with a software industry average of 22%.


The owners of an organization consist of all those who can claim it as

their legal property, such as Walmart's stockholders. In the for-profit world, if you're running a one-person graphic design firm, the owner is just you-you're what is known as a sole proprietorship. If you're in an Internet start-up with your brother-in-law, you're both owners-you're a partnership. If you're a member of a Employee ownership. Zachary's Chicago Pizza, based in Oakland, California, uses a device known as an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, in which employees buy company stock in order to become owners. Although

family running a car dealership, you're all owners-you're investors in a privately owned company. If you work for a company that is more than half owned by its employees (such as Lakeland, Florida-based, Publix Super Markets or W L. Gore & Associates, maker of Gore-Tex fabric and No. 13 on Fortune's 2010 "Best Companies to Work For" list), you are one of the joint owners-you're part of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). 14 And if you've bought a few shares of stock in a company whose shares are listed for sale on the New York Stock Exchange, such

the idea was conceived over

as General Motors, you're one of thousands of owners-you're a stockholder. In

50 years ago, there are only

all these examples, of course, the goal of the owners is to make a profit.

about 11,500 ESOPs today out

Who hires the chief executive of a for-profit or nonprofit

of hundreds of thousands of

Board of Directors

businesses. Why do you

organization? In a corporation, it is the board of directors, whose members are elected

suppose more companies aren't owned by their employees?

by the stockholders to see that the company is being run according to their interests. In nonprofit organizations, such as universities or hospitals, the board may be called the board of trustees or board of

regents. Board members are very important in setting the organiza­ tion's overall strategic goals and in approving the major decisions and salaries of top management. Not all firms have a board of directors. A lawyer, for in­ stance, may operate as a sole proprietor, making all her own decisions. A large corporation might have eight or so members on its board of directors. Some of these directors (inside direc­ tors) may be top executives of the firm. The rest (outside direc­ tors) are elected from outside the firm.




The Environment of Management


Ia 3.2



major question

Who are stakeholders important to me outside the organization? THE BIG PICTURE The external environment of stakeholders consists of the task environment and the general environment. The task environment consists of customers, com­ petitors, suppliers, distributors, strategic allies, employee associations, local communities, financial institutions, government regulators, special-interest groups, and the mass media. The general environment consists of economic, technological, sociocultural, demographic, political-legal, and international forces.

In the first section we described the environment inside the organization. Here let's consider the environment outside it, which consists of external stakeholders­ people or groups in the organization's external environment that are affected by it.

This environment consists of: The task environment. The general environment.

The Task Environment The task environment consists of 11 groups that present you with daily tasks to handle: customers, competitors, suppliers, distributors, strategic allies, employee organizations, local communities, financial institutions, government regulators, special-interest groups, and mass media.

Take care of the customer. Customers have the most faith in the ability of apparel companies, banks, and hotels

The first law of business (and even nonprofits), we've said, is

I. Customers

take care of the customer.

Customers are those who pay to use an organization's

goods or services. Many customers value service over price, according to a Forrester

Research report, with 54% thinking it would be easy to have a customer service

to handle complaints, less confidence in Internet service providers, computer companies, and health insurers. Do you think this is

issue resolved in clothing and apparel outlets but only 30% thinking the same in

partly because a piece of

health insurance companies.15

clothing, for example, is less complex than a computer or

2. Competitors

Is there any line of work you could enter in which

there would

competitors-people or organizations that compete

not be

a health insurance policy?

for customers or resources, such as talented employees or raw materials?

Every organization has to be actively aware of its competitors. Florist shops and delicatessens must be aware that customers can buy the same products at Safeway or Kroger.

3. Suppliers

A supplier is a person or an organization that provides

supplies-that is, raw materials, services, equipment, labor, or energy­ to other organizations. Suppliers in turn have their own suppliers: The

publisher of this book buys the paper on which it is printed from a paper merchant, who in turn is supplied by several paper mills, which in turn are supplied wood for wood pulp by logging companies with forests in the United States or Canada.

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




Exam Taking Care.of Customers: Obsesses about 11the Customer Experience" What do Wall Street investors care about? Short-term

also has a money-losing (in Wall Street's view) 2-day

profits. And profits are what Dell Computer tried to

free shipping policy on all packages for an annual fee

deliver when it scrimped on customer service. So did

of just $79, and a customer-service phone number

eBay when it saddled its most dedicated sellers with

that you can actually find. In addition, it has a willing­

new costs. "Eventually," says New York Times business

ness to correct mistakes that it didn' t make, as when

writer Joe Nocera, "those short-sighted decisions

it replaced, for free, a SSOO PlayStation 3 Christmas present that Nocera had ordered for his son, which

caught up with both companies."16 By contrast, founder and CEO Jeff

disappeared on arriving at his apartment building­

Bezos is "obsessed," in his words, with what he calls

and it saw to it that the replacement arrived on

"the customer experience." Customers "care about

Christmas Eve.

having the lowest prices, having vast selection, so they have choice, and getting the products . . . fast," Bezos has said. "And the reason I'm so obsessed with


these drivers of the customer experience is that I

Spending huge sums of money on "frills" such as free

believe that the success we have had over the past

shipping has depressed Amazon's profits from time to

12 years has been driven exclusively by that customer

time, but in 2009 the company's fourth-quarter earn­


ings skyrocketed 71%, and it did well throughout the

T hus, the company has an easy-to-use website,

year despite the sluggish economy.19 Other companies

online technology ranked as more bug-free and user­

also bend over backward to take care of their custom­

friendly than rivals and It

ers. Can you name examples?

4. Distributors

A distributor is a person or an organization that helps another

organization sell its goods and services to customers. Publishers of magazines, for instance, don't sell directly to newsstands; rather, they go through a distributor, or wholesaler. Tickets to the Black Eyed Peas or other artists' performances might be sold to you directly by the concert hall, but they are also sold through such distributors as TicketMaster and Blockbuster Video. Distributors can be quite important because in some industries (such as movie theaters and magazines) there is not a lot of competition, and the distributor has a lot of power over the ultimate price of the product. However, the rise in popular­ ity of the Internet has allowed manufacturers of personal computers, for example, to cut out the "middleman"-the distributor-and to sell to customers directly.

5. Strategic Allies

Companies, and even nonprofit organizations, frequently

link up with other organizations (even competing ones) in order to realize strategic advantages. The term strategic allies describes the relationship of two organizations who join forces to achieve advantages neither can perform as well alone. With their worldwide reservation systems and slick marketing, big companies­ Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott, Starwood, and so on-dominate the high-end business­ center hotels. But in many cities, there are still independents-such as The Rittenhouse in Philadelphia, The Hay-Adams in Washington, DC, and The Adolphus in Dallas-that compete with the chains by promoting their prestigious locations, grand architecture, rich history, and personalized service. Recently, how­ ever, high-end independents have become affiliated with chains as strategic allies because chains can buy supplies for less and they have more far-reaching sales channels. The 97-year-old U.S. Grant in downtown San Diego, for example, joined Starwood's Luxury Collection in 2005 to gain "worldwide exposure," according to a hotel spokesman.2o




The Environment of Management

6. Employee Organizations: Unions & Associations

As a rule of thumb,

labor unions (such as the United Auto Workers or the Teamsters Union) tend to represent hourly workers; professional associations (such as the National Educa­ tion Association or the Newspaper Guild) tend to represent salaried workers. Nevertheless, during a labor dispute, salary-earning teachers in the American Federation of Teachers might well picket in sympathy with the wage-earning janitors in the Service Employees International Union. In recent years, the percentage of the labor force represented by unions has steadily declined (from 35% in the 1950s to 12.3% in 2009).21 Indeed, most union members are now government employees, and private-sector unionization, mainly because of recession-related job losses in manufacturing and construction, has fallen off.22 T he composition of the membership has also changed , with 45% of the unionized workforce now female and 38% of union members holding a four-year college degree or more.23

7. Local Communities

Local communities are obviously important stake­

holders, as becomes evident not only when a big organization arrives but also when it leaves, sending government officials scrambling to find new industry to replace it. Schools and municipal governments rely on the organization for their tax base. Families and merchants depend on its employee payroll for their liveli­ hoods. In addition, everyone from the United Way to the Little League may rely on it for some financial support. If a community gives a company tax breaks in return for the promise of new jobs and the firm fails to do so, does the commu­ nity have the right to institute clawbacks-rescinding the tax breaks when firms don't deliver promised jobs?

Exam Local Communities as Stakeholders: What Does a Company Owe Its Community? Since its founding in 1884 as a cash register company

Communities & Clawbacks. As mentioned, many

the NCR Corporation, formerly known as National Cash

communities offer companies inducements to relocate,

Register and now a maker of automated teller ma­

often trading tax breaks in return for the promise of

chines and other self-service devices, has been an im­

jobs . But in cash-strapped times, cities that once bent

portant company for Dayton, Ohio. But that ended in

over backward to lure companies are now resorting to

early 2010 when NCR chief executive Bill Nuti publicly

" clawbacks"-asserting their right to rescind the tax

announced the company was relocating its head­

breaks when the firms fail to deliver. Target Corp ., for in­

quarters to Atlanta and posed for photographs with

stance, got tax abatements from DeKalb, Illinois, city,

Georgia's governor, whose state had promised a lucra­

county, and other taxing bodies after promising at least

tive incentive package.

500 jobs at a local distribution center. "So when the

"The images galled Dayton," reports The New York

company came up 66 workers short in 2009," says one

Times, "given Ohio's contention that Mr. Nuti had side­

report, "Target got word its next tax bill would be jumping

stepped several invitations from its governor since

almost $600,000-more than half of which goes to the

2007 to discuss NCR's needs and desires."24 Nuti

local school district, where teachers and programs have

rejoined that NCR had 22,000 employees around the

been cut as coffers dried up."25

world, but only 1,200 were in Ohio-fewer than in Georgia. Moreover, he said, Dayton's transportation costs were high and the airport not easy to connect


with, and it was difficult to recruit top talent to live

Should NCR have given Ohio a chance to match Georgia's

and work in the area. Ohioans found these remarks

incentives? Or is the company's loyalty only to its

insulting, and in any case didn't 125 years count for

stockholders? What obligations should a community


expect of the companies located there?

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




'"'. If'·,'...



8. Financial Institutions

Want to launch a small

company? Although normally reluctant to make loans to start-ups, financial institutions-banks, sav­ ings and loans, and credit unions-may do so if you have a good credit history or can secure the loan with property such as a house. In the recent recession , even good customers found loans hard to get. (Best advice: Get to know some bank loan officers and try to educate them about your business_)26 Established companies also often need loans to tide them over when revenues are down or to finance expansion, but they rely for assistance on lenders such as commercial banks, investment banks, and . msurance compames. .

Government as stakeholder. Lake Tahoe straddles the state lines of California and Nevada. To help preserve the lake's natural beauty and prevent the clarity of its water from being spoiled by development and pollution, the various counties around the lake agreed to submit to

9. Government Regulators

The preceding groups are external stakeholders

in your organization since they are clearly affected by its activities. But why would

govemment regulators regulatory agencies that establish ground rules under which organizations may operat be considered stakeholders? -

We are talking here about an alphabet soup of agencies, boards, and commis­ sions that have the legal authority to prescribe or proscribe the conditions under

being regulated by a bistate

which you may conduct business. To these may be added local and state regulators

agency, the Tahoe Regional

on the one hand and foreign governments and international agencies (such as the

Planning Authority (TRPA). People wishing to build, for example, must submit plans not only to their own county

World Trade Organization, which oversees international trade and standardiza­ tion efforts) on the other. Such government regulators can be said to be stakeholders because not only

but also to TRPA. In what ways

do they affect the activities of your organization, they are in turn affected by it.

do your local government

The Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), for example, specifies how far planes must

authorities affect business

stay apart to prevent midair collisions. But when the airlines want to add more

in your area?

flights on certain routes, the FAA may have to add more flight controllers and radar equipment, since those are the agency's responsibility.

10. Special-Interest Groups

If the fake fur in the clothes you're wearing is

actually made out of dog (specifically, the fur of the raccoon dog, found in Asia), would you know it? Federal law requires clothing manufacturers to identify fur on a clothing item only if its value exceeds $150. T n early 20 I 0, California Special interests. Union

assemblywoman Fiona Ma introduced a bill in the state legislature requiring

members demand bank

apparel makers using fur to label their products accordingly regardless of the

reform to help families keep

clothing's value. The political pressure came from the Humane Society of the

their homes and expand lending that creates jobs.

United States, which for years had been agitating to close the legal loophole. Similar laws already exist in five other states. "All we are saying is, 'Label it,"' said Ma. "This is about a consumer's right to know as well as about animal rights. "27

Special-interest groups are groups whose members try to influence specific issues, some of which may affect your organization. Examples are Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the National Organization for Women, and the National Rifle Association. Special-interest groups may try to exert political influence, as in contributing funds to lawmakers' election campaigns or in launching letter-writing efforts to officials. Or they may organize picketing and boycotts-holding back their patronage-of




The Environment of Management

certain companies, as some African American groups did in recent years to pro­ test reports of racism at Texaco and at Denny's restaurants.28

II. Mass Media

What is a company supposed to do when it has a crisis? The

gold standard in brand crisis management, says one account, is the path fol­ lowed by health products company Johnson & Johnson in 1982, when several consumers died after taking tainted Tylenol pills. The company's reaction dic­ tated what has become the preferred strategy taught in business schools: "Com­ municate clearly with the public about a crisis, cooperate with government officials, swiftly begin its own investigation of a problem, and, if necessary, quickly institute a product recall."29 A big part of the strategy was communicat­ ing honestly and frequently through the media. However, a quarter century later, Johnson & Johnson unaccountably abandoned its own model. In January

20 I 0, a J&J division, McNeil Consumer Healthcare, announced the recall20 months after the initial alarm-of several hundred lots of popular over-the­ counter medicines (Benadryl, Rolaids, Tylenol, others) because of customer complaints about temporary digestive problems. The company did not conduct an immediate investigation and did not notify authorities in a timely fashion, resulting in prolonged consumer exposure to the products. The result: a big media black eye for one of the most trusted brands in America. (The same kind of "Tylenol moment" was also a problem for Toyota when it was recalling cars for sticking accelerators. )30 J&J's troubles were not the fault of the press. But no manager can afford to ignore the power of the mass media-print, radio, TV, and the Internet-to rapidly and widely disseminate news both bad and good. Thus, most companies, universities, hospitals, and even government agencies have a public-relations person or department to communicate effectively with the press. In addition, top-level executives often receive special instruction on how to best deal with the media.

The General Environment general environmellf, or macroenvironment, which includes six forces: economic, technological, sociocultural, demographic, political-legal, and international. Beyond the task environment is the

You may be able to control some forces in the task environment, but you can't control those in the general environment. Nevertheless, they can profoundly affect your organization's task environment without your knowing it, springing nasty surprises on you. Clearly, then, as a manager you need to keep your eye on the far horizon because these forces of the general environment can affect long-term plans and decisions.

I. Economic Forces Economic forces consist of the general economic conditions and trends-unemployment, inflation, interest rates, economic growth-that may affect an organization's performance. These are forces in your nation and region and even the world over which you and your organization probably have no control. Are banks' interest rates going up in the United States? Then it will cost you more to borrow money to open new stores or build new plants. Is your region's unemployment rate rising? Then maybe you'll have more job applicants to hire from, yet you'll also have fewer customers with money to spend. Are natural resources getting scarce in an important area of supply? Then your company will need to pay more for them or switch to alternative sources.

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




One indicator that managers often pay attention to is productivity growth. R ising productivity leads to rising profits, lower inflation, and higher stock prices. In recent times, companies have been using information technology to cut costs, resulting in productivity growing at an annual rate of 2.7% from 2001 to 2007, slumping to 1.2% in the recession year 2008, then rebounding at an impressive 6.2% rate in 2009.31

2. Technological Forces

Technological forces are new developments in

methods for transforming resources into goods or services. For example, think what the United States would have been like if the elevator, air-conditioning, the combustion engine, and the airplane had not been invented. No doubt changes in computer and communications technology-especially the influ­ ence of the Internet-will continue to be powerful technological forces dur­ ing your managerial career. But other technological currents may affect you as well. For example, biotechnology may well turn health and medicine upside down in the coming decades. Researchers can already clone animals, and some reports say they are close to doing the same with humans.

3. Sociocultural Forces

Long an American rite of passage, the act of getting

a driver's license at age 16 is no longer as popular as it was, "on the wane among the digital generation," says one report, "which no longer sees the family car as the end-all of social life."32 In other words, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social media are altering long-standing patterns. Some day, of course, our descendants may well view the craze to have a driver's license as old-fogyish and quaint. That's how it is with sociocultural changes. Socioculturalforces are influences and trends originating in a country's,

a society's, or a culture's human relationships and values that may affect an organization. Entire industries have been rocked when the culture underwent a lifestyle change that affected their product or service. The interest in health and fitness, for instance, led to a decline in sales of cigarettes, whiskey, red meat, and eggs. And it led to a boost in sales of athletic shoes, spandex clothing, and Nautilus and other exercise machines. Low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets like the Atkins and the South Beach diets triggered a rise in chicken, pork , and beef sales, but then led to an oversupply and consequent dip in prices as consumers turned to a more balanced eating approach.33 More recently, with more attention focused on the American epidemic of obesity-the rate of obesity among U.S. youths has nearly

Sociocultural forces. The U.S. obesity rate is one of those sociocultural forces capable of altering entire industries. Which ones do you think would be most affected?




The Environment of Management

tripled in some age groups since the 1970s-many restaurants are touting healthier foods.34

4. Demographic Forces

Demographics derives from the ancient Greek word

for "people"-demos-and deals with statistics relating to human populations. Age, gender, race, sexual orientation, occupation, income, family size, and the like are known as demographic characteristics when they are used to express mea­ surements of certain groups. Demographic forces are influences on an organization

arising from changes in the characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, or ethnic origin. During the next 40 years, the United States is expected to undergo some great demographic changes. For instance, more babies are currently being born, the largest number of children born in 45 years-and dramatically exceeding birth­ rates in Europe. The birthrate is up for all racial and ethnic groups, but the in­ crease for Hispanics is the largest.35 By 2050, it's predicted, the U.S. population will soar to between 399 million and 458 million (from 308 million today), and minorities are expected to reach 50% of the population by around 2042.36 By mid­ century, the proportion of children and elderly who depend on others will rise to 72 per 100 from 59 per 100 in 2005. The foreign-born share of the workforce will increase to 23%, up from 16% in 2009_37

5. Political-Legal Forces

Political-legal forces are changes in the way politics

shape laws and laws shape the opportunities for and threats to an organization. In the United States, whatever political view tends to be dominant at the moment may be reflected in how the government handles antitrust issues, in which one company tends to monopolize a particular industry. Should Google, for instance, be allowed to dominate the market for Internet search? As for legal forces, some countries have more fully developed legal systems than others. And some countries have more lawyers per capita. (The United States has an estimated 25% of the world's lawyers, according to University of Wisconsin law professor Marc Galanter-not the 70% figure repeated for years by some conservative political figures.)38 American companies may be more will­ ing to use the legal system to advance their interests, as in suing competitors to gain competitive advantage. But they must also watch that others don't do the same to them.

6. International Forces

International forces are changes in the economic,

political, legal, and technological global system that may affect an organization. This category represents a huge grab bag of influences. How does the eco­ nomic integration of the European Union create threats and opportunities for American companies? U.S. companies that do significant business in Europe are su bject to regulation by the European Union. For instance, in a 3-year antitrust case, the EU ruled that Microsoft Corp. had abusively wielded its Windows and Office software monopoly, fined it the equivalent of $735 million, and ordered it to reduce practices that gave Microsoft an advantage in hooking up its products to Windows, limiting competition.39 We consider global concerns in Chapter 4. How well Americans can handle international forces depends a lot on their training . The American Council on Education says there is a "dangerous" shortage of experts in non-European cultures and languages. The council urges that schools teach a wider variety of languages and that instruction begin as early as kindergarten, since waiting until students are in college to begin instruction in more obscure languages hinders their ability to become fluent speakers.40


The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




� 3.3



major question

What does the successful manager need to know about ethics and values? THE BIG PICTURE Managers need to be aware of what constitutes ethics, values, the four approaches to ethical dilemmas, and how organizations can promote ethics.

"It's a tough issue, choosing between being a law-abiding person and losing your job," says lawyer Gloria Allred, who represented a woman fired for complaining about running her boss's office football pool.41 Imagine having to choose between

economic performance


social performance,

which in business is what most

ethical conflicts are about.42 This is known as an ethical dilemma, a situation in which you have to decide whether to pursue a course of action that may benefit you or your organization but that is unethical or even illegal.

Defining Ethics & Values Seventy-three percent of American employees working full time say they have observed ethical misconduct at work, and 36% have been "distracted" by it.43 Most of us assume we know what "ethics" and "values" mean, but do we? Let's consider them. Ethics

Ethics are the standards of right and wrong that influence behavior. These

standards may vary among countries and among cultures. Ethical behavior is behavior that is accepted as "right" as opposed to "wrong" according to those standards. What are the differences among a tip, a gratuity, a gift, a donation, a com­ mission, a consulting fee, a kickback, a bribe? Regardless of the amount of money involved, each one may be intended to reward the recipient for providing you with better service, either anticipated or performed. What should be the

Higher self. If you worked for a drug company, would you think it's acceptable to give a medical society several thousand dollars to use on dinner lectures to inform doctors about high blood pressure and how your company's products can treat the condition? Would your perspective change if you were a patient with high blood pressure?




The Environment of Management

expectations of a medical society that accepts $700,000 from three pharmaceuti­ cal companies to be used for dinner lectures to brief doctors on the latest news about high blood pressure? W hat if the main point of these briefings is to expand the concept of high blood pressure, increasing the pool of people taking blood­ pressure medications?44

Values Ethical dilemmas often take place because of an organization's value system, the pattern of values within an organization. Values are the relatively permanent and deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a person's behavior, such as the belief that "Fairness means hiring according to ability, not family background." Values and value systems are the underpinnings for ethics and ethical behavior. Organizations may have two important value systems that can conflict: (1) the value system stressing financial performance versus (2) the value system stressing cohesion and solidarity in employee relationships.45

Four Approaches to Deciding Ethical Dilemmas How do alternative values guide people's decisions about ethical behavior? Here are four approaches, which may be taken as guidelines:

I. The Utilitarian Approach: For the Greatest Good

Ethical behavior in

the utilitarian approach is guided by what wiU result in the greatest good for the

greatest number of people. Managers often take the utilitarian approach, using financial performance-such as efficiency and profit-as the best definition of what constitutes "the greatest good for the greatest number."46 Thus, a utilitarian "cost-benefit" analysis might show that in the short run the firing of thousands of employees may improve a company's bottom line and provide immediate benefits for the stockholders. The drawback of this approach, however, is that it may result in damage to workforce morale and the loss of employees with experience and skills-actions not so readily measurable in dollars.

2. The Individual Approach: For Your Greatest Self-Interest Long Term, Ethical behavior in the individual approach is guided by what wiU result in the individual's best long-term interests, which ultimately are in everyone's self-interest. The assumption here is that you will act ethically in the

Which Will Help Others

short run to avoid others harming you in the long run. The flaw here, howe ver, is that one person's short-term self-gain may not, in fact, be good for everyone in the long term. After all, the manager of an agri­ business that puts chemical fertilizers on the crops every year will always bene­ fit, but the fishing industries downstream could ultimately suffer if chemical runoff reduces the number of fish. Indeed, this is one reason why Puget Sound Chinook, or king salmon, are now threatened with extinction in the Pacific Northwest_47

3. The Moral-Rights Approach: Respecting Fundamental Rights Shared by Everyone Ethical behavior in the moral-rights approach is guided by respect for the fundamental rights of human beings, such as those expressed in the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights. We would all tend to agree that denying people the right to life, liberty, privacy, health and safety, and due process is unethical. Thus, most of us would have no difficulty condemning the situation of immigrants ille­ gally brought into the United States and then effectively enslaved-as when made to work 7 days a week as maids.

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




The difficulty, however, is when rights are in conflict, such as employer and employee rights. Should employees on the job have a guarantee of privacy? Actually, it is legal for employers to listen to business phone calls and monitor all nonspoken personal communications.48

4. The Justice Approach: Respecting Impartial Standards of Fairness Ethical behavior in the justice approach is guided by respect for impartial standards of fairness and equity. One consideration here is whether an organization's policies-such as those governing promotions or sexual harassment cases-are administered impartially and fairly regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, and the like. Fairness can often be a hot issue. For instance, many employees are loudly

resentful when a corporation's CEO is paid a salary and bonuses worth hundreds of times more than what they receive

ven when the company performs poorly­

and when fired is then given a "golden parachute," or extravagant package of separation pay and benefits.

White-Collar Crime, SarbOx, & Ethical Training At the beginning of the 21st century, U.S. business erupted in an array of scandals represented in such names as Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and Adelphia, and their chief executives-Jeffrey Skilling, Bernard Ebbers, Dennis Kozlowski, and John Rigas-went to prison on various fraud convictions.49 Executives' deceits gener­ ated a great deal of public outrage, as a result of which Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, as we'll describe. Did that stop the raft of business scandals? Not quite. Next to hit the headlines were cases of insider trading, the illegal trading of a company's stock by people using confidential company information. In 2004, Sam Waksal, CEO of ImCione, a biotechnology company, sold his shares of stock when he learned-before the news was made public-that the U.S. government was blocking ImCione's new cancer drug. For this act of insider trading, he ultimately was sentenced to 87 months in prison and fined $3 million. (This was the case that affected lifestyle guru Martha Stewart as well.) In 2009, authorities arrested billionaire hedge-fund manager Raj Rajaratnam for trading on tips from persons at companies who slipped him advance word on inside information. 50 Also in that year came the shocking news of financier Bernard Madoff, who confessed that his investments were all "one big lie"-not investments at all, but

Phony financier. Bernard Madoff pleaded guilty to 11 federal crimes connected with his massive Ponzi scheme, which for more than

25 years defrauded investors of between $12 billion and $20 billion. The charges against him included securities fraud, investment advisor fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, false statements, and perjury, among other allegations. Now age 72,his projected release date from federal prison is November 14,2159.




The Environment of Management

a $50 billion Ponzi scheme, using cash from newer investors to pay off older ones. 51 He was later sentenced to 150 years in prison. 52 Others charged in 2009 with build­ ing Ponzi schemes included Texas financier R. Allen Stanford, who built a flashy offshore $7 billion financial empire.53

The Sarbanes-Oxley Reform Act

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, often

shortened to SarbOx or SOX, established requirements for proper financial record keeping for public companies and penalties of as much as 25 years in prison for noncompliance.54 Administered by the Securities and Exchange Commission,

SarbOx requires a company's chief executive officer and chief financial officer to personally certify the organization's financial reports, prohibits them from taking personal loans or lines of credit, and makes them reimburse the organization for bonuses and stock options when required by restatement of corporate profits. It also requires the company to have established procedures and guidelines for audit committees. 55

How Do People Learn Ethics? Kohlberg's Theories

American business

history is per meated with occasional malfeasance, from railroad tycoons trying to corner the gold market (the 1872 Credit Mobilier scandal) to 25-year-old bank customer service representatives swindling elderly customers out of their finances.56 Legislation such as SarbOx can't head off all such behavior. No wonder that now many colleges and universities have required more education in ethics. "Schools bear some responsibility for the behavior of executives," says Fred J. Evans, dean of the College of Business and Economics at California State University at Northridge. "If you're making systematic errors in the [business] world, you have to go back to the schools and ask, 'What are you teaching?"'57 The good news is that more graduate business schools are changing their curriculums to teach ethics.58 The bad news, however, is that a 2006 survey of 50,000 undergraduates found that 26% of business majors admitted to serious cheating on exams, and 54% admitted to cheating on written assignments. 59 Of course, most students' levels of moral development are established by personalities and upbringing long before they get to college, with some being more advanced than others. One psychologist, Laurence Kohlberg, has proposed three levels of personal moral development-preconventional, conventional, and postconventional.60 Level 1, preconventional-follows rules.

People who have achieved this

level tend to follow rules and to obey authority to avoid unpleasant con­ sequences. Managers of the Level 1 sort tend to be autocratic or coercive, expecting employees to be obedient for obedience's sake. Level 2, conventional-follows expectations of others. People whose moral

development has reached this level are conformist but not slavish, gener­ ally adhering to the expectations of others in their lives. Level 2 managers lead by encouragement and cooperation and are more group and team oriented. Most managers are at this level. Level 3, postconventional-guided by internal values. The farthest along in

moral development, Level 3 managers are independent souls who follow their own values and standards, focusing on the needs of their employees and trying to lead by empowering those working for them. Only about a fifth of American managers reach this level. What level of development do you think you've reached?

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




How Organizations Can Promote Ethics Ethics needs to be an everyday affair, not a onetime thing. This is why many large U.S. companies now have a chief ethics officer, whose job is to make ethical conduct a priority issue. There are several ways an organization may promote high ethical standards

on the job, as follows.61

I. Creating a Strong Ethical Climate


ethical climate represents employees'

perceptions about the extent to which work environments support ethical behavior. It is important for managers to foster ethical climates because they significantly affect the frequency of ethical behavior. For example, a recent study of 228 project team members revealed that positive ethical climates reduced the amount of misreporting of project status to project managers. Managers can promote ethical climates through the polices, procedures, and practices that are used on a daily basis.

2. Screening Prospective Employees

Companies try to screen out dishonest,

irresponsible employees by checking applicants' resumes and references. Some firms, for example, run employee applications through E-Verify, a federal program that allows employers to check for illegal immigrants.62 Some also use personality tests and integrity testing to identify potentially dishonest people.

3. Instituting Ethics Codes & Training Programs


code of ethics consists

of a formal written set of ethical standards guiding an organization's actions. Most codes offer guidance on how to treat customers, suppliers, competitors, and other stakeholders. The purpose is to clearly state top management's expectations for all employees. As you might expect, most codes prohibit bribes, kickbacks, misap­ propriation of corporate assets, conf1icts of interest, and "cooking the books"­ making false accounting statements and other records. Other areas frequently covered in ethics codes are political contributions, workforce diversity, and confi­ dentiality of corporate information.63 In addition, according to a Society for Human Resource Management Weekly Survey, 32% of human resources professionals indicated that their organizations offered ethics training.64 The approaches vary, but one way is to use a case ap­ proach to present employees with ethical dilemmas. By clarifying expectations, this kind of training may reduce unethical behavior.65

4. Rewarding Ethical Behavior: Protecting Whistle-Blowers

It's not

enough to simply punish bad behavior; managers must also reward good ethical behavior, as in encouraging (or at least not discouraging) whistle-blowers. A

whistle-blower is an employee who reports organizational misconduct to the

public, such as health and safety matters, waste, corruption, or overcharging of customers. For instance, the law that created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration allows workers to report unsafe conditions, such as "exposure to toxic chemicals; the use of dangerous machines, which can crush fingers; the use of contaminated needles, which expose workers to the A IDS virus; and the strain of repetitive hand motion, whether at a computer keyboard or in a meatpacking plant."66 In some cases, whistle-blowers may receive a reward; the IRS, for instance, is authorized to pay tipsters rewards as high as 30% in cases involving large amounts of money.67 Between 1996 and 2005, whistle-blowers helped authorities recover at least $9.3 billion from health care providers who defrauded the government, over

$1 billion of which was given to the whistle-blowers themselves.68




The Environment of Management



major question

Is being socially responsible really necessary? THE BIG PICTURE Managers need to be aware of the viewpoints supporting and opposing social responsibility and whether being and doing good pays off financially for the organization.

The 2009 recession had a powerful impact on the year's college freshmen, with

78% declaring that being well off was "very important" or "essential" to them, according to one annual survey.69 But is money the be-ali and end-all in business? "We tend to categorize value as economic or social," says one observer. "You either work for a nonprofit that creates social value or you work for a for-profit that creates economic value."70 But what if we did not judge business organiza­ tions on profits alone? If ethical responsibility is about being a good individual citizen, social respon­ sibility is about being a good organizational citizen. More formally, social respon­

sibility is a manager's duty to take actions that will benefit the interests of society as well as of the organization. When generalized beyond the individual to the organi­ zation, social responsibility is called corporate social responsibility (CSR), the notion that corporations are expected to go above and beyond following the law and making a profit.

Exam Corporate Social Responsibility: Office-Furniture Maker Herman Miller Competes on Sustainability There are all kinds of ways by which corporate social

and to rely completely on "green energy" by 2020.

responsibility is expressed, such as fighting poverty,

Thus, they have directed their suppliers on which

dealing with water scarcity, or stepping up to the prob­

materials, chemicals, and compounds are and are not

lems of climate change. A big challenge for manufac­

allowable . At first customers were willing to pay a

turing companies is sustainability-meeting the needs

premium, but now they expect companies to have a

of the present without compromising the ability of

sustainability focus, and won't pay a premium for it.

future generations to meet their own needs.71 Herman Miller, maker of office furniture, wants


"to make sure we set our sights on sustainability

Does corporate social responsibility really have ben­

goals so audacious that they drag us kicking and

efits beyond the acts of selflessness themselves?

screaming toward them," says CEO Brian Walker.72

Can you think of any highly profitable and legal

Herman Miller has vowed not to produce landfill

businesses that do not practice any kind of social

waste, hazardous waste, or manufacturing emissions


The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




Is Social Responsibility Worthwhile? Opposing & Supporting Viewpoints In the old days of cutthroat capitalism, social responsibility was hardly thought of. A company's most important goal was to make money pretty much any way it could, and the consequences be damned. Today for-profit enterprises generally make a point of "putting something back" into society as well as taking some­ thing out. Not everyone, however, agrees with these new priorities. Let's consider the two viewpoints.

Against Social Responsibility

"Few trends could so thoroughly under­

mine the very foundations of our free society," argued the late free-market economist Milton Friedman, "as the acceptance by corporate officials of social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible."73 Friedman represents the view that, as he said, "The social responsibility of business is to make profits." That is, unless a company focuses on maximizing profits, it will become distracted and fail to provide goods and services, benefit the stockholders, create jobs, and expand economic growth-the real social justifica­ tion for the firm's existence. This view would presumably support the efforts of companies to set up head­ quarters in name only in offshore Caribbean tax havens (while keeping their actual headquarters in the United States) in order to minimize their tax burden .

For Social Responsibility

"A large corporation these days not only may

engage in social responsibility," said famed economist Paul Samuelson, who passed away in 2009, "it had damned well better to try to do so."74 That is, a com­ pany must be concerned for society's welfare as well as for corporate profits. Beyond the fact of ethical obligation, the rationale for this view is that since businesses create problems (environmental pollution, for example), they should help solve them. Moreover, they often have the resources to solve prob­ lems in ways that the nonprofit sector does not. Finally, being socially responsi­ ble gives businesses a favorable public image that can help head off government regulation.

Corporate Social Responsibility: The Top of the Pyramid According to University of Georgia business scholar Archie B. Carroll, corporate social responsibility rests at the top of a pyramid of a corporation's obligations, right up there with economic, legal, and ethical obligations. That is, while some people might hold that a company's first duty is to make a profit, Carroll suggests the responsibilities of an organization in the global economy should take the following priorities:75 Be a good global corporate citi:::en, as defined by the host country's expectations. Be ethical in its practices, taking host-country and global standards into consideration. Obey the law of host countries as well as international law. Make a profit consistent with expectations for international business. These priorities are illustrated in the pyramid opposite. (See Figure 3.2.)




The Environment of Management

Do what is

by global stakeholders

corporate citizen

Be ethical

Obey the law


Be a good global Philanthropic Responsibility

Do what is Ethical


by global stakeholders


Do what is


required by global



Do what is


required by







Academy a{ Management Executive: The Thinking Manager's Source

by A.





© 2004


Academy of Management, NY. Reproduced with permission of Academy of Management NY via Copyright Clearance Center.

Going Green: How Businesses & Individuals Can Fight Global Warming Going green has all kinds of payoffs. Insurance compa­

for instance, report savings of 20%-30% by making

nies are offering lower rates for people who drive less,

energy-saving moves.81

own hybrid cars, or build energy-efficient homes.76

Individuals and businesses can do a number of

Office buildings with increased natural light, eco-friendly

things to attempt to fight global warming, although the

carpeting, and better ventilation result in employees

problem is complicated and intractable and needs a

taking few sick days and a rise in productivity?7 Hotels

great deal more research.82

that induce guests to reuse towels and skip having carpets vacuumed and bed linens replaced every day save on water and electricity use_78 Global warming is "unequivocal" and will bring "irreversible changes" without immediate action, climate scientists believe, arguing that we can save the planet by investing heavily in alternative energy technology that already exists.l9 A report by energy experts at McKinsey & Company, a consulting firm, says that as much as a 28% reduction in greenhouse gases can be

Increase Recycling Increasing the recycle rate in the United States from 30% to 60% would save the equivalent of 315 million barrels of oil each year. (See

for tips

on recycling.) Old computers and other electronics can be recycled or donated. (See

Install Energy-Saving Lightbulbs

accomplished from steps that would more than pay for

Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) cost more than reg­

themselves in lower energy bills.80 Small businesses,

ular incandescent bulbs, but they last up to 10 times

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




Buy Energy Star Products Energy Star appliances meet strict energy-efficiency guidelines. (See

If every home

replaced its TVs, DVD players, VCRs, and telephones with these models, it would be the equivalent of taking

3 million cars off the road.85

Convert to Green Energy More than half of all retail power customers in the United States can now run their homes on renewable energy­ electricity produced by wind, solar, and geothermal power; hydropower; and various plant materials-simply by asking their local utility. The cost is about $5 a month

Green power. Many electricity users can run their homes on renewable energy simply by asking their local utility.

more for a typical residential user.86 Wind energy, inci­ dentally, now generates more than 1% of U .S. electricity.57 (See


Store Documents Digitally longer, produce 90% less heat, and also produce fewer

Encouraging employees and customers to save docu­

emissions. They are also cheaper over the long term:

ments digitally and not print out millions of paper copies

Replacing 30 incandescent bulbs with CFLs can save

can reduce waste and reduce operating budgets.88 (See

more than $1,000 over the life of the bulbs.84 and www.greenerworldmedia .com.)

One Type of Social Responsibility: Philanthropy, 11Not Dying Rich" "He who dies rich dies thus disgraced," 19th-century steel magnate Andrew Carnegie is supposed to have said, after he turned his interests from making money to philanthropy, making charitable donations to benefit humankind. Carnegie became well known as a supporter of free libraries. More recently, Bill Gates of Microsoft, the richest person in the world, made headlines when he announced that he would step down from day -to-day oversight of the company he cofounded in order to focus on his $29 billion philanthropy, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which pledged to spend billions on health, education, and overcoming poverty.89 This news was closely followed by the announcement of the second-richest man in the world, investor Warren Buffet, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, that he would channel $31 bil­ lion to the Gates Foundation to help in finding cures for the globe's most fatal diseases.90 Companies practice philanthropy, too. For example, Google made a pledge to investors when it went public to reserve 1% of its profit and equity to "make the world a better place." Its philanthropic organization benefits groups ranging from those fighting disease to those developing a commercial plug-in, electricity­ powered car.91 But even ordinary individuals can become philanthropists of a sort. Mona Purdy, an Illinois hairdresser, noticed while vacationing in Guatemala that many children coated their feet with tar in order to be able to run in a local race. So she went home and established the nonprofit Share Your Shoes, which collects shoes and sends them around the world. "I always thought I was too busy to help others," she says. "Then I started this and found myself wondering where I'd been all my life."92




The Environment of Management

How Does Being Good Pay Off? From a hardheaded manager's point of view, do ethical behavior and high social responsibility pay off financially? Here's what some of the research shows.93

Effect on Customers

According to one survey, 88% of the respondents said

they were more apt to buy from companies that are socially responsible than from companies that are not.94 Another survey of 2,037 adults found that 72% would prefer to purchase products and services from a company with ethical business practices and higher prices compared with 18% who would prefer to purchase from a company with questionable business practices and lower prices.95

Effect on Employees' Work Effort

Workers are more efficient, loyal, and

creative when they feel a sense of purpose-when their work has meaning, says Daniel H. Pink.96 When employers make profits their primary focus, employees develop negative feelings toward the organization. "They tend to perceive the CEO as autocratic and focused on the short term," says one report, "and they re­ port being less willing to sacrifice for the company."97 When employees observe the CEO balancing the concerns of customers, employees, and the community, plus being watchful of environmental effects, they report being more willing to exert extra effort-and corporate results improve!

Effect on Job Applicants & Employee Retention

Ethics can also affect the

quality of people who apply to work in an organization. One online survey of

1,020 people indicated that 83% rated a company's record of business ethics as "very important" when deciding whether to accept a job offer; only 2% rated it as "unimportant."98 A National Business Ethics Survey found that 79% of employees said their firms' concern for ethics was a key reason they remained.99

Effect on Sales Growth

The announcement of a company's conviction for il­

legal activity has been shown to diminish sales growth for several years.100 One survey found that 80% of people said they decide to buy a firm's goods or services partly on their perception of its ethics.101

Effect on Company Efficiency

One survey found that 71% of employees who

saw honesty applied rarely or never in their organization had seen misconduct in the past year, compared with 52% who saw honesty applied only occasionally and

25% who saw it frequently.102 Effect on Company Revenue

Unethical behavior in the form of employee

fraud costs U.S. organizations around $652 billion a year, according to the Asso­ ciation of Certified Fraud Examiners. 103 Employee fraud, which is twice as common as consumer fraud (such as credit card fraud and identity theft), costs employers about 20% of every dollar earned.104

Effect on Stock Price

One survey found that 74% of people polled said their

perception of a firm's honesty directly affected their decision about whether to buy its stock .105 Earlier research found that investments in unethical firms earn

abnormally negative returns for long periods of time.106

Effect on Profits

Studies suggest that profitability is enhanced by a reputation

for honesty and corporate citizenship.107 Ethical behavior and social responsibility are more than just admirable ways of operating. They give an organization a clear competitive advantage.

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities





fii 3.5


major question

What trends in workplace diversity should managers be aware of? THE BIG PICTURE One of today's most important management challenges is working with stake­ holders of all sorts who vary widely in diversity-in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background. Managers should also be aware of the differences between internal and external dimensions of diversity and barriers to diversity.

Might you hold a few preconceptions that are worth examining? Here's a reality check: Assumption: Illegal immigrants dramatically impact the U.S. economy. No,

says a study by the Migration Policy Institute. Undocumented immigrants represent only about 5% of the workforce and contribute just 0.03% of the U.S.gross domestic product.1os Assumption: Customer bias favoring white men has just about disappeared.

Unfortunately not, suggests a study of college students, which found that people give higher ratings for customer satisfaction to white men than to women and members of minorities.109 Assumption: Young workers are more at risk for being laid off than older workers. Yes, evidently.In April 2009, the unemployment rate for those

ages 25-34 was 9.6% (up from 4.9% a year earlier), compared to 6.2% for workers 55 and older (up from 3.2% a year earlier).11 0 It's true, however, that jobless rates for older people were at record highs.111 The United States is becoming more diverse in its ethnic, racial, gender, and age makeup-more nonwhite, more single, more working parents, and so on­ and the consequences are not always what you would expect. In the view of

Scott E. Page, professor of complex systems, political science,

and economics at the University of Michigan, diversity and variety in staffing produces organizational strength.112 "Diverse groups of people bring to organiza­ tions more and different ways of seeing a problem," he told an interviewer, "and, thus, faster/better ways of solving it. ...There's certainly a lot of evidence that people's identity groups-ethnic, racial, sexual, age-matter when it comes to 3 diversity in thinking."11 Diversity may have its benefits, but it can also be an important management challenge. Let's consider this.

How to Think about Diversity: Which Differences Are Important? Diversity represents all the way s people are unlike and alike--the differences and similarities in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background. Note here that diversity is not synonymous with

differences.Rather, it encompasses both differences and similarities. This means that as a manager you need to manage both simultaneously. To help distinguish the important ways in which people differ, diversity experts Lee Gardenswartz and Anita Rowe have identified a "diversity wheel" consisting




The Environment of Management

Functional level/ classification

Personal habits Personality

Union affiliation






Ed ucational background


figure 3.3 THE DIVERSITY WHEEL Four layers of diversity Source: From


Gardenswartz and A. Rowe,

Diverse Teams at Work: Capitalizing on the Power of Diversity, 1994,



Reprinted with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.

of four layers of diversity: (I) personality, (2) internal dimensions, (3) external dimensions, and (4) organizational dimensions.

(See Figure 3.3.)

Let's consider these four layers:

Personality center because

At the center of the diversity wheel is personality. It is at the

personality is defined as the stable physical and mental character­

istics responsible for a person's identity. We cover the dimension of personality in Chapter 11. Internal Dimensions Internal dimensions of diversity are those human differ­ ences that exert a powerful, sustained effect throughout every stage of our lives:

gender, age, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation , physical abilities.114 These are

referred to as the primary dimensions of diversity because they are not within our

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




control for the most part. Yet they strongly influence our attitudes and expecta­ tions and assumptions about other people, which in turn innuence our own behavior. What characterizes internal dimensions of diversity is that they are visible and salient in people. And precisely because these characteristics are so visible, they may be associated with certain stereotypes-for example, that black people work in menial jobs. For instance, an African American female middle manager reports that, while on vacation and sitting by the pool at a resort , she was approached by a 50ish white male who "demanded that I get him extra towels. I said, 'Excuse me?' He then said, 'Oh, you don't work here,' with no shred of embarrassment or 5 apology in his voice."11

External Dimensions

External dimensions of diversity include an element of

choice; they consist of the personal characteristics that people acquire, discard, or modify throughout their lives: educational background, marital status, parental status, religion, income, geographic location, work experience, recreational habits, appearance, personal habits.They are referred to as the secondary dimensions of diversity because we have a greater ability to innuence or control them than we do internal dimensions. These external dimensions also exert a significant influence on our percep­ tions, behavior, and attitudes. If you are not a follower of theMuslim religion, for example, you may not perceive the importance of some of its practices-as with Diversity enriches. A diverse

some managers at Atlanta-based Argenbright Security Inc., who sent seven

population in a company can

Muslim female employees home for wearing Islamic head scarves at their security

provide ideas, experience,

jobs at Dulles International Airport. Because wearing head scarves in no way

and points of view that strengthen the business culture. What has been your experience, if any, with a

affected their job performance, the company had to reimburse the women for back pay and other relief in a settlement negotiated with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.116

diverse workplace?

Organizational Dimensions


dimensions include management status, union affilia­ tion, work location, seniority, work content, and division or department.

Trends in Workforce Diversity How is the U.S. workforce apt to become more diverse in the 21st century? Let's examine five catego­ ries on the internal dimension-age, gendet; race/ ethnicity, sexual orientation, and physi cal/mental abilities-and one category on the external dimension, educational /eve/.

Age: More Older People in the Workforce

The most significant demo­

graphic event, management philosopher Peter Drucker suggested, "is that in the developed countries the number and proportion of younger people is rapidly shrinking . ...Those shrinking numbers of younger people will have to both drive their economies and help support much larger numbers of older people."11 7 In Europe and Japan, births are not keeping pace with deaths. By 2050, the European Union will have 52 million fewer people of working age, despite immigration.118 Even China is faced with a nationwide aging gap, which means the country is now facing a shortage of cheap labor in some locations.19 1 The United States, suggested Drucker, is the only developed economy to have enough young people, and that is only because immigrants to the United States




The Environment of Management

still have large families. Even so, the median age of the American worker is predicted to reach 41.4 by 2012, up from 34.3 in 1980.'2°

Gender: More Women Working

Since the 1960s women have been flooding

into the workplace in great numbers, with about 75% of women ages 25-54 in the workforce, up from about 40% in the late 1950s.121 During the recent reces­ sion, the influx accelerated, and for the first time, women held almost half the nation's jobs, as a higher percentage of men lost their jobs.122 In addition, more and more businesses are now owned by women-about 28% of all U.S. busi­ nesses.123 Finally, women are gaining ground in the top rungs of business, with more women in managerial and administrative positions (a 24% increase from 1972 to 2006).124 Indeed, in 2009, 15 Fortune 500 companies were run by women (up from 12 the year before) and 28 Fortune 1000 firms were headed by women 5 (up from 24).12 Traditionally, however, women have earned roughly the same pay as men only in jobs paying $25,000-$30,000 a year. The farther up the pay scale and the higher the education level, the wider the earnings gap. Thus, for every dollar a man earns, a woman cashier earns 93 cents, an administrative assistant 93 cents, and a regis­ tered nurse 88 cents. But for a woman physician or surgeon, it is 59 cents, a woman lawyer or judge 69 cents, a woman college professor 75 cents, and a woman psychologist 83 cents.126 The obstacles to women's progress are known as the





the metaphor for an invisible barrier preventing women and minorities

from being promoted to top executive jobs. For instance, according to the Associa­

tion of Executive Search Consultants, 56% of 357 global senior executives report their companies have one or no women among their top executives.127 At Fortune 500 companies in 2009, females accounted for only 15.6% of corporate-officer

African American success. Police chief Annetta Nunn, the first woman African American police chief of Birmingham,

positions.128 W hat factors are holding women back? Three that are mentioned are negative stereotypes, lack of mentors, and limited experience in line or general manage­ ment.129 For women who have become vice president or higher in Fortune I 000

Alabama, at a press conference. Nunn broke through a glass ceiling of a different sort, taking over the

companies, four strategies were identified as critical to their success: consistently

police operations in 2003 for

exceeding performance expectations, developing a style with which male managers

a city known for its racial

are comfortable, seeking out difficult or challenging assignments, and having influential mentors.130

discrimination only a few decades earlier.

Interestingly, however, several studies have suggested that female managers outshine their male counterparts on almost every measure, from motivating others to fostering communication to producing high­ quality work to goal-setting to mentoring employees.131 Indeed, one study, by Catalyst, an advocacy group for women in business, found that companies with more women executives have better financial perfor­ mance.132 We discuss this further in a later chapter.

Race & Ethnicity: More People of Color in the Workforce


2050, racial and ethnic minorities are expected to make u p more than half (54%) of the population, with whites projected to change from two­ thirds to 46%, African Americans from 14% to 15%, Asians and Pacific Islanders from 5.1% to 9.2%, and Hispanics or Latinos from 15% to 30%.133 Unfortunately, three trends show that American businesses need to do a lot better by minority populations. First, people of color, too, have hit the glass ceiling. For example, whereas in 2008 whites held 36.3% of managerial and professional jobs and Asians 48.2%, blacks held only 27.4% and Hispanics or Latinos only 18.3%.134 Second, minorities tend to earn less than whites. Median household income in 2008 was $33,916 for African Americans and $38.679 for

The Manager's Changing Work Environment


Ethical Responsibilities




Hispanics. It was $54,920 for non-Hispanic whites. (Asians had the highest median income, at $66,103.)135 Third, a number of studies have shown that minorities experienced more per­ ceived discrimination, racism-related stress, and less psychological support than whites did.136

Sexual Orientation: Gays & Lesbians Become More Visible

Gays and

lesbians make up, by some estimates, up to 6% of the U.S. population. Between a quarter and two-thirds report being discriminated against at work (with negative attitudes directed toward them held more by men than by women). 137 One study found that 41% of gay employees said they had been harassed, pressured to quit, or denied a promotion because of their sexual orientation. 138 Homosexual workers report higher levels of stress compared with heterosexual workers, and one source of this may be the fact that in many states homosexuality is still a legitimate legal basis for firing an employee. Finally, gay and bisexual male workers were found to earn 11%-27% less than equally qualified heterosexual counterparts.139 How important is the issue of sexual preference? Once again, if managers are concerned about hiring and keeping workplace talent, they shouldn't ignore the motivation and productivity of 6% of the workforce. Many employers are recog­ nizing this: 430 of the top 500 U.S. companies now offer policies prohibiting dis­ crimination based on sexual preference, and more than half offer domestic partner benefits for same-sex couples. 140

People with Differing Physical & Mental Abilities

One out of six Americans

has a physical or mental disability, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Since 1992 we have had the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits Disability. Everyone

discrimination against the disabled and requires organizations to reasonably

recognizes the wheelchair

accommodate an individual's disabilities.

as signifying that a person is disabled, but other disabilities are not easily identified-and

Even so, disabled people have difficulty finding work. Although two-thirds of people with disabilities want to work , roughly two-thirds are unemployed.

may not invite understanding.

(Among blind adults, for example, about 70% are out of work.)141 Here, too, is

Do you think that mental

a talent pool that managers will no doubt find themselves using in the coming

disabilities, for example,


should be accommodated in employment? If you were subject to mood swings, would you think that would prevent you from doing your job

Educational Levels: Mismatches between Education & Workforce Needs Two important mismatches between education and workplace are these:


CoUege graduates may be in jobs for which they are overqualified. About 27%

of people working have a college degree. But some are underemployed­ working at jobs that require less education than they hav

such as tending

bar, managing video stores, or other jobs that someone with less education could do. High-school dropouts and others may not have the literacy skills needed for many jobs. A 2009 study found that 16% of all people in the United States

between the ages of 16 and 24 had dropped out of high school in 2007nearly 6.2 million students.142 More than one in five U.S. men were drop­ outs. In addition, literacy has dropped at every level of education. 143 If, as has been alleged, more than two-thirds of the American workforce reads below ninth-grade level, that is a real problem for employers, because about 70% of the on-the-job reading materials are written at or above that level. 144




The Environment of Management

Barriers to Diversity Some barriers are erected by diverse people themselves. In the main, however, most barriers are put in their paths by organizations.145 When we speak of "the organi­ zation's barriers," we are, of course, referring to the

people in the organization­

especially those who may have been there for a while-who are resistant to making it more diverse. Resistance to change in general is an attitude that all managers come up against from time to time, and resistance to diversity is simply one variation. It may be expressed in the following six ways:

I. Stereotypes & Prej udices

Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's native

country, culture, language, abilities, or behavior is superior to that of another culture. (An example is embodied in the title of the Wesley Snipes/Woody Harrelson movie about urban basketball hustlers:

White Men Can't Jump.) When

differences are viewed as being weaknesses-which is what many stereotypes and prejudices ultimately come down to-this may be expressed as a concern that diversity hiring will lead to a sacrifice in competence and quality.

2. Fear of Reverse Discrimination

Some employees are afraid that attempts

to achieve greater diversity in their organization will result in reverse discrimina­ tion-that more black or Asian employees will be promoted to fire captain or police lieutenant, for example, over the heads of supposedly more qualified whites.

3. Resistance to Diversity Program Priorities

Some companies, such as

3M, offer special classes teaching tolerance for diversity, seminars in how to get along .146 Some employees may see diversity programs as distracting them from the organization's "real work." In addition, they may be resentful of diversity­ promoting policies that are reinforced through special criteria in the organization's performance appraisals and reward systems.

4. Unsupportive Social Atmosphere

Diverse employees may be excluded

from office camaraderie and social events.

5. Lack of Support for Family Demands

In 2008, there were over 2.5 million

married couples with children under 18 in the United States. In 65.9% of such families, both parents worked; in 28.7%, only the father worked; and in 3.6%, only the mother worked.147 But more and more women are moving back and forth be­ tween being at-home mothers and in the workforce, as economic circumstances dictate.148 Yet in a great many households, it is still women who primarily take care of children, as well as other domestic chores. When

On the job she might be a high-powered manager of scores of people, but at home she may still be expected to be the principal manager of an important few-the children. Woman manager.

organizations aren't supportive in offering flexibility in hours and job responsibilities, these women may find it difficult to work evenings and weekends or to take overnight business trips.


6. Lack of Support for Career-Building Steps Organizations may not provide diverse employees with the types of work assignments that will help qualify them for positions in senior management. In addition, organizations may fail to provide the kind of informal training or mentoring that will help them learn the political savvy to do networking and other activities required to get ahead.


The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




Key Terms Used in This Chapter Americans with Disabilities

philanthropy 8 8

external dimensions of

Act 94

diversity 92

political-legal forces 79

clawbacks 75

external stakeholders 73

Ponzi scheme 83

code of ethics 84

general environment 77

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 83

competitors 73

glass ceiling 93

social responsibility 85

corporate social responsibility

government regulators 76

sociocultural forces 78

individual approach 81

special-interest groups 76

customers 73

insider trading 82

stakeholders 71

demographic forces 79

internal dimensions of

strategic allies 74

(CSR) 85

diversity 91

distributor 74 diversity 90

internal stakeholders 72

ethnocentrism 95

international forces 79

economic forces 77

justice approach 82

ethical behavior 80

macroenvironment 77

ethical climate 84

moral-rights approach 81

ethical dilemma 80

owners 72

ethics 80

personality 91

supplier 73 task environment 73 technological forces 78 underemployed 94 utilitarian approach 81 value system 81 values 81 whistle-blower 84

3.1 The Community of Stakeholders Inside the Organization

achieve advantages neither organization

Managers operate in two organizational

organizations are labor unions and

environments-internal and external­

employee associations. (7) Local

can perform as well alone. (6) Employee

both made up of stakeholders, the people

communities are residents, companies,

whose interests are affected by the

governments, and nonprofit entities that

organization's activities. The first, or

depend on the organization's taxes,

internal, environment includes employees,

payroll, and charitable contributions.

owners, and the board of directors.

(8) Financial institutions are commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance companies that deal with the

The Community of Stakeholders Outside the Organization 3.2

The external environment of stakeholders

the ground rules under which the

consists of the task environment and the

organization operates.

general environment.

groups are groups whose members try to

The task environment consists of

(10) Special-interest

influence specific issues that may affect

11 groups that present the manager with daily tasks to deal with. (1) Customers

print, radio, TV, and Internet sources that

pay to use an organization's goods and

affect the organization's public relations.

services. (2) Competitors compete for customers or resources.

(3) Suppliers

provide supplies-raw materials, services,


organization. (9) Government regulators are regulatory agencies that establish

the organization.

(11) The mass media are

The general environment includes six forces.

(1) Economic forces consist

of general economic conditions and

equipment, labor, or energy-to other

trends-unemployment, inflation, interest

organizations. (4) Distributors help another

rates, economic growth-that may

organization sell its goods and services to

affect an organization's performance.

customers. (5) Strategic allies join forces to

(2) Technological forces are new



The Environment of Management

developments in methods for transforming

development-people tend to follow rules

resources into goods and services.

and to obey authority; (2) conventional

(3) Sociocultural forces are influences

level-people are conformist, generally

and trends originating in a country,

adhering to the expectations of others;

society, or culture's human relationships

and (3) postconventional level-people

and values that may affect an organization.

are guided by internal values.

(4) Demographic forces are influences on

There are three ways an organization

an organization arising from changes

may foster high ethical standards. (1) Top

in the characteristics of a population,

managers must support a strong ethical

such as age, gender, and ethnic origin.

climate. (2) The organization may have a

(5) Political-legal forces are changes in

code of ethics, which consists of a formal

the way politics shapes laws and laws

written set of ethical standards. (3) An

shape the opportunities for and threats

organization must reward ethical behavior,

to an organization. (6) International forces

as in not discouraging whistle-blowers,

are changes in the economic, political,

employees who report organizational

legal, and technological global system

misconduct to the public.

that may affect an organization.

3.3 The Ethical Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager Ethics are the standards of right and wrong that influence behavior. Ethical behavior is behavior that is accepted as "right" as opposed to "wrong" according to those standards. Ethical dilemmas often take place because of an organization's value system. Values are the relatively permanent and deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a person's behavior. There are four approaches to deciding ethical dilemmas. (1) Utilitarian-ethical behavior is guided by what will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. (2) Individual-ethical behavior is guided by what will result in the individual's best long-term interests, which ultimately is in everyone's self-interest.

(3) Moral-rights-ethical behavior is guided by respect for the fundamental rights of human beings, such as those expressed in the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights.

(4) Justice-ethical behavior is guided by respect for the impartial standards of fairness and equity. Public outrage over white-collar crime (Enron, Tyco) led to the creation of the

3.4 The Social Responsibilities Required of You as a Manager Social responsibility is a manager's duty to take actions that will benefit the interests of society as well as of the organization. The idea of social responsibility has opposing and supporting viewpoints. The opposing viewpoint is that the social responsibility of business is to make profits. The supporting viewpoint is that since business creates some problems (such as pollution) it should help solve them. One scholar, Archie Carroll, suggests the responsibilities of an organization in the global economy should take the following priorities: (1) Be a good global corporate citizen; (2) be ethical in its practices; (3) obey the law; and (4) make a profit-in that order. One type of social responsibility is philanthropy, making charitable donations to benefit humankind. Positive ethical behavior and social responsibility can pay off in the form of customer goodwill, more efficient and loyal employees, better quality of job applicants and retained employees, enhanced sales growth, less employee misconduct and fraud, better stock price, and enhanced profits.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SarbOx), which established requirements for proper financial

3.5 The New Diversified Workforce

record keeping for public companies and

Diversity represents all the ways people

penalties for noncompliance.

are alike and unlike-the differences and

Laurence Kohlberg proposed three

similarities in age, gender, race, religion,

levels of personal moral development:

ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities,

(1) preconventional level of moral

and socioeconomic background.

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




There are six ways in which employees

There are two dimensions of diversity:

and managers may express resistance to

(1) Internal dimensions of diversity are those human differences that exert a


powerful, sustained effect throughout

prejudices based on ethnocentrism, the

(1) Some express stereotypes and

every stage of our lives: gender, ethnicity,

belief that one's native country, culture,

race, physical abilities, age, and sexual

language, abilities, or behavior is superior

orientation. (2) External dimensions

to that of another country. (2) Some

of diversity consist of the personal

employees are afraid of reverse

characteristics that people acquire, discard,


or modify throughout their lives: personal

diversity programs as distracting them

(3) Some employees see

habits, educational background, religion,

from the organization's supposed "real work." (4) Diverse employees may

income, marital status, and the like.

experience an unsupportive social

There are five categories in the internal dimension and one category in


the external dimension in which the U.S.

be supportive of flexible hours and other

(5) Organizations may not

workforce is becoming more diverse:

matters that can help employees cope with

(1) age, (2) gender, (3) race and ethnicity, (4) sexual orientation, (5) disabilities, and (6) educational level.

family demands.

(6) Organizations may

show lack of support for career-building steps for diverse employees.

Mana ement in Action Google's Values Conflict with Demands from the Chinese Government Isaac Mao saw this coming. In early 2007, a year

of those who protested its initial complicity with

after Google launched a China-based version of its

Chinese restrictions."It's a smart move," says Mao.

search engine that adhered to Beijing's strict censor­

But before heaping too much praise on Page and

ship rules, the prominent Chinese blogger posted an

Brin, it's worth noting that a pullout would also end

open letter to founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

a bruising commercial battle. In the United States

Mao described the frustration he and other Chinese

Google has over 60% of the search market.In China

Google fans felt as a company with the informal

its share of search profits is 35.6%, a distant No.2 to

motto "Don't be evil" obeyed policies forbidding

local champion Baidu's 58.4%, according to China

access to sites deemed taboo by China's govern­

data tracker Analysys International. No wonder,

ment. Google's self-censorship "hurts those loyal

says David Wolf, CEO of Beijing-based advisory

users a lot," wrote Mao, who said it was "high time

firm Wolf Group Asia, "Google appears to be more

to change (Google policy) back to the right track."

interested in winning hearts and minds than in sus­

Now the 37-year-old Mao seems to be getting

taining its business in China." ...

his wish. After Google's January 12, 2010, announce­

Google struggled from the get-go. Despite its

ment that it would stop censoring search results on

submission to censorship, its YouTube business was�in response to what the company called

regularly blocked, and censors still occasionally

"highly sophisticated" hacking from China of its

restricted access to the entire search engine, not just

computer systems and the infiltration of Gmail

results to offending queries.After Google announced

accounts of human rights activists�Internet users

that it would alert Chinese users every time it pro­

in China had new hope they might gain access to

vided them with a censored result, the government­

information on the 1989 Tiananmen Square crack­

run media attacked the company for allegedly

down, the Dalai Lama, and other banned topics.

operating without a license. Chinese Net users even

The company says it will quit China if it can't run a

mocked Google's Chinese name, a transliteration of

permanently unfiltered search engine. It's hard,

the word Google that was rendered inelegantly as

though, to imagine the Chinese giving Google, or

"Valley Song." Google also had to wage a bitter

anyone else, that kind of autonomy.

court battle in 2005 before winning permission to

An exit from the mainland would uphold the right of free expression and acquit Google in the eyes 98



hire a brilliant Microsoft executive, Kai-Fu Lee, to head its China business. Lee quit in September.

The Environment of Management

Google says financial considerations have noth­

2. Which of the six general environmental forces

ing to do with its challenge to the Beijing censors.

influenced Google's decision about censorship

Outsiders disagree. "Google is in a really tough

in China? Discuss.

spot," says Bill Bishop, a Beijing-based angel inves­ tor in Chinese start-ups. "There is no long-term potential." By citing the hacking and censorship issues as reasons for leaving, Google can end its agony and "get this incredible lift in brand equity," he says. Google won't lose much financially: Its Chinese business was on target for 20 I 0 sales of

$600 million, according to JPMorgan Chase. That's a fraction of Google's estimated overall sales this year of $26 billion.

3. Use the four approaches to deciding ethical dilemmas to evaluate whether Google made an ethical decision regarding its position about censorship.

4. To what extent did Google respond to the Chinese government in a socially responsible manner? Explain.

5. Do you think Google is making a good decision to fight censorship? Why not just accommodate the Chinese government and continue to make inroads into the lucrative Asian market?

For Discussion 1. Which internal and external stakeholders are positively and negatively affected by Google's de­ cision to oppose censorship of its search engine?

Source: Excerpted from Bruce Einhorn, "Google and China:

A Win for Liberty-and Strategy," Bloomberg Business Week, January 25,2010, p. 35.

Self-Assessment What Is Your Guiding Ethical Principle? policies should be evaluated on the basis of bene­

Objectives I. To understand your ethical approach . 2. To understand that there are different ways to

perceive ethics in the workplace.

fits and costs they will impose on society.

Violation? The Ford Motor Company knew of the problems with its tires 6 years before they became known in the United States, but this was information from Europe, and U.S. law did not


require that the company report it if it did not

Over the centuries human beings have grappled with

happen here.

defining ethics and behaving ethically. Many differ­ ent principles have evolved to deal with ethics from different perspectives. None is better or worse than the other-they are simply perspectives. You may choose one to be your guiding principle while your friend follows another. This is also true of com­ panies and their employees. For example, Johnson

& Johnson has a valued reputation for being very ethical and socially responsible, whereas actions by companies like Ford and Arthur Andersen have placed a large question mark on their ethical con­ duct and social responsibility.

2. Rights Theory: A right is an individual's entitle­

ment or claim to something. A person has a right when he or she is entitled to act in a certain way or is entitled to have others act in a certain way to­ ward him or her. It can be a legal right, a moral right, or a human right.

Violation? Many stockholders at Microsoft want the company to adopt the "U.S. Business Principles for Human Rights of Workers in China," a statement supported by other companies such as Levi Strauss and Reebok. Microsoft management did not agree, arguing that its own principles and code of ethics covered the important points and that the statement principles were too broad and

Instructions Rank each of the following principles in order from 1 (my most important guiding principle) to 3 (least relevant to my ethical principles). 1. Utilitarianism: The greatest good for the greatest

number, or any view that holds that actions and

vague. Other companies also thought that American companies should not promote human rights in China because they would be abandoning a posi­ tion of political neutrality.

3. Justice as Fairness: A principle that aims to pro­ tect those least able to protect themselves.

The Manager's Changing Work Environment & Ethical Responsibilities




Examples: Companies should establish strong

2. Why do you think ethical principles are important

affirmative action plans to redress the wrongs of discrimination; or, if a company introduces pay cuts, the workers paid the least should receive the smallest pay cut and those who are paid the most should get the largest pay cut.

in the workplace? Explain. 3. Which of the previous three principles would you

want the company that you work for to adopt? Why? 4. In such a competitive world, how ethical can any

company really be?

Questions for Discussion

Developed by Anne C. Cowden, PhD, Laura P. Hartman, and

l . What are the pros and cons of your primary ethical principle in terms of advancing up the corporate ladder? Discuss.

Joseph R. DesJardins, Business Ethics: Decision-Making for

Personallntegrily and Social Responsibility (Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill, 2008). See Chapter 3 for a detailed discussion [or each approach.

Ethical Dilemma Should Job Applicants Reveal Their Chronic Illnesses to Potential Employers? You've just graduated from college and are excited

I. Don't immediately mention your disease during

to begin job hunting. You have many exciting pros­

the interview. Instead, play up your abilities, expe­

pects, but there is one thing h olding you back-you

rience, and enthusiasm for the job. If you get

were recently diagnosed with scleroderma . This

hired, you can explain your illness and make up

chronic connective tissue disease is progressive and

for missed work owing to medical appointments and flare-ups by working on weekends.

typically kills patients within 10 years. Your doctor is positive about your prognosis; however, you have already experienced some of the effects, such as

2. Bring up your disease right away. You don't have to

provide vivid details about your symptoms, but it

swelling and stiffening in your fingers. Federal dis­

is important for your employer to know you have

ability laws bar employers from asking about an applicant's health. However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a company can refuse to hire an

a chronic disease and how it will affect you. 3. Don't mention your disease at all. If you get the

job and have a flare-up and need to take sick days,

applicant whose medical condition might adversely affect the performance of a specific job function . Solving the Dilemma Knowing a company might be reluctant to hire you based on your condition , what would you do?




it is your business. 4. Invent other options. Discuss. Source: Based on Joann S. Lublin, "Should Job Hunters Reveal Chronic Illness? The Pros and Cons," The Wall Street

Joumal, January I 3, 2004, p. B I.

The Environment of Management

chapter 4 Global Management Managing across Borders

m 4.1 Globalization: The Collapse of T ime & Distance

The World of Free Trade: 11§114.4 Regional Economic Cooperation

Major Question: What three

Major Question: What are barriers

important developments of

to free trade, and what major

globalization will probably

organizations and trading blocs

affect me?

promote trade?

You & International ��4.2 Management Major Question: Why learn about

� 4.5 The Importance of

Understanding Cultural


international management, and

Major Question: What are the

what characterizes the successful

principal areas of cultural

international manager?


Why & How Companies 1§14.3 Expand Internationally Major Question: Why do companies expand internationally, and how do they do it?

the manager's toolbox interpersonal communication. In Japan, for

Learning to Be a Success

instance, it is considered rude to look directly

Abroad: How Do You Become a

into the eye for more than a few seconds. In

World Citizen?

Greece the hand-waving gesture commonly used in America is considered an insult. In

Whether you travel abroad on your own or on a work

Afghanistan, a man does not ask another man

assignment for your company, there are several ways

about his wife.5

to make your experience enhance your career success. •

Learn rituals of respect, including exchange

Learn how not to be an "ugly American":

of business cards. Understand that shaking hands

Americans "are seen throughout the world as an

is always permissible, but social kissing may not

arrogant people, totally self-absorbed and loud,"

be. Dress professionally. For women, this means

says Keith Reinhard, former head of advertising

no heavy makeup, no flashy jewelry, no short

conglomerate DDB Worldwide, who is leading

skirts or sleeveless blouses (particularly in Islamic

an effort to reverse that through a nonprofit

countries). In some countries, casual dressing is

group called Business for Diplomatic Action (BDA).

a sign of disrespect. Don't use first names and

from which many suggestions here are drawn.1

nicknames with fellow employees overseas,

A survey conducted by DDB in more than 100

especially in countries with strict social strata.6

countries found that respondents repeatedly

mentioned "arrogant," "loud," and "uninterested in the world" when asked their perceptions of

be well received around the world. lndra Nooyi

Americans.2 Some sample advice for Americans

successfully uses this advice in her role as CEO of

traveling abroad is: Be patient, be quiet, listen

PepsiCo. She's cosmopolitan and well educated

at least as much as you talk, don't use slang,

and is respected by people around the globeJ

and don't talk about wealth and status.3 •

Be global in your focus, but think local: Study

least you should learn a few key phrases, such as

to meet new people who might help you in the future. For example, Bill Roedy, President of MTV Networks International, spent time hanging out Mecca before trying to sign a contract that

Become at least minimally skilled in the language: Whatever foreign country you're in, at the very

up on your host country's local customs and try

with Arab rappers and meeting the mayor of

Know your field: If you know your field and behave with courtesy and assurance, you will

"hello," "please," and "thank you," in your host country's language. Successful international managers have learned there is no adequate substitute for knowing the local language.8

would launch MTV Arabia.4 His efforts helped

seal the deal.

For Discussion Have you done much traveling?

Learn what's appropriate behavior: Before you

What tricks have you discovered to make it more

go, spend some time learning about patterns of



What's Ahead in This Chapter

This chapter covers the importance of globalization-the rise of the global village, of one big market, of both worldwide megafirms and minifirms. We also describe the characteristics of the successful international manager and why and how com­ panies expand internationally. We describe the barriers to free trade and the major organizations promoting trade. Finally, we discuss some of the cultural differences you may encounter if you become an international manager.

� 4.1


major question

What three important developments of globalization will probably affect me? THE BIG PICTURE Globalization, the trend of the world economy toward becoming a more inter­ dependent system, is reflected in three developments: the rise of the "global village" and e-commerce, the trend of the world's becoming one big market, and the rise of both megafirms and Internet-enabled minifirms worldwide.

"You don't have to be big to be global," says Sonia Seye, who runs Hair Universal, a busy Los Angeles salon that specializes in braiding hair and turning multi­ colored hair extensions into fashionable coifs. With dreams of expanding her business, she launched a search in India for a supplier of human-hair extensions (which come from Hindu temples, where women shave their heads in offerings to the gods). Seye spent 6 months researching suppliers online, peppering prospects by e-mail and checking them out with the Indian consulate, and then flew to India, where she met her final candidates. By buying direct, instead of going through middlemen, she halved her hair-extension costs and thus is able to undercut the prices of rival salons. The trip to India has more than paid for itself.9 Can you visualize yourself operating like this? Like Seye, you are living in a world being rapidly changed by globalization-the

toward becoming a more interdependent system.

trend of the world economy

Time and distance, which have

been under assault for 150 years, have now virtually collapsed, as reflected in three important developments we shall discuss.10 1.

The rise of the "global village" and electronic commerce.


The world's becoming one market instead of many national ones.


The rise of both megafirms and Internet-enabled minifirms worldwide.

The Rise of the 11Giobal Village" & Electronic Commerce The hallmark of great civilizations has been their great systems of communications. In the beginning, communications was based on transportation: the Roman Empire had its network of roads, as did other ancient civilizations, such as the Incas. Later, the great European powers had their far-flung navies. In the 19th century, the United States and Canada unified North America by building transcontinental railroads. Later, the airplane reduced travel time between continents.

From Transportation to Communication

Transportation began to yield to

the electronic exchange of information. Beginning in 1844, the telegraph ended the short existence of the Pony Express and, beginning in 187 6, found itself in competition with the telephone. The amplifying vacuum tube, invented in 1906, led to commercial radio. Television came into being in England in 1925. During the 1950s and 1960s, as television exploded throughout the world, communica­ tions philosopher Marshall McLuhan posed the notion of a "global village," where we all share our hopes, dreams, and fears in a "worldpool" of information.

The global village refers to the "shrinking" of time and space as air travel and the electronic media have made it easier for the people of the globe to communicate with one another. 104



The Environment of Management

Then the world became even faster and smaller. Fifteen years ago, cell phones, pagers, fax, and voice-mail links barely existed. When AT&T launched the first cellular communications system in 1983, it predicted fewer than a million users by 2000. By the end of 1993, however, there were more than 16 million cellular phone subscribers in the United States.11 By mid-2010, it was expected there would be 6.8 billion humans on the planet, and there would be 5 billion cell-phone subscriptions.12 The Net, the Web, & the World Then came the Internet, the worldwide computer-linked "network of networks," of which there were an estimated 1.7 bil­ lion users throughout the world in late 2000.13 The Net might have remained the province of academicians had it not been for the contributions of Tim Berners­ Lee, who came up with the coding system , linkages, and addressing scheme that debuted in 1991 as the World W ide Web. "He took a powerful communications system [the Internet] that only the elite could use," says one writer, "and turned it into a mass medium."14 The arrival of the Web quickly led to e-commerce, or electronic commerce, the buying and selling of products and services through computer networks. U.S. retail e-commerce sales were expected to total $36.6 billion in the first quarter of 2010.15

Example E-Commerce: Resolers to the World Perhaps the most well-known story of e-commerce

Wall Street Journal reporter Sarah Needleman,

companies is that of, which was started

trying out these four companies' services, went to the



by Jeffrey Bezos as an online bookstore, and

Web site of American Heelers, launched in

2007 by llya

2010, it re­ sales of $24.51 billion, up 28% from a

repair shop. There she found service descriptions, prices,

year earlier.16 Now e-commerce has spread well be­

and instructions on how to request shipping materials.

yond books, CDs, and electronics to embrace even the

After placing the order online, she received a quote and

later expanded into nonbook areas. In ported

2009 net

Romanov to augment his father's Woodmere, Ohio,

most mundane of goods and services. Shoe repair, for

shoe mailing envelope. Later she received billing and


payment information (final cost:

In the

1930s, there were more than 120,000 shoe­

repair businesses in the United States. Now there are about


the result of increased affordability

in new shoes. Still, many people (some with special orthopedic needs) want to hang on to favorite foot­ wear. Into the gap vacated by vanished mainstreet


Sent back

within the five to seven days the company promised, the repaired shoes, "were vastly improved," Needleman writes, "with a new set of full heels and soles, plus they'd been shined, cleaned, waterproofed, and conditioned."17


cobblers have stepped several online shoe refurbish­

Can you think of any other specialized medium-sized

ment and repair services. Examples: American Heelers,

or small business, domestic or worldwide, that the

Great Lakes Shoe & Orthopedic Services, NuShoe,

Internet has made possible? Could you see yourself

Resole America.

launching a similar venture? What would it be?

One Big World Market: The Global Economy "We are seeing the results of things started in 1988 and 1989," said Rosabeth Moss Kantor of the Harvard Business School a decade later.18 It was in the late 1980s when the Berlin Wall came down, signaling the beginning of the end of communism in Eastern Europe. It was also when Asian countries began to open their econo­ mies to foreign investors. Finally, the trend toward governments deregulating their economies began sweeping the globe. These three events set up conditions by which goods, people, and money could move more freely throughout the world-a

Global Management




global economy. The global economy

refers to the increasing tendency of the economies of the world to interact with one another as one market instead of many national markets. The economies of the world have never been more entangled. As Kevin Maney writes in USA Today, "They're tied together by instantaneous infor­ mation arriving via everything from currency trading databases to Web sites to CNN broadcasts.Capital-the money used to build businesses-moves globally and moves in a matter of keystrokes."9 1 "Oh,


old thing." The

Is a global economy really good for the United States? "Ulti­

cell phone represents a boon

Positive Effects

to less-developed countries

mately, the medium- to long-term benefits of globalization are positive for every­

because this kind of telephone infrastructure does not entail the costly process of installing miles of telephone poles and landlines.

body," says the CEO of Infosys Technologies in India. "Let me give you an example. As our industry has increased economic activity in India,it's becoming a bigger market for American exports ...Today you can't find any soft drinks in India except Coke or Pepsi."20 In addition,foreign firms are building plants in the United States,revitalizing parts of industrial America.21 Indeed,foreign direct investment makes up 15% of the country's gross domestic product (total value of all goods and services).Com­ panies based overseas provide jobs for approximately 10% of the U.S.workforce.22 When the recession ends, suggests Gregg Easterbrook , author of Sonic Boom:

Globalization at Mach Speed, worldwide economic growth will pick up, "creating rising prosperity and higher living standards ....The world will be far more inter­ connected, leading to better and more affordable products, as well as ever better communication among nations."23

Negative Effects

However, global economic interdependency can also be

dangerous. Financial crises throughout the world resulted in vast surplus funds from global investments flowing into the United States and being invested badly in a housing-and-credit bubble that burst (the so-called subprime mortgages melt­ down),leading to the 2008-2009 Great Recession that hurt so many people.24 Another negative effect is the movement, or outsourcing, of formerly well­ paying jobs overseas as companies seek cheaper labor costs,particularly in manu­ facturing. Soaring new U.S.skyscrapers,for example,are more apt to have windows made in China than in Ohio, a glassmaking state.25 Some economists fear that many jobs lost through the recession and offshoring may simply never come back.26 Indeed, while "the horizon has never been brighter,"says Easterbrook, "we may not feel particularly happy about it."The reasons: "Job instability, economic insecurity,a sense of turmoil, the fear that even when things seem good a hammer is about to fall-these are also part of the larger trend.As world economies become ever more linked by computers, job stress will become a 24/7 affair. Frequent shakeups in industries will cause increasing uncertainty."27 But the global economy isn't going to go away just because we don't like some of its destabilizing aspects.

Cross-Border Business: The Rise of Both Mega mergers & Minifirms Worldwide The global market driven by electronic information "forces things to get bigger and smaller at the same time,"suggests technology philosopher Nicholas Negroponte. "And that's so ironic,when things want to do both but not stay in the middle.There will be an increasing absence of things that aren't either very local or very global."28 106



The Environment of Management

If Negroponte is correct, this means we will see more and more of two opposite kinds of businesses: mergers of huge companies into even larger companies, and small, fast-moving start-up companies.

Mega mergers Operating Worldwide Walt Disney + Pixar. Kmart + Sears. Union

Pacific +

Southern Pacific.

Whole Foods + Wild Oats. Bank of America + Merrill Lynch. Chrysler + Fiat. Roche+ Genentech. Ticketmaster+ Live Nation. Kraft + Cadbury. Com­ cast+ NBC Universal. The last 20 years have seen a surge in mergers. Certain industries-oil, telecom­ munications, automobiles, financial ser­ vices, and pharmaceuticals, for instance­ aren't suited to being midsize, let alone small and local, so companies in these industries are trying to become bigger and

Megamerger? A Porsche + Volkswagen merger is planned

cross-border. The means for doing so is to merge with other big companies. In

for 2011. Do you think we will

automobiles, for instance, Porsche targeted Volkswagen, a much larger company, to

see more auto company mergers?

ensure that rivals did not get their hands on it; however, after a few years, Porsche gave up the fight and agreed to be acquired by its former prey VW.29 Oil companies, already behemoths from earlier mergers (Exxon+ Mobil, Conoco+ Phillips), are expected to begin another wave of acquisitions in the near future.30

Minifirms Operating Worldwide The Internet and the World Wide Web allow al­ most anyone to be global, which Kevin Maney points out has two important results:


Small companies can get started more easily. Because anyone can put goods or services on a Web site and sell worldwide, this wipes out the former competitive advantages of distribution and scope that large companies used to have.


Small companies can maneuver faster. Little companies can change direc­ tion faster, which gives them an advantage in terms of time and distance over large companies.


Exam Small Companies That Get Started More Easily & Can Maneuver Faster: Bay-Traders Many small firms have come from nowhere to collapse

50 mannequins. After purchasing the entire inventory,

time and distance. For instance, so-called Bay-traders

she started renting mannequins and later, after buying

make a living selling things on eBay, the online auction

more from department stores, started selling them to

company. Bay -traders find they get higher prices at

special-event planners, retail stores, and artists.

Internet auctions than at swap meets or collectibles

Henderson-Townsand claims that the Internet,

shows because bidding generates excitement and

including eBay, has been by far her greatest marketing

because the Internet's worldwide reach makes multiple

resource because it allows the firm to reach customers

bids more likely.

who could never be reached otherwise.31

Judi Henderson-Townsand's Oakland, California, company, Mannequin Madness, began when, while


working in marketing for a failing dot-com firm, she

Do y ou have an idea for some uncommon products you

saw an online ad from a window dresser offering

might sell on eBay ? What would they be?

Global Management




II 4.2


major question

Why learn about international management, and what characterizes the successful international manager? THE BIG PICTURE Studying international management prepares you to work with foreign cus­ tomers or suppliers, for a foreign firm in the United States or for a U.S. firm overseas. Successful international managers aren't ethnocentric or polycentric, but geocentric.

Can you see yourself working overseas? It can definitely be an advantage to your career. "There are fewer borders," says Paul McDonald, executive director of recruitment firm Robert Half Management Resources. ''Anyone with interna­ tional experience will have a leg up, higher salary, and be more marketable."32 The recent brutal U.S. job market has also spurred more Americans to hunt for jobs overseas (and impelled foreign-born professionals who used to work in the United States to return home).33

Example Americans Working Overseas When Charles Wang,an industrial engineering major,

employee.35 After graduating from Northwestern

completed his junior year at Georgia Institute of

University,Nate Linkon found a job in marketing with

Technology in 2008, he joined United Parcel Service as

lnfoSys Technologies,the Indian software giant,in

a project manager. His assignment: Go to Dubai for

Bangalore.36 Scott Stapleton,formerly of Oakland,

10 months and develop a delivery system for the Arab

California,also took a marketing job with lnfoSys in

country's first-ever network of streets and addresses.

India. "The job blends practical work experience with

Following graduation,he planned to return to Dubai for

life in a developing country," says Stapleton,adding

a permanent job

"because of inability to find

good jobs in the U. S." 4 3

that it's

"a rare opportunity to actually witness

globalization ." 7 3

Julie Androshick spent 2 years teaching in Samoa, and then worked as a journalist and as an analyst for consulting company McKinsey & Company.


Now based in New York,she says working abroad

How do you feel about following these intrepid travel­

expanded her worldview,gave her the courage to

ers? How can you begin to prepare yourself for working

pursue long-shot jobs,and made her a more loyal


Foreign experience demonstrates independence, resourcefulness, and entrepreneurship, according to management recruiters. "You are interested in that person who can move quickly and is nimble and has an inquiring mind," says one. People who have worked and supported themselves over­ seas, she says, tend to be adaptive and inquisitive-valuable skills in today's workplace.38




The Environment of Management

Why Learn about International Management? International management is management that oversees the conduct of operations in or with orga­ nizations in foreign countries, whether it's through a multinational corporation or a multinational organization.

A multinational corporation, or multi­ national enterprise, is a business firm with operations in several countries. Our publisher, McGraw-Hill, is one such "multinational" (see the 17 foreign cities listed on our book's title page). In terms of sales revenue, the real behemoths in multinational corporations include the American firms ExxonMobil, Walmart, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, General Electric, General Motors, and Ford Motor Co. T he largest foreign companies are Royal Dutch/Shell (Netherlands/ Britain), BP (Britain), Toyota (Japan), Total (oil and gas, France), and lNG Group (insurance, Netherlands).39

Part of the action. If "all of the action in business is international," as one expert says, what role do you think you might play in it? Do you think cultural bias against women in some foreign countries contributes to the

A multinational organization is a nonprofit organization with operations in several countries. Examples are the World Health Organization, the Inter­

low percentage of U.S. female executives working abroad?

national Red Cross, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Even if in the coming years you never travel to the wider world outside North America-an unlikely proposition, we think-the world will assuredly come to you. T hat, in a nutshell, is why you need to learn about international management.

Practical Action Being an Effective Road Warrior Since business travelers who fly 100,000-plus miles a

e-mail, and videoconferencing make it easier to con­

year are no longer a rare breed, should you prepare for

nect with others-superficially, at least. "But," says an

the possibility of joining them?

investment banker, "in a global world you have to get in

Business travel can have its rewards. Many people

front of your employees, spend time with your clients,

enjoy going to different cities, meeting new people,

and show commitment when it comes to joint ven­

encountering new cultures. In one survey, people who

tures, mergers, and alliances. The key is thoughtful

took business trips of five nights or more said that

travel-traveling when necessary."42 Adds another top

being on the road provided certain escapes, as from

executive, "If you are going to disagree with somebody,

their everyday workplace (35% of those polled), put­

you certainly don't want to do it by email, and if possi­

ting out work "fires" (20%), frequent meetings (12%),

ble you don't even want to do it by phone. You want to

and co-worker distractions (11%).40

do it face to face."43

Business travelers have learned the following three lessons.

Lesson 2: Travel May Be Global, but Understanding Must Be Local

Lesson 1: Frequent Travel May Be Needed Because Personal Encounters Are Essential

Being a road warrior is all about making bets with one's

"There is no substitute for face time," says a Business­

world-traveling executives must do their homework

Week article.41 Yes, technologies such as smart phones,

to know cultures, organizations, and holders of power.

time, calculating the strategy of where to be when. Thus,

Global Management




"Cull information on the individuals and companies

in major cities.Lisa Bergson has a detailed packing list

you're visiting," says one expert. "Follow the news re­

that "comprises everything, from voltage adaptors to

lating to the region. If possible try to read a few books

herbal teas to foot spray." She has also developed a

about the history and culture of the lands you will

"day-by-day wardrobe chart for every trip of a week

visit.... Learn a few words too."44 Because in Asia and

or more, attempting to leverage every item and still

the Middle East personal relationships are crucial to get­

look chic."46

ting things done,you need to engage in small talk and avoid business talk during after-hours outings.Says Ted

Your Call

Dale,president of international business consulting firm

As we discussed,managers must be prepared to work

Aperian Global, "You need to spend out-of-office time in social settings." In Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America, it's important to understand organizational hierarchy,as represented by professional titles and age.45

Lesson 3: Frequent Travel Requires Frequent Adjustments

for organizations that operate not only countrywide but worldwide. To stay connected with colleagues, employees, clients, and suppliers, you may have to travel a lot. Does this give you cause for concern? What do you think you should do about it?

How do you cope if you travel all the time? Some people pack their own bags.Others keep complete wardrobes

More specifically, consider yourself in the following situations:

You May Deal with Foreign Customers or Partners

While working for a

U.S. company you may have to deal with foreign customers. Or you may have to work with a foreign company in some sort of joint venture. The people you're dealing with may be outside the United States or visitors to it. Either way you would hate to blow a deal-and maybe all future deals-because you were ignorant of some cultural aspects you could have known about. Examples are legion. 47 One American executive inadvertently insulted or embarrassed Thai businessmen by starting gatherings talking about business. "That's a no-no," he says. "I quickly figured out that I was creating problems by talking business before eating lunch and by initiating the talks."

Working for a foreign firm. If

You May Deal with Foreign Suppliers

you thought you might work for

pany you may have to purchase important components, raw materials, or services

a foreign firm, either at home

from a foreign supplier. And you never know where foreign practices may diverge

or overseas, what should you be doing now to prepare for it?

While working for an American com­

from what you're accustomed to. Many software developer jobs, for instance, have been moved outside the United States-to places such as India, New Zealand, and Eastern Europe. A lot of U.S. software companies-Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Motorola, Novell, Hewlett­ Packard, and Texas Instruments-have opened offices in India to take advantage of high-quality labor.48

You May Work for a Foreign Firm in the United States

You may sometime

take a job with a foreign firm doing business in the United States, such as an electronics, pharmaceutical, or car company. And you'll have to deal with managers above and below you whose outlook is different from yours. For instance, Japanese companies, with their emphasis on correctness and face saving, operate in signifi­ cantly different ways from American companies.




The Environment of Management

Sometimes it is even hard to know that an ostensibly U.S. company actually has foreign ownership. For example, many American book publishers (though not McGraw-Hill) are British- or German-owned.

You May Work for an American Firm Outsid e the United States-or for a Foreign One

You might easily find yourself working abroad in the foreign

operation of a U.S. company. Most big American corporations have overseas subsidiaries or divisions. On the other hand, you might also well work for a foreign firm in a foreign country, such as a big Indian company in Bangalore or Mumbai.

The Successful International Manager: Geocentric, Not Ethnocentric or Polycentric Maybe you don't really care that you don't have much understanding of the for­ eign culture you're dealing with. "What's the point?" you may think. "The main thing is to get the job done." Certainly there are international firms with manag­ ers who have this perspective. They are called ethnocentric, one of three primary attitudes among international managers, the other two being polycentric and geocentric.49

Ethnocentric Managers-11We Know Best"

What do foreign executives

fluent in English think when they hear Americans using an endless array of baseball, basketball, and football phrases (such as "out of left field" or "Hail Mary pass"). 5° Ethnocentric managers believe that their native country, culture, language, and behavior are superior to all others. Ethnocentric managers tend to believe that they can export the managers and practices of their home countries to anywhere in the world and that they will be more capable and reliable. Often the ethnocentric viewpoint is less attributable to prejudice than it is to ignorance, since such managers obviously know more about their home envi­ ronment than the foreign environment. Ethnocentrism might also be called parochialism-that is, a narrow view in which people see things solely through their own perspective. Is ethnocentrism bad for business? It seems so. A survey of



with home offices in the United States, Japan, and Europe found that ethnocentric policies were linked to such problems as recruiting difficulties, high turnover rates, and lawsuits over personnel policies. 51

Polycentric Managers-''They Know Best"

Polyce11tric managers take

the view that native managers in the foreign offices best understand native per­ sonnel and practices, and so the home office should leave them alone. Thus, the attitude of polycentric managers is nearly the opposite of that of ethnocentric managers.

Geocentric Managers-11What's Best Is What's Effective, Regardless of Origin"

Geocentric managers accept that there are differences and similari­

ties between home and foreign personnel and practices and that they should use whatever techniques are most effective. Clearly, being an ethno- or polycentric manager takes less work. But the payoff for being a geocentric manager can be far greater. The Manager's Toolbox (page geocentric.


gives some tips on being


Global Management




� 4.3


major question

Why do companies expand internationally, and how do they do it? THE BIG PICTURE Multinationals expand to take advantage of availability of supplies, new markets, lower labor costs, access to finance capital, or avoidance of tariffs and import quotas. F ive ways they do so are by global outsourcing; importing, exporting, and countertrading; licensing and franchising; joint ventures; and wholly-owned subsidiaries.

Who makes Apple's iPod, with its 451 parts? Not Apple, but a number of Asian companies. The hard drive, for instance, is made by a Japanese company, which in turn outsources to the Philippines and China; the chips are made in Taiwan. 52 Who makes the furniture sold by Ethan Allen, that most American of names, evoking Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys of the American Revolution? About half is made overseas, by suppliers in China, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam. 53 With a goal of boosting sales by 5%-7%, where is consumer-products giant Procter & Gamble going to seek additional consumers? The company oper­ ates in 80 countries, one being Mexico, where poor consumers at small, rudimen­ tary markets will buy a single-use P&G shampoo packet for the rock-bottom price of about 19 cents. 54 There are many reasons why American companies are going global. Let us consider why and how they are expanding beyond U.S. borders.

Why Companies Expand Internationally Many a company has made the deliberate decision to restrict selling its product or service to just its own country. Is anything wrong with that? The answer is: It depends. It would probably have been a serious mistake for NEC, Sony, or Hitachi to have limited their markets solely to Japan during the 1990s, a time when the country was in an economic slump and Japanese consum­ U.S. export. Popular entertainment is a major

ers weren't consuming. During that same period, however, some American banks might have been better off not making loans abroad, when the U.S. economy

U.S. export, as was the film

was booming but foreign economies were not. Going international or not going

Avatarto Asian countries. Are

international-it can be risky either way.

there any negatives to sending American popular culture overseas?

Why, then, do companies expand internationally? There are at least five rea­ sons, all of which have to do with making or saving money.

I. Availability of Supplies

Antique and art

dealers, mining companies, banana growers, sellers of hardwoods-all have to go where their basic supplies or raw materials are located. For years oil companies, for example, have expanded their activi­ ties outside the United States in seeking cheaper or more plentiful sources of oil.

2. New Markets

Sometimes a company will

find, as cigarette makers have, that the demand for their product has declined domestically but that they can still make money overseas. Or sometimes a company will steal a march on its competitors by




The Environment of Management

aggressively expanding into foreign markets, as did Coca-Cola over PepsiCo under the leadership of legendary CEO Robert Goizueta. From 2000 to 2010, exports of American goods jumped 66%; the export of services increased even more-84%.55

3. Lower Labor Costs

The decline in manufacturing jobs in the United States

is directly attributable to the fact that American companies have found it cheaper to do their manufacturing outside the States. For example, the rationale for using maquiladoras-manufacturing plants allowed to operate in Mexico with special privileges in return for employing Mexican citizens-is that they provide less expen­ sive labor for assembling everything from appliances to cars. Even professional or service kinds of jobs, such as computer programming, may be shipped overseas. (However, a countertrend, called "deglobalization," is that some companies are moving production back home, because long supply chains can be easily affected by the whims of geopolitics and energy prices.)56 Companies may be enticed into going abroad by

.4. Access to Finance Capital

the prospects of capital being put up by foreign companies. Or sometimes a foreign government will offer a subsidy in hopes of attracting a company that will create jobs, as Ireland did in the 1970s for Lotus sports-car maker John DeLorean.

5. Avoidance of Tariffs & Import Quotas

Countries place tariffs (fees) on

imported goods or impose import quotas-limitations on the numbers of prod­ ucts allowed in-for the purpose of protecting their own domestic industries. For example, Japan imposes tariffs on agricultural products, such as rice, imported from the United States. To avoid these penalties, a company might create a subsidiary to produce the product in the foreign country. General Electric and Whirlpool, for example, have foreign subsidiaries to produce appliances overseas.

How Companies Expand Internationally Most companies don't start out to be multinationals. Generally, they edge their way into international business, making minimal investments and taking minimal risks, as shown in the drawing below.

(See Figure 4.1.)



Licensing &




exporting, &





Lowest risk & investment

figure 4.1 FIVE WAYS OF EXPANDING INTERNATIONALLY These range from lowest risk and investment

(left) to

highest risk and investment


Let's consider these five ways.

I. Global Outsourcing

A common practice of many companies, outsourdngis

defined as using suppliers outside the company to provide goods and services. For example, airlines are increasingly farming out aircraft maintenance to other com­ paniesY Management philosopher Peter Drucker believed that in the near future organizations might be outsourcing all work that is "support"-such as information systems-rather than revenue-producing.

Global Management




Global outsourcing (or simply

global sourcing or offshoring) extends this tech­

nique outside the United States. Global outsourcing is defined as using suppliers

outside the United States to provide labor, goods, or services. The reason may be that the foreign supplier has resources not available in the United States, such as Italian marble. Or the supplier may have special expertise, as do Pakistani weavers. Or-more likely these days-the supplier's labor is cheaper than American labor. As a manager, your first business trip outside the United States might be to inspect the production lines of one of your outsourcing suppliers.

2. Importing, Exporting, & Countertrading

When importing, a company

buys goods outside the country and resells them domestically. Nothing might seem to be more American than Jeep Wranglers, but they are made not only in the United States but also in Canada, from which they are imported and made avail­ able for sale in the United States. Many of the products we use are imported, ranging from Heineken beer (Netherlands) to Texaco gasoline (Saudi Arabia) to Honda snowblowers (Japan).

LPractical Actionj



Global Outsourcing: Which Jobs Are Likely to Fall Victim to Offshoring? Will there be any goodjobs left for new college graduates?

obvious candidates for outsourcing." But even "design

Americans are rightly concerned about the chang­

and financial-analysis skills can, with time, become

ing jobs picture, brought about not only by the Great

well-enough understood to be spelled out in a contract

Recession but also earlier in part by offshoring of work

and signed away."62 Says Fred Levy, a Massachusetts

to low-wage countries such as China, India, and the

Institute of Technology economist, "lf you can describe

Philippines. Although U.S. manufacturing began a post­

a job precisely, or write rules for doing it, it's unlikely to

recession expansion in early 2010, few of the millions

survive. Either we'll program a computer to do it, or

of factory jobs that have been lost during the last

we'll teach a foreigner to do it."63

10 years have been replaced. This has forced many workers-when they were able to work at all-to accept lower-paying alternatives, such as jobs in retail and health care, which pay on average 21% less than manufacturingjobs.56 More recently, the same trend­ global outsourcing-has been happening with white­ collarjobs. Forrester Research estimates that 3.4 million service jobs will have moved offshore between 2000 and 2015.59 Among them are jobs in office support,

Which Jobs Will Remain in the United States? It is difficult to predict which jobs will remain at home, since even the Bureau of Labor Statistics often can't get it right. However, jobs that endure may share certain traits, listed below, regardless of the industry they serve:64 •

Face-to-face. Some involve face-to-face contact such as being a salesperson with a specific

computer, business operations, architecture, legal,

territory or an emergency room doctor.

sales, and art and design.60 •

How Can You Prepare for an Offshored World?

Physical contact. Other jobs involve physical contact such as those of dentists, nurses, massage therapists, gardeners, and nursing-home aides.

"I believe [companies] should outsource everything for which there is no career track that could lead into senior management," said management philosopher Peter Drucker. An example, he said, is the job of total-quality­ control specialist, work that can be done overseas.61 "As soon as a job becomes routine enough to describe in a spec sheet, it becomes vulnerable to

Recognizing complex patterns. Others involve the human ability to recognize complex patterns, which are hard to computerize, such as a physician's ability to diagnose an unusual disease (even if the X-rays are read by a radiologist in India). This also describes such high-end jobs as teaching first grade or selling a mansion to a millionaire or jobs that demand an intimate knowledge of the United States, such as

outsourcing," says another writer. "Jobs like data entry,

marketing to American teenagers or lobbying

which are routine by nature, were the first among





The Environment of Management

Survival Rules

important. Fortunately, as Drucker pointed out, the United States is "the only country that has a

For you, as a prospective manager, there are perhaps

very significant continuing education system. This

three ideas to take away from all this: •

doesn' t exist anywhere else." The United States is

Teamwork and creativity. '�obs that persist are

also the only country, he said, in which it is easy

dynamic and creative and require the ability to

for younger people to move from one area at work

team with others/' says Jim Spohrer of the IBM

to another.67

Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California,

which studies the business operations of IBM's corporate clients. "At its heart, a company is

change. Men and women with 4 years of college,

simply a group of teams that come together to

for instance, earn nearly 45% more on average

create" products and services.66 •

Education. The more education one has, the more one is apt to prevail during times of economic

than those with only a high school diploma.68

Flexibility. "Jobs used to change very little or not at all over the course of several generations/' says

Your Call

Spohrer. "Now, they might change three or four

What kind of job or jobs are you interested in that

times in a single lifetime." Flexibility-as in being

would seem to provide you with some hopes of prevail­

willing to undergo retraining-thus becomes

ing in a fast-changing world?

When exporti11g, a company produces goods domestically and sells them outside the country. The United States was ranked the number 3 exporter in the world in 2009, down from number 1 a decade earlier.

(See Table 4.1.)

One of the greatest

U.S. exports is American pop culture, in the form of movies, music, and fashion. The United States is also a leader in exporting computers and other information technology.


table 4.1

Rankin 2009

TOP 12 EXPORTING I. u.s 2. Germany




4. France

COUNTRIES, 1999 AND 2009



5. Britain




7. 1taly


8. Netherlands


9. China

South Korea

10. Belgium II. Hong Kong 12. South Korea

Britain Canada Hong Kong

Source: Adapted from graphic in F. Norris, "A Shift in the Export Powerhouses," The New York Times, February 20, 2010, p. B3. Exports are measured in U.S. dollars.

Global Management




Sometimes other countries may wish to import American goods but lack the currency to pay for them. In that case, the exporting U.S. company may resort to

countertrading-that is, bartering goods for goods.

When the Russian ruble

plunged in value in 1998, some goods became a better medium of exchange than currency.

3. Licensing & Franchising

Licensing and franchising are two aspects of the

same thing, although licensing is used by manufacturing companies and f ranchis­ ing is used more frequently by service companies.


licensing, a company allows a foreign company to pay it a fee to make or dis­

tribute the first company's product or service. For example, the DuPont chemical company might license a company in Brazil to make Teflon, the nonstick sub­ stance that is found on some frying pans. Thus, DuPont, the licensor, can make money without having to invest large sums to conduct business directly in a for­ eign company. Moreover, the Brazilian firm, the licensee, knows the local market better than DuPont probably would.

Franchising is a form of licensing in which a company allows a foreign company to pay it a fee and a share of the profit in return for using the first company's brand name and a package of materials and services. For example, Burger King, Hertz, and Hilton Hotels, which are all well-known brands, might provide the use of their names plus their operating know-how (facility design, equipment, recipes, management systems) to companies in the Philippines in return for an up-front fee plus a percentage of the profits. By now Americans traveling throughout the world have become accustomed to seeing so-called U.S. f ranchises every where: Popeye's Chicken & Biscuits in China, DKNY and The GAP stores in Turkey, Coca-Cola in Mexico, Interconti­ nental hotels in Hungary.

4. Joint Ventures

Strategic allies (described in Chapter


are two organiza­

tions that have joined forces to realize strategic advantages that neither would Jaguar. A number of formerly British-owned carmakers have gone over to foreign ownership. Jaguar and Land

have if operating alone. A U.S. firm may form a joint

venture, also known as a strategic alliance, with a foreign company to share the risks and rewards of starting

a new enterprise together in a foreign country. For instance, General Motors operates

Rover became subsidiaries

a joint venture with Shanghai Automotive Industry Group to build Buicks in

of Ford Motor Co., but then


in 2008 were sold to lata of India. Do you think the American companies General Motors and Ford could ever wind up under foreign

Sometimes a joint venture is the only way an American company can have a presence in a certain country, whose laws may forbid foreigners f rom owner­ ship. Indeed, in China, this is the only way foreign cars may be sold in that country.


5. Wholly-Owned Subsidiaries

A wholly-owned subsidiary is a foreign subsidiary that is totally owned

and controlled by an organization. The foreign sub­ sidiary may be an existing company that is pur­ chased outright. A

greenfield venture is a foreign

subsidiary that the owning organization has built from scratch. General Motors owns majority stakes in Adam Opel AG in Germany and Vauxhall Motor Cars Ltd. in the United Kingdom. In early 2010, it announced its intention to sell its half ownership of Saab Auto­ mobile AB in Sweden.




The Environment of Management





major question

What are barriers to free trade, and what major organizations and trading blocs promote trade? THE BIG PICTURE Barriers to free trade are tariffs, import quotas, and embargoes. Organizations promoting international trade are the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. Major trading blocs are NAFTA, the EU, APEC, ASEAN, Mercosur, and CAFTA.

If you live in the United States, you see foreign products on a daily basis-cars, appliances, clothes, foods, beers, wines, and so on. Based on what you see every day, which countries would you think are our most important trading partners? China? Japan? Germany? England? South Korea? These five countries do indeed appear among the top leading U.S. trading partners. Interestingly, however, our foremost trading partners are our immediate neighbors-Canada and Mexico, whose products may not be quite so visible.

(See Table 4.2.)

Top 10 Nations for

Top 10 Nations U.S.

U.S. Exports

Imports From

I. Canada



Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "Top

2. Mexico


3. China


Trading Partners," February 10, 2010, http:!/www foreign-trade/statistics/highlights/ topcurmon.htmlllexports (accessed February



5. Germany


6. United Kingdom

United Kingdom

7. South Korea

South Korea

8. Netherlands


9. Brazil


10. Hong Kong

Let's begin to consider free

21, 2010).



the movement of goods and services among

nations without political or economic obstruction.

Barriers to International Trade Countries often use

trade protectio11ism-the use of government

regulations to limit

the import of goods and services-to protect their domestic industries against for­ eign competition. The justification they often use is that this saves jobs. Actually,

Global Management




protectionism is not considered beneficial, mainly because of what it does to the overall trading atmosphere. The three devices by which countries try to exert protectionism consist of tariffs, import quotas, and embargoes.

I. Tariffs

A tariff is a trade barrier in the form of a customs duty,

or tax, levied mainly on imports. At one time, for instance, to pro­ tect the American shoe industry, the United States imposed a tariff on Italian shoes. Actually, there are two types of tariffs: One is designed simply to raise money for the government (revenue tariff). The other, which concerns us more, is to raise the price of imported goods to make the prices of domestic products more competitive (protective tariff). In 2009, following several years of job losses in U.S. tire plants amid a flood of imported tires, the Obama administration imposed a 35% protective tariff on imported Chinese tires. China threatened to retaliate by imposing tariffs on American exports of automotive products and chicken meat, increasing tensions between the two nations.70

2. Import Quotas

An import quota is a trade barrier in the form

of a limit on the numbers of a product that can be imported. Its Container ships full of imports from China have benefited the American poor disproportionately, with cheap goods in discount stores, for instance, offsetting recent increased disparities in U.S. income. Could Americans' objections to globalization be misplaced? Quite contained.

intent is to protect domestic industry by restricting the availability of foreign products. As a condition of being allowed into the World Trade Organization, China agreed, starting in 2005, to cancel car import quotas, which it had used to protect its domestic car manufacturing industry against imported vehicles from the United States, Japan, and Germany.71 Quotas are designed to prevent dumping, the practice of a foreign company's

exporting products abroad at a lower price than the price in the home market-or even below the costs of production-in order to drive down the price of the domestic product. In 2009, the U.S. International Trade Commission imposed antidumping duties of 10%-16% more on Chinese government-subsidized steel imported into the United States that damaged the American steel industry.72

3. Embargoes

Ever seen a real Cuban cigar? They're difficult for Americans to

get, since they're embargoed. An embargo is a complete ban on the import or export

of certain products. It has been years since anyone was allowed to import Cuban cigars and sugar into the United States or for an American firm to do business in Cuba. The U.S. government also tries to embargo the export of certain super­ computers and other high-tech equipment with possible military uses to countries such as China.

Organizations Promoting International Trade In the 1920s, the institution of tariff barriers did not so much protect jobs as depress the demand for goods and services, thereby leading to the loss of jobs anyway-and the massive unemployment of the Great Depression of the 1930s.73 As a result of this lesson, after World War II the advanced nations of the world began to realize that if all countries could freely exchange the products that each could produce most efficiently, this would lead to lower prices all around. Thus began the removal of barriers to free trade. The three principal organizations designed to facilitate international trade are the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and the International Mone­

tary Fund.




The Environment of Management

I. The World Trade Organization (WTO) Consisting of 153 member coun­ World Trade Organization (WTO) is designed to monitor and enforce trade agreements. The agreements are based on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), an international accord first signed by 23 nations in 1947, tries, the

which helped to reduce worldwide tariffs and other barriers. Out of GATT came a series of " rounds," or negotiations, that resulted in the lowering of barriers; for instance, the Uruguay Round, implemented in 1996, cut tariffs by one-third. The current round of negotiations, the Doha Round, which began in Doha, Qatar, is aimed at helping the world's poor by, among other things, reducing trade barriers. Founded in 1995 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, W TO succeeded GATT as the world forum for trade negotiations and has the formal legal structure for deciding trade disputes. W TO also encompasses areas not previously covered by GATT, such as services and intellectual property rights. A particularly interesting area of responsibility covers telecommunications--cell phones, pagers, data trans­ mission, satellite communications, and the like-with half of the W TO members agreeing in 1998 to open their markets to foreign telecommunications companies.74


The World Bank

The World Bank was founded after World War II to help

European countries rebuild. Today the purpose of the

World Bank is to provide low-interest loans to developing nations for improving transportation, education, health, and telecommunications. The bank has 184 member nations, with most contributions coming from Britain, the United States, Japan, and Germany.75 In recent years, the World Bank has been the target of demonstrations in Seattle; Washington, DC; Ottawa; and elsewhere. Some protesters believe it finances projects that could damage the ecosystem, such as the Three Gorges Dam on China's Yangtze R iver. Others complain it supports countries that permit low-paying sweatshops or that suppress religious freedom. Still others think it has dragged its feet on getting affordable AIDS drugs to less-developed countries in Africa. Many of the same pro­ tests were leveled against the International Monetary Fund, discussed next. The World Bank has responded by trying to support projects that are not harmful to the environment and that are aimed at helping lift people out of poverty.


The International Monetary Fund

Founded in 1945 and now affiliated

with the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund is the second pillar supporting the international financial community. Consisting of 185 member na­ tions,

the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is designed to assist in smoothing the flow of money between nations. The IMF operates as a last-resort lender that makes short-term loans to countries suffering from unfavorable balance of pay­ ments (roughly the difference between money coming into a country and money leaving the country, because of imports, exports, and other matters). For example, during the late 1990s' "Asian crisis," the value of Thailand's cur­ rency dropped until at the end of 1997 it was worth half what it was at the start of the year. This affected Thailand's exchange rate, the rate at which one country's currency can be exchanged for another country's currency. Because Thailand owed other countries, they, too, were affected: Indonesia's currency dropped 70% and South Korea's 45%. In response to pleas for help, the IMF loaned Asian countries billions of dollars-$ 57 billion to South Korea alone in 1997.

Major Trading Blocs: NAFTA, EU, APEC, ASEAN, Mercosur, & CAFTA A

trading bloc, also known as an economic community, is a group of nations within a geographical region that have agreed to remove trade barriers with one another. The six major trading blocs are the NAFTA nations, the European Union, the APEC countries, the A SEAN countries, the Mercosur, and CAFTA.

Global Management




I. NAFTA-the Three Countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement

Formed in 1994, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

is a trading bloc consisting of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, encompass­ ing 435 million people. The agreement is supposed to eliminate 99% of the tariffs and quotas among these countries, allowing for freer flow of goods, services, and capital in North America. Trade with Canada and Mexico now accounts for one­ third of the U.S. total, up from one-quarter in 1989. Is NAFTA a job killer, as some have complained? In Mexico, it has failed to generate substantial job growth and has hurt hundreds of thousands of subsis­ tence farmers, so that illegal immigration to the United States remains a problem. As for the United States, nearly 525,000 workers, mostly in manufacturing, have been certified by the U.S. government as having lost their jobs or had their hours or wages reduced because of NAFTA's shifting of jobs south of the border. It also spurred a U.S. trade deficit-$74 billion with Mexico and $65 billion with Canada in 2007.76 However, supporters insist NAFTA ultimately will result in more jobs and a higher standard of living among all trading partners.

2. The EU-the 27 Countries of the European Union

Formed in 1957,

the European Union (EU) consists of 27 trading partners in Europe, covering 455 million consumers. Nearly all internal trade barriers have been eliminated (including movement of labor between countries), making the EU a union of bor­ derless neighbors and the world's largest free market. By 2002, such national symbols as the franc, the mark, the lira, the peseta, and the guilder had been replaced with the EU currency, the euro. There has even been speculation that someday the euro could replace the U.S. dollar as the dominant world currency.77 However, for a period in 2010, Greece's shaky finances revealed an inherent weakness of the union-that both weak and strong economies were expected to coexist. Perhaps, says one writer, "just as the Great Depression forced the U.S. to d

impose a tighter federalism, today's economic crisis will likely force Europe into a closer political union."78

3. APEC-21 Countries of the Pacific Rim

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ( APEC) is a group of 21 Pacific Rim countries whose purpose is to

improve economic and political ties. Most countries with a coastline on the Pacific Ocean are members of the organization, although there are a number of exceptions. Among the 2 1 members are the United States, Canada, and China. Since the found­ ing in 1989, APEC members have worked to reduce tariffs and other trade barriers across the Asia-Pacific region. APEC member countries are highlighted below.




The Environment of Management

.4. ASEAN-11 Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations The Associati011 of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a trading bloc consist­ ing of 11 countries in Asia: Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, M yanmar (Burma), the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Like other trading blocs, ASEAN is working on reducing trade barriers among member countries. When China was admitted at the beginning of 2010, ASEAN became one of the largest free-trade zones, encompassing 1.9 billion people. 79

5. Mercosur-10 Countries of Latin America

The Mercosur is the largest

trade bloc in Latin America and has four core members--Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, with Venezuela scheduled to become a full member upon ratification by other countries--and five associate members: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Besides reducing tariffs by 7 5%, Mercosur nations are striving for full economic integration, and the alliance is also negotiating trade agreements with NAFTA, the EU, and Japan.

6. CAFTA-DR-Seven Countries of Central America

The Central America

Free Trade Agreemmt (CAFTA-DR), which involves the United States and Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua­

is intended to reduce tariffs and other barriers to free trade.80

Most Favored Nation Trading Status Besides joining together in trade blocs, countries will also extend special, "most favored nation" trading privileges to one another. Most favored nation trading status describes a condition in which a country grants other countries favorable trading treatment such as the reduction of import duties. The purpose is to promote


stronger and more stable ties between companies in the two countries.

Global Management




m 4.5



major question

What are the principal areas of cultural differences? THE BIG PICTURE Managers trying to understand other cultures need to understand the importance of national culture and cultural dimensions and basic cultural perceptions embodied in language,interpersonal space,communication,time orientation,and religion.

W hen President George W Bush and Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia met in Crawford, Texas, in the president's second term, they did something not usually done in the United States: They walked hand in hand.Men holding hands may raise eyebrows among most Americans,but it is common in the Middle East and does not carry any sexual connotation. "Holding hands is the warmest expression of affection between men," says one Lebanese sociologist."It's a sign of solidarity and kinship."81 In Hong Kong, an American journalist riding in an elevator said hi to a Chinese colleague. She responded, "You've gained weight." Three other Chinese co-workers told him the same thing, a remark that in the United States would be regarded as tactless and offensive."In China,such an intimate observation from a col­ league isn't necessarily an insult," the journalist wrote."It's proba­ bly just friendliness."82 Such are the kinds of cultural differences American managers are going to have to get used to.In the Arab world, which has his­ torically been segregated by sex, men spend a lot of time together, and so holding hands, kissing cheeks, and long handshakes are meant to express devotion and equality in status.In China, people draw different lines between personal and work spaces,so that,for example,it is permissible for office colleagues to inquire about the size of your apartment and your salary and to give assessments of your wardrobe and your muscle tone.

Friendship. In the Arab world, not touching another man in greeting may be taken as a sign of disdain. Do you have a problem with men touching or holding hands?

The Importance of National Culture A nation's culture is the shared set of beliefs, values, knowledge, and patterns of behavior common to a group of people. We begin learning our culture starting at an

early age through everyday interaction with people around us.This is why, from the outside looking in, a nation's culture can seem so intangible and perplexing. As cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall puts it, "Since much of culture oper­ ates outside our awareness,frequently we don't even know what we know....We unconsciously learn what to notice and what not to notice,how to divide time and space,how to walk and talk and use our bodies,how to behave as men or women, how to relate to other people, how to handle responsibility ...."83 Indeed, says Hall, what we think of as "mind " is really internalized culture. And because a culture is made up of so many nuances, this is why visitors to another culture may experience culture shock-the feelings of discomfort and disorientation associated with being in an unfamiliar culture.According to




The Environment of Management

anthropologists, culture shock involves anxiety and doubt caused by an overload of unfamiliar expectations and social cues.84

Cultural Dimensions: The Hofstede & GLOBE Project Models Misunderstandings and miscommunications often arise in international business relationships because people don't understand the expectations of the other side. A person from North America, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, or Switzerland, for example, comes from a

low-co11text culture

in which shared

meanings are primarily derived from written and spoken words. S orne one from China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Mexico, or many Arab cultures, on the other hand, comes from a

high-co11text culture in which people rely

heavily on situational

cues for meaning when communicating with others, relying on nonverbal cues as to another person's official position, status, or family connections. One way to avoid cultural collisions is to have an understanding of various cultural dimensions, as expressed in the Hofstede model and the GLOBE project.

Hofstede's Model of Four Cultural Dimensions

Thirty years ago Dutch

researcher and IBM psychologist Geert Hofstede collected data from 116,000 IBM employees in 53 countries and proposed his


placed: (1) individualisrrJcollectivism, and

Hofstede nwdel of four cultural

which identified four dimensions along which national cultures can be

(2) power distance, (3) uncertainty


(4) masculinity/femininity.85 lndividualisrrJcollectivism-how loosely or tightly are people socially bonded? The United States, Australia, Sweden, France, Canada, and Great Britain have high individualistic values. Individualism indicates a preference for a loosely knit social framework in which people are expected to take care of themselves. Costa Rica, Thailand, Mexico, China, Guatemala, and Ecuador have high collectivist values. Collectivism indicates a preference for a tightly knit social framework in which people and organizations are expected to look after each other. Power distance-how much do people accept inequality in power? Power

distance refers to the degree to which people accept inequality in social situations. High power distance, such as occurs in Mexico, India, Thailand, Panama, and the Philippines, means that people accept inequality in power among people, institutions, and organizations. Low power distance, such as occurs in Sweden, Germany, Israel, and Australia, means that people expect equality in power. Uncertainty avoidance-how strongly do people desire certainty? This dimension is about being comfortable with risk and uncertainty. Countries such as Japan, France, Greece, Portugal, and Costa Rica are very high in

uncertainty avoidance, which expresses people's intolerance for uncertainty and risk. High uncertainty avoidance means people feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and support beliefs that promise certainty and conformity. Countries such as Sweden, India, the United States, Singapore, and Jamaica are very low on this dimension. Low uncertainty avoidance means that people have high tolerance for the uncertain and ambiguous. Masculinity/femininity-how much do people embrace stereotypical male or female traits? Masculinity expresses how much people value performance­ oriented masculine traits, such as achievement, assertiveness, and material success. Countries with strong masculine preferences are Japan, Mexico,

Global Management




Austria, and Germany.


expresses how much people embrace

relationship-oriented feminine traits, such as cooperation and group deci­ sion making. Sweden, Norway, Thailand, Denmark, Costa Rica, and France are high on this cultural dimension. In general, the United States ranked very high on individualism, relatively low on power distance, low on uncertainty avoidance, and moderately high on masculinity.

The GLOBE Project's Nine Cultural Dimensions

Started in 1993 by Univer­

sity of Pennsylvania professor Robert J. House, the GLOBE project is a massive and ongoing cross-cultural investigation of nine cultural dimensions involved in lead­ ership and organizational processes. 86 (GLOBE stands for Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness.) GLOBE has evolved into a network of more than 150 scholars from 62 societies, and most of the researchers are native to the particular cultures they study. The nine cultural dimensions are as follows: Power distance--how much unequal distribution of power should there be in organizations and society?

Power distance expresses the degree to

which a

society's members expect power to be unequally shared. Uncertainty avoidance-how much should people rely on social norms and rules to avoid uncertainty?

Uncertainty avoidance

expresses the extent to

which a society relies on social norms and procedures to alleviate the unpredictability of future events. Institutional collectivism-how much should leaders encourage and reward loyalty to the social unit?

Institutional collectivism expresses the extent to

which individuals are encouraged and rewarded for loyalty to the group as opposed to pursuing of individual goals. In-group collectivism-how much pride and loyalty should people have for their family or organization? In contrast to individualism,

in-group collectivism

expresses the extent to which people should take pride in being members of their family, circle of close friends, and their work organization. Gender egalitarianism-how much should society maximize gender role differences?

Gender egalitarianism

expresses the extent to which a society

should minimize gender discrimination and role inequalities. Assertiveness-how confrontational and dominant should individuals be in social relationships? Assertiveness represents the extent to which a society expects people to be confrontational and competitive as opposed to tender and modest. Future orientation-how much should people delay gratification by planning and saving for the future?

Future orientation expresses

the extent to which

a society encourages investment in the future, as by planning and saving. Performance orientation-how much should individuals be rewarded for improvement and excellence?

Performance orientation expresses the extent

to which society encourages and rewards its members for performance improvement and excellence. Humane orientation-how much should society encourage and reward people for being kind, fair, friendly, and generous?

Humane orientation

represents the degree to which individuals are encouraged to be altruistic, caring, kind, generous, and fair. Data from 18,000 managers yielded the country profiles shown on the next page.

(See Table 4.3.) 124



The Environment of Management

tab I e 4.3



Dimension Power distance

Uncertainty avoidance

Institutional collectivism

In-group collectivism

Gender egalitarianism


Future orientation


Morocco, Argentina, T hailand,

Denmark, Netherlands, South Africa

Spain, Russia

(black sample), Israel, Costa Rica

Switzerland, Sweden, Germany

Russia, Hungary, Bolivia, Greece,

(former West), Denmark, Austria


Sweden, South Korea, Japan,

Greece, Hungary, Germany (former East),

Singapore, Denmark

Argentina, Italy

Iran, India, Morocco,

Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand,

China, Egypt

Netherlands, Finland

Hungary, Poland, Slovenia,

South Korea, Egypt, Morocco,

Denmark, Sweden

India, China

Germany (former East), Austria,

Sweden, New Zealand, Switzerland,

Greece, United States, Spain

Japan, Kuwait

Singapore, Switzerland,

Russia, Argentina, Poland,

Netherlands, Canada (English

Italy, Kuwait

speaking), Denmark Performance orientation

Human orientation

Source: Adapted from M. Javidan and Spring



R. J.

Singapore, Hong Kong, New

Russia, Argentina, Greece,

Zealand, Taiwan, United States

Venezuela, Italy

Philippines, Ireland, Malaysia,

Germany (former West), Spain, France,

Egypt, Indonesia

Singapore, Brazil

House, "Cultural Acumen for the Global Manager: Lessons from Project GLOBE,"

Organizational Dynamics,


The GLOBE dimensions show a great deal of cultural diversity around the world, but they also show how cultural patterns vary. For example, the U.S. managerial sample scored high on assertiveness and performance orientation­ which is why Americans are widely perceived as being pushy and hardworking. Switzerland's high scores on uncertainty avoidance and future orientation help explain its centuries of political neutrality and world-renowned banking industry. Singapore is known as a great place to do business because it is clean and safe and its people are well educated and hardworking-no surprise, considering the coun­ try's high scores on social collectivism, future orientation, and performance orien­ tation. By contrast, Russia's low scores on future orientation and performance orientation could foreshadow a slower-than-hoped-for transition from a centrally planned economy to free-enterprise capitalism. The practical lesson to draw from

Knowing the cultural tendencies of foreign business partners and competitors can give you a strategic competitive advantage.

all this:

GLOBE researchers also set out to find which, if any, attributes of leadership were universally liked or disliked, the results of which are shown on the next page.

(See Table 4.4.)

Throughout the world, visionary and inspirational leaders who

are good team builders generally do the best; self-centered leaders seen as loners or face-savers received a poor reception.

Global Management




table 4.4


Universally Positive Leader Attributes

Universally Negative Leader Attributes









Plans ahead








Motive arouser Confidence builder Motivationa I Dependable Intelligent Decisive Effective bargainer Win-win problem solver Administrative skilled Communicative Informed Coordinator Team builder Excellence oriented Source: Excerpted and adapted from

P W.


P J.

Hanges, and


C. Brodbeck, "Leadership and Cultural

R. J. House, P J. Hanges, M. Javidan, Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies, Sage, 2004), Tables 21.2 and 21.3, pp. 677-678.

Variation: The Identification of Culturally Endorsed Leadership Profiles," in

P W.

Dorfman, and V Gupta, eds.

(Thousand Oaks, CA:




The Environment of Management

Other Cultural Variations: Language, Interpersonal Space, Communication, Time Orientation, & Religion How do you go about bridging cross-cultural gaps? It begins with understanding. Let's consider variations in five basic culture areas: (1) language, (2) interpersonal space, (3) communication, (4) time orientation, and (5) religion. Note, however, that such cultural differences are to be viewed as tendencies rather than absolutes. We all need to be aware that the individuals we are dealing with may be exceptions to the cultural rules. After all, there are talkative and aggressive Japanese, just as there are quiet and deferential Americans, stereotypes notwithstanding. 87 I. Language More than 3,000 different languages are spoken throughout the world. However, even if you are operating in the English language, there are nuances between cultures that can lead to misperceptions. For instance, in Asia, a "yes" answer to a question "simply means the question is understood," says one well-traveled writer. "It's the beginning of negotiations." 88 In communicating across cultures you have three options: (a) You can speak your own language. (The average American believes that about half the world can speak English, when actually it's about 20%.) 89 (b) You can use a translator. (If you do, try to get one who will be loyal to you rather than to your overseas host.) (c) You can learn the local language-by far the best option (as reflected in the USA Today headline: "U.S. Firms Becoming Tongue­ Tied. Global Trade Requires Foreign Language Skills").90 Although 93% of U.S. public middle and high schools with language programs offer Spanish, certainly a widely spoken international language, and 46% offer French, unfor­ tunately only 4% offer Chinese (Mandarin), today one of the world's most imp ortant languages. 91

People of different cultures have different ideas about what is acceptable interpersonal space-that is, how close or far away one should be when communicating with another person. For instance, the people of North America and northern Europe tend to conduct business conversations at a range of 3--4 feet. For people in Latin American and Asian cultures, the range is about 1 foot. For Arabs, it is even closer. This can lead to cross-cultural misunderstandings. "Arabs tend to get very close and breathe on you," says anthropologist Hall. "The American on the receiving end can't identify all the sources of his discomfort but feels that the Arab is pushy. The Arab comes close, the American backs up. The Arab follows, because he can only interact at certain distances."92 However, once the American under­ stands that Arabs handle interpersonal space differently and that "breathing on people is a form of communication," says Hall, the situation can sometimes be redefined so that the American feels more comfortable. 2. Interpersonal Space

3. Communication For small companies doing business abroad, "the impor­ tant thing to remember is that you don't know what you don't know," says the head of a U.S. firm that advises clients on cross-cultural matters.93 For instance, an American angling to make a deal in China gave four antique clocks wrapped in white paper to a prospective client. "What the man did not realize," says one ac­ count, "was that the words in Mandarin for clock and the number four are similar to the word for death, and white is a funeral color in China."94 The American did not close the deal. Even single words and sounds can pose difficulties: Promoters of Apple's "iPad," it's been pointed out, might encounter difficulties in Ireland, where the

Global Management




sound is indistinguishable from "iPod," or in Japan, where the language doesn't even have a sound for the "a" in iPad.95 If you, like a growing number of young Americans, head to China for employment, you need to recall that you were brought up in a commercial envi­ ronment, but younger Chinese were raised at a time when China was evolving from a government-regulated economy to a more free-market system, and so they may have less understanding of business concepts and client services. "In the West, there is such a premium on getting things done quickly," says an American manager, "but when you come to work in China, you need to work on listening and being more patient and understanding of local ways of doing business."96 In particular, Americans have to be careful about giving criticism directly, which the Chinese consider rude and inconsiderate. We consider communication matters in more detail in Chapter 15 .

.4. Time Orientation

Time orientation is different in many cultures. For ex­

ample, Americans are accustomed to calling ahead for appointments, but South Koreans believe in spontaneity. Thus, when Seoul erupted in protests over tainted American beef, Korean legislators simply hopped on a plane to the United States, saying they would negotiate with the U.S. government. "But since they failed to inform the Americans ahead of time," says one report, "they were unable to meet with anyone of importance."97 Anthropologist Hall makes a useful distinction between monochronic time and polychronic time:

Monochronic time.

This kind of time is standard American business

practice-at least until recently. That is, nwiUJchrollic time is a preference

for doing one thing at a time. In this perception, time is viewed as being limited, precisely segmented, and schedule driven. This perception of time prevails, for example, when you schedule a meeting with someone and then give the visitor your undivided attention during the allotted time.98 Indeed, you probably practice monochronic time when you're in a job interview. You work hard at listening to what the interviewer says. You may well take careful notes. You certainly don't answer your cell phone or gaze repeatedly out the window.

Polychronic time. This outlook on time is the kind that prevails in Medi­ terranean, Latin American, and especially Arab cultures. Polychrollic time is

a preference for doing more than one thing at a time. Here time is viewed as being flexible and multidimensional. This perception of time prevails when you visit a Latin American client, find yourself sitting in the waiting room for 45 minutes, and then learn in the meeting that the client is dealing with three other people at the same time.

Example Cultural Differences in Time: Peru Strives for Punctuality Hora peruana, or Peruvian time, which usually means

Howeve� Peruvian officials believe that constant

being an hour late, is considered by most citizens of

lateness reflects a negative attitude toward work and

Peru to be an endearing national trait. Students, for

hurts national productivity. It's a "horrible, dreadful,

instance, are accustomed to professors showing up for

harmful custom/' President Alan Garcia said in a

class an hour after it has officially begun.

nationally televised event to kick off La Hora sin




The Environment of Management

Demora-Time without Delay. The campaign, launched in March 2007, aims at asking schools, businesses,

their natural courses. Peruvian officials are "taking people who have been living on what we might call

and government institutions to stop tolerating tardi­

'event time/ and asking them to switch to 'clock time/" Levine says.100

ness. A technology consultant from London applauded the campaign, saying that "a lot of Latin American

Garcia's campaign did not get off to a good start. An


countries lose business" owing to lateness. Although

invitation to the

the new effort offers no penalties for being late or re­

ered by messenger to the Associated Press at

A.M. kickoff ceremony was deliv­

wards for compliance, it hopes to shame latecomers into mending their ways.99

after the event had ended.

1:30 P.M.­


"There is a general tendency toward a different way of timekeeping that dominates in most of Latin

An Associated Press poll found the United States to be

America/' says Robert Levine, a professor of psychol­

an impatient nation, with Americans getting antsy

ogy at California State University in Fresno. The author


of A

Levine theorizes that different

maximum in a Department of Motor Vehicles line.101 If

cultures mark time in varying "tempos"-some define

you were trying to start a manufacturing business in

events by the clock and others allow events to run

Peru, what would you do to adjust?

Geography of Time,

5. Religion


minutes on hold on the phone and



Trying to get wealthy Muslim investors in Dubai to buy some of

your bank's financial products? Then you need to know that any investment vehicle needs to "conform to the spirit of the Koran, which forbids any invest­ ments that pay interest," as one writer puts it. "No mortgages. No bonds."102 Are you a Protestant doing business in a predominantly Catholic country? Or a Muslim in a Buddhist country? How, then, does religion influence the work-related values of the people you're dealing with? A study of 484 international students at a midwestern university uncovered wide variations in the work-related values for different religious affiliations.103 For example, among Catholics, the primary work-related value was found to be con­ sideration. For Protestants, it was employer effectiveness; for Buddhists, social responsibility; for Muslims, continuity. There was, in fact, virtually no agreement among religions as to what is the most important work-related value. This led the researchers to conclude: "Employers might be wise to consider the impact that religious differences (and more broadly, cultural factors) appear to have on the values of employee groups."

Current Followers of the Major World Religions Christianity







900 million

Chinese traditional religions

394 million


376 million


14 million

Global Management




U.S. Managers on Foreign Assignments: Why Do They Fail? There are about 300,000 U.S. managers known as expatriates-people living or working in a foreign country-who are working outside American borders. This

number is expected to grow. Supporting expatriate businesspeople and their families overseas is not cheap. "The tab for sending an executive who earns $160,000 in the U.S., plus a spouse and two children, to India for two years is

about $900,000," says one expert.104 Are the employers getting their money's worth? Probably not. One study of about 750 companies (U.S., European, and Japanese) asked expatriates and their managers to evaluate their experiences. They found that 10o/o-20o/o of all U.S. managers sent abroad returned early because of job

dissatisfaction or adjustment difficulties. Of those who stayed for the length of their assignments, about one-third did not perform to their superiors' expectations and one-fourth left the company, often to join a competitor-a turnover rate double that of managers who did not go abroad.105 Unfortunately, problems continue when expatriates return home, according to a recent study by Pricewaterhouse Coopers. Results indicated that 25o/o of repatriated employees quit their jobs within 1 year. Organizations can help reduce this turnover by communicating with employees throughout the interna­ tional assignment and by providing at least 6 months' notice of when employees will return home.106 If you were to go abroad as a manager, what are the survival skills or outlook you will need? Perhaps the bottom line is revealed in a study of 72 human resource managers who were asked to identify the most important success factors in a foreign assignment: Nearly 35o/o said the secret was cultural adaptability: patience, flexibility, and tolerance for others' beliefs.107

Who made this car? Could you

become an American manager in Japan but drive a Japanese car made in the United States? Unlikely, but possible. Still, Japanese carmakers build cars in the United States, such as this Toyota Camry, just as Buick builds cars in China. Both plants are located close to their markets.




The Environment of Management


Key Terms Used in This Chapter Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 121 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 121 Central America Free Trade Ag reement (CAFTA) 121 countertrading 116 culture 122 dumping 118 e-commerce 105 economic community 119 embargo 118 ethnocentric managers Ill European Union (EU)


geocentric managers Ill

monochronic time 128

global economy 106

most favored nation 121

global outsourcing 114

multinational corporation 109

global village 104

multinational organization 109

globalization 104

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

GLOBE project 124


greenfield venture 116

outsourcing 113

high-context culture 123

parochialism Ill

Hofstede model of four cultural

polycentric managers Ill

dimensions 123

polychronic time 128

import quota 118

st rategic alliance 116

importing 114

tariff 118

International Monetary Fund

t rade protectionism 117

(IMF) 119

t rading bloc 119

exchange rate 119

joint venture 116

expatriates 130

licensing 116

exporting 115

World Bank 119

low-context culture 123

World Trade Organization

f ranchising 116

maquiladoras 113

f ree t rade 117

Mercosur 121

wholly-owned subsidiary 116



Summary 4.1 Globalization: The Collapse ofTime & Distance

enterprises started more easily and to maneuver faster.

Globalization is the trend of the world economy toward becoming more

4.2 You & International Management

interdependent. Globalization is reflected

Studying international management

in three developments: (1) the rise of the

prepares you to work with foreign customers

global village and e-commerce; (2) the

or partners, with foreign suppliers, for a

trend of the world's becoming one big

foreign firm in the United States, or for a U.S.

market; and (3) the rise of both megafirms

firm overseas. International management

and Internet-enabled minifirms.

is management that oversees the conduct

The rise of the "global village" refers to the "shrinking" of time and space as air travel and the electronic media have made

of operations in or with organizations in foreign countries. The successful international manager

global communication easier. The Internet

is not ethnocentric or polycentric but

and the Web have led to e-commerce, the

geocentric. Ethnocentric managers believe

buying and selling of products through

that their native country, culture, language,

computer networks.

and behavior are superior to all others.

The global economy is the increasing

Polycentric managers take the view that

tendency of the economies of nations to

native managers in the foreign offices best

interact with one another as one market.

understand native personnel and practices.

The rise of cross-border business has

Geocentric managers accept that there are

led to megamergers, as giant firms have

differences and similarities between home

joined forces, and of minifirms, small

and foreign personnel and practices, and

companies in which managers can use the

they should use whatever techniques are

Internet and other technologies to get

most effective.

Global Management




4.3 Why & How Companies Expand

education, health, and telecommunications.


(3) The International Monetary Fund is

Companies expand internationally for at

designed to assist in smoothing the flow

least five reasons. They seek (1) cheaper or

of money between nations.

more plentiful supplies, (2) new markets,

A trading bloc is a group of nations

(3) lower labor costs, (4) access to finance capital, and (5) avoidance of tariffs on

within a geographical region that have

imported goods or import quotas.

six major trading blocs: (1) North American

There are five ways in which companies expand internationally. (1) They

agreed to remove trade barriers. There are Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA; U.S., Canada,

engage in global outsourcing, using suppliers

and Mexico); (2) European Union (EU; 27 trading partners in Europe); (3) the

outside the company and the United States

Association of Southeast Asian Nations

to provide goods and services. (2) They

(ASEAN; 11 countries in Asia); (4) Asia­

engage in importing, exporting, and

Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC;

countertrading (bartering for goods).

21 Pacific Rim countries); (5) Mercosur

(3) They engage in licensing (allow a

(Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay;

foreign company to pay a fee to make or

and (6) the Central America Free Trade

distribute the company's product) and

Agreement (CAFTA-DR; the United States,

franchising (allow a foreign company

five Central American Countries, and the

to pay a fee and a share of the profit in

Dominican Republic).

return for using the first company's brand

Besides joining together in trade

name). (4) They engage in joint ventures,

blocs, countries also extend special, "most

a strategic alliance to share the risks and

favored nation" trading privileges-that

rewards of starting a new enterprise

is, grant other countries favorable trading

together in a foreign country. (5) They

treatment such as the reduction of import

become wholly-owned subsidiaries, or


foreign subsidiaries that are totally owned and controlled by an organization. 4.5 The Importance of Understanding 4.4 The World of Free Trade: Regional

Misunderstandings and miscommunications

Free trade is the movement of goods and

often arise because one person doesn't

services among nations without political or

understand the expectations of a person

economic obstructions.

from another culture. In low-context

Countries often use trade

cultures, shared meanings are primarily

protectionism-the use of government

derived from written and spoken words. In

regulations to limit the import of goods

high-context cultures, people rely heavily

and services-to protect their domestic

on situational cues for meaning when

industries against foreign competition.

communicating with others.

Three barriers to free trade are tariffs,

Geert Hofstede proposed the Hofstede

import quotas, and embargoes. (1) A tariff

model of four cultural dimensions, which

is a trade barrier in the form of a customs

identified four dimensions along which

duty, or tax, levied mainly on imports.

national cultures can be placed:

(2) An import quota is a trade barrier in

(1) individualism/collectivism, (2) power

the form of a limit on the numbers of a

distance, (3) uncertainty avoidance,

product that can be imported. (3) An

and (4) masculinity/femininity.

embargo is a complete ban on the import or export of certain products. Three principal organizations exist that


Cultural Differences

Economic Cooperation

Robert House and others created the GLOBE (for Global Leadership and Organizationa I Behavior Effectiveness)

are designed to facilitate international

Project, a massive and ongoing cross­

trade. (1) The World Trade Organization is

cultural investigation of nine cultural

designed to monitor and enforce trade

dimensions involved in leadership and

agreements. (2) The World Bank is designed

organizational processes: (1) power distance,

to provide low-interest loans to developing

(2) uncertainty avoidance, (3) institutional

nations for improving transportation,

collectivism, (4) in-group collectivism,



The Environment of Management

(5) gender egalitarianism, (6) assertiveness, (7) future orientation, (8) performance orientation, and (9) humane orientation. A nation's culture is the shared set of

you), use a translator, or learn the local language. Interpersonal space involves how close or far away one should be when

beliefs, values, knowledge, and patterns

communicating with another person,

of behavior common to a group of

with Americans being comfortable at 3-4 feet but people in other countries

people. Visitors to another culture may experience culture shock-feelings of discomfort and disorientation. Managers

often wanting to be closer. Time orientation of a culture may be

trying to understand other cultures

either monochronic (preference for doing

need to understand four basic cultural

one thing at a time) or polychronic

perceptions embodied in (1) language,

(preference for doing more than one thing at a time).

(2) interpersonal space, (3) time orientation, and (4) religion.

Managers need to consider the effect of

Regarding language, when you are trying to communicate across cultures

religious differences. In order of size (number of followers), the major world religions are

you have three options: Speak your

Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Chinese

own language (if others can understand

traditional religion, Buddhism, and Judaism.

Mana ement in Action Avoiding Cultural Blunders Abroad Most small companies seeking to tap overseas mar­

In the spring of 2009, Dakar Sushi owner George

kets know they'll have to navigate foreign laws,

Ajjan wrote to a Senegalese government official­

taxes,and regulations.But they also need to figure

using the French language but in an American English

out how to avoid cultural blunders.

tone-to request a business license for the restaurant.

Tom Bonkenburg,director of European opera­ tions for St. Onge Company Inc., a small supply­ chain consulting firm in York , Pennsylvania,

"I'm direct and I shoot to kill," Mr.Ajjan says of his usual correspondence. To proofread his French grammar, Mr. Ajjan

headed to Moscow in 2008 to develop a partnership

gave the letter to a Senegal native, who noticed the

with a large firm there.

tone was too jarring. If not rewritten in a more

But when he met the company's Russian branch

deferential voice, the request would most likely get

director, "I gave my best smile, handshake, and

denied, his friend explained. "It wasn't just about

friendly joke ... only to be met with a dreary and

translating, but about adapting phrasing to make

unhappy look," says Mr.Bonkenburg.

sure you are in line with what people expect," says

Later, however, Mr. Bonkenburg received an


e-mail from the Russian, thanking him for a great

Similarly,after Ron Gonen expanded his New

meeting.Mr.Bonkenburg later learned that Russian

York-based company, RecycleBank, into England

culture fosters smiling in private settings and seri­

last year, he encountered an unexpected language

ousness in business settings.

barrier.T he company, which sets up rewards pro­

"He was working as hard to impress me as I was to impress him," Mr.Bonkenburg says.... According to the U.S. Commercial


overseas expansion among small businesses has held steady despite the recession .... For small companies looking to do business abroad, "the important thing to remember is that

grams for individuals based on the amount they recycle,was offended when the press called the pro­ gram a "scheme." ... Because the press coverage was otherwise posi­ tive, Mr.Gonen soon pinpointed the miscommuni­ cation: the word scheme holds no connotation of deceit in Britain,as it does in America.

you don't know what you don't know," says Kari

For those businesses that commit a cultural

Heistad,CEO of Culture Coach International Inc.,a

blunder,fixing the situation can be costly.T he price

Newton, Massachusetts firm that advises clients on

tag hit seven figures at Toronto-based AlertDriving,

cross-cultural issues.Even subtle cultural insensitivi­

a firm that provides online driving training courses

ties can have a profound impact,she says.

to companies with vehicle fleets. Global Management




Between 2005 and 2007 AlertDriving, incorpo­ rated as Sonic e-Learning Inc., expanded into more than 20 countries before realizing that the product

For Discussion 1. Which of the recommendations listed in the Manager's Toolbox were used by Toronto­

had cultural flaws. T he dialogue in the lessons had been poorly translated, and the driving instruction failed to address geographic nuances. For example,

based AlertDriving? Explain.

2. Based on material contained in this chapter, why do you believe small businesses are trying

AlertDriving teaches that the center lane is the safest on a multilane highway, but that is untrue in Dubai, where the center lane is used exclusively for

to expand into international markets? Discuss.

3. To what extent did Tom Bonkenburg, George Ajjan, and Ron Gonen follow an ethnocentric,


a polycentric, or a geocentric approach? Provide

According to Gerry Martin, AlertDriving's

examples to support your conclusions.

chief executive, it took years to realize that the foreign clients were unsatisfied because "in some

4. What differences in cultural variations were

cultures, like Japan, criticism is considered disre­

ignored by Tom Bonkenburg, George Ajjan,

spectful." Once the company got the negative feed­

Ron Gonen, and Gerry Martin? Explain.

back, it "had to redo what already was in the market," says Matthew Latreille, AlertDriving's

5. What are the most important lessons to be learned about global management from this

director of global content development. T he company spent about $1 million revamping its existing product line, honing language dialects and local driving habits. "Now we are 100% localized because we are immersed in the culture," Mr. Latreille says.

case? Discuss. Source: Excerpted from Emily Maltby, "Expanding Abroad? Avoid Cultural Gaffes," The Wall Street Journal, January 19,

2010, p. BS. Copyright© 2010 by Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Reproduced with permission of Dow Jones & Company, Inc, via Copyright Clearance Center.

Self-Assessment How Well Are You Suited to Becoming a Global Manager? Instructions


1. To see if you are ready to be a global manager. 2.

To help you assess your comfort level with other cultures.

Are you prepared to be a global manager? Rate the extent to which you agree with each of the follow­ ing 14 items by circling your response on the rating scale shown below. If you do not have direct experi­ ence with a particular situation (for example, work­

Introduction As our business world becomes increasingly global­ ized, U.S. companies need more managers to work

ing with people from other cultures), respond by circling how you think you would feel.

in other countries. T his usually means vast adjust­ ments for the manager and her or his family during this job assignment. F lexibility is critical as is the

1 =Very strongly disagree 2 =Strongly disagree

ability to adjust to new ways, new people, new

3 =Disagree

foods, different nonverbal communication, a new

4 =Neither agree nor disagree

language, and a host of other new things. Before agreeing to such an assignment, you

5 =Agree

need to know more about yourself and how you

6 =Strongly agree

function in such situations.

7 = Very strongly agree




The Environment of Management

I. When working with people from other cultures, I work hard to understand their perspectives.







organization's products and services.







3. I am willing to take a stand on issues.







4. I have a special talent for dealing with people.



































































2. I have a solid understanding of my

5. I can be depended on to tell the truth regardless of circumstances. 6 . I a m good at Identifying the most Important part of a complex problem or Issue. 7 . I clearly demonstrate commitment to seeing the organization succeed. 8. I take personal as well as business risks. 9. I have changed as a result of feedback from others. 10. I enjoy the challenge of working In countries other than my own. II. I take advantage of opportunities to do new things. 12. I find criticism hard to take. 13. I seek feedback even when others are reluctant to give it. 14. I don't get so invested in things that I cannot change when something doesn't work.


Qu estions for Discussion

This exercise assesses factors associated with being a

1. \Vhat do the results suggest about your prepared­

successful global manager. These factors include gen­

ness to be a global manager? Do you agree with

eral intelligence, business knowledge, interpersonal

these results?

skills, commitment, courage, cross-cultural compe­ tencies, and the ability to learn from experience. Total your scores, which will fall between 14 and 98. The higher your score, the greater your po­ tential for success as an international manager.

2. How comfortable would you be going to another

country at this time in your life? 3. How have your experiences as a citizen of a very

diverse nation helped you to understand the other cultures of the world? 4. How might you improve your preparedness to one

Arbitrary Norms

day assume an international position? Explain.

High Potential for Success


Moderate Potential for Success


Low Potentia I for Success

39 and below

Sources: Modified and adapted from G. M. Spreitzer, M. W. McCall Jr., and J.D. Mahoney, "Early Identification of International Executive Potential," Journal


of Applied

February 1997, pp. 6-29.

Global Management




Ethical Dilemma Chiquita Brands International Discloses Payments to Colombian Terrorists Assume that you are on a grand jury in the United

the United Self-Defense Forces, known by its

States and you are debating whether to file charges

Spanish abbreviation AUC. Chiquita ultimately

against Roderick Hills, former head of Chiquita

paid $1.7 million over seven years." Chiquita never

Brands International Inc.'s audit committee and

hid the payments from its accountants or Ernst &

former chairman of the Securities and Exchange

Young, its auditor.

Commission. The case involves payments that the company made to a violent Colombian group that has been determined by the U.S. government to be a terrorist group. Mr. Hills was in charge of the company's audit committee during the time of the payments. The facts of the case indicate that "a paramilitar y organization had threatened to kidnap or kill

Solving the Dilemma What would you do given the current situation? 1. Charge Mr. Hills. He knew that it was against

2. Fine the company $25 million . The company should have folded its operations in Colombia

employees on the banana farms of Chiquita's

rather than make payments to a terrorist organi­

Colombian subsidiary, Banadex, and Chiquita was

zation .

concerned that its employees could be harmed if it cut the payments immediately." Mr. Hills and other


policy to have dealings with terrorist organizations.

3. Don't charge Mr. Hills. He was trying to protect

executives viewed the expense payments as "security

his employees' lives and he fully disclosed the

payments" that were saving employees' lives. "Law­

company's actions to U.S. authorities.

yers familiar with the case say Mr. Hills and Mr. Olson [former general counsel] believe senior Justice Department officials understood this and were deferring any demand to stop the payments to




4. Invent other options. Source: Based on L. P. Cohen, "Chiquita Under the Gun," The Wall Street Journal, August 2, 2007, pp. Al, A9.

The Environment of Management

chapter 5 )

Planning The Foundation of Successful Management

5.1 Planning & Uncertainty

f§J 5.3 Promoting Goal Setting: Management by Objectives

Major Question: How do I tend to deal with uncertainty, and how can

Major Question: What is MBO and

planning help?

how can it be implemented?

5.2 Fundamentals of Planning Major Question: What are mission


5.4 The Planning/Control Cycle Major Question: How does the

and vision statements, and what

planning/control cycle help keep a

are three types of planning and

manager's plans headed in the right



the manager's toolbox comfortable with a certain occupation and you

Planning Different Career Paths: ''It's a Career, Not a Job"

stay with it. Or you accept a promotion for a while, decide you don't like the responsibility, and take a step down.

The purpose of planning is to help deal with uncertainty,

This kind of career is actually fairly

both for the organization and for your individual career.

commonplace: Sales representatives, computer

In this chapter, we discuss planning from an organiza­

programmers, or physicians, for example, may

tional point of view, but of course you also need to do

decide they are happy being "hands-on"

personal planning for a career. Today, experts say, suc­

professionals rather than managers.

cess requires coupling an in-demand degree with exper­ tise in emerging trends, such as mastery of social media .1 Do you have a sense of where you're going? No

career path, you would have a number of jobs

which you can say, "It's not just a job, it's a career."

that are fundamentally different yet still build on

Your career path is the sequence of jobs and occupa­

one another, giving you more general experience

tions you follow during your career. Michael J. Driver has suggested there are different possible career paths, among them the linear career,

Of course, it's possible that you might (like workers) favor a variant called the transitory

The linear career: climbing the stairs. The linear career resembles the traditional view of climbing the stairs in an organization's hierarchy. That is,

career. That is, you're the kind of person who doesn't want the responsibility that comes with promotion. You're a free spirit who likes the

you move up the organization in a series of

variety of experience that comes with continually

jobs-generally in just one functional area, such

shifting sideways from job to job or place to

as finance-each of which entails more

place (or you're afraid of making the

responsibility and requires more skills. Of course, it's possible that a linear career will plateau. That is, you'll rise to a certain level and

commitment to doing any one thing). A variant is what is known as "portfolio careers" or "slash careers," in which a person

then remain there; there will be no further

puts together a portfolio of careers comprising

promotions. Career plateaus actually happen a

multiple part-time jobs that, when combined,

lot and need not signify disgrace; they happen

are equivalent to a full-time position, such as

even to very successful managers.

Pilates instructor/art dealer, attorney/minister,

Another possibility, of course, is the declining

teacher/dancer/puppeteer.3 And then, of course,

career, in which a person reaches a certain level

there are those who change their professions

and then after a time begins descending back

entirely, perhaps by switching departments

to the lower levels. This could come about, for instance, because technology changes the industry

and the skills to advance in rank and status. some salespeople, actors, chefs, or construction

the steady-state career, and the spiral career.2

you're in.

The spiral career: holding different jobs that build on one another. The spiral career is, like the linear career, upwardly mobile. However, on this

doubt what you're looking for is something about

within their companies or by going back to school and retraining for something else.4

The steady-state career: staying put. The steady­

For Discussion What kind of career path do you

state career is almost the opposite of a linear

think you're apt to follow? How are you planning

career: You discover early in life that you're

for it?


What's Ahead in This Chapter

In this chapter, we describe planning, the first of the four management functions. We consider the benefits of planning and how it helps you deal with uncertainty. We deal with the fundamentals of planning, including the mission and vision state­ ments and the three types of planning-strategic, tactical, and operational. We con­ sider goals and action plans, management by objectives (MBO), SMART goals, and the planning/control cycle.



maJor question

How do I tend to deal with uncertainty, and how can planning help? THE BIG PICTURE Planning, the first of four functions in the management process, involves setting goals and deciding how to achieve them. Planning helps you check your progress, coordinate activities, think ahead, and cope with uncertainty. Uncertainty is of three types-state, effect, and response. Organizations respond to uncertainty in vanous ways.

What is known as the

management process,

you'll recall (from Chapter 1, p. 14),

involves the four management functions of


planning, organi:::ing, leading,


which form four of the part divisions of this book . In this and the next

two chapters we discuss planning, which we previously defined as setting goals and deciding how to achieve them. Another definition: Planning is coping with uncertainty by formulating future courses of action to achieve specified results.5 When you make a plan, you make a blueprint for action that describes what you need to do to realize your goals.

Planning & Strategic Management Planning, which we discuss in this chapter, is used in conjunction with strategic management, as we describe in Chapter 6. As we will see, strategic management is a process that involves managers from all parts of the organization-top manag­ ers, middle managers, and first-line managers-in the formulation, implementa­ tion, and execution of strategies and strategic goals to advance the purposes of the organization. Thus, planning covers not only strategic planning (done by top managers) but also tactical planning (done by middle managers) and operational planning (done by first-line managers). Planning and strategic management derive from an organization's mission and vision about itself, as we describe in the next few pages.

(See Figure 5. 1.)

I. Establish

2. Formulate

3. Formulate

4. Implement

5. Control the

the organiza­

the grand

the strategic

the strategic


tion's mission


plans, then


the tactical

and vision

and opera­ tional plans

figure 5.1 PLANNING AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT The details of planning and strategic management are explained in Chapters 5 and 6.

Why Not Plan? On the face of it, planning would seem to be a good idea-otherwise we would not be devoting three chapters to the subject. But there are two cautions to be aware of:






I. Planning Requires You to Set Aside the Time to Do It


managers may be quite resentful when superiors order them to prepare a 5-year plan for their work unit. "What?" they may grouse. "They expect me to do that and still find time to meet this year's goals?" Somehow, though, that time for planning must be found. Otherwise, managers are mainly just reacting to events. Planning means that you must involve the subordinates you manage to deter­ mine resources, opportunities, and goals. During the process, you may need to go outside the work unit for information about products, competitors, markets, and the like. 2. You May Have to Make Some Decisions without a Lot of Time to


In our time of Internet connections and speedy-access computer databases,

can't nearly anyone lay hands on facts quickly to make an intelligent decision? Not always. A competitor may quickly enter your market with a highly desirable product. A change in buying habits may occur. A consumer boycott may suddenly surface. An important supplier may let you down. The caliber of employees you need may not be immediately available at the salary level you're willing to pay. And in any one of these you won't have the time to plan a decision based on all the facts. Nevertheless, a plan need not be perfect to be executable. While you shouldn't shoot from the hip in making decisions, often you may have to "go with what you've got" and make a decision based on a plan that is perhaps only three-quarters complete.

How Planning Helps You: Four Benefits You can always hope you'll luck out or muddle through the next time a hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or other natural disaster strikes your area. Or you can plan for it by stocking up on flashlight batteries and canned food. Which is better? The same consideration applies when you're a manager. Some day, after you've dealt with some crisis, you will be very happy that you had a plan for handling it. The benefits of planning are fourfold: I. Planning Helps You Check on Your Progress

The preprinted score card

that golfers use when playing 18 holes of golf isn't blank. For each hole, the card lists the standard number of strokes ("par"), such as three or five, that a good player should take to hit the ball from the tee to the

What's the score? Like a golf score card, planning helps you check on your progress.

cup. The score card is the plan for the game, with objectives for each hole. After you play the hole, you write your own score in a blank space. At the end of the 18 holes, you add all your scores to see how you performed compared with the standard for the course. How well is your work going in an organi­ zation? You won't know unless you have some way of checking your progress. That's why, like a golfer, you need to have some expecta­ tions of what you're supposed to do-in other words, a plan. 2.






"The right hand doesn't know

what the left hand is doing!"

Planning: The Foundation of Successful Management




We may hear that expression used, for example, when a crisis occurs and an organization's public relations department, legal department, and CEO's office all give the press separate, contradictory statements. Obviously, such an embarrassment can be avoided if the organization has a plan for dealing with the media during emergencies. A plan defines the responsibilities of various departments and coordinates their activities for the achievement of common goals-such as, at minimum, making an organization not look confused and disorganized.

3. Planning Helps You Think Ahead

Alan R .Mulally, CEO of Ford Motor

Company, has big plans to restore Ford to its position as a leader in the global auto industry.Those plans are embodied in the Ford Focus, described as "Ford's first truly global car-a single vehicle designed and engineered for customers in every region of the world and sold under one name."6 The small, fuel-efficient car is loaded with technology and safety features that Mulally thinks will appeal to consumers in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. His management principles, instilled in the slogan "One Ford ...One Team ... One Plan ...One Goal," have already been demonstrated, first, in Ford's shift away from trucks and sport utility vehicles to cars and, second, in dumping luxury brands (Land Rover, Jaguar, Aston-Martin) that were distracting management . Similarly, the service or product with which you're engaged will probably at some point reach maturity, and sales will begin to falter. Thus, you need to look ahead, beyond your present phase of work, to try to be sure you'll be one of the quick rather than one of the dead.

4. Above All, Planning Helps You Cope with Uncertainty

You don't care

for unpleasant surprises? Most people don't. (Pleasant surprises, of course, are invariably welcome.) That's why trying to plan for unpleasant contingencies is nec­ essary (as we'll describe in Chapter 6). Planning helps you deal with uncertainty.

How Organizations Respond to Uncertainty How do you personally respond to uncertainty? Do you react slowly? conserva­ tively? proactively? Do you watch to see what others do? Organizations act in similar ways.

Four Basic Strategy Types

Scholars Raymond E. Miles and Charles C. Snow

suggest that organizations adopt one of four approaches when responding to uncertainty in their environment. They become or

Defenders, Prospectors, Ana!y::ers,

Reactors. 7

Defenders- "Let's Stick with What We Do Best, Avoid Other Involvements" Whenever you hear an organization's leader say that "We're sticking with the basics" or "We're getting back to our core business," that's the hallmark of a Defender organization. Defenders are expert at producing and selling narrowly defined products or services. Often they are old-line successful enterprises, such as Macy's and JCPenney, which in the 2010 era of consumer frugality found themselves losing customers to discounters like Walmart.8 They do not tend to seek opportunities outside their present markets.They devote most of their attention to making refinements in their existing operations, such as slashing pnces. Prospectors-"Let's Create Our Own Opportunities, Not Wait for Them to Happen"




A company described as "aggressive" is often a Prospector organization.


Prospectors focus on developing new Bull. Austrian energy drink

products or services and in seeking out


new markets, rather than waiting for

maker Red Bull, which was released into the United States

things to happen. Like 19th-century


gold miners, these companies are "pros­

1997, believes in making

unorthodox marketing moves,

pecting" for new ways of doing things.

such as creating a festival for

The continual product and market in­

homemade flying machines and building a half-pipe for Olympic

novation has a price: Such companies

snowboarder Shaun White. In

may suffer a loss of efficiency. Never­

2010, the company opened a $220 million soccer stadium in

theless, their focus on change can put fear in the hearts of competitors. An

Harrison, New Jersey, as home

example of a Prospector company is

for its recently acquired Major League Soccer team, the New

Gap, which announced it would look

York Red Bulls. What strategy

for new sales by expanding abroad.9

type is being followed here?

Another such company is Apple.

Analyzers- "Let Others Take the Risks of Innovating, and We'll Imi­ tate W hat Works Best"


take a "me too" response to the world. By and large, you won't find them called "trend etters." Rather, Analyzers let other organizations take the risks of product development and marketing and then imitate (or perhaps slightly improve on) what seems to work best. For years, Micro oft has been accused of taking this approach.10




There's a



We'll React"

Whereas the Prospector is aggressive and proactive, the Reactor is the opposite­ passive and reactive. Reactors make adjustments only when finally forced to by environmental pressures. In the worst cases, they are so incapable of responding fast enough that they suffer massive sales losses and are even driven out of busi­ ness. Kmart, for instance, failed to respond to Walmart's development of its distribution and inventory management competencies, resulting in stalled growth and a significant reduction in market share. Kmart's core business never recovered from this reactive strategy.11 Now Sears, the shrinking retailer with which Kmart merged, is trying to reconfigure itself in an age of iPhone apps and Twitter.12

The Adaptive Cycle

Miles and Snow also introduced the idea of the adaptive

cycle, which portrays businesses as continuously cycling through decisions about three kinds of business problems: (I) entrepreneurial (selecting and making adjust­ ments of products and markets), (2) engineering (producing and delivering the products), and (3) administrative (establishing roles, relationships, and organiza­ tional processes). Thus, a business that makes decisions in the entrepreneurial area that take it in the direction of being a Prospector will in a short time also begin making Prospector-oriented decisions in the engineering area, then the administrative area, and then even more so in the entrepreneurial area, and so on. Thus, as one scholar points out, "With enough cycles and insight, a given business becomes a very good, comprehensively aligned Prospector, Analyzer, or Defender. If a business lacks insight, or if it fails to take advantage of alignment opportunities afforded by the adaptive cycle, it will be an incongruent, poorly performing Reactor."13


Planning: The Foundation of Successful Management






maJor question

What are mission and vision statements, and what are three types of planning and goals? THE BIG PICTURE Planning consists of translating an organization's mission into objectives. The organization's purpose is expressed as a mission statement, and what it becomes is expressed as a vision statement. From these are derived strategic planning, then tactical planning, then operational planning. The section also discusses SMART goals-goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented, and have Target dates.

"Everyone wants a clear reason to get up in the morning," writes journalist Dick Leider. "As humans we hunger for meaning and purpose in our lives."14 And what is that purpose? "Lif e never lacks purpose," says Leider. "Purpose is innate-but it is up to each of us individually to discover or rediscover it." An organization has a purpose, too-a mission. And managers must have an idea of where they want the organization to go-a vision. The approach to plan­ ning can be summarized in the following diagram, which shows how an organiza­ tion's mission becomes translated into objectives. (See Figure 5.2.)











"What is our

"What do

Done by top

Done by

Done by first-

reason for

we want to

managers for


line managers



the next


for the next

1-5 years

for the next

1-52 weeks

6-24 months




Action plans

Action plans

Action plans

figure 5.2 MAKING PLANS An organization's reason for being is expressed in a mission statement. What the organization wishes to become is expressed in a vision statement. From these are derived strategic planning, then tactical planning, and finally operational planning. The purpose of each kind of planning is to specify goals and action plans that ultimately pave the way toward achieving an organization's vision.

Mission & Vision Statements The planning process begins with two attributes: a mission statement (which an­ swers the question "What is our reason for being?") and a vision statement (which answers the question "What do we want to become?").





The Mission Statement-"What Is Our Reason for Being?" An orga­ nization's mission is its purpose or reason for being. Determining the mission is's mission

the responsibility of top management and the board of directors. It is up to


them to formulate a mission statement, which expresses the purpose of the

"Use the Internet to offer prod·


ucts that educate, inform, and

"Only a clear definition of the mission and purpose of the organization makes possible clear and realistic ... objectives,"said Peter Drucker.5 1 Whether the orga­ nization is for-profit or nonprofit, the mission statement identifies the goods or services the organization provides and will provide. Sometimes it also gives the reasons for providing them (to make a profit or to achieve humanitarian goals, for example).

inspire.We decided to build an online store that would be customer friendly and easy to navigate and would offer the broadest possible selection.... We believe that a fundamental measure of our success will be the shareholder value we create over the long term."

Example Mission Statements for Three Different Companies: Marriott, Patagonia, & Etsy Mission statements answer the question, "What is our reason for being?" or "Why are we here?" Here are the mission statements for three compa­ nies, drawn from their Web sites. The mission state­

Etsy, a Web site for promoting the wares of arti­ sans and handicrafters, has as its mission statement: "To enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers."

ment for Marriott Hotels, a large company, reads: "Our commitment is that every guest leaves satisfied." Clothing maker Patagonia's mission statement is


to "Build the best product, cause no unnecessary

Do you think any of these mission statements could

harm, [and] use business to inspire and implement

be adapted to different companies offering different

solutions to the environmental crisis."

products or services? Give an example.

The Vision Statement-"What Do We Want to Become?" A vision is a long-term goal describing what an organization wants to become. It is a clear sense of the future and the actions needed to get there. "[A] vision should describe what's

happening to the world you compete in and what you want to do about it,"says one Fortune article."It should guide decisions."16 After formulating a mission statement, top managers need to develop a's vision statement: "Our vision is to be earth's most customer-centric com· pany; to build a place where people can come to find and

vision statement, which expresses what the organization should become, where it

discover anything they might

wants to go strategically.17

want to buy online."

Example Vision Statements for Three Different Companies: Marriott, Patagonia, & Etsy Vision statements answer the question, "What do we want to become?" or "Where do we want to go?" Here is Marriott Hotels' statement: "Our vision is to be the world's leading provider of hospitality services."

Etsy's statement: "Our vision is to build a new economy and present a better choice."


Patagonia's vision statement: "We prefer the

Do these vision statements work? Do they meet For­

human scale to the corporate, vagabonding to

tune's criterion of describing "what's happening in the

tourism, and the quirky to the toned-down and flat­

world you compete in and what you want to do about

tened out."

it. It should guide decisions"?

Planning: The Foundation of Successful Management




Three Types of Planning for Three Levels of Management: Strategic, Tactical, & Operational Inspiring, clearly stated mission statements and vision statements provide the focal point of the entire planning process. Then three things happen:

Strategic planning by top management. Using strategic planning

statements, top managers do

their mission and vision they determine what the


organization's long-term goals should be for the next 1-5 years with the resources they expect to have available. "Strategic planning requires vision­ ary and directional thinking," says one authority. 18 It should communicate not only general goals about growth and profits but also ways to achieve them.

Tactical planning by middle management.

The strategic priorities and

policies are then passed down to middle managers, who must do



that is, they determine what contributions their departments or


similar work units can make with their given resources during the next 6-24 months.

Operational planning by first-line management.

Middle managers then

pass these plans along to first-line managers to do

operational planning­

that is, they determine how to accomplish specific tasks with available resources within the next 1-52 weeks. The kinds of managers are described further in the figure below.

(See Figure 5.3.)

Top management

Strategic planning:

Long-term decisions about

chief executive officer,

I-S years

overall direction of

president, vice president,

organization. Managers need

general managers,

to pay attention to

division heads

environment outside the organization, be future oriented, deal with uncertain and highly competitive conditions.

Middle management

Tactical planning:

Implement policies and plans

functional managers,

6-24 months

of top management, supervise

product-line managers,

and coordinate activities of

department managers

first-line managers below, make decisions often without base of clearly defined information procedures.

First-line management

Operational planning:

Direct daily tasks of

unit managers, team leaders,

I-52 weeks

nonmanagerial personnel;

first-line supervisors

decisions often predictable, following well-defined set of routine procedures.

figure 5.3 THREE LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT, THREE TYPES OF PLANNING Each type of planning has different time horizons, although the times overlap because the plans are somewhat elastic.





It is one thing to formulate a vision statement, however, and another to find concrete methods to manage and measure the performance that makes the vision a reality. One survey found that 73% of organizations said they had a clearly articulated strategic direction, but only 44% of them said they were able to com­ municate it well to the employees who must implement it.19

Goals & SMART Goals, Action Plans & Operating Plans Whatever its type-strategic, tactical, or operational-the purpose of planning is to set a


goal and then to formulate an action plan. A


also known as an


is a specific commitment to achieve a

measurable result within a stated period of time. As with planning, goals are of the same three types-strategic, tactical, and operational. Also, like planning, goals are arranged in a hierarchy known as a

means-end chain

because in the chain of management (operational, tactical, stra­

tegic) the accomplishment of low-level goals is the means leading to the accomplish­ ment of high-level goals or ends.

Strategic goals

are set by and for top management and focus on objectives

for the organization as a whole.

Tactical goals

are set by and for middle managers and focus on the actions

needed to achieve strategic goals.

Operational goals

are set by and for first-line managers and are concerned

with short-term matters associated with realizing tactical goals.


Anyone can define goals. But the five characteristics of a good

goal are represented by the acronym SMART. A SMART


is one that is

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented, and has Target dates.


Goals should be stated in

specific rather

than vague terms. T he

goal that "As many planes as possible should arrive on time" is too general. The goal that "Ninety percent of planes should arrive within 15 minutes of the scheduled arrival time" is specific.


Whenever possible, goals should be


or quantifi­

able (as in "90% of planes should arrive within 15 minutes ...").That is, there should be some way to measure the degree to which a goal has been reached . Of course, some goals-such as those concerned with improving quality-are not precisely quantifiable. In that case, something on the order of "improve the quality of customer relations by instituting 10 follow­ up telephone calls every week" will do. You can certainly quantify how many follow-up phone calls were made.


Goals should be challenging, of course, but above all they

should be realistic and


It may be best to set goals that are quite

ambitious so as to challenge people to meet high standards. Always, how­ ever, the goals should be achievable within the scope of the time, equipment, and financial support available.

(See Figure 5.4.)

Planning: The Foundation of Successful Management




figure 5.4

dtcolltiiOratlwtenmonmenl,you'IIM•o•-ytllonq younHO!o,..KII.,.,...QOOIIIMtn,.y,....etd•f!.,._,,s.,.IIOwt.,.

,_ !Decoding! Receiver

The Medium

The means by which you as a communicator send a message is

important, whether it is by typing an e-mail traveling over the Internet, by voice over a telephone line, or by hand-scrawled note. This is the medium, the pathway by which a message travels:

Sender [Encoding]



Message !Medium] Message


[Decoding] Receiver

"Flight 123, do you copy?" In the movies, that's what you hear the

flight controller say when radioing the pilot of a troubled aircraft to see if he or she received ("copied") the previous message. And the pilot may radio back, "Roger, Houston, I copy." This is an example of feedback

the receiver expresses


his or her reaction to the sender's message.

Sender [Encoding] - Message [Medium]

t Noise

Message - [Decoding] Receiver



Unfortunately, the entire communication process can be disrupted at sev­

eral different points by what is called noise-any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message. The noise can occur in the medium, of course, as



Organizational Communication




when you have static in a radio transmission or fadeout on a cell phone or when there's loud music when you're trying to talk in a noisy restaurant. Or it can occur in the encoding or decoding, as when a pharmacist can't read a prescription because of a doctor's poor handwriting.9 oise also occurs in nonverbal communication (discussed later in this chapter), as when our physical movements send a message that is different from the one we are speaking, or in cross-cultural communication (discussed in Chapter 4), as when we make assumptions about other people's messages based on our own culture instead of theirs. We discuss noise further in the next section. The communication process is shown below. (See Figure 15. 1.)

2. Message is transmitted through a medium (e.g.,

Did you


finish your



What assign­ ment do you mean?

Noise! (e.g., static, slurring)


I. Sender encodes

4. Receiver expresses

message, selects

reaction, or feedback,

medium (e.g.,

through a medium.


3. Receiver decodes the message, decides if feedback needed.

figure 15.1 THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS "Noise" is not just noise or loud background sounds but any disturbance that interferes with transmission­ static, fadeout, distracting facial expressions, uncomfortable meeting site, competing voices, and so on.

Selecting the Right Medium for Effective Communication All kinds or communications tools are available to managers, ranging from one­ to-one face-to-face conversation all the way to use of the mass media. However, managers need to know how to use the right tool for the right condition


to use e-mail, when to meet face-to-face, for example. Should you praise an employee by voicing a compliment, sending an e-mail, posting an announce­ ment near the office coffee machine-or all three? How about when carrying out a reprimand?

Is a Medium Rich or Lean in Information?

As a manager, you will have

many media to choose from: conversations, meetings, speeches, the telephone, e-mail, memos, letters, bulletin boards, PowerPoint presentations, videoconferenc­ ing, printed publications, videos, and so on. Beyond these are the sophisticated











communications possibilities of the mass media: public relations; advertising; news reports via print, radio, TV, the Internet.

Media ric/mess indicates how well a particular medium conveys information and promotes learning. That is, the "richer" a medium is, the better it is at conveying information. The term media richness was proposed by respected organizational theorists Richard Daft and Robert Lengel as part of their contingency model for media selection.10 Ranging from high media richness to low media richness, types of media may be positioned along a continuum as follows:

High media richness

Low media richness

(Best for nonroutine,

(Best for routine,

ambiguous situations)

clear situations)






Impersonal written

Personal written media (e-mail,

media (newsletters,

memos, letters)

fliers, general reports)

Face-to-face communication, also the most personal form of communication, is the richest. It allows the receiver of the message to observe multiple cues, such as body language and tone of voice. It allows the sender to get immediate feed­ back, to see how well the receiver comprehended the message. At the other end of the media richness scale, impersonal written media is just the reverse-only one cue and no feedback-making it low in richness.

Matching the Appropriate Medium to the Appropriate Situation


general, follow these guidelines:

Rich medium-best for nonroutine situations and to avoid oversimplification. A rich medium is more effective with nonroutine situations. Examples: In what way would you like to learn the facts from your boss of a nonroutine situation such as a major company reorganiza­ tion, which might affect your job? Via a memo tacked on the bulletin board (a lean medium)? Or via face-to-face meeting or phone call (rich medium)? The danger of using a rich medium for routine matters (such as monthly sales reports) is that it results in information overloading-more information than necessary.

Lean medium-best for routine situations and to avoid overloading. A lean medium is more effective with routine situations. Examples: In what manner would you as a sales manager like to get routine monthly sales reports from your 50 sales reps? Via time­ consuming phone calls (somewhat rich medium)? Or via e-mails or written memos (somewhat lean medium)? The danger of using a lean medium for nonroutine matters (such as a company reorganization) is that it results in information oversimplification-it doesn't provide enough of the informa­ tion the receiver needs and wants.


Interpersonal & Organizational Communication









major question

What are the important barriers I need to be aware of, so I can improve my communication skills? THE BIG PICTURE We describe three barriers to communication. Physical barriers include sound, time, and space. Semantic barriers include unclear use of words and jargon. Personal barriers include variations in communication skills, trustworthiness and credibility, stereotypes and prejudices, and faulty listening skills.

Stand up and give a speech to a group of co-workers? Connecticut businessman Robert Suhoza would prefer to be trampled by elephants, says a news story. "Make small talk at a cocktail party?" it goes on. "Just go ahead and shoot him. Introduce himself to a room full of strangers? Maybe he'll just come back some other time....Even answering the phone seemed at times an insurmountable task: He knew he should pick up the receiver, but he was paralyzed by not know­ ing who was on the other end, or what the caller wanted."11 Suhoza is 53 years old, but all his life he has suffered from social phobia or social anxiety disorder. In this he has plenty of company: One in every eight Americans apparently meets the diagnostic criteria for social anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, making it the third most common psychiatric condition.More women suffer from it than men, although men are more likely to seek treatment.2 1 Social anxiety disorder is an example (though an extreme one) of a commu­ nication


barrier being anything interfering with accurate communica­

tion between two people. Some barriers may be thought of as happening within the communication process itself, as the table on the opposite page shows.

(See Table 15.1.) It's more practical, however, to think of barriers as being of (I) physical barriers, (2) semantic barriers, and (3) personal barriers.

three types:

Without walls. Supposedly businesses that have open floor plans with cubicles instead of private offices function better because people can more easily talk across the shoulder­ high partitions. But do you think the absence of floor·to·ceiling physical barriers might, in fact, lead to other kinds of barriers­ such as others' talking making it hard to hear while you're on the phone?





tab I e IS .I


All it takes is one blocked step in the communication process described in the text for communication to fail. Consider the following.

Sender barrier-no message gets sent. Example: If a manager has an idea but is afraid to voice it because {like Robert Suhoza) he or she fears criticism, then obviously no message gets sent.

Encoding barrier-the message is not expressed correctly. Example: If your vocabulary is lacking or English is not your first language, you may have difficulty expressing to a supervisor, co-worker, or subordinate what it is you mean to say.

Medium barrier-the communication channel is blocked. Example: When someone's phone always has a busy signal or a computer network is down, these are instances of the communication medium bein3 blocked.

Decoding barrier-the recipient doesn't understand the message. Example: Perhaps you're afraid to show your ignorance when someone is throwing computer terms at you and says that your computer connection has "a bandwidth problem."

Receiver barrier-no message gets received. Example: Because you were talking to a co-worker, you weren't listening when your supervisor announced today's work assignments.

Feedback barrier-the recipient doesn't respond enough. Example: You give some people someone street directions, but since they only nod their heads and don't repeat the directions back to you, you don't really know whether you were understood.

I. Physical Barriers: Sound, Time, Space, & So On Tr y shouting at someone on the far side of a construction site-at a distance of many yards over the roar of earth-moving machinery -and you know what phys­ ical barriers are. Other such barriers are time-zone differences, telephone-line static, and crashed computers. Office walls can be physical barriers, too, which is one reason for the trend toward open floor plans with cubicles instead of offices in many workplace settings.

2. Semantic Barriers: When Words Matter W hen a supervisor tells you, "We need to get this done right away," what does it mean? Does "We" mean just you? You and your co-workers? Or you, your co-workers, and the boss? Does "right away" mean today, tomorrow, or next week? These are examples of semantic barriers. Semantics is the study of the meaning of words. As global communications have become so important, so have semantic diffi­ culties, which we may often encounter when dealing with other cultures (as we dis­ cussed in Chapter 4). W hen talking on the phone with Indians working in call centers in India, for example, we may find their pronunciation unusual. Perhaps that is because, according to one Indian speech-voice consultant, whereas "Americans think in English, we think in our mother tongue and translate it while speaking."13 In addition, as our society becomes more technically oriented, semantic meaning becomes a problem because jargon develops. Jargon is terminology

specific to a particular profession or group. (Example: "The HR VP wants the RFP to go out ASAP." Translation: "The Vice President of Human Resources wants

Interpersonal & Organizational Communication




the Request For Proposal to go out as soon as possible.") As a manager in a spe­ cialized field, you need to remember that what are ordinary terms for you may be mysteries to outsiders. 14

3. Personal Barriers: Individual Attributes That Hinder Communication "Is it them or is it me?" How often have you wondered, when someone has shown a surpnsmg response to something you said, how the miscommunication happened? Let's examine nine personal barriers that contribute to miscommunication.15

Variable Skills in Communicating Effectively

As we all know, some people

are simply better communicators than others. They have the speaking skills, the vocabulary, the facial expressions, the eye contact, the dramatic ability, the "gift of gab" to express themselves in a superior way. Conversely, other people don't have

this quality. But better communication skills can be learned. 16

Variations in How Information Is Processed & Interpreted

Zheng Yu,

a young woman from China teaching her native language to students in Lawton, Oklahoma, was explaining a vocabulary quiz when a student interrupted: "Sorry, I was zoning out. What are we supposed to be doing?" Zheng repeated the instructions, but she was taken aback. "In China," she said afterward, "if you teach the students and they don't get it, that's their problem. Here if you don't get it, you teach it again."17 Are you from a working-class or privileged background? Are you from a par­ ticular ethnic group? Are you better at math or at language? Are you from a chaotic household filled with alcoholism and fighting, which distracts you at work? Because people use different frames of reference and experiences to interpret the world around them, they are selective about what things have meaning to them and what things don't. All told, these differences affect what we say and what we trunk we hear.

Variations in Trustworthiness & Credibility Without trust between you and the other person, communication is apt to be flawed. Instead of communicat­ ing, both of you will be concentrating on defensive tactics, not the meaning of the message being exchanged.18 How will subordinates react to you as a manager if your predecessors in your job lied to them? They may give you the benefit of a doubt, but they may be waiting for the first opportunity to be confirmed in the belief that you will break their trust.

Oversized Egos

Our egos-our pride, our self-esteem, even arrogance-are a

fourth barrier. Egos can cause political battles, turf wars, and the passionate pursuit of power, credit, and resources. Egos influence how we treat each other as well as how receptive we are to being influenced by others. Ever had someone take credit for an idea that was yours? Then you know how powerful ego feelings can be.

Faulty Listening Skills

When you go to a party, do people ever ask questions

of you and about who you are and what you're doing? Or are they too ready to talk about themselves? And do they seem to be waiting for you to finish talking so that they can then resume saying what they want to say? (But here's a test: Do you actually listen when they're talking?)

Tendency to Judge Others' Messages

Suppose another student in this class

sees you reading this text and says, "I like the book we're reading." You might say, "I agree." Or you might say, "I disagree-it's boring." The point is that we all have a natural tendency, according to psychologist Carl Rogers, to judge others' statements from our own point of view (especially if we have strong feelings about the issue).19





Inability to Listen with Understanding

To really listen with understanding,

you have to imagine yourself in the other person's shoes. Or, as Rogers and his coauthor put it, you have to "see the expressed idea and attitude from the other person's point of view, to sense how it feels to him, to achieve his frame of refer­ ence in regard to the thing he is talking about."20 When you listen with under­ standing, it makes you feel less defensive (even if the message is criticism) and improves your accuracy in perceiving the message.

Stereotypes & Prejudices

A stereotype consists of oversimplified beliefs

about a certain group of people. There are, for instance, common stereotypes about old people, young people, males, and females. Wouldn't you hate to be categorized according to just a couple of exaggerated attributes-by your age and gender, for example? ("Young men are reckless." "Old women are scolds." Yes,

some young men and some old women are this way, but it's unrealistic and unfair to tar every individual in these groups with the same brush.) We consider matters of gender communication later in this chapter.

Nonverbal Communication

Do your gestures and facial expressions contra­

dict your words? This is the sort of nonverbal communication that you may not even be aware of. We discuss this subject in more detail next.

Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication consists of messages sent outside of the written or spoken word. Says one writer, it includes such factors as "use of time and space, dis­ tance between persons when conversing, use of color dress, walking behavior, standing, positioning, seating arrangement, office locations, and furnishings. "21 Nonverbal communication is responsible for perhaps as much as 60% of a message being communicated, according to some researchers.22 Others estimate it as high as 90%.23 Given the prevalence of nonverbal communication and its impact on organizational behavior (such as hiring decisions, perceptions of others, and getting one's ideas accepted by others), it is important that you become familiar with the various sources of nonverbal communication. 24 Indeed, this is particularly so when you are dealing with people of other cultures around the world, as we saw back in Chapter 4 (Section 4.5) in our discussion of cultural differences.

(1) eye contact, (2)facial expressions, (3) body movements and gestures, (4) touch, (5) setting, and (6) time. (Some lists add interpersonal space, which we discussed in Chapter 4.) Six ways in which nonverbal communication is expressed are through

(1) It signals the beginning and end of a conversation; there is a tendency to look away from others when beginning to speak and to look at them when done. (2) It expresses emo­ I. Eye Contact

Eye contact serves four functions in communication:

tion; for instance, most people tend to avoid eye contact when conveying bad news or

(3) Gazing monitors feedback because it reflects interest and at­ (4) Depending on the culture, gazing also expresses the type of relationship

negative feedback. tention.

Body language. If you were this speaker, you would have to be pretty dull-witted not to notice that you've managed to bore every listener in the room. In a real-life situation, if you noticed even one person exhibiting this kind of body language, would you continue to speak to those who seem attentive? Or would you try to adjust your remarks-and your own body language-to try to reach the individual who is tuning you out?

between the people communicating. For instance, Westerners are taught at an early age to look at their parents when spoken to. However, Asians are taught to avoid eye contact with a parent or superior in order to show obedience and subservience.25

2. Facial Expressions

Probably you're accustomed to thinking that smiling repre­

sents warmth, happiness, or friendship whereas frowning represents dissatisfaction or



Organizational Communication




anger.But these interpretations of facial expressions don't apply across all cultures.6 2 A smile, for example, doesn't convey the same emotions in different countries.

3. Body Movements & Gestures

An example of a body movement is leaning

forward; an example of a gesture is pointing.Open body positions, such as lean­ ing backward, express openness, warmth, closeness, and availability for communi­ cation. Closed body positions, such as folding one's arms or crossing one's legs, represent defensiveness. Body movements can be extremely subtle; for instance, when we say, "I'm looking forward to ...,"guess which direction we tend to lean (if only very slightly)?27 Some body movements and gestures are associated more with one sex than the other, according to communication researcher Judith Hall. For instance, women nod their heads and move their hands more than men do. Men exhibit large body shifts and foot and leg movements more than women do.8 2 We need to point out, however, that interpretations of body language are sub­ jective, hence easily misinterpreted, and highly dependent on the context and cross-cultural differences.9 2 You'll need to be careful when trying to interpret body movements, especially when you're operating in a different culture. Norms for touching vary significantly around the world.For example, as

4. Touch

we noted in Chapter 4, in the Middle East it is normal for two males who are friends to walk together holding hands-not commonplace behavior in the United States. Men and women interpret touching differently, with women tending to do more touching during conversations than men do.30 If women touch men, it is viewed as sexual; the same interpretation is made when men touch other men.31 Yet even handshakes and embracing seem to be changing, with the male hand­ shake now evolving into a range of more intimate gestures-"the one-armed hug, the manly shoulder bump, the A-frame clasp with handshake in the middle, the mutual back-slap," as one article puts it_32 Good teams tend to use touch more than bad teams do, according to some research.33

5. Setting

How do you feel when you visit someone who sits behind a big desk

and is backlit by a window so her face is obscured?What does it say when some­ one comes out from behind his desk and invites you to sit with him on his office couch?The location of an office (such as corner office with window versus inte­ rior office with no window), its size, and the choice of furniture often expresses the accessibility of the person in it.

6. Time

When your boss keeps you waiting 45 minutes for an appointment with

him, how do you feel?When she simply grunts or makes one-syllable responses to your comments, what does this say about her interest in your concerns?As a man­ ager yourself, you should always give the people who work for you adequate time. You should also talk with them frequently during your meetings with them so they will understand your interest. The table at the top of the next page gives some suggestions for better nonverbal communication skills. (See Table 1 5.2.)

Gender-Related Communication Differences Men are eight times as likely as women to bargain over starting pay.Indeed, says one account, "Women often are less adroit at winning better salaries, assignments, and jobs-either because they don't ask or because they cave in when they do."34 In other words, women need to hone their negotiation skills, or else they will fall behind. Some possible general differences in communication between genders are summarized in the second table on the next page.(See Table 1 5.3.) Note, however, that these don't apply in all cases, which would constitute stereotyping.





table 15.2



Maintain eye contact

Look away from the speaker

Lean toward the speaker

Turn away from the speaker

Speak at a moderate rate

Speak too quickly or slowly


interpreting people's

Speak in an unpleasant tone

Smile and show animation

Yawn excessively

Occasionally nod head in agreement

Close your eyes Personnel Journal,


You can practice these skills by watching TV with the sound off and

Speak in a quiet, reassuring tone

Source: Adapted from W. D. St. John, "You Are What You Communicate,"



emotions and interactions.

p. 43.

How useful do you think these specific styles are in a managerial context? (Recall the discussion of men and women with reference to leadership in Chapter 14.) Author Judith T ingley sug g ests that women and men should learn to "genderflex" -temporarily use communication behaviors typical of the other gender to increase the potential for influence.35 For example, a female manager might use sports analogies to motivate a group of males. Deborah Tannen, by contrast, recommends that everyone become aware of how differing linguistic styles affect our perceptions and judgments. For example, in a meeting, regardless of gender, "those who are comfortable speaking up in groups, who need little or no silence before raising their hands, or who speak out easily without waiting to be recognized are more apt to be heard," she says. "Those who refrain from talking until it's clear that the previous speaker is finished, who wait to be recognized,

table 15.3 COMMUNICATION DIFFERENCE S How do men and women differ?

Linguistic Characteristic Taking credit

Displaying confidence

Asking questions



Greater use of "I" statements

Greater use of "We" statements

(e.g., "I did this" and "I did that");

(e.g., "We did this" and "We did

more likely to boast about their

that"); less likely to boast about


their achievements

Less likely to indicate that they

More likely to indicate a lack of

are uncertain about an issue

certainty about an issue

Less likely to ask questions

More likely to ask questions

(e.g., asking for directions) Conversation rituals

Avoid making apologies because

More frequently say "I'm sorry"

it puts them in a one-down position Giving feedback

More direct and blunt

More tactful; tend to temper criticism with praise

Giving compliments Indirectness

Stingy with praise

Pay more compliments than men do

Indirect when it comes to

Indirect when telling ?thers

admitting fault or when they

what to do

don't know something Source: Derived from D. Tannen, "The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why,"

Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation (New York:

Harvard Business Review, 1990).



and D. Tannen,


Ballantine Books,

Interpersonal & Organizational Communication




and who are inclined to link their comments to those of others will do fine at a meeting where everyone else is following the same rules but will have a hard time getting heard in a meeting with people whose styles are more like the first pattern."36

Example Do Female Executives Have an Edge in Business? Women & Communication Women in business have the edge in two ways, says

The "CEO Lunch." In addition, Shukla created what

Chris Clarke, head of an executive search firm with

she called the "CEO lunch," in which she invited six to eight

offices in more than 40 countries. "There is increasing

employees at a time to discuss the business with her.

evidence," he says, "that women are superior at multi­ tasking, which is needed to handle business complexi­ ties, and that they are better at relationships, which is important in developing effective teams."37

YOUR CALL Anne Cummings, professor of business administration at the University of Minnesota at Duluth, suggests

Overcommunicating. There is another way that

there are "masculine" and "feminine" styles in busi­

women also have an edge, suggests a BusinessWeek

ness, in which men tend to be more task oriented and

article: Instead of tightly controlling information, they

assertive and to take greater intellectual risks whereas

are more willing to share it.38 A representative of this

women tend to be more relationship oriented and

viewpoint is Anu Shukla, who sold her Internet marketing

"democratic" and to be more efficient at solving prob­

company for $390 million and made 65 of her 85 em­

lems.39 (Of course, all this behavior operates on a con­

ployees millionaires. "It's better to overcommunicate,"

tinuum, and most people have a multitude of styles.)

she says. As an example, she made it her policy to share

Do you think a woman can be successful by taking

information with all her employees rather than to impart

on the "masculine" style? Can a man be successful

it to selected employees on a need-to-know basis.

taking on the "feminine" style?

Learning "Soft Skills"

By now most male students and managers know they

should avoid the use of masculine wording for jobs or roles that are occupied by both genders, using police

officer instead of policeman; supervisor rather than fore­ man. (Conversely, secretaries, nurses, and babysitters should no longer be referred to as "she.") If you stay alert, it's fairly easy to avoid sentence constructions that are demeaning to women. (Instead of saying "he is," say "he or she is" or "they are.") But, of course, there's more to effective managerial communication than that. Indeed, there are executive-training programs designed to teach men the value of

emotion in relationships-the use of "soft skills" to communicate, build teams, and develop flexibility. "The nature of modern business requires what's more typical to the female mold of building consensus as opposed to the top-down male military model," says Millington F. McCoy, managing director of a New York executive search firm. One program given by London-based James R. Traeger helps partici­ pants break down the stereotype of the aggressive, controlling man who always wants to take charge and solve problems and to learn to listen and work in harmony.

Women as Executive Coaches

Interestingly, although men hold 82% of the

top corporate jobs, when they want the advice of an executive coach-a trained listener to help them with their goals and personal problems-they usually turn to a woman. And, in fact, females always want another female as a coach. As a result,

7 out of 10 graduates of Coach U, the largest training school for executive coaches, are women. Because good coaches, says Coach U's CEO Sandy Vilas (who is male), are intuitive communicators and have done a lot of personal development work , "that profile tends to fit women better." Says Susan Bloch, who heads an executive coaching practice, "When a man is asked to coach another, they have a tendency to compete. Man to man, they have to show each other how great they are."40






l Practical Action How to Streamline Meetings Meetings certainly have their uses. Two examples: •

What to Do as a Meeting Leader

Meetings help keep everybody clued in: Apple's Steve Jobs is renowned for holding marathon Mon­ day meetings. The reason they take so much time, he says, is that Apple hires really good people, and

If you're leading meetings, here are some good ways to streamline them:4s •

"I want [them] making good or better decisions than

can be accomplished in some other way: phone call,

I would. So the way to do that is have them know

e-mail, memo, one-on-one visit, and so on. Invite

everything, not just in their part of the business but

only people who need to attend, and let them know

in every part of the business. So what we do every

they need stay for only those parts of the meeting

Monday is we review the whole business."41 •

Eliminate unnecessary meetings and meeting attendance: Don't call a meeting if the same result

that concern them. Hold the meeting in a place

Meetings help people take ownership of decisions

where distractions will be minimal. Consider using

made: Economics professor Tyler Cowen points

telephone conferencing or videoconferencing.

out that meetings can help people develop a sense of ownership in the decisions made in them,

Distribute meeting agenda in advance: Do your homework about the issues. Prepare a list of meet­

which can motivate them to turn those decisions

ing objectives, topics to be covered and the number

into action.42

of minutes allowed for discussion, and information participants should bring. Organize the topics with the most important ones first. Distribute this

What to Do as a Meeting Participant

agenda a day or more in advance, if possible. For

It is frustrating to have to be a victim of a poorly run

informal meetings, phone conversations, and one­

meeting. Problem meetings can result from a lack of

on-one appointments, make a list of items to cover:

focus, nobody watching the clock, and no leader to keep the meeting on track.43 In one survey,



Stay in control of the meeting: Start on time and stay within the time frame of the agenda items.

workers at big companies said they had attended a meeting where at least one participant fell asleep.44

(Coffee breaks, lunchtime, or quitting time provide

(At smaller companies, where it is harder to hide, the

built-in limits.) Announce politely at the start of

figure was


the meeting that you value everyone's time and so

Patrick Lencioni, author of Death by

Meeting, believes one reason meetings are so ineffec­

you will intervene if discussion becomes off-point,

tive is that top executives discourage conflict.45 But

rambling, or unintelligible. Reserve judgments and

that tactic backfires, he says, because it makes meet­

conclusions until after discussion so that everyone

ings boring and ignores crucial issues.46

will feel free to give their input. Don't allow a few members to monopolize the

What can you do as a participant to make meet­

discussion. Encourage silent members to partici­

ings run better? •

pate. Try to reach a decision or make an assign­

Pull discussions back on point: As a participant,

ment for every item. Use two notepads or pieces

you can always pull an off-track conversation back

of paper, one for general notes, the other for tasks

by saying, for example, "We were discussing the

2011 budget,

and assignments. Summarize the highlights at

but now we seem to be discussing

the end of the meeting. Map out a timetable for

the shortfalls of last year." Or you can try making

actions to be taken.

a summary of a series of comments to prevent others from covering the same ground again. •

Help the leader create the agenda: If you're con­ stantly exposed to ineffective meetings, you can

Do follow-up: After the meeting, type up tasks and assignments for distribution. Set a date for a follow-up meeting to assess progress.

also offer your assistance to the meeting leader in creating an agenda, with time frames attached for each item, suggests productivity specialist Odette

Your Call

Pollar. She adds: "Your approach, timing, and tone

What can you add to these suggestions to make meet­

of voice are important. You must avoid appearing

ings run better? (For more about running meetings, go

to tell the person what to do."47

to (

Interpersonal & Organizational Communication





major question

How can I use the different channels and patterns of communication to my advantage? THE BIG PICTURE Formal communication channels follow the chain of command, which is of three types-vertical, horizontal, and external. Informal communication channels develop outside the organization's formal structure. One type is gossip and rumor. Another is management by wandering around, in which a manager talks to people across all lines of authority.

If you've ever had a low-level job in nearly any kind of organization, you know that there is generally a hierarchy of management between you and the organiza­ tion's president, director, or CEO. If you had a suggestion that you wanted him or her to hear, you doubtless had to go up through management channels. That's formal communication. However, you may have run into that top manager in the elevator. Or in the restroom. Or in a line at the bank . You could have voiced your suggestion casually then. That's informal communication.

Formal Communication Channels: Up, Down, Sideways, & Outward Formal communication channels follow the chain of command and are recognized as official. The organizational chart we described in Chapter 8 (page



how official communications-memos, letters, reports, announcements-are

Upward bound. How do you

supposed to be routed.

communicate with a manager

Formal communication is of three

two or three levels above you in the organization's hierarchy?


You can send a memo through


channels. Or you can watch for


vertical-meaning upward



hor izontal­

me aning laterally (sidewa ys), and

when that manager goes to the

(3) external-meaning outside the

watercooler or the coffeepot.


I. Vertical Communication: Up & Down the Chain of Command Vertical communication is the flow of messages up and down the hierarchy within the organization: bosses com­ municating with subordinates, subordi­ nates communicating with bosses. As you might expect, the more manage­ ment levels through which a message passes, the more it is prone to some distortion.





Downward communication-from top to bottom.

Downward communication

flows from a higher level to a lower level (or levels). In small organizations,

top-down communication may be delivered face-to-face. In larger organi­ zations, it's delivered via meetings, e-mail, official memos, and company publications. Upward communication-from bottom to top.

Upward communication

flows from a lower level to a higher level(s). Often this type of communica­

tion is from a subordinate to his or her immediate manager, who in turn will relay it up to the next level, if necessary. Effective upward communi­ cation depends on an atmosphere of trust. No subordinate is going to want to be the bearer of bad news to a manager who is always negative and bad-tempered. Types of downward and upward communication are shown below. (See

Table 15.4.)

table 15.4


Downward communication Most downward communication involves one of the following kinds of information: •

Instructions related to particular job tasks. Example (supervisor to subordinate): "The store will close Monday for inventory. All employees are expected to participate."

Explanations about the relationship between two or more tasks. Example: "While taking inventory, employees need to see what things are missing. Most of that might be attributable to shoplifting."

Explanations of the organization's procedures and practices. Example: "Start counting things on the high shelves and work your way down."

A manager's feedback about a subordinate's performance. Example: "It's best not to try to count too fast." Attempts to encourage a sense of mission and dedication to the organization's goals. Example: "By keeping tabs on our inventory, we can keep our prices down and maintain our reputation of giving good value."

Upward communication Most upward communication involves the following kinds of information: •

Reports of progress on current projects. Example: "We shut down the store yesterday to take inventory." Reports of unsolved problems requiring help from people higher up. Example: "We can't make our merchandise count jibe with the stock reports."

New developments affecting the work unit. Example: "Getting help from the other stores really speeded things up this year."

Suggestions for improvements. Example: "The stores should loan each other staff every time they take inventory."

Reports on employee attitudes and efficiency. Example: "The staff likes it when they go to another store and sometimes they pick up some new ways of doing things."

Sources: D. Katz and R. Kahn,

The Social Psychology of Organizations (New Personnel 28 (1952), pp. 304-318.

York: Wiley,


and E. Planty and W. Machaver, "Upward Communications:

A Project in Executive Development,"

2. Horizontal Communication: Within & Between Work Units Horizontal communication flows within and between work units; its main purpose is coordina­ tion. As a manager, you will spend perhaps as much as a third of your time in this

form of communication-consulting with colleagues and co-workers at the same level as you within the organization. In this kind of sideways communication, you will be sharing information, coordinating tasks, solving problems, resolving

Interpersonal & Organizational Communication




conflicts, and getting the support of your peers. Horizontal communication is encouraged through the use of committees, task forces, and matrix structures. Horizontal communication can be impeded in three ways: (I) by speciali­ zation that makes people focus just on their jobs alone;

(2) by rivalry between

workers or work units, which prevents sharing of information; and (3) by lack of encouragement from management.49

3. External Comm unicat ion: Outside the Organization

nication flows

External commu­

between people inside and outside the organization . T hese are other

stakeholders: customers, suppliers, shareholders or other owners, and so on. Com­ panies have given this kind of communication heightened importance, especially with customers or clients, who are the lifeblood of any company.

Informal Communication Channels Informal communication channels

develop outside the formal structure and do not

follow the chain of command-they skip management levels and cut across lines of

authority. Two types of informal channels are (I) the

grapevine and (2) management by

wandering around. The Grapevine



is the unofficial communication system of the

informal organization, a network of gossip and rumor of what is called "employee

language." Research shows that the grapevine is faster than formal channels, is about 75% accurate, and is used by employees to acquire the majority of their on-the-job information.50 Of course, employee language-otherwise known as "gossip"-can be notoriously misleading and a great reducer of morale in a dysfunctional company. 51

Management by Wandering Around

Management by wandering around (MBWA)

is the term used to describe a manager's literally wandering around his or her orga­ nization and talking with people across all lines of authority. 52 Management by

wandering around helps to reduce the problems of distortion that inevitably occur with formal communication flowing up a hierarchy. MBWA allows managers to listen to employees and learn about their problems as well as to express to employees what values and goals are important.


MBWA. Management by wandering around is sort of the reverse of employees exchanging informal views with top managers at the watercooler. That is, by wandering around the organization, top managers can stop and talk to nearly anyone-and thus perhaps learn things that might be screened out by the formal up-the-organization reporting process. lf top managers can do MBWA, do you think midlevel managers can as well?






major question

How do contemporary manager s use information technology to communicate more effectively? THE BIG PICTURE We discuss digital communication technology and workplace behavior, including the characteristics of the ''Always On" (Millennia! or Internet) generation. We also describe three technologies that are altering the communication process: videoconferencing, telecommuting, and teleworking. F inally, we discuss some difficulties of the digital age: security problems, privacy concerns, e-mail overload, and cell-phone abuse.

The use of computers and information technology, which has so dramatically affected many aspects of the workplace, has taken us beyond communicating into multicommunicating. Multicommunicating represents "the use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time," in one explanation. 53 Examples would be answering e-mail messages during a lecture, and texting during a dinner conversation or while participating in a group conference call. Although multi­ communicating sometimes enables us to get more things done in a shorter amount of time, there are times and places when it also can create miscommunication and lead to stress and hurt feelings. 54 For example, texting and checking your e-mail while working with colleagues can be seen as not only annoying but insulting. 55

Digital Communication Technology & Workplace Behavior56 Multicommunicating is an example of how the worldwide digital communication revolution affects how we act and interact in workplace settings-both positively and negatively. The universal digital language of l s and Os gives us immediate ac­ cess to unprecedented amounts of information and globe-spanning opportunities. However, the very act of using technologies such as e-mail, texting, Facebook, and Twitter may influence the content of our communications. For example, re­ searchers found that peers rate each other differently depending on the medium they use, with people being "far more likely to trash their colleagues via e-mail than when filling out a paper form," according to a Fortune writerY Moreover, faster, far-flung digital communication doesn't necessarily mean better communication. In one orga­ nization, for example, employees with the most extensive personal digital networks were found to be 7% more productive than their colleagues, but those with the most cohesive face-to-face networks were even more productive-30% more, in fact. 58

T he 11Aiways On" Generation With the rise of the Internet has also come the rise of the "Always On" generation--or the Net Generation, Gen Y, the Millennials-88 million people born 1977-1997, the largest such cohort in U.S. history. The Always On generation is accustomed to spend­ ing 8 hours a day or more looking at various screens--on cell phones, on computers, on TVs-constantly busy with text messaging, e-mail, and the Internet.59 This genera­ tion is much more likely (83%) to sleep with their cell phone next to their bed compared with Gen X (born 1965-1980) at 68% and Baby Boomers (born 1945-1964) at 50%.60 Hard on the heels of the Millennials is today's young "iGeneration," for whom technology is "simply a part of their DNA," as one child psychologist observed.61 Indeed, if you are an 18- to 24-year-old, you generally watch the smallest amount of live TV (3Yz hours a day) compared with any other age group, but you spend the most time text messaging (19 minutes a day) and watch the most online video (5Yz minutes a day).62

Interpersonal & Organizational Communication




In a couple of years, Millennials (Net Gen, Gen Y) will account for nearly half the employees in the world , and in some companies they already constitute a majority.63 T heir outlook, therefore, is having a profound impact on the work­



place, "bringing new approaches to collaboration, knowledge sharing, and inno­ vation in businesses and governments," says University of Toronto professor Don Tapscott, author of Grown Up Digital. 64 Tapscott and his fellow researchers have identified eight norms for this generation. (See Table 15.5.)

Freedom-the desire to experience new and different things. This norm, which takes precedence over long­ term commitments, is expressed in a desire for flexible work hours and locations, to have a say in how things are done, and for freedom of choice.


Customization-the desire to have personalized products and choices. Customization covers every thing from ringtone choices to Facebook layouts to lifestyle choices.


Scrutiny-not taking "facts" and authority figures at face value. Knowing that there is both treasure and trash on the Internet, this generation has leaned to be skeptical, to check things out, to ask probing questions. Candor and straight talk are favored.


Integrity-trust in people, products, and employers is important. This generation cares about honesty, transparency, and keeping commitments-although they are elastic when it comes to pirating music and plagiarism.


Collaboration-relationships are of key importance. Members of this generation value volunteering, know how to work and play with others, and are eager to offer opinions and suggestions.


Entertainment-keep things moving and interesting. A job should be both challenging and fun, not a life sentence. For this multitasking generation, the Internet is not only a productivity tool and information source but also a personal communication device and "fun tool of choice."


Speed-instant feedback is expected. Used to instant-feedback video games and nanosecond answers from Google, Millennials prefer rapid-fire texting, instant messaging, and Tweeting to the slower e-mail. This leads them to urge faster decision making and feedback on job performance.


Innovation-impatience for new and different user experiences. In the workplace, the traditional hierarchy is rejected in favor of work processes that encourage collaboration and creativity. Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation Is Changing Your World (New York: Organizational Behavior, 9th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2010), p. 426.

Source: Adapted from discussion in D. Tapscott, pp. 73-96, and from A. Kreitner and A. Kinicki,

McGraw-Hill, 2009),

What kind of attitudes, preferences, and expectations do Millennials have that employers have to take into account in managing them? Millennials "place a strong emphasis on finding work that's personally fulfilling," says one article. "They want work to afford them the opportunity to make new friends, learn new skills, and con­ nect to a larger purpose."65 The average 26-year-old craves stimulation so much that he or she has "changed jobs an astounding seven times from age 18," says one re­ port.66 At least as important as compensation are six types of rewards, expressed in order as high-quality colleagues, flexible work arrangements, prospects for advance­ ment, recognition from one's company or boss, a steady rate of advancement and promotion, and access to new experiences and challenges.67 To deal with this cohort of employees, IBM advises managers giving feedback to be clear, keep it loose, pro­ mote a dialogue, and keep notes to make feedback sessions more constructive.68

Digital Communication & the New Workplace: Videoconferencing, Telecommuting, & Teleworking Digital communication has significantly altered the traditional linkages between work, place, and time. Let's consider videoconferencing, telecommuting, and telework.


As the 2008 recession took hold, companies slashed their

travel budgets, but, of course, the need to maintain relationships with far-flung clients and co-workers never went away. As air travel stalled, corporations turned to videoconjerencing, also known as teleconferencing, using video and audio links 490




along with computers to allow people in different locations to see, hear, and talk with one another.69 Videoconferencing does not beat face-to-face meetings for opening a relationship with a prospective client or clos­ ing a decision. Indeed, one study found that when a com­ pany reduces its travel budget for personal meetings, it loses both revenue and profits. In fact, if a company completely eliminated business travel, corporate profits could drop 17% in the first year, the study found, and it would take more than 3 years for profits to reach the same level as before.70 Still, during tough economic times, meetings via videocon­ ferencing certainly are better than no meetings at all. Many organizations set up special videoconferencing rooms or booths with specially equipped television cameras. Some of the more sophisticated equipment is known as telepresence technology, high-definition videoconference systems that

simulate face-to-face meetings between users. Whereas traditional videoconferenc­ ing systems can be set up in a conventional conference room, telepresence systems require a specially designed room with multiple cameras and high-definition video screens, simulating "the sensation of two groups of people at identical tables fac­ ing each other through windows," according to one report.71

Videoconferencing. In this arrangement, people in different locations can interact while viewing each other on a large screen. Videoconferencing offers considerable savings in time and money over the cost of travel. Do you think you would feel inhibited working with

Clearly, telepresence technology can be quite expensive. Other equipment en­

people in this way?

ables people to attach small cameras and microphones to their desks or computer monitors. This enables employees to conduct long-distance meetings and training classes without leaving their office or cubicle.72


Telecommuting involves doing work that is generally performed in

the office away from the office, using a variety of information technologies. Employees typically receive and send work from home via phone and fax or by using a modem to link a home computer to an office computer. Among the benefits are (I) reduction of capital costs, because employees work at home; (2) increased flexibility and autonomy for workers; (3) competitive edge in recruiting hard-to-get employees; (4) increased job satisfaction and lower turnover; (5) increased productivity; and (6) ability to tap non­ traditional labor pools (such as prison inmates and homebound disabled people).73 Telecommuting is more common for jobs that involve computer work, writ­ ing, and phone or brain work that requires concentration and limited interrup­ tions. Among U.S. companies with at least 500 employees, 28% have some full-time telecommuters and 40% have some part-time telecommuters.74 The number of Americans who telecommuted at least one day per month increased from about 12.4 million in 2006 to 17 .2 million in 2008.75 Although telecommuting represents an attempt to accommodate employee needs and desires, it requires adjustments and is not for everybody.76 People who enjoy the social camaraderie of the office setting, for instance, probably won't like it. Others lack the self-motivation needed to work at home.77 However, people like Sylvia Marino of Mill Valley, California, who for 10 years has been telecommuting 350 miles away with Santa Monica-based, which provides information to car buyers, find it a great way to sustain a career and still be with their children.78


Recently, the term telelVork (or virtual ofjlce) has been adopted to

replace the term "telecommuting" because it encompasses not just working from home but working from anywhere: "a client's office, a coffee shop, an airport lounge, a commuter train," in one description. "With cell phones, broadband at home, Wi-Fi, virtual private networks, and instant messaging becoming ubiquitous, telework has become easier than ever."79 Some of those who lack a conventional office may sign up for shared, or "co-working," spaces, where they socialize around a coffee­ pot.80 Whatever the arrangement, employees in different locations and time zones can work simultaneously (called synchronous communication) and team members can work on the same project at different times (asynchronous communication). Interpersonal & Organizational Communication




The Downside of the Digital Age It's fair to say that the digital age has introduced almost as many difficulties as efficiencies into people's lives. Describing them all would fill a book in itself, but here let us concentrate on just a few that managers have to struggle with. Some we mentioned earlier, such as the lack of focus brought on by the constant distraction of available electronic gadgets. Other problems are with security, privacy, e-mail overkill, and cell-phone abuse.

Security: Guarding Against Cyberthreats Security is defined as a system of safeguards for protecting information technology against disasters, system failures, and unauthorized access that result in damage or loss. Security is a continuing challenge, with computer and cell-phone users constantly having to deal with threats ranging from malicious software (malware) that tries to trick people into yielding passwords, social security numbers, and financial information to deviant programs (viruses) that can destroy or corrupt data. According to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center, in 2009 there were 336,655 complaints of online fraud involving $559.7 million, an increase of 22.3% from 2008.81 The key to protecting digital communication systems against fraud, hackers, identity theft, and other threats is prevention. The table below presents some ways to protect yourself. (See Table



Pick strong passwords. Use a mix of letters, symbols, and numbers, following the guidelines on

Use different passwords for different Web services. And never use your Web passwords for PIN codes on credit, debit, or ATM cards.

Don't reveal sensitive information-not even in "private" areas of services such as Facebook or Flickr that offer public access to most material.

Don't share files on services that offer optional sharing, such as Google Docs, unless there is a real need. Keep data whose disclosure would create legal liability or embarrassment on your personal hard drives and storage devices.

Avoid file-sharing services such as Lime Wire that distribute pirated files. Both the services and the downloads can open your computer to prying eyes.

Apply the latest security updates to all your software, including operating systems, browsers, and antivirus programs.

Source: Reprinted from S. H. Wildstrom, "Security Smarts," April 6,

2009, BusinessWeek. Reprinted with permission.

Privacy: Keeping Things to Yourself Privacy is the right of people not to reveal information about themselves. Threats to privacy can range from name migration, as when a company sells its customer list to another company, to online snooping, to government prying and spying. A particularly aggravating violation

of privacy is identity theft, in which thieves hij ack your name and identity and use your good credit rating to get cash or buy things. In some cases, Internet users are their own worst enemies, posting compro­ mising information about themselves on social networking sites that may be available to, say, potential employers. Supposedly such Web sites have various options whereby users can choose who is and is not allowed access to their personal





information, but Facebook , for one, came in for a good deal of criticism because it a ltered its privacy controls in such a way as to expose many of its members' personal information online.82 Interestingly, however, 18- to 29-year-olds have been found to be more likely than older users of social networks to keep a keen eye on their online profiles and who can access them-just the opposite of what many people expected.83

E-Mail: Productivity Enhancer or Time Waster?

People tend to have a love­

hate relationship with e-mail. We love that we can send and receive e-mail 24/7 from practically anywhere. But we hate the fact that the average worker receives 200 e-mails a day, according to some research.84 Some other disadvantages of e-mail are that (I) there has been a decrease in all other forms of communication among co-workers-including greetings and informal conversations; (2) emotions often are poorly communicated or miscommunicated via e-mail messages; and

(3) the greater the use of e-mail, the less connected co-workers reportedly feel.85 The table below provides some practical tips for handling e-mail.

(See Table 15. 7.)

Treat all e-mail as confidential. Pretend every message is a postcard that can be read by anyone. (Supervisors may legally read employee e-mail.)


Be careful withjokes and informality Nonverbal language and other subtleties are lost, so jokes may be taken as insults or criticism.

Avoid sloppiness, but avoid criticizing others' sloppiness. Avoid spelling and grammatical errors, but don't criticize errors in others' messages.

When replying, quote only the relevant portion. Edit long e-mail messages you've received down to the relevant paragraph and put your response immediately following.

Not every topic belongs on e-mail. Complicated topics may be better discussed on the phone or in person to avoid misunderstandings.

Sources: J. Yaukey, "E-Mail Out of Control for Many," Reno Gazette-Journal, May 7, 2001, p. IE; D. Halpern, "Dr. Manners on E-Mail Dos and Don'ts," Monitor of Psychology, April 2004, p. 5; and B.


S. C. Sawyer, Using Information Technology, 7th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007), p.

Williams and


table 15.8


P. R. Brown, "Same Office, Different P lanets," The New York Times, January, 26, 2008, p. 135.


Cell Phones: Use & Abuse


Cell phones-which are now mostly smartphones that can text , ac­


cess e-mail and Web pages, view TV programs, and so on-are so

Keep the volume of your voice down while on the phone; no need

widespread that the majority of respondents in one survey said they


would sooner give up their land-line phones, TVs, the Internet, and e-mail than surrender their mobile phones.86 And as smartphones


develop more features and make available more applications

Don't force defenseless others on buses, in restaurants, and so on

("apps"), their importance will only increase.

to have to listen to your phone

Cell-phone problems range from merely annoying (loud ring


tones and conversations in public places) to unethical and illegal (sending pornographic photos and photographing restricted areas


Shut off your ringer during

of materials) to deadly (distracting drivers from the road). One sur­

meetings and public performances;

vey found that 78% of those interviewed said that people are less

set the phone on "vibrate," and return calls at a discreet distance.

polite, courteous, and respectful in cell-phone manners than they were 5 years earlier.87 Phone use by car drivers makes even young


people drive erratically, moving and reacting more slowly and increasing their risk of accidents.88 Some tips for handling cell phones (smartphones) are shown in the table at right.

(See Table 15.8.)



Interpersonal & Organizational Communication

Don't text during meetings or other conversations.


Don't dial/text while driving.




major question

How can I be a better listener, reader, writer, and speaker? THE BIG PICTURE We describe how you can be a more effective listener, as in learning to concentrate on the content of a message. We also describe how to be an effective reader. We offer four tips for becoming a more effective writer. Finally, we discuss how to be an effective speaker, through three steps.

The principal activities the typical manager performs have to do with communica­ tion-listening, 40%; talking, 35%; reading, 16%; and writing, 9%.89 Listening and speaking often take place in meetings (see the Practical Action box "How to Streamline Meetings" on p. 485 in this chapter), although they are not the only oc­ casions. Human resource managers consider interpersonal communication skills the most important factor in advancing their careers, according to one survey.90 Let's see how you can be more effective at the essential communication skills.

Being an Effective Listener Is listening something you're good at? Then you're the exception. Generally, Understand me. What's

people comprehend only about 35% of a typical verbal message, experts say.91

the recipe for effective

Two-thirds of all employees feel management isn't listening to them.92 Interestingly,

listening-for really finding out what someone has to say? Probably it is listen,

watch, write, think, question.

the average speaker communicates 125 words per minute, while we can process

500 words per minute. Poor listeners use this information-processing gap to day­ dream. They think about other things, thus missing the important parts of what's

What do you do to fight

being communicated.93 Good listeners know how to use these gaps effectively,

flagging concentration if

mentally summarizing the speaker's remarks, weighing the evidence, and listening

you're tired or bored? You

between the lines. Listening skills, incidentally, are particularly important when

suppress negative thoughts, ignore distractions about the speaker's style of delivery

you're communicating in the global culture. How do you become the kind of manager who others say is a good listener?

or body language, and

Following are some suggestions (you can practice them in your college lectures

encourage the speaker with

and seminars).94

eye contact, an interested expression, and an attentive posture. This will make you more involved and interested

Concentrate on the Content of the Message

Don't think about what

you're going to say until the other person has finished talking.

in the subject matter.

Judge content, not delivery.

Don't tune out

someone because of his or her accent, clothing, mannerisms, personality, or speaking style.

Ask questions, summarize remarks. Good listen­ ing is hard work. Ask questions to make sure you understand. Recap what the speaker said.

Listen for ideas. Don't get diverted by the de­ tails; try to concentrate on the main ideas.

Resist distractions, show interest. Don't get dis­ tracted by things other people are doing, paper­ work on your desk, things happening outside the window, television or radio, and the like. Show the speaker you're listening, periodically restating in your own words what you've heard.






Give a fair hearing. Don't shut out unfavorable information just because

you hear a term-"Republican," "Democrat," "union," "big business," "affirmative action," "corporate welfare"-that suggests ideas you're not comfortable with. Try to correct for your biases.

Being an Effective Reader Reading shares many of the same skills as listening. You need to concentrate on the content of the message, judge the content and not the delivery, and con­ centrate on the main ideas. But because managers usually have to do so much reading, you also need to learn to apply some other strategies.

Realize That Speed Reading Doesn't Work

Perhaps you've thought that

somewhere along the line you could take a course on speed reading. By and large, however, speed reading isn't effective. Psychologists have found that speed reading or skimming may work well with easy or familiar reading material, but it can lead to problems with dense or unfamiliar material. For instance, in one study, when questioned about their reading of difficult material, average readers got half the questions right, while speed readers got only one in three.95

Learn to Streamline Reading

Management consultant and UCLA professor

Kathryn Alesandrini offers a number of suggestions for streamlining your reading.96 Be savvy about periodicals and books.

Review your magazine and news­

paper subscriptions and eliminate as many as possible. You can subscribe to just a few industry publications, scan and mark interesting material, later read what's marked, and pitch the rest. Read summaries and reviews that condense business books and articles.

Speed-read this? Maybe you could-if it's easy or familiar material. But lots of things

Transfer your reading load. With some material you can ask some of your

employees to screen or scan it first, then post an action note on each item that needs additional reading by you. You can also ask your staff to read

managers are required to read take patient study. How are you going to manage such reading day after day?

important books and summarize them in four or five pages. Make internal memos and e-mail more efficient. Ask others to

tell you up front in their e-mails, memos, and reports what they want you to do. Instruct them to include a one-page executive summary of a long report. When you communicate with them, give them specific questions you want answered.

Do Top-Down Reading-SQ3R

"The key to better reading is to

be a productive rather than a passive reader," writes Alesandrini. "You'll get more out of what you read if you literally produce mean­ ingful connections between what you already know and what you're reading."97 This leads to what she calls a "top-down" strategy for reading, a variant on the SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) method we discussed in the box at the end of Chapter I. The top-down system has five steps: Rate reasons to read. Rate your reasons for reading ("Why

should I read this? Will reading it contribute to my goals?"). Question and predict answers. Formulate specific questions

you want the reading to answer. This will give you reasons for reading-to get answers to your questions.

Interpersonal & Organizational Communication




Survey the big picture. Survey the material to be read so you can get a sense of the whole. Take a few minutes to get an overview so that you'll be better able to read with purpose.

Skim for main ideas. Skimming the material is similar to surveying, except it's on a smaller scale. You look for the essence of each subsection or paragraph.

Summarize. Summarize as you skim. Verbally restate or write notes of the main points, using your own words. Visualize or sketch the main points. Answer your initial questions as you skim the material.

Being an Effective Writer Writing is an essential management skill, all the more so because e-mail and tex­ ting has replaced the telephone in so much of business communication. In addi­ tion , downsizing has eliminated the administrative assistants who used to edit and correct business correspondence, so even upper-level executives often do their own correspondence now.98 A lot of students, however, don't get enough practice in writing, which puts them at a career disadvantage. Most will have to be able to write stand­ out job-seeking cover letters to accompany their resumes and later to write win­ ning business proposals.99 Taking a business writing class can be a real advantage. (Indeed, as a manager, you may have to identify employees who need writing training.) Following are some tips for writing more effectively. These apply particularly to memos and reports but are also applicable to e-mail messages.

Don't Show Your Ignorance

E-mail correspondence and texting have made

people more relaxed about spelling and grammar rules. Although this is fine among friends, as a manager you'll need to create a more favorable impression in your writing. Besides using the spelling checkers and grammar checkers built in to most word processing programs, you should reread, indeed proofread, your writing before sending it on.

Understand Your Strategy before You Write

Following are three strate­

gies for laying out your ideas in writing.

Most important to least important. This is a good strategy when the action you want your reader to take is logical and not highly political.

Least controversial to most controversial. This builds support gradually and is best used when the decision is controversial or your reader is attached to a particular solution other than the one you're proposing.

Negative to positive. This strategy establishes a common ground with your reader and puts the positive argument last, which makes it stronger. 100

Start with Your Purpose

Often people organize their messages backward,

putting their real purpose last, points out Alesandrini. You should start your writ­ ing by telling your purpose and what you expect of the reader.

Write Simply, Concisely, & Directly

Keep your words simple and use short

words, sentences, and phrases. Be direct instead of vague, and use the active voice rather than the passive. (Directness, active voice: "Please call a meeting for Wednesday." Vagueness, passive voice: "It is suggested that a meeting be called for Wednesday.")

Telegraph Your Writing with a Powerful Layout

Make your writing as easy

to read as possible, using the tools of highlighting and white space.





Highlighting. Highlighting consists of using boldface and italics to empha­ size key concepts and introduce new concepts, and bullets-small circles or squares like the ones in the list you're reading-to emphasize list items. (Don't overuse any of these devices, or they'll lose their effect. And parti­ cularly don't use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS for emphasis, except rarely.) White space. White space, which consists of wide margins and a break between paragraphs, produces a page that is clean and attractive.0 1 1

Being an Effective Speaker Speaking or talking covers a range of activities, from one-on-one conversations, to participating in meetings, to giving formal presentations.In terms of personal oral communication, most of the best advice comes under the heading of listen­ ing, since effective listening will dictate the appropriate talking you need to do. However, the ability to talk to a room full of people-to make an oral presentation-is one of the greatest skills you can have. A study conducted by AT&T and Stanford University found that the top predictor of success and professional upward mobility is how much you enjoy public speaking and how effective you are at it.102 The biggest problem most people have with public speaking is controlling their nerves, since 46% of adults say the activity they dread most (exceeding housecleaning, 43%, and visiting the dentist, 41 %) is public speaking.0 1 3 Author and lecturer Gael Lindenfield suggests that you can prepare your nerves by prac­ ticing your speech until it's near perfect, visualizing yourself performing with brilliance, getting reassurance from a friend, and getting to the speaking site early and releasing physical tension by doing deep breathing. (And staying away from alcohol and caffeine pick-me-ups before your speech.)104 As for the content of the speech, some brief and valuable advice is offered by speech writer Phil Theibert, who says a speech comprises just three simple rules: (I) Tell them what you're going to say.(2) Say it. (3) Tell them what you said.105 The introduction should take 5%-15% of your speaking time, and it should prepare the audience for the rest of the speech. Avoid jokes and such phrases as "I'm honored to be with you here today ..."Because everything in your speech should be relevant, try to go right to the point.For example: I. Tell Them What You're Going to Say

Predictor for success. Enjoying public speaking and being good at it are the top predictors of success and upward mobility. Do you think you could develop these skills?

"Good afternoon.The subject of identity theft may seem far removed from the concerns of most employees. But I intend to describe how our supposedly private credit, health, employment, and other records are vulnerable to theft by so-called identity thieves and how you can protect yourself" 2. Say It The main body of the speech takes up 75%-90% of your time. The most important thing to realize is that your audi­ ence won't remember more than a few points anyway. Thus, you need to decide which three or four points must be remembered.106 Then cover them as succinctly as possible. Be particularly attentive to transitions during the main body of the speech.Listening differs from reading in that the listener has only one chance to get your meaning.Thus, be sure you constantly provide your listeners with guidelines and transitional phrases so they can see where you're going.Example:

"There are five ways the security of your supposedly private files can be compromised. The first way is ..."



Organizational Communication




3. Tell Them What You Said

The end might take 5%-10% of your time. Many

professional speakers consider the conclusion to be as important as the introduc­ tion, so don't drop the ball here. You need a solid, strong, persuasive wrap-up. Use some sort of signal phrase that cues your listeners that you are heading into your wind-up. Examples: "Let's revieH' the main points .. .


"In conclusion, 11'1w1 CAN you do to protect against unaulhori:::ed invasion of your private files? I point out five main steps. One ...


Give some thought to the last thing you will say. It should be strongly upbeat, a call to action, a thought for the day, a little story, a quotation. Examples: "fiVant to leave you ll'ith one last thought ...


"Finally, let me close by sharing something that happened to me ...


':4s Albert Einstein said, 'Imagination is more important than knoll'ledge.'" Then say "Thank you" and stop talking.


Key Terms Used in This Chapter communication 474

identity theft 492

noise 475

decoding 475

nonverbal communication 481

downward communication 487

informal communication channels 488

encoding 475

jargon 479

receiver 475

external communication 488

management by wandering around (MBWA) 488

security 492

media richness 477

sender 475

feedback 475 formal communication channels 486

medium 475

grapevine 488

message 475

horizontal communication 487

multicommunicating 489

15.1 The

Communication Process: What It Is, How It Works

semantics 479 stereotype 481 telepresence technology 491 upward communication 487

interpreting and trying to make sense of the message. The medium is the pathway

Communication is the transfer of

by which a message travels. Feedback is

information and understanding from one

the process in which a receiver expresses

person to another. The process involves

his or her reaction to the sender's message.

sender, message, and receiver; encoding

The entire communication process can be

and decoding; the medium; feedback; and

disrupted at any point by noise, defined as

dealing with "noise." The sender is the

any disturbance that interferes with the

person wanting to share information. The

transmission of a message.

information is called a message. The receiver is the person for whom the


privacy 492

For effective communication, a manager must select the right medium. Media richness

message is intended. Encoding is

indicates how well a particular medium

translating a message into understandable

conveys information and promotes learning.

symbols or language. Decoding is

The richer a medium is, the better it is at




conveying information. Face-to-face presence is the richest; an advertising flyer would be one of the lowest. A rich medium is best for nonroutine situations and to avoid oversimplification. A lean medium is best for routine situations and to avoid overloading. 15.2 Barriers to Communication Barriers to communication are of three types: (1) Physical barriers are exemplified by walls, background noise, and time­ zone differences. (2) Semantics is the study of the meaning of words. Jargon, terminology specific to a particular profession or group, can be a semantic barrier. (3) Personal barriers are individual attributes that hinder communication. Nine such barriers are (a) variable skills in communicating effectively, (b) variations in frames of reference and experiences that affect how information is interpreted, (c) variations in trustworthiness and credibility, (d) oversized egos, (e) faulty listening skills, (f) tendency to judge others' messages, (g) inability to listen with understanding, (h) stereotypes (oversimplified beliefs about a certain group of people) and prejudices, and (i) nonverbal communication (messages sent outside of the written or spoken word, including body language). Six ways in which nonverbal communication is expressed are through (1) eye contact, (2) facial expressions, (3) body movements and gestures, (4) touch, (5) setting, and (6) time. 15.3 How Managers Fit into the Communication Process Communication channels may be formal or informal. Formal communication channels follow the chain of command and are recognized as official. Formal communication is of three types: (1) Vertical communication is the flow of messages up and down the organizational hierarchy. (2) Horizontal communication flows within and between work units; its main purpose is coordination. (3) External communication flows between people inside and outside the organization.

Informal communication channels develop outside the formal structure and do not follow the chain of command. Two aspects of informal channels are the grapevine and management by wandering around. (1) The grapevine is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization. The grapevine is faster than formal channels, is about 75% accurate, and is used by employees to acquire most on-the-job information. (2) In management by wandering around (MBWA), a manager literally wanders around his or her organization and talks with people across all lines of authority; this reduces distortion caused by formal communication. 15.4 Communication in the Information Age A modern-day trend is multicom­ municating, the use of technology to participate in several interactions at the same time.The universal language of 1s and Os gives us immediate access to unprecedented amounts of information; however, faster, far-flung digital communication does not necessarily mean better communication. With the rise of the Internet has come the rise of the Always On generation (Net Generation, Gen Y, the Millennials), 88 million people born 1977-1997, who are accustomed to digital communication and who in a few years will account for nearly half the employees in the world. Their outlook is having a profound impact on the workplace, bringing new approaches to collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation. This generation puts a strong emphasis on finding work that's personally fulfilling, craves stimulation, and seeks high-quality colleagues and flexible work arrangements. Digital communication has altered traditional links between work, place, and time, as seen in videoconferencing (teleconferencing) and telepresence technology (high-definition videoconferencing systems that simulate face-to-face meetings between users); telecommuting, involving performing office work at home; and teleworking, involving performing office work nearly anywhere.

Interpersonal & Organizational Communication






The downside of the digital age

be savvy about how you handle periodicals

involves problems with security,

and books, transfer your reading load

safeguards for protecting information

to some of your employees, and ask

technology against disasters, system

others to use e-mails and reports to

failures, and unauthorized access;

tell you what they want you to do.

privacy, the right of people not to

A top-down reading system that's a

reveal information about themselves,

variant on the SQ3R system (survey,

particularly identify theft, in which

question, read, recite, review) is also

thieves highjack a person's name and


identity and use his or her good credit rating to get cash or buy things; e-mail

To become an effective writer, you can follow several suggestions. Use

productivity problems; and cell-phone

spelling and grammar checkers in

use and abuse.

word processing software. Use three

15.5 Improving Communication

writing: go from most important topic

strategies for laying out your ideas in Effectiveness

to least important; go from least

To become a good listener, you should

controversial topic to most controversial;

concentrate on the content of the

and go from negative to positive.

message. You should judge content,

When organizing your message, start

not delivery; ask questions and

with your purpose. Write simply,

summarize the speaker's remarks; listen

concisely, and directly. Telegraph your

for ideas; resist distractions and show

writing through use of highlighting and

interest; and give the speaker a fair

white space.


To become an effective speaker, follow

To become a good reader, you need

three simple rules. Tell people what you're

to first realize that speed reading

going to say. Say it. Tell them what you

usually doesn't work. You should also


Mana Effective Communication Takes Work

ment in Action Mr. Gupta was determined not to do that when he was recruited to Fatwire from CA in

Executives know success in business depends on

August [2007]. Since then, he has spent hours talk­

identifying and fixing problems before they become

ing with his 200 employees and seeking the advice

crises. It is the most basic rule in management: No

of his nine senior managers-all but one of whom

matter how smart your strategies seem on paper, if

are veterans of the company. He has frequent pri­

you don't know how they're being executed and

vate meetings with each member of the manage­

whether there are urgent problems, you won't be

ment team so they will feel freer to be candid with


him. In that way, he can ask the important ques­

The higher executives climb, the less likely they

tions: What am I doing wrong? What would you

are to know what is and isn't working at their com­

do differently if you were running the company?

panies. Many are surrounded by yes people who fil­

What's the biggest thing getting in the way of you

ter information; others dismiss or ignore bearers of

doing your job well?

bad news.

A lready, he learned from these talks that

"I've heard so many executives tell employees to

Fatwire should beef up its staff in marketing and in

be candid and then jump down their throats if they

product development. Others have counseled him

bring up a problem or ask a critical question," says

to improve Fatwire's customer-support processes.

Yogesh Gupta, president and CEO of Fatwire, a

Every time he has gotten good advice privately, he

software company that helps businesses manage

has found a way to publicly praise the manager so

their Web sites.

others will come forward with suggestions.





"I know I have to say, 'You did the right thing

big difference between candor that stems from car­

to speak up' again and again, because employees

ing about doing things better and negative energy,

fear they'll get blamed if they say anything nega­

which can be toxic," she says. After reorganizing her division recently, Ms.

tive," says Mr. Gupta .... Executives at big companies who have many

Murphy sat through several meetings at which

layers of management between themselves and

managers made suggestions and expressed their

front-line employees face the biggest challenge


finding out how their strategies are actually work­

objections, but made her case that the changes

She encouraged everyone to voice their

ing. Those who want accurate information must

would help them expand the business and better

commit to spending time in the f ield-often and

serve their customers. They went through "a few rough sessions," she

on their own-where they are away from handlers and can coax employees to be forthcoming about

admits.But in the end,they found common ground. Her listening made all the difference.Now moving to

problems. Kathleen Murphy, CEO of ING's U.S. Wealth Management unit, which sells a variety of products, from annuities to financial-planning services, over­ sees 3,000 employees. She holds town-hall meetings

a new building, she'll be next door to her customer­ service staff.

For Discussion

with large groups of employees but admits the ses­

I. What are Yogesh Gupta and Kathleen Murphy

sions "are mostly for me to push my message out

doing to reduce the "noise" in their communi­

because people are less candid at big meetings." So,

cations? Discuss.

she also meets regularly with smaller groups of man­

2. Which of the nine personal barriers to commu­

agers at all levels of her division. Once, when an op­

nication are being addressed by Gupta and

erations group complained about a convoluted work

Murphy? Explain your rationale.

process, she agreed the change they proposed was

3. How might Gupta and Murphy use the tools

more efficient.

of information technology to enhance their

But she says she doesn't always act on what she

communication effectiveness? Discuss.

hears, believing that executives have to filter out the

4. What does this case teach you about effective

inevitable complaints from the crucial information

communication? Explain.

and ideas that create a productive and congenial workplace. An upbeat executive, Ms. Murphy has team­ work in her DNA. She grew up negotiating with her

SoUI-ce: Excerpted from Carol Hymowitz, "Sometimes, Moving Up Makes It Harder to See What Goes on Below,"

played lots of sports. She says she has a "low toler­

The Wall Street Journal, October 15, 2007, p. Bl. Copyright © 2007 by Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Reproduced with permission of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. via Copyright

ance" for people who are complainers. "There's a

Clearance Center.

five siblings for elbow room at the dinner table and

Self-Assessment What Is Your Most Comfortable Learning Style?

forms of communication can you best learn from. You should find the information of value for under­ standing not only your own style but those of others.

Objectives 1. To learn about your visual, auditory,and kines­

thetic learning/communication style. 2. To consider how knowledge about learning/

communication styles can be used to enhance your communication effectiveness.

Knowing your own style should also allow you to be a much more effective learner.

Instructions Read the following 36 statements and indicate the extent to which each statement is consistent with your behavior by using the following rating scale: almost never applies; 2



The purpose of this exercise is to find out what your


most prominent learning style is-that is, what

always applies.



sometimes applies; 4

Interpersonal & Organizational Communication





applies once in a while;

often applies; 5




I. I take lots of notes.


When talking to others, I have the hardest time





































































handling those who do not maintain good eye contact with me.


I make lists and notes because I remember things better when I write them down.

4. When reading a novel, I pay a lot of attention to passages picturing the clothing, scenery, setting, etc. 5. I need to write down directions so that I can remember them.


I need to see the person I am talking to in order to keep my attention focused on the subject.

7. When meeting a person for the first time, I initially notice the style of dress, visual characteristics, and neatness. 8. When I am at a party, one of the things I love to do is stand back and "people watch." 9. When recalling information, I can see it in my mind and remember where I saw it.


If I had to explain a new procedure or technique, I would prefer to write it out.

II. With free time I am most likely to watch television or read.


If my boss has a message for me, I am most comfortable when he or she sends a memo. Total A (the minimum is


and the maximum is


I. When I read, I read out loud or move my lips to hear the words in my head.


When talking to someone else, I have the hardest time handling those who do not talk back with me.


I do not take a lot of notes, but I still remember what was said. Taking notes distracts me from the speaker.

4. When reading a novel, I pay a lot of attention to passages involving conversations. 5. I like to talk to myself when solving a problem or writing.









7. I remember things easier by repeating them again and again.





8. When I am at a party, one of the things I love to do is





























3. I take notes and doodle, but I rarely go back and look at them.





4. When reading a novel, I pay a lot of attention to passages





5. When I am reading, I move my lips.





6. I will exchange words and places and use my hands a lot when





7. My desk appears disorganized.





8. When I am at a party, one of the things I love to do is enjoy





















6. I can understand what a speaker say s, even if I am not focused on the speaker.

have in-depth conversations about a subject that is important to me. 9. I would rather receive information from the radio than a newspaper.

10. If I had to explain a new procedure or technique, I would prefer telling about it. II. With free time I am most likely to listen to music.

12. If my boss has a message for me, I am most comfortable when he or she calls on the phone. Total B (the minimum is

12 and the maximum is 60)

I. I am not good at reading or listening to directions.

2. When talking to someone else, I have the hardest time handling those who do not show any kind of emotional support.

revealing feelings, moods, action, drama, etc.

I can't remember the right thing to say.

activities, such as dancing, games, and totally losing my self. 9. I like to move around. I feel trapped when seated at a meeting or desk.

10. If I had to explain a new procedure or technique, I would prefer actually demonstrating it. II. With free time, I am most likely to exercise.

12. If my boss has a message for me, I am most comfortable when he or she talks to me in person. Total C (the minimum is

12 and the maximum is 60)

Interpersonal & Organizational Communication




Scoring & Interpretation

only how you communicate but also how the people

Total A is your Visual Score

; Total B is

you work with communicate.

; and Total C is your

Questions for Discussion

your Auditory Score Kinesthetic Score

. The area in which you

have your highest score represents your "dominant" learning style. You can learn from all three, but typically you learn best using one style. Communica­ tion effectiveness is increased when your dominant style is consistent with the communication style used by others. For example, if you are primarily kinesthetic and your boss gives you directions orally, you may have trouble communicating because

1. Do you agree with the assessment? Why or why

not? Explain. 2. How valuable is it to know your learning style? Does it help explain why you did well in some learning situations and poorly in others? Describe and explain.

3. How important is it to know the learning style of those you work with? Explain.

you do not learn or process communication well by

Source: Used by

just being told something. You must consider not


Ethical Dilemma Should People Making False Statements in

Enter Yale Law." Another threatened to rape and

Blogs Be Prosecuted?

sodomize her, the documents said.

It bills itself as the world's "most prestigious college discussion board," giving a glimpse into law school admissions policies, post-graduate social network­ ing, and the hiring practices of major law firms. But the AutoAdmit site, widely used by law stu­ dents for information on schools and firms, is also known as a venue for racist and sexist remarks and career-damaging rumors. Now it's at the heart of a defamation lawsuit that legal experts say could test the anonymity of the Internet. After facing lewd comments and threats by posters, two women at Yale Law School filed a suit on June 8 [2007] in U.S. District Court in New Haven, Connecticut, that includes subpoenas for 28 anonymous users of the site, which has generated more than 7 million posts since 2004. According to court documents, a user on the site named "STANFORDtrol" began a thread in 2005 seeking to warn Yale students about one of the women in the suit, entitled "Stupid Bitch to





The plaintiff, a respected Stanford University graduate identified only as "Doe I" in the lawsuit, learned of the Internet attack in the summer of 2005 before moving to Yale in Connecticut. The posts gradually became more menacing. Some posts made false claims about her aca­ demic record and urged users to warn law firms, or accused her of bribing Yale officials to gain admis­ sion and of forming a lesbian relationship with a Yale administrator, the court papers said. The plaintiff said she believes the harassing remarks, which lasted nearly two years, cost her an important summer internship. After interviewing with 16 firms, she received only four call-backs and ultimately had zero offers-a result considered un­ usual given her qualifications. Another woman, identified as Doe II, endured similar attacks. The two, who say they suffered substantial "psychological and economic injury," also sued a former manager of the site because he refused to remove disparaging messages. The man­ ager had cited free-speech protections.

3. Both the individuals making the malicious, nega­

Solving the Dilemma What is your opinion about the issue of false, nega­ tive blogs?

tive statements and the blog site-AutoAdmit­ should be punished . AutoAdmit should be held accountable because the women asked manage­

I. The U.S. Constitution allows free speech, and

people should be allowed to say whatever they

ment of the site to remove untrue posts. 4. Invent other options.

want. Further, it is normal for people to have different perceptions about others. As such, it

Source: Copyright© 2007 Reuters. Reprinted with

does not seem fair to prosecute someone who

permission from Reuters. Reuters content is the

has a unique, negative perception about some­ one else.

intellectual property of Reuters or its third party content providers. Any copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the

2. The reputations of these two women were dam­ aged by malicious, negative statements that were untrue. The individuals posting these statements should be punished, but not the AutoAdmit site.

prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any action taken in reliance there on. Reuters and the Reuters Sphere Logo are registered trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world. For additional information

The site cannot police the accuracy of posted

about Reuters content and services, please visit Reuters


website at

Interpersonal & Organizational Communication




chapter 16

Control & Quality Control Improvement Techniques for Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness

16.1 Managing for Productivity Major Question: How do managers influence productivity?

16.5 Some Financial Tools for Control

Major Question: Financial performance is important to most

16.2 Control: When Managers

organizations. What are the financial tools I need to know about?

Monitor Performance

Major Question: Why is control such an important managerial function?

G,i 16.6 Total Quality Management Major Question: How do top

1§116.3 Levels & Areas of Control

companies improve the quality of their products or services?

Major Question: How do successful

companies implement controls?

1§116. 4 The Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Maps, & Measurement Management Major Question: How can three techniques-balanced scorecard, strategy maps, and measurement management-help me establish standards and measure performance?

lall6.7 Managing Control Effectively Major Question: What are the keys to successful control, and what are the barriers to control success?

the manager's toolbox Improving Productivity: Going Beyond Control Techniques to Get the Best Results

between employees and their jobs, including improving employee selection, paying attention to training, redesigning jobs, and providing financial incentives that are tied to performance. •

How, as a manager, can you increase productivity­ get better results with what you have to work with?

research and development (R&D) departments. As

In this chapter we discuss control techniques for

a manager, you can encourage your employees,

achieving better results. What are other ways for im­

who are closest to the work process, to come up

proving productivity? Following are some suggestions:1 •

with suggestions for improving their own

Establish base points, set goals, and measure

operations. And, of course, you can give workers a

results. To be able to tell whether your work

bigger say in doing their jobs, allow employee

unit is becoming more productive, you need to

flextime, and reward people for learning new

establish systems of measurement. You can start by establishing the base point, such as the

skills and taking on additional responsibility. •

number of customers served per day, quantity of

you're more likely to have a workforce with

can then set goals to establish new levels that

different experience, outlooks, values, and skills.

you wish to attain, and institute systems of

By melding their differences, a team can achieve

measurement with which to ascertain progress.

results that exceed the previous standards.

Finally, you can measure the results and modify the goals or work processes as necessary. Use new technology. Clearly, this is a favorite way

to enhance productivity. With a word processor, you can produce more typed pages than you can with a typewriter. With a computerized database, you can store and manipulate information better than you can using a box of file cards. Still, computerization is not a panacea; information technology also offers plenty of opportunities for simply wasting time. •

Encourage employee diversity. By hiring people

who are diverse in gender, age, race, and ethnicity,

products produced per hour, and the like. You

Encourage employee involvement and innovation.

Companies improve productivity by funding

Redesign the work process. Some managers

think productivity can be enhanced through cost cutting, but this is not always the case. It may be that the work process can be redesigned to eliminate inessential steps.

For Discussion Some observers think the pressure on managers to perform will be even more intense than before, because the world is undergoing a trans­ formation on the scale of the industrial revolution 200 years ago as we move farther into an information­

Improve match between employees and jobs.

based economy.2 In what ways do you think you'll

You can take steps to ensure the best fit

have to become a champion of adaptation?


What's Ahead in This Chapter

This final chapter explores the final management function-control. Controlling is monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed. In the first section, we discuss managing for productivity, defining what it is and explaining why it's important. We then discuss controlling, identify six reasons it's needed, explain the steps in the control process, and describe three types of con­ trol managers use. Next we discuss levels and areas of control. In the fifth section, we discuss financial tools for control-budgets, financial statements, ratio analysis, and audits. We then discuss total quality management (TQM), identifying its core. philosophies and showing some TQM techniques. We conclude the chapter by de­ scribing the four keys to successful control and five barriers to successful control.

m 16.1



maJor question

How do managers influence productivity? THE BIG PICTURE The purpose of a manager is to make decisions about the four management func­ tions-planning, organizing, le ading, and controlling-to get people to achieve productivity and re alize results. Productivity is defined by the formula of output divided by inputs for a specified period of time. Productivity is important because it determines whether the organization will make a profit or even survive.

In Chapter I, we pointed out that as a manager in the 21st century you will operate in a complex environment in which you will need to deal with seven challenges-managing for ( I) competitive advantage, (2) diversity, (3) globalization, (4) information technology,

(5) ethical standards, (6) sustainability, and (7) your own happiness and life goals. Within this dynamic world, you will draw on the practical and theoretical knowledge described in this book to make decisions about the four management functions of planning, organizing, le ading, and controlling. The purpose is to get the people reporting to you to achieve productivity and reali:::e results. This process is diagrammed below, pulling together the main topics of this book. (See Figure 16. 1.)

figure 16.1 Competitive




Diversity Planning Globalization

... must operate in

... make decisions

You as a








productivity and realize

the four

a complex

... to achieve




management functions...



Your happiness & goals

What Is Productivity? Productivity can be applied at any level, whether for you as an individu al , for the work unit you're managing, or for the organization you work for. Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time.





Outputs are all the goods and services produced. Inputs are not only labor but also capital, materials, and energy. That is, . . pro ducttvtty



-: . --'--' ­



goods + services labor+ capital + materials + energy

What does this mean to you as a manager? It means that you can increase overall productivity by making substitutions or increasing the efficiency of any one element: labor, capital, materials, energy. For instance, you can increase the efficiency of labor by substituting capital in the form of equipment or machinery, as in employing a backhoe instead of laborers with shovels to dig a hole.3 Or you can increase the efficiency of materials inputs by expanding their uses, as when lumber mills discovered they could sell not only boards but also sawdust and wood chips for use in gardens. Or you can increase the efficiency of energy by putting solar panels on a factory roof so the orga­ nization won't have to buy so much electrical power from utility companies.

Why Increasing Productivity Is Important "For a company and for a nation," said former General Electric CEO Jack Welch, "productivity is a matter of survival."4 Productivity is important to companies because ultimately it determines whether the organization will make a profit or even survive. But the productivity of the nation is important to us individually and collectively. The more goods and services that are produced and made easily available to us and for export, the higher our standard of living.

The U.S. Productivity Track R ecord

During the 1960s, productivity in the

United States averaged a hefty 2.9% a year, then sank to a disappointing 1 .5% right up until 1995. Because the decline in productivity no longer allowed the improvement in wages and living standards that had benefited so many Americans in the 1960s, mil­ lions of people took second jobs or worked longer hours to keep from falling behind. From 1995 to 2000, however, during the longest economic boom in American history,

Competing internationally for productivity. This oil tanker

the productivity rate jumped to 2.5% annually, as the total output of goods and ser­

represents the continual

vices rose faster than the total hours needed to produce them. From the business cycle

competition among companies

peak in the first quarter of 2001 to the end of 2007, productivity grew at an annual rate of 2.7%.5 Then came the recession year 2008, when it fell to 2%. The next year, however, it rose to a spectacular 3.7%--the fastest annual increase in seven years.6

and among nations to achieve productivity-"a matter of survival," as GE's Jack Welch put it. Is the United States

(A problem in calculating productivity is that only worker hours in the United States

doing everything it could to be

are counted, even though many American-owned enterprises have moved overseas,

more productive? What about

and foreign workers have contributed significantly to final products.?

The Role of Information Technology

taking measures to reduce dependence on foreign oil?

Most econ­

omists seem to think the recent productivity growth is the result of organizations' huge investment in infor­ mation technology-computers, the Internet, other telecommunications advances, and computer-guided production line improvements.8 From 1995 to 2001, for example, labor productivity in services grew at a 2.6% rate (outpacing the 2.3% for goods-producing sectors), the result, economists think , of information technology.9 In particular, many companies have implemented enterprise resource planning ( ERP)

software systems, information systems for integrating virtually all aspects of a business, helping managers stay on top of the latest developments. Maintaining productivity depends on control. Let's look at this.


Control & Quality Control Improvement







maJor question

Why is control such an important managerial function? THE BIG PICTURE Controlling is monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action. This section describes six reasons why control is needed and four steps in the control process.

Control is making something happen the way it was planned to happen. Controlling is defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed. Controlling is the fourth management function, along with planning, organizing, and leading, and its purpose is plain: to make sure that performance meets objectives.

Planning is setting goals and deciding how to achieve them. Organizing is arranging tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish the work.

figure 16.2

Leading is motivating people to work hard to achieve the organization's



What you as a manager

Controlling is concerned with seeing that the right things happen at the right time in the right way.

do to get things done, with controlling shown in relation to the three other management functions.

All these functions affect one another and in turn affect an organization's pro­

(See Figure 16.2.)


(These are not lockstep; all four functions happen concurrently.}





You set goals

You arrange

You motivate

You monitor

& decide


people to


how to


work hard

compare it


& other

to achieve

with goals,


resources to

the organiza-

& take


tion's goals.


the work.

For productivity

action as needed.

Why Is Control Needed? There are six reasons why control is needed.

I. To Adapt to Change & Uncertainty

Markets shift. Consumer tastes

change. New competitors appear. Technologies are reborn. New materials are invented. Government regulations are altered. All organizations must deal with these kinds of environmental changes and uncertainties. Control sy stems can help managers anticipate, monitor, and react to these changes.10





Example: As is certainly apparent by now, the issue of global warming has created a lot of change and uncertainty for many industries. The restaurant industry in particular is feeling the pressure to become "greener," since restaurants are the retail world's largest energy users, with a restaurant using five times more energy per square foot than any other type of commercial building, according to Pacific Gas & Electric's Food Service Technology Center.11 Nearly 80% of what commercial food service spends annually for energy use is lost in ineffi­ cient food cooking, holding, and storage. In addition, a typical restaurant gen­ erates 100,000 pounds of garbage per location per year. Thus, restaurants are being asked to reduce their "carbon footprints" by instituting tighter controls on energy use.

2. To Discover Irregularities & Errors

Small problems can mushroom into

big ones. Cost overruns, manufacturing defects, employee turnover, bookkeeping errors, and customer dissatisfaction are all matters that may be tolerable in the short run. But in the long run, they can bring about even the downfall of an organization. Example: You might not even miss a dollar a month looted from your credit card account. But an Internet hacker who does this with thousands of customers can undermine the confidence of consumers using their credit cards to charge online purchases at,, and other Web retailers. Thus, a computer program that monitors Internet charge accounts for small, unexplained deductions can be a valuable control strategy.

3. To Reduce Costs, Increase Productivity, or Add Value

Control systems

can reduce labor costs, eliminate waste, increase output, and increase product de­ livery cycles. In addition, controls can help add value to a product so that custom­ ers will be more inclined to choose them over rival products. Example: As we have discussed early in the book (and will again in this chap­ ter), the use of quality controls among Japanese car manufacturers resulted in cars being produced that were perceived as being better built than American cars.

4. To Detect Opportunities

Hot-selling products. Competitive prices on

materials. Changing population trends. New overseas markets. Controls can help alert managers to opportunities that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. Example: A markdown on certain grocery-store items may result in a rush of customer demand for those products, signaling store management that similar items might also sell faster if they were reduced in price.

5. To Deal with Complexity

Does the right hand know what the left hand is

doing? When a company becomes larger or when it merges with another company, it may find it has several product lines, materials-purchasing policies, customer bases, even workers from different cultures. Controls help managers coordinate these various elements. Example: In recent years, Macy's Inc. has twice had to deal with complexity. In 2006, it pulled together several chains with different names-Marshall Field's, Robinsons-May, Kaufmann's, and other local stores-into one chain with one name, Macy's, and a much-promoted national strategy. But after losing money in

2007, CEO Terry Lundgren began altering course from a one-size-fits-all nation­ wide approach to a strategy that tailors the merchandise in local stores to cater to local tastes. 12 Controls

6. To Decentralize Decision Making & Facilitate Teamwork

allow top management to decentralize decision making at lower levels within the organization and to encourage employees to work together in teams.

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Example: At General Motors, former chairman Alfred Sloan set the level of return on investment he expected his divisions to achieve, enabling him to push decision-making authority down to lower levels while still maintaining authority over the sprawling GM organization.13 Later GM used controls to facilitate the

team approach in its j oint venture with Toyota at its California plant. T he six reasons are summarized below.

figure 16.3

(See Figure 16.3.)

4. ...detect

I. ...adapt to


change &




2. ... discover irregularities

& errors


5 . . with

helps an



3. ...reduce costs,

6 . ... decentralize


decision making


& facilitate

or add value


Steps in the Control Process Control systems may be altered to tit specific situations, but generally they follow

control process steps are (1) establish standards; (2) measure performance; (3) compare performance to standards; and (4) take corrective action, if necessary. (See Figure 16.4.) the same steps. The four

Step I.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.








. performance ---- ; to standards.

corrective action, if necessary.

If yes, take




If no,






progress &






Let's consider these four steps.

I. Establish Standards: "What Is the Outcome We Want?" A control standard, or performance standard or simply standard, is the desired performance level for a given goal. Standards may be narrow or broad, and they can be set for almost any­ thing, although they are best measured when they can be made quantifiable. Nonprofit institutions might have standards for level of charitable contributions, number of students retained, or degree of legal compliance. For-profit organizations





might have standards of financial performance, employee hiring, manufacturing defects, percentage increase in market share, percentage reduction in costs, number of customer complaints, and return on investment. More subjective standards, such as level of employee morale, can also be set, although they may have to be expressed more quantifiably as reduced absenteeism and sick days and increased job applications. One technique for establishing standards is to use the balanced scorecard, as we explain later in this chapter.

2. Measure Performance: "What Is the Actual Outcome We Got?"


second step in the control process is to measure performance, such as by number of products sold, units produced, or cost per item sold. For example, Hyundai has a quality goal signified by GQ 3-3-5-5. The goal represents the company's desire to finish in the top three in quality ratings provided by J.D. Power's dependability survey within three years, and to be among the top five quality automakers within five years.14 Performance measures are usually obtained from three sources: (I) written re­ ports, including computerized printouts; (2) oral reports, as in a salesperson's weekly recitation of accomplishments to the sales manager; and (3) personal observation, as when a manager takes a stroll of the factory floor to see what employees are doing. As we've hinted, measurement techniques can vary for different industries, as for manufacturing industries versus service industries. We discuss this further later in the chapter.

3. Compare Performance to Standards: "How Do the Desired & Actual Outcomes Differ?"

The third step in the control process is to compare

measured performance against the standards established. Most managers are delighted with performance that exceeds standards, which becomes an occasion for handing out bonuses, promotions, and perhaps offices with a view. For per­ formance that is below standards, they need to ask: Is the deviation from per­ formance significant? The greater the difference between desired and actual performance, the greater the need for action. How much deviation is acceptable? That depends on the range of variation built in to the standards in step I. In voting for political candidates, for instance, there is supposed to be no range of variation; as the expression goes, "every vote counts" (although the 2000 U.S. presidential election was an eye-opener for many people in this regard). In political polling, however, a range of 3%--4% error is considered an acceptable range of variation. In machining parts for the spacecraft Orion (NASA's scheduled 2015 successor to the space shuttle), the range of variation may be a good deal less tolerant than when machining parts for a power lawnmower. The range of variation is often incorporated in computer systems into a principle called management by exception. Management by exception is a control

principle that states that managers should be informed of a situation only if data show a significant deviation from standards. 4. Take Corrective Action, If Necessary: "What Changes Should We Make to Obtain Desirable Outcomes?"

There are three possibilities here:

(I) Make no changes. (2) Recognize and reinforce positive performance. (3) Take action to correct negative performance. When performance meets or exceeds the standards set, managers should give rewards, ranging from giving a verbal "Job well done" to more substantial payoffs such as raises, bonuses, and promotions to reinforce good behavior. When performance falls significantly short of the standard, managers should carefully examine the reasons why and take the appropriate action. Sometimes it may turn out the standards themselves were unrealistic, owing to changing conditions, in which case the standards need to be altered. Sometimes it may become apparent that

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employees haven't been given the resources for achieving the standards. And some­ times the employees may need more attention from management as a way of signal­ ing that they have been insufficient in fulfilling their part of the job bargain.


Exam Steps in the Control Process: What's Expected of UPS Drivers? UPS, which employs 99,000 U.S. drivers, has estab­

Comparing Performance to Standards. UPS man­

lished lntegrad, an 11,500-square-foot training center

agers compare the printout of a driver's performance

10 miles outside Washington, D.C. There trainees

(miles driven and number of pickups and deliveries)

practice UPS-prescribed "340 Methods" shown to

with the standards that were set for his or her particu­

save seconds and improve safety. Graduates of the

lar route. For instance, the printout will show whether

training, who are generally former package sorters,

drivers took longer than the 15.5 seconds allowed to

are eligible to do a job that pays an average of

park a truck and retrieve one package from the cargo.

$74,000 annually.1s

A range of variation may be allowed to take into

Establishing Standards. UPS establishes certain standards for its drivers that set projections for the

account such matters as winter or summer driving or traffic conditions that slow productivity.

number of miles driven, deliveries, and pickups. For

Taking Corrective Action. When a UPS driver fails

instance, drivers are taught to walk at a "brisk pace" of

to perform according to the standards set for him or

2.5 paces per second, except under icy or other unsafe

her, a supervisor then rides along and gives sugges­

conditions. Howeve� because conditions vary depend­

tions for improvement. If drivers are unable to improve,

ing on whether routes are urban, suburban, or rural,

they are warned, then suspended, and then dismissed.

standards vary for different routes.16 Measuring Performance. Every day, UPS manag­


ers look at a computer printout showing the miles,

The UPS controls were devised by industrial engineers

deliveries, and pickups a driver attained during his or

based on experience. Do you think the same kinds of

her shift the previous day. In general, drivers are

controls could be established fo� say, filling out tax

expected to make five deliveries in 19 minutes.

forms for H&R Block?

Small business. How important is it for small businesses to implement all four steps of the control process? Do you think that employees in small companies-such as a restaurant-typically have more or less independence from managerial control than those in large companies do?






maJor question

How do successful companies implement controls?

THE BIG PICTURE This section describes three levels of control-strategic, tactical, and operational­ and six areas of control: physical, human, informational, financial, structural (bureaucratic and decentralized), and cultural.

How are you going to apply the steps of control to your own management area? Let's look at this in three ways: First, you need to consider the

level of


ment at which you operate-top, middle, or first level . Second, you need to con­ sider the


that you draw on for resources-physical, human , information,

and/or financial. Finally, you need to consider the


or control philosophy­

bureaucratic, market, or clan, as we will explain.

Levels of Control: Strategic, Tactical, & Operational There are three levels of control, which correspond to the three principal manage­

strategic planning by top managers, tactical planning by middle manag­ operational planning by first-line (supervisory) managers.

rial levels: ers, and

I. Strategic Control by Top Managers

Strategic control is monitoring perfor­

mance to ensure that strategic plans are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed. Strategic control is mainly performed by top managers, those at the CEO and VP levels, who have an organization-wide perspective. Monitoring is accom­ plished by reports issued every 3, 6, 12, or more months, although more frequent re­ ports may be requested if the organization is operating in an uncertain environment.

2. Tactical Control by Middle Managers

Tactical control is monitoring perfor­

mance to ensure that tactical plans--those at the divisional or departmental level-are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed. Tactical control is done mainly by middle managers, those with such titles as "division head," "plant man­ ager," and "branch sales manager." Reporting is done on a weekly or monthly basis.

3. Operational Control by First-Level Managers Operational control is monitoring performance to ensure that operational plans-day-to-day goals-are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed. Operational control is done mainly by first-level managers, those with titles such as "department head," "team leader," or "supervisor." Reporting is done on a daily basis. Considerable interaction occurs among the three levels, with lower-level man­ agers providing information upward and upper-level managers checking on some of the more critical aspects of plan implementation below them.

Six Areas of Control The six areas of organizational control are




I. Physical Area

physical, human, informational, financial,

The physical area includes buildings, equipment, and tangible

products. Examples: There are equipment controls to monitor the use of computers, cars, and other machinery. There are inventory-management controls to keep

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track of how many products are in stock , how many will be needed, and what their delivery dates are from suppliers. There are quality controls to make sure that products are being built according to certain acceptable standards.

2. Human Resources Area

The controls used to monitor employees include

personality tests and drug testing for hiring, performance tests during training, performance evaluations to measure work productivity, and employee surveys to assess job satisfaction and leadership.

3. Informational Area

Production schedules. Sales forecasts. Environmental

impact statements. Analyses of competition. Public relations briefings. All these are controls on an organization's various information resources.

4. Financial Area

Are bills being paid on time? How much money is owed by

customers? How much money is owed to suppliers? Is there enough cash on hand to meet payroll obligations? What are the debt-repayment schedules? What is the advertising budget? Clearly, the organization's financial controls are important because they can affect the preceding three areas.

5. Structural Area

How is the organization arranged from a hierarchical or struc­

tural standpoint?17 Two examples are bureaucratic control and decentrali::.ed control.

Bureaucratic control is an approach to organizational control that is charac­ terized by use of rules, regulations, and formal authority to guide perfor­ mance. This form of control attempts to elicit employee compliance, using strict rules, a rigid hierarchy, well-defined job descriptions, and administra­ tive mechanisms such as budgets, performance appraisals, and compensa­ tion schemes (external rewards to get results). The foremost example of use of bureaucratic control is perhaps the traditional military organization. Bureaucratic control works well in organizations in which the tasks are explicit and certain. While rigid, it can be an effective means of ensur­ ing that performance standards are being met. However, it may not be effective if people are looking for ways to stay out of trouble by simply following the rules, or if they try to beat the system by manipulating per­

Bureaucratic control. In

formance reports, or if they try to actively resist bureaucratic constraints.

businesses such as large railroads, tasks are explicit

Decentralized control is an approach to organizational control that is char­

and certain, and employees

acterized by informal and organic structural arrangements, the opposite of

are expected to perform them

bureaucratic control. This form of control aims to get increased employee

the same way each time. However, a small railroad,

commitment, using the corporate culture, group norms, and workers tak­

such as one line serving

ing responsibility for their performance. Decentralized control is found in

tourists, need not be

companies with a relatively flat organization.


6. Cultural Area

The cultural area is an informal method of

control. It influences the work process and levels of performance through the set of norms that develop as a result of the values and beliefs that constitute an organization's culture. If an organiza­ tion's culture values innovation and collaboration, then employees are likely to be evaluated on the basis of how much they engage in collaborative activities and enhance or create new products. Example: The biotechnology company Genentech, which appears every year on Fortune's list of" 100 Best Companies to Work For" (no. 16 in 2010, no. 5 in 2008, no. 1 in 2006), is a good example of an organization that promotes, measures, and rewards employee motiva­ tion. For instance, all scientists and engineers are encouraged to spend

20% of their workweek on pet projects. Genentech's tremendous rev­ enue growth over the last decade is clearly driven by a set of cultural values, norms, and internal processes that reinforce creativity.18







How can three techniques-balanced scorecard, strategy maps, and measurement management-help me establish standards and measure performance?


maJor question

THE BIG PICTURE To establish standards, managers often use the balanced scorecard, which provides four indicators for progress. A visual representation of the balanced scorecard is the strategy map. Measurement management techniques help managers make evidence-based judgments about performance.

Wouldn't you, as a top manager, like to have displayed in easy-to-read graphics all the information on sales, orders, and the like assembled from data pulled in real­ time from corporate software? The technology exists and it has a name: a dash­ board, like the instrument panel in a car. "The dashboard puts me and more and more of our executives in real-time touch with the business," says Ivan Seidenberg, CEO at Yerizon Communications. "The more eyes that see the results we're obtaining every day, the higher the quality of the decisions we can make."19 Throughout this book we have stressed the importance of evidence-based management-the use of real-world data rather than fads and hunches in making management decisions. W hen properly done, the dashboard is an example of the important tools that make this kind of management possible. Others are the balanced scorecard, strategy maps, and measurement management, techniques that even new managers will find useful.

The Balanced Scorecard: A Dashboard-like View of the Organization Robert Kaplan is a professor of accounting at the Harvard Business School. David Norton is founder and president of Renaissance Strategy Group, a Massachusetts consulting firm. Kaplan and Norton developed what they call the balanced scorecard,

which gives top managers a fast but comprehensive view of the organization via four indicators: (1) customer satisfaction, (2) internal processes, (3) innovation and improvement activities, and (4) financial measures. "Think of the balanced scorecard as the dials and indicators in an airplane cockpit," write Kaplan and Norton. For a pilot, "reliance on one instrument can be fatal. Similarly, the complexity of managing an organization today requires that managers be able to view performance in several areas simultaneously."20 It is not enough, say Kaplan and Norton, to simply measure financial performance, such as sales figures and return on investment. Operational matters, such as cus­

tomer satisfaction, are equally important.21

The Balanced Scorecard: Four "Perspectives"

The balanced scorecard

establishes (a) goals and (b) performance measures according to four "perspec­ tives" or areas-financial custome1; internal business, and innovation and learning. ,

(See Figure 16.5, next page.)

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I. Financial Perspective "How do we look to shareholders?"



2. Customer Perspective

3. Internal Business Perspective

"How do customers see us?"

"At what must we excel?"



4. Innovation & Learning Perspective "Can we continue to improve and create value?" Measures

figure 16.5 THE BALANCED SCORECARD: FOUR PERSPECTIVES Source: Reprinted by permission of Harvard Business Review. Exhibit from "The Balanced Scorecard-Measures That Drive Performance," by R. S. Kaplan and D. P. Norton, February



1992 by the

Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation; all rights reserved.

1. Financial Perspective: "How Do We Look to Shareholders?"


financial goals have to do with profitability, growth, and shareholder values. Financial measures such as quarterly sales have been criticized as being short­ sighted and not reflecting contemporary value-creating activities. Moreover, crit­ ics say that traditional financial measures don't improve customer satisfaction, quality, or employee motivation. However, making improvements in just the other three operational "perspec­ tives" we will discuss won't necessarily translate into financial success. Kaplan and Norton mention the case of an electronics company that made considerable improve­ ments in manufacturing capabilities that did not result in increased profitability. The hard truth is that "if improved [operational] performance fails to be reflected in the bottom line, executives should reexamine the basic assumptions of their strat­ egy and mission," say Kaplan and Norton. "Not all long-term strategies are profitable strategies ..



A failure to convert improved operational performance, as measured in

the scorecard, into improved financial performance should send executives back to their drawing boards to rethink the company's strategy or its implementation plans."22






2. Customer Perspective: "How Do Customers See Us?"

Many organiza­

tions make taking care of the customer a high priority. The balanced scorecard translates the mission of customer service into specific measures of concerns that really matter to customers-time between placing an order and taking delivery, quality in terms of defect level, satisfaction with products and service, and cost. Quiznos is a good example. The company uses a speed-dining approach to develop new products and test out different pricing strategies. The company in­ vites groups of 25 people to a location in which they move from station to station and try out new menu options. This technique has reduced the time from test kitchen to market to six months, as opposed to the one year needed by a key competitor.23 This part

3. Internal Business Perspective: "At What Must We Excel?"

translates what the company must do internally to meet its customers' expec­ tations. These are business processes such as quality, employee skills, and productivity. Top management's judgment about key internal processes must be linked to measures of employee actions at the lower levels, such as time to process customer orders, get materials from suppliers, produce products, and deliver them to cus­ tomers. Computer information systems can help, for example, in identifying late deliveries, tracing the problem to a particular plant. (ERP systems, mentioned earlier, can aid this technological boost.) 4. Innovation & Learning Perspective: "Can We Continue to Improve &

Create Value?"

Learning and growth of employees is the foundation for innova­

tion and creativity. Thus, the organization must create a culture that encourages rank-and-file employees to make suggestions and question the status quo and it must provide employees with the environment and resources needed to do their jobs. The company can use employee surveys and analysis of training data to measure the degree of learning and growth.

Strategy Map: Visual Representation of a Balanced Scorecard Since they devised the balanced scorecard, Kaplan and Norton have come up with

is a visual representation of the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard that enables managers to commu­ nicate their goals so that everyone in the company can understand how their jobs are linked to the overall objectives of the organization. As Kaplan and Norton state, an improvement called the strategy map.24 A strategy map

"Strategy maps show the cause-and-effect links by which specific improvements create desired outcomes," such as objectives for revenue growth, targeted customer markets, the role of excellence and innovation in products, and so on. An example of a strategy map for a company such as Target is shown on the next page, with the goal of creating long-term value for the firm by increasing pro­ ductivity growth and revenue growth. (See Figure 16.6, next page.) Measures and standards can be developed in each of the four operational areas-financial goals, customer goals, internal goals, and learning and growth goals-for the strategy.

Measurement Management: "Forget Magic" "You simply can't manage anything you can't measure," said Richard Quinn, former-vice president of quality at the Sears Merchandising Group.25 Is this really true? Concepts such as the balanced scorecard seem like good ideas, but how well do they actually work? John Lingle and William Schiemann, principals in a New Jersey consulting firm specializing in strategic assessment, decided to find out.26

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Revenue Growth


New markets

Reducing expenses

New products

Increasing efficiency

Increasing value to

New customers

existing customers





Customer Intimacy





Exceptional service

Effective solutions

Leadership Product functionality

Competitive pricing

Product quality

Product features

Speedy delivery

Product performance



Internal Goals •

Good Corporate Citizenship


Customer Value

New products/ services







Lower cost

New market


Higher quality


with existing

Greater speed

Effective relationships with employees, suppliers,


regulators, others

Learning and Growth Goals


Improved Competence/ Skills of Workforce



Effective Information/

Supportive Values

Technology Systems

& Practices

figure 16.6 THE STRATEGY MAP T his example might be used for a retail chain such as Target or Walmart. Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World, 7th ed. (Burr Ridge. ll: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007), D. Norton, "Plotting Success with Strategy Maps," Optimize, February 2004, article/showArticle.jhtml?articleld=l8200733 (accessed May 31, 2010); and R. S. Kaplan and D. P. Norton, "Having Trouble with Your Strategy? Then Map It," Harvard Business Review, September-October 2000, pp. 167-176.

Source: T. S. Bateman and S. A. Snell,

Fig. 4.3, p. 124. Adapted from R. Kaplan and

In a survey of 203 executives in companies of varying size, they identified the organizations as being of two types: measurement-managed and non-measurement­ managed. The measurement-managed companies were those in which senior man­ agement reportedly agreed on measurable criteria for determining strategic success, and management updated and reviewed semiannual perfor mance measures in three or more of six primary performance areas. The six areas were financial performance, operating efficiency, customer satisfaction, employee per­ formance, innovation/change, and community/environment.





The results: "A higher percentage of measurement-managed companies were identified as industry leaders," concluded Lingle and Schiemann, "as being finan­ cially in the top third of their industry, and as successfully managing their change effort." (The last indicator suggests that measurement-managed companies tend to anticipate the future and are likely to remain in a leadership position in a rapidly changing environment.) "Forget magic," they say. "Industry leaders we surveyed simply have a greater handle on the world around them."

Why Measurement-Managed Firms Succeed: Four Mechanisms of Success

W hy do measurement-managed companies outperform those that are

less disciplined? The study's data point to four mechanisms that contribute to these companies' success:27 Top executives agree on strategy.

Most top executives in management­

managed companies agreed on business strategy, whereas most of those in non-measurement-managed companies reported disagreement. Trans­ lating strategy into measurable objectives helps make them specific. Communication is clear. The clear message in turn is translated into good

communication, which was characteristic of measurement-managed orga­ nizations and not of non-measurement-managed ones. There is better focus and alignment.

Measurement-managed companies

reported more frequently that unit (division or department) performance measures were linked to strategic company measures and that individual performance measures were linked to unit measures. The organizational culture emphasizes teamwork and allows risk taking.

Managers in measurement-managed companies more frequently reported strong teamwork and cooperation among the management team and more willingness to take risks.

Four Barriers to Effective Measurement

The four most frequent barriers

to effective measurement, according to Lingle and Schiemann, are as follows: Objectives are fuzzy. Company objectives are often precise in the financial

and operational areas but not in areas of customer satisfaction, employee performance, and rate of change. Managers need to work at making "soft" objectives measurable. Managers put too much trust in informal feedback systems. Managers tend

to overrate feedback mechanisms such as customer complaints or sales-force criticisms about products. But these mechanisms aren't necessarily accurate. Employees resist new measurement systems. Employees want to see how

well measures work before they are willing to tie their financial futures to them. Measurement-managed companies tend to involve the workforce in developing measures. Companies focus too much on measuring activities instead of results. Too

much concern with measurement that is not tied to fine-tuning the orga­ nization or spurring it on to achieve results is wasted effort.

Are There Areas That Can't Be Measured?

It's clear that some areas are

easier to measure than others-manufacturing, for example, as opposed to ser­ vices. We can understand how it is easier to measure the output of, say, a worker in a steel mill than that of a bellhop in a hotel or a professor in a classroom. Never­ theless, human resource professionals are trying to have a greater focus on em­ ployee productivity "metrics."28 In establishing quantifiable goals for "hard to measure" jobs, managers should seek input from the employees involved, who are usually more familiar with the details of the jobs.


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major question

Financial performance is important to most organizations. What are the financial tools I need to know about? THE BIG PICTURE Financial controls are especially important. These include budgets, financial state­ ments, ratio analysis, and audits.

Do you check your credit card statement line by line when it comes in? Or do you

j ust look

at the bottom-line amount owed and write a check?

Just as you should monitor your personal finances to ensure your survival and avoid catastrophe, so managers need to do likewise with an organization's fi­ nances. Whether your organization is for-profit or nonprofit, you need to be sure that revenues are covering costs. There are a great many kinds of financial controls, but here let us look at the following: budgets, financial statements, ratio analysis, and audits. (

ecessarily this

is merely an overview of this topic. Financial controls are covered in detail in other business courses.)

Budgets: Formal Financial Projections A budget is

a formal financial projection.

It states an organization's planned activi­

ties for a given period of time in quantitative terms, such as dollars, hours, or number of products. Budgets are prepared not only for the organization as a whole but also for the divisions and departments within it. The point of a budget is to provide a yardstick against which managers can measure performance and make comparisons (as with other departments or previous years).

Incremental Budgeting

Managers can take essentially two budget-planning

approaches. One of them, :::era-based budgeting (ZBB), which forces each depart­ ment to start from zero in proj ecting funding needs, is no longer favored. The other approach, the traditional form of budget, which is mainly used now, is in­ cremental budgeting.

Incremental budgeting allocates increased or decreased funds to a department by using the last budget period as a reference point; only incremental changes in the budget request are reviewed. One difficulty is that incremental budgets tend

Passing fancy. The truck fleet represents a huge part of a beer distributor's capital expenditures budget. What types of data would be needed to justify expansion of this delivery system?





to lock departments into stable spending arrangements; they are not flexible in meeting environmental demands. Another difficulty is that a department may engage in many activities-some more important than others-but it's not easy to sort out how well managers performed at the various activities. Thus, the department activities and the yearly budget increases take on lives of their own.

Fixed versus Variable Budgets

There are numerous kinds of budgets, and

(See Table 16.1.) be categorized as two types: fixed and variable.

some examples are listed below. may

tab I e 16 .I

In general, however, budgets


Type of budget Cash or cashflow budget

Description Forecasts all sources of cash income and cash expenditures for daily, weekly, or monthly period.

Capital expenditures budget

Anticipates investments in major assets such as land, buildings, and major equipment.

Sales or revenue budget

Projects future sales, often by month, sales area, or product.

Expense budget

Projects expenses (costs) for given activity for given period.

Financial budget

Projects organization's source of cash and how it plans to spend it in the forthcoming period.

Operating budget

Projects what an organization will create in goods or services, what financial resources are needed, and what income is expected.

Nonmonetary budget

Deals with units other than dollars, such as hours of labor or office square footage.

Fixed budgets-where resources are allocated on a single estimate of costs. static budget, a fixed budget allocates resources on the basis of a single estimate of costs. That is, there is only one set of ex­ Also known as a

penses; the budget does not allow for adjustment over time. For example, you might have a budget of $50,000 for buying equipment in a given year-no matter how much you may need equipment exceeding that amount.

Variable budgets-where resources are varied in proportion with various levels of activity. Also known as a flexible budget, a variable budget allows the allocation of resources to vary in proportion with various levels of activity. That is, the budget can be adjusted over time to accommodate pertinent changes in the environment. For example, you might have a budget that allows you to hire temporary workers or lease temporary equipment if production exceeds certain levels.

Control & Quality Control Improvement




Financial Statements: Summarizing the Organization's Financial Status A financial


is a summary of some aspect of an organization's financial

status. The information contained in such a statement is essential in helping man­

agers maintain financial control over the organization. There are two basic types of financial statements: the balance sheet and the income statement.

The Balance Sheet: Picture of an Organization's Financial Worth for a Specific Point in Time


balance sheet

summarizes an organization's overall

financial worth-that is, assets and liabilities-at a specific point in time.

Assets are the resources that an organization controls; they consist of current assets and fixed assets. Current assets are cash and other assets that are readily convertible to cash within 1 year's time. Examples are inventory, sales for which payment has not been received (accounts receivable), and U.S. Treasury bills or money market mutual funds. Fixed assets are property, buildings, equipment, and the like that have a useful life that exceeds 1 year but that are usually harder to convert to cash. Liabilities are claims, or debts, by suppliers, lenders, and other nonowners of the organization against a company's assets.

The Income Statement: Picture of an Organization's Financial Results for a Specified Period of Time

The balance sheet depicts the organization's

overall financial worth at a specific point in time. By contrast, the income statement summarizes an organization's financial results-revenues and expenses-over a specified period of time, such as a quarter or a year.

Revenues are assets resulting from the sale of goods and services. Expenses are the costs required to produce those goods and services. The difference between revenues and expenses, called the bottom line, represents the profits or losses in­ curred over the specified period of time.

Ratio Analysis: Indicators of an Organization's Financial Health The bottom line may be the most important indicator of an organization's financial health, but it isn't the only one. Managers often use

ratio analysis-the

practice of evaluating financial ratios-to determine an organization's financial

health . Among the types of financial ratios are those used to calculate liquidity, debt management, asset management, and return. Liquidity ratios indicate how easily an organization's assets can be converted into cash (made liquid). Debt manage­ ment ratios indicate the degree to which an organization can meet its long-term financial obligations. Asset management ratios indicate how effectively an organization is managing its assets, such as whether it has obsolete or excess inventory on hand. Return ratios-often called return on investment (ROI) or return on assets (ROA)-indicate how effective management is in generating a return, or profits, on its assets.

Audits: External versus Internal When you think of auditors, do you think of grim-faced accountants looking through a company's books to catch embezzlers and other cheats? That's one function of auditing, but besides verifying the accuracy and fairness of financial





Accountants at the Academy Awards? No, these are the 2010 Oscar winners. Sandra Bullock was voted Best Actress for her role in The Blind Side, and Jeff Bridges was voted Best Actor for his role in Crazy Heart. But every year since 1929 the secret ballots for Oscar nominees voted on by members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have been tabulated by accountants from the firm now known as PricewaterhouseCoopers. The accounting firm takes this event very seriously; secrecy is tight, and there is no loose gossip around the office water cooler. Two accountants tally the votes, stuff the winners' names in the envelopes-the ones that will be handed to award presenters during the Academy Awards-and then memorize the winners' names, just in case the envelopes don't make it to the show. Accounting is an important business because investors depend on independent auditors to verify that a company's finances are what they are purported to be.

statements it also is intended to be a tool for management decision making. Audits are formal verifications of an organization's financial and operational

systems. Audits are of two types-external and internal.

External Audits-Financial Appraisals by Outside Financial Experts An external audit is a formal verification of an organization's financial accounts and

statements by outside experts. The auditors are certified public accountants (CPAs) who work for an accounting firm (such as PricewaterhouseCoopers) that is inde­ pendent of the organization being audited. Their task is to verify that the organi­ zation, in preparing its financial statements and in determining its assets and liabilities, followed generally accepted accounting principles.

Internal Audits-Financial Appraisals by Inside Financial Experts An intemal audit is a verification of an organization's financial accounts and state­ ments by the organization's own professional staff. Their jobs are the same as those of outside experts-to verify the accuracy of the organization's records and oper­ ating activities. Internal audits also help uncover inefficiencies and thus help managers evaluate the performance of their control systems.




Quality Control Improvement






major question

How do top companies improve the quality of their products or services? THE BIG PICTURE Total quality management (TQM) is dedicated to continuous quality improve­ ment, training, and customer satisfaction. Two core principles are people orienta­ tion and improvement orientation. Some techniques for improving quality are employee involvement, benchmarking, outsourcing, reduced cycle time, and statistical process control.

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co., LLC, a luxury chain of 70 hotels worldwide that is an independently operated division of Marriott International, puts a premium on doing things right. First-year managers and employees receive 250-310 hours of training. The president meet

each employee at a new hotel to ensure he or she

understands the Ritz-Carlton standards for service. The chain has also developed a database that records the preferences of more than I million customers, so that each hotel can anticipate guests' needs.29 Because of this diligence, the Ritz-Carlton has twice been the recipient (in 1992 and in 1999) of the Malcolm Baldrige

ational Quality Award. The

award was created by Congress in 1987 to be the most prestigious recognition of quality in the United States and is given annually to U.S. organizations in manufacturing, service, small business, health care, education, and nonprofit fields. 30 The Baldrige award is an outgrowth of the realization among U.S. managers in the early 1980s that three-fourths of Americans were telling survey takers that the label "Made in America" no longer represented excellence-that they consid­ ered products made overseas, especially Japan, equal or superior in quality to U.S.-made products. As we saw in Chapter 2, much of the impetus for quality improvements in Japanese products came from American consultants W Edward Deming and Joseph M. Juran, whose work led to the strategic commitment to quality known as total quality management.

Deming Management: The Contributions of W. Edwards Deming to Improved Quality Prior to the 1950s, Frederick Taylor's scientific management philos ophy, designed to maximize worker productivity, had been widely instituted. But by the 1950s, scientific management had led to organizations that were rigid and unresponsive to both employees and customers. W. Edwards Deming's challenge, known as Deming management, proposed

ideas for making organizations more responsive, more democratic, and less wasteful. These included the following principles:






"The con­

I. Quality Should Be Aimed at the Needs of the Consumer

sumer is the most important part of the production line," Deming wrote.31 Thus, the efforts of individual workers in providing the product or service should be directed toward meeting the needs and expectations of the ultimate user.

2. Companies Should Aim at Improving the System, Not Blaming Workers Deming suggested that U.S. managers were more concerned with blaming prob­ lems on individual workers rather than on the organization's structure, culture, technology, work rules, and management-that is, "the system." By treating employees well, listening to their views and suggestions, Deming felt, managers could bring about improvements in products and services.

3. Improved Quality Leads to Increased Market Share, Increased Company Prospects, & Increased Employment

When companies work to

improve the quality of goods and services, they produce less waste, fewer delays, and are more efficient. Lower prices and superior quality lead to greater market share, which in turn leads to improved business prospects and consequently increased employment.

4. Quality Can Be Improved on the Basis of Hard Data, Using the PDCA Cycle

Deming suggested that quality could be improved by acting on the basis

of hard data. The process for doing this came to be known as the PDCA cycle,

a plan-do-check-act cycle using observed data for continuous improvement of operations.

(See Figure 16. 7.)

PLAN desired and

figure 16.7

DO implement the

important changes,

change or make a


based on observed

small-scale test.


data. Make pilot

The four steps

test, if necessary.

continuously follow each other, resulting in continuous improvement.


ACT on lessons

CHECK or observe

learned, after study

what happened after

of results. Determine

the change or during

if predictions can be

the test.

made as basis for new methods. Source: From


Edwards Deming,

Out of the Crisis,

figure, page


"Plan Do Check

Act Cycle." Copyright© 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, by permission of MIT Press.

Control & Quality Control Improvement




Exam Initiating a Quality Fix: Crown Audio Redesigns Its Production Line to Eliminate Defective Products Crown Audio, maker of high-tech audio equipment,

close to a year of backlog that needed to be fixed and

found that the market requirements for more complex

repaired," he says. "Now we are talking in terms of

products were clashing with the need to produce those

hours of rework in front of us."32

products cheaply, putting pressure on manufacturing operations. Indeed, the number of defective products


requiring rework had become a $4 million headache.

A major part of the quality-improvement process at

The solution: Crown Audio completely shut down

Crown Audio was dealing with "employee engage­

its production so as not to generate any more rework,

ment," empowering production employees by provid­

and then analyzed and tested all the flawed products.

ing them with real-time data on which to base their

Components were apportioned into groups based on

decisions. Now different lines and shifts brag about

their common problems, and then examined for defect

their first-pass production successes to each other.

reduction strategies before being put back through

"Morale is everything in quality," Coburn says. "People

the production process.

want to do a good job, and we have to enable that."

This exercise, says operations vice president Larry

Do you think it's possible to raise employee

Coburn, also gave the company a pretty good handle

morale and improve manufacturing quality without

on the parts of the process that needed changing.

taking the drastic step of completely shutting down

"When we started, we had months and sometimes

production lines to analyze every operation?

Core TOM Principles: Deliver Customer Value & Strive for Continuous Improvement Total quality management (TQM) is defined as a comprehensive approach-led by top management and supported throughout the organization--dedicated to continu­ ous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction.

In Chapter 2 we said there are four components to TQM:


Make continuous improvement a priority.


Get every employee involved.


Listen to and learn from customers and employees.


Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems.

These may be summarized as two core principles of TQM-namely, (1) people orientation-everyone involved with the organization should focus on delivering value to customers-and (2) improvement orientation----everyone should work on continuously improving the work processes. 33 Let's look at these further.

I. People Orientation-Focusing Everyone on Delivering Customer Value Organizations adopting TQM value people as their most important resource­ both those who create a product or service and those who receive it . Thus, not only are employees given more decision-making power, so are suppliers and customers. This people orientation operates under the following assumptions. Delivering customer value is most important. The purpose of TQM is to

focus people, resources, and work processes to deliver products or services that create value for customers.





People will focus on quality if given empowerment.

TQM assumes that

employees (and often suppliers and customers) will concentrate on making quality improvements if given the decision-making power to do so. The reasoning here is that the people actually involved with the prod­ uct or service are in the best position to detect opportunities for quality improvements. TQM requires training, teamwork, and cross-functional efforts. Employees

and suppliers need to be well trained, and they must work in teams. Team­ work is considered important because many quality problems are spread across functional areas. For example, if cell-phone design specialists con­ ferred with marketing specialists (as well as customers and suppliers), they would find the real challenge of using a cell phone for older people is pushing II tiny buttons to call a phone number. Teams may be self-managed teams, as described in Chapter 13, with groups of workers given administrative oversight of activities such as planning, sched­ uling, monitoring, and staffing for their task domains. Sometimes, however, an organization needs a special-purpose team to meet to solve a special or onetime problem. The team then disbands after the problem is solved. These teams are

often cross-functional, drawing on members from different departments. American medicine, for instance, is moving toward a team-based approach for certain applications, involving multiple doctors as well as nurse practitioners and physician assistants.34

2. Improvement Orientation-Focusing Everyone on Continuously Improving Work Processes Americans seem to like big schemes, grand de­ signs, and crash programs. Although these approaches certainly have their place, the lesson of the quality movement from overseas is that the way to success is through continuous small improvements. Continuous improvement is defined as on­ going small, incremental improvements in all parts of an organization-all products,

services, functional areas, and work processes. 35 This improvement orientation has the following assumptions. It's less expensive to do it right the first time. TQM assumes that it's better

to do things right the first time than to do costly reworking. To be sure, there are many costs involved in creating quality products and services­ training, equipment, and tools, for example. But they are less than the costs of dealing with poor quality-those stemming from lost customers, junked materials, time spent reworking, and frequent inspection, for example.36 It's better to do small improvements all the time. This is the assumption

that continuous improvement must be an everyday matter, that no im­ provement is too small, that there must be an ongoing effort to make things better a little bit at a time, all the time. Accurate standards must be followed to eliminate small variations. TQM

emphasizes the collection of accurate data throughout every stage of the work process. It also stresses the use of accurate standards (such as bench­ marking, as we discuss) to evaluate progress and eliminate small varia­ tions, which are the source of many quality defects. There must be strong commitment from top management.


and suppliers won't focus on making small incremental improvements unless managers go beyond lip service to support high-quality work, as do the top managers at Ritz-Carlton,, and Ace Hardware.

Control & Quality Control Improvement




Continuous improvement. In the 1980s, building contractor Fred Carl found restaurant-style commercial stoves impractical for his own home kitchen, so he designed his own, then opened a manufacturing plant in Greenwood, Mississippi, under the name Viking Range Corporation. From Toyota, Viking borrowed Japanese manufacturing techniques grouped under the word kaizen, which translates into continuous improvement. Production is set up so that if there is a problem everyone on the line is instantly aware of it, and the problem is solved right on the plant floor-so that customers are continuously supplied with elegant yet dependable stoves like the one shown here.

Applying TOM to Services Manufacturing industries provide tangible products (think jars of baby food), service industries provide intangible products (think child care services). Manu­ factured products can be stored (such as dental floss in a warehouse); services generally need to be consumed immediately (such as dental hygiene services). Services tend to involve a good deal of people effort (although there is some automation, as with bank automated teller machines). Finally, services are generally provided at locations and times convenient for customers; that is, cus­ tomers are much more involved in the delivery of services than they are in the delivery of manufactured products.

Customer Satisfaction: A Matter of Perception?

Perhaps you're begin­

ning to see how judging the quality of services is a different animal from judging the quality of manufactured goods, because it comes down to meeting the cus­ tomer's

satisfaction, which may be a matter of perception. (After all, some hotel

guests, restaurant diners, and supermarket patrons, for example, are more easily satisfied than others.)

The RATER Scale

How, then, can we measure the quality of a delivered service?

For one, we can use the RATER scale, which enables customers to rate the quality

of a service along five dimensions-reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and re­ sponsh,eness (abbreviated RATER)---each on a scale from I (for very poor) to 10 (for very good)Y T he meanings of the R ATER dimensions are as follows: Reliability

ability to perform the desired service dependably, accurately,

and consistently. Assurance

employees' knowledge, courtesy, and ability to convey trust

and confidence. Tangibles

physical facilities, equipment, appearance of personnel .

Empathy-provision of caring, individualized attention to customers. Responsiveness-willingness to provide prompt service and help customers.





Practical Action What Makes a Service Company Successful? Four Core Elements With services now employing more than 75% of Ameri­

The employee management system-how are

can workers, universities are bringing more research

workers trained and motivated? Service com­

attention to what is being called "services science."

panies need to think about what makes their

This is a field that uses management, technology,

employees able to achieve excellence and what

mathematics, and engineering expertise to improve

makes them reasonably motivated to achieve

the performance of service businesses, such as retail­

excellence. For instance, bank customers may expect employees to meet a lot of complex needs,

ing and health care.38

but the employees aren't able to meet these

Harvard Business School scholar Frances X. Frei has determined that a successful service business

needs because they haven't been trained. Or they

must make the right decisions about four core ele­

aren't motivated to achieve excellence because the bank hasn't figured out how to screen in its

ments and balance them effectively:39 •

hiring, as in hiring people for attitude first and

The offering-which features are given top­

training them later versus paying more to attract

quality treatment? Which service attributes,

highly motivated people.

as informed by the needs of customers, does the company target for excellence and which does it target for inferior performance? Does a bank, for

The customer management system-how are customers "trained"? Like employees, cus­

example, offer more convenient hours and friend­

tomers in a service business must also be

lier tellers (excellence) but pay less attractive

"trained" as well, as the airlines have done with

interest rates (inferior performance)?

check-in. At Zipcar; the popular car-sharing service,

The funding mechanism-who pays for the service? How should the company fund its services? Should it have the customer pay for them? This can be done either in a palatable way, as when Starbucks funds its stuffed-chair ambi­ ence by charging more for coffee, or in making savings in service features, as when Progressive Casualty Insurance cuts down on frauds and law­

the company keeps its costs low by depending on customers to clean, refuel, and return cars in time for the next user. In training customers, service companies need to determine which customers they're focusing on, what behaviors they want, and which techniques will most effectively influence customer behavior.

suits by deploying its own representatives to the

Your Call

scene of an auto accident. Or should the company

Pick a services company you're familiar with, such as

cover the cost of excellence with operational sav­

Domino's Pizza, Starbucks, Amazon, REI, or the college

ings, as by spending now to save later or having

bookstore. In integrating the four core features just

the customer do the work? Call centers usually

discussed, a service company needs to determine

charge for customer support, but Intuit offers free

whether the decisions it makes in one area are sup­

support and has product-development people, as

ported by those made in the other areas; whether the

well as customer-service people, field calls so that

service model creates long-term value for customers,

subsequent developments in Intuit software are

employees, and shareholders; and whether the com­

informed by direct knowledge of customer prob­

pany is trying to be all things to all people or specific

lems. Other companies, such as gas stations, save

things to specific people. How do you think the com­

money by having customers pump their own gas.

pany you picked rates?

Some TOM Tools & Techniques Several tools and techniques are available for improving quality. Here we describe benchmarking, outsourcing, reduced cycle time, ISO 9000 and /SO 14000, statistical process control, and Six Sigma.

Control & Quality Control Improvement




Benchmarking: Learning from the Best Performers

We discussed

benchmarking briefly in Chapter I 0. As we stated there, benchmarking is a pro­ cess by which a company compares its performance with the best practices of high-performing organizations. For example, at Xerox Corp., generally thought to be the first American company to use benchmarking, it is defined as, in one description, "the continuous process of measuring products, services, and prac­ tices against the toughest competitors or those companies recognized as indus­ try leaders. "40

Exam Searching for 11Best Practices": What Kind of Newspaper Ads Work Best? Benchmarking is a search for "best practices" that can

one-at-a-time experiments can take a long time and

be applied to one's own business. Southwest Airlines,

miss instances involving multiple factors.

for instance, studied auto-racing pit crews to learn

Testing Numerous Variables. OuaiPro tested nu­

how to reduce the turnaround time of its aircraft at

merous variables at the same time-for example, half­

each scheduled stop. Toyota managers got the idea for

page versus full-page ads, or color ads versus black

just-in-time inventory deliveries by looking at how U.S.

and white-to see the effect on dealer sales. "Some

supermarkets replenish their shelves.

surprises popped out/' says an account of the experi­

Looking Far Afield. Sometimes companies go far

ment. "A full-page ad was no more effective than a

afield in their search for best practices that might ben­

half-page one. T he addition of color-a considerable

efit them. OuaiPro Inc. of Knoxville, Tennessee, was

expense-did not generate any extra sales."41

able to use multivariable testing (MVT), a statistical technique that originated during World War II when


the British were seeking ways to shoot down German

Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton, authors of a book

bombers more effectively, to help AutoNation, a con­

on evidence-based management, worry that managers

glomeration of car dealers, test what combination of up

use benchmarking too casually ("GE does it? We should

to 30 factors made for more effective newspaper ads.

too!").42 Are you aware of any instances in which a

Typically scientific experiments try to test one variable

company simply picked up or copied a practice that

at a time while keeping all other factors constant. But

turned out not to be useful?

Outsourcing: Let Outsiders Handle It

Outsourcing (discussed in detail in

Chapter 4) is the subcontracting of services and operations to an outside vendor. Usually this is done because the subcontractor vendor can do the job better or cheaper. Or, stated another way, when the services and operations are done in­ house, they are not done as efficiently or are keeping personnel from doing more important things. For example, despite its former (2004-2009) well-known advertising cam­ paign, "An American Revolution," Chevrolet outsources the engine for its Chevrolet Equinox to China, where it found it could get high-quality engines built at lower cost.43 And when IBM and other companies outsource components inex­ pensively for new integrated software systems, says one researcher, offshore pro­ grammers make information technology affordable to small and medium-size businesses and others who haven't yet joined the productivity boom.44 Outsourcing is also being done by many state and local governments, which, under the banner known as privatization, have subcontracted tradi­ tional government services such as fire protection, correctional services, and medical services.





Reduced Cycle T ime: Increasing the Speed of Work Processes


TQM technique is the emphasis on increasing the speed with which an organiza­ tion's operations and processes can be performed. This is known as reduced cycle time, or reduction in steps in a work process, such as fewer authorization steps re­ quired to grant a contract to a supplier. The point is to improve the organization's performance by eliminating wasteful motions, barriers between departments, unnecessary procedural steps, and the like.

ISO 9000 & ISO 14000: Mee ting Standards of Inde pende nt Auditors If you're a sales representative for DuPont, the American chemi­ cal company, how will your overseas clients know that your products have the quality they are expecting? If you're a purchasing agent for an Ohio-based tire company, how can you tell if the synthetic rubber you're buying overseas is adequate? At one time, buyers and sellers simply had to rely on a supplier's past reputa­ tion or personal assurances. In 1979, the International Organization for Standard­ ization (ISO), based in Geneva, Switzerland, created a set of quality standards known as the 9000 series-"a kind of Good Housekeeping seal of approval for global business," in one description.45 There are two such standards:

ISO 9000.

The ISO 9000 series consists of quality-control procedures

companies must install-from purchasing to manufacturing to inventory to shipping-that can be audited by independent quality-control experts, or "registrars." The goal is to reduce flaws in manufacturing and improve

productivity. Companies must document the procedures and train their employees to use them. For instance, DocBase Direct is a Web-delivered document and forms-management system that helps companies comply with key ISO management standards, such as traceable changes and easy reporting. The ISO 9000 designation is now recognized by more than I 00 coun­ tries around the world, and a quarter of the corporations around the globe insist that suppliers have ISO 9000 certification. "You close


expensive doors if you're not certified," says Bill Ekeler, general manager of Overland Products, a Nebraska tool-and-die-stamping firm.46 In addi­ tion, because the ISO process forced him to analyze his company from the top down, Ekeler found ways to streamline manufacturing processes that improved his bottom line.

ISO 14000. The ISO 14000 series extends the concept, identifying stan­ dards for environmental performance. ISO 14000 dictates standards for

documenting a company's management of pollution, efficient use of raw materials, and reduction of the firm's impact on the environment.

Statistical Process Control: Taking Periodic Random Samples

As the

pages of this book were being printed, every now and then a press person would pull a few pages out of the press run and inspect them (under a bright light) to see that the consistency of the color and quality of the ink were holding up. This is an ongoing human visual check for quality control. All kinds of products require periodic inspection during their manufacture: hamburger meat, breakfast cereal, flashlight batteries, wine, and so on. The tool often used for this is statistical process control, a statistical technique that uses periodic random samples from production runs to see if quality is being maintained within a standard range of acceptability. If quality is not acceptable, production is

stopped to allow corrective measures.

Control & Quality Control Improvement




Statistical process control is the technique that McDonald's uses, for example, to make sure that the quality of its burgers is always the same, no matter where in the world they are served. Companies such as Intel and Motorola use statistical process control to ensure the reliability and quality of their products.

Six Sigma & Lean Six Sigma: Data-Driven Ways to Eliminate Defects


biggest problem with the management technique known as Six Sigma is this: It sounds too good to be true," says a Fortune writer. "How would your company like a 20% increase in profit margins within one year, followed by profitability over the long-term that is ten times what you're seeing now? How about a 4% (or greater) annual gain in market share?"47 What is this name, Six Sigma (which is probably Greek to you), and is it a path to management paradise? The name comes from sigma, the Greek letter that statisticians use to define a standard deviation. The higher the sigma , the fewer the deviations from the norm-that is, the fewer the defects. Developed by Mo­ torola in 1985, Six Sigma has since been embraced by General Electric, Allied Signal, American Express, and other companies. There are two variations, Six

Sigma and lean Six Sigma. Six Sigma. Six Sigma is a rigorous statistical analysis process that reduces defects in manufacturing and service-related processes. By testing thou­

sands of variables and eliminating guesswork, a company using the tech­ nique attempts to improve quality and reduce waste to the point where errors nearly vanish. In everything from product design to manufacturing to billing, the attainment of Six Sigma means there are no more than 3.4 defects per million products or procedures. "Six Sigma gets people away from thinking that 96% is good, to thinking that 40,000 failures per million is bad," says a vice president of consulting firm A. T. Kearney.48 Six Sigma means being 99.9997% perfect. By contrast, Three Sigma or Four Sigma means settling for 99% perfect­ the equivalent of no electricity for 7 hours each month, two short or long landings per day at each major airport, or 5,000 incorrect surgical opera­ tions per week.49 Six Sigma may also be thought of as a philosophy-to reduce varia­ tion in your company's business and make customer-focused, data-driven decisions. The method preaches the use of Define, Measure, Analyze, Im­ prove, and Control (DMAIC). Team leaders may be awarded a Six Sigma "black belt" for applying DMAIC. Lean Six Sigma. More recently, companies are using an approach known

as lean Six Sigma, which focuses on problem solving and performance improvement-speed with excellenc e-o f a well-defined project.50

Xerox Corp., for example, has focused on getting new products to customers faster, which has meant taking steps out of the design process without loss of quality. A high-end, $200,000 machine that can print 100 pages a minute traditionally has taken three to five cycles of design; re­ moving just one of those cycles can shave up to a year off time to mar­ ket.51 The grocery chain Albertsons Inc. announced in 2004 that it was going to launch Six Sigma training to reduce customer dissatisfaction and waste to the lowest level possible. 52 Six Sigma and lean Six Sigma may not be perfect, since they cannot compensate for human error or control events outside a company. Still, they let managers ap­ proach problems with the assumption that there's a data-oriented, tangible way to approach problem solving. 53








What are the keys to successful control, and what are the barriers to control success?

maJor question

THE BIG PICTURE This section describes four keys to successful control and live barriers to success­ ful control.

How do you as a manager make a control system successful, and how do you identify and deal with barriers to control? We consider these topics next. 54

The Keys to Successful Control Systems Successful control systems have a number of common characteristics: (I) They are strategic and results-oriented. (2) They are timely, accurate, and objective. (3) They are realistic, positive, and understandable and they encourage self-control .

(4) They are flexible.55 I. They Are Strategic & Results-Oriented

Control systems support strategic

plans and are concentrated on significant activities that will make a real difference to the organization. Thus, when managers are developing strategic plans for achieving strategic goals, that is the point at which they should pay attention to developing control standards that will measure how well the plans are being achieved. Example: Global warming is now shifting the climate on a continental scale, changing the life cycle of animals and plants, scientists say, and surveys show more Americans feel guilty for not living greener. 56 A growing number of companies are discovering that embracing environmental safe practices is pay­ ing off in savings of hundreds of millions of dollars. Thus, Sun Microsystems, the technology company, is aiming to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by

20% by 2012 through a range of practices, such as using energy-saving technol­ ogy in its computer chips or allowing thousands of its 18,000 employees to work at home. 57

Doing good. Created by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of Seattle is the largest private foundation in the world. It aims to reduce poverty and enhance health care throughout the world and to expand educational opportunities in the United States. The way it seeks to apply business techniques to giving makes it a leader in global philanthropy.

Control & Quality Control Improvement




2. They Are Timely, Accurate, & Objective

Good control systems-like

good information of any kind-should ...

Be timely-meaning when needed. The information should not necessarily be delivered quickly, but it should be delivered at an appropriate or spe­ cific time, such as every week or every month.And it certainly should be often enough to allow employees and managers to take corrective action for any deviations.

Be accurate--meaning correct. Accuracy is paramount, if decision mis­ takes are to be avoided. Inaccurate sales figures may lead managers to mistakenly cut or increase sales promotion budgets. Inaccurate produc­ tion costs may lead to faulty pricing of a product.

Be obj ective--meaning impartial. Objectivity means control systems are impartial and fair. Although information can be inaccurate for all kinds of reasons (faulty communication, unknown data, and so on), informa­ tion that is not objective is inaccurate for a special reason: It is biased or prejudiced.Control systems need to be considered unbiased for everyone involved so that they will be respected for their fundamental purpose­ enhancing performance.

3. They Are Realistic, Positive, & Understandable & Encourage Self­ Control

Control systems have to focus on working for the people who will have

to live with them.Thus, they operate best when they are made acceptable to the organization's members who are guided by them. Thus, they should ...

Be realistic. They should incorporate realistic expectations. If employees feel performance results are too difficult, they are apt to ignore or sabo­ tage the performance system.

Be positive. They should emphasize development and improvement.They should avoid emphasizing punishment and reprimand.

Be understandable. They should fit the people involved, be kept as simple as possible, and present data in understandable terms.They should avoid complicated computer printouts and statistics.

Encourage self-control. They should encourage good communication and mutual participation .They should not be the basis for creating distrust between employees and managers.

4. They Are Flexible

Control systems must leave room for individual judg­

ment, so that they can be modified when necessary to meet new requirements.

Barriers to Control Success Among the several barriers to a successful control system are the following:58

I. Too Much Control

Some organizations, particularly bureaucratic ones, try

to exert too much control. They may try to regulate employee behavior in every­ thing from dress code to timing of coffee breaks. Allowing employees too little discretion for analysis and interpretation may lead to employee frustration­ particularly among professionals, such as college professors and medical doc­ tors. Their frustration may lead them to ignore or try to sabotage the control process.





2. Too Little Employee Participation

As highlighted by W. Edwards Dem­

ing, discussed elsewhere in the book (Chapter 2), employee participation can enhance productivity. Involving employees in both the planning and execution of control systems can bring legitimacy to the process and heighten employee morale.

3. Overemphasis on Means Instead of Ends

We said that control activities

should be strategic and results-oriented. They are not ends in themselves but the means to eliminating problems. Too much emphasis on accountability for weekly production quotas, for example, can lead production supervisors to push their workers and equipment too hard, resulting in absenteeism and machine break­ downs. Or it can lead to game playing-"beating the system"-as managers and employees manipulate data to seem to fulfill short-run goals instead of the orga­ nization's strategic plan.

4. Overemphasis on Paperwork

A specific kind of misdirection of effort is

management emphasis on getting reports done, to the exclusion of other perfor­ mance activity. Reports are not the be-all and end-all. Undue emphasis on reports can lead to too much focus on quantification of results and even to falsification of data. Example: A research laboratory decided to use the number of patents the lab obtained as a measure of its effectiveness. The result was an increase in patents filed but a decrease in the number of successful research projects. 59

5. Overemphasis on One Instead of Multiple Approaches

One control

may not be enough. By having multiple control activities and information systems, an organization can have multiple performance indi­

Temptation. Because legal

cators, thereby increasing accu­

gambling is a heavy cash

racy and objectivity.

business, casinos need to institute special controls

Example: An obvious stra­

against employee theft. One

tegic goal for gambling casinos

of them is the "eye in the sky"

is to prevent employee theft of

over card and craps tables.

the cash flowing through their hands. Thus, casinos control card dealers by three means. First, they require they have a dealer's license before they are hired. Second, they put them under constant scrutiny, using direct supervision by on-site pit bosses as well as observation by closed-circuit TV cameras and through overhead one-way mir­ rors. Third, they require detailed reports at the end of each shift so that transfer of cash and cash equivalents (such as gambling chips) can be audited.60


Control & Quality Control Improvement






Major Question

What are eight keys to personal managerial success? THE BIG PICTURE As we end the book, this section describes some life lessons to take away.

We have come to the end of the book, our last chance to offer some suggestions to take with you that we hope will benefit you in the coming years. Following are some life lessons pulled from various sources that can make you a "keeper" in an organization and help you be successful. Find your passion and follow it.

"The mission matters," writes Gary

Hamel, cofounder of the Management Innovation Lab. "People change for what they care about." Employees aren't motivated much by the no­ tion of "increasing shareholder value" (or if they are, the result may be an environment in which greed overwhelms higher-minded goals). Says Hamel, "A company must forever be on the way to becoming something more than it is right now."61 And the same should apply to you. Find something you love to do, and do it vigorously. Encourage self-discovery, and be realistic. To slay ahead of the pack, you need to develop self-awareness, have an active mind, and be willing to grow and change. Here's a life lesson: "Be brutally honest with yourself about what you know, and ask what skills you need to take the next step." This includes not just the tools of your trade

finance, technology, and so

on-but most importantly, people skills. Every situation is different, so be flexible.

No principle, no theory will

apply under all circumstances. Industries, cultures, supervisors, customers will vary. If you're the new kid in a new job, for instance, you should know that "culture is critical," suggests Angeli R . Rasbury in Black Enterprise. A life lesson: "Before you can begin to set goals, know the organization in which you're working. Learn how employees conduct business and view success, and how the company rewards achievement . An organization's culture defines its management and business guidelines."62 Another life lesson: "Remove 'It's not my job' from your vocabulary." Fine-tune your people skills.

The workplace is not an area where lone

individuals make their silent contributions. Today we live and work in a team universe. If, as is the case with Whole Foods Market, getting and keeping a job depends on the reviews of your peers, with teammates vot­ ing on your fate, you can see that communication skills become ever more important. Recommendation: Get feedback on your interpersonal skills and develop a plan for improvement. Learn how to develop leadership skills. Every company should invest in the leadership development of its managers if it is to improve the quality of its future leaders. But you can also work to develop your own leadership skills. An example and a life lesson: "Leaders who wait for bad news to come to them are taking a major risk, so learn to seek it out-as by encouraging em­ ployees to bring you news of potential problems and thanking them for it, not punishing them for their candor."63 You can also pick up news about problems, potential and actual, by practicing "management by wandering





around." Another life Jesson: "If you set the bar high, even if you don't reach it, you end up in a pretty good place-that is, achieving a pretty high mark."

Treat people as if they matter, because they do. If you treat employees and customers with dignity, they respond accordingly. The highly successful on­ line shoe retailer Zappos, for instance, "is fanatical about great service," says the writer of a Harvard Business Publishing online blog, "not just satis­ fying customers, but amazing them," as in promising delivery in 4 days and delivering in 1. How? It's all in the hiring, which Zappos does with great intensity. After four weeks' training, new call-center employees are offered

$1,000 on top of what they have earned to that point if they want to quit­ the theory being that people who take the money "obviously don't have the commitment" that Zappos requires of its employees. (About 10% of the trainees take the offer.)64 The life lesson: "Companies don't engage emotion­ ally with their customers-people do. If you want to create a memorable company, you have to fill your company with memorable people."

Draw employees and peers into your management process. The old top­ down, command-and-control model of organization is moving toward a flattened, networked kind of structure. Managers now work more often with peers, where lines of authority aren't always clear or don't exist, so that one's persuasive powers become key. Power has devolved to front-line employees who are closest to the customer and to small, focused, self­ managed teams that have latitude to pursue new ideas. The life lesson: "The best organizations will be those whose employees have the power to innovate, not just follow orders from on high."

Be flexible, keep your cool, and take yourself lightly. Things aren't always going to work out your way, so flexibility is important. In addition, the more unflappable you appear in difficult circumstances, the more you'll be admired by your bosses and co-workers. Having a sense of humor helps, since there are enough people spreading gloom and doom in the workplace. Life lesson: "When you're less emotional, you're better able to assess a crisis and develop a workable solution." We wish you the very best of luck. And we mean it!

Angelo Kinicki Brian K. Williams

Key Terms Used in This Chapter audits S2S

external audit S2S

ratio analysis S24

balance sheet S24

financial statement S24

reduced cycle time S33

balanced scorecard Sl7

fixed budget S23

Six Sigma S34

budget S22

income statement S24

special-purpose team S29

bureaucratic control Sl6

incremental budgeting S22

statistical process control S33

continuous improvement S29

internal audit S2S

strategic control SIS

control process steps Sl2

ISO 9000 series S33

strategy map Sl9

control standard Sl2

ISO 14000 series S33

tactical control SIS

controlling SIO

lean Six Sigma S34

decentralized control Sl6

management by exception Sl3

total quality management . (TOM) S28

Deming management S26

operational control SIS

two core principles of


variable budget S23

enterprise resource planning

(ERP) S09

cycle S27


RATER scale S30

Control & Quality Control Improvement




Summary management at which they operate,

16.1 Managing for Productivity A manager has to deal with seven

(2) the areas they can draw on for resources,

challenges-managing for competitive

and (3) the style of control philosophy. There are three levels of control,

advantage, diversity, globalization, information technology, ethical standards,

corresponding to the three principal

sustainability, and his or her own

managerial levels.

happiness and life goals. The manager

done by top managers, is monitoring

must make decisions about the four

performance to ensure that strategic

(1) Strategic control,

management functions-planning,

plans are being implemented.

organizing, leading, and controlling-to

control, done by middle managers, is

get people to achieve productivity and

monitoring performance to ensure that

realize results.

tactical plans are being implemented.

Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified

(2) Tactical

(3) Operational control, done by first-level or supervisory managers, is monitoring

period of time. Productivity is important

performance to ensure that day-to-day

because it determines whether the

goals are being implemented.

organization will make a profit or even survive. Much of productivity growth is

Most organizations have six areas that they can draw on for resources.

thought to result from the implementation

(1) The physical area includes buildings,

of information technology, including

equipment, and tangible products; these

enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

use equipment control, inventory­

Productivity depends on control.

management control, and quality controls.

(2) The human resources area uses 16.2 Control: When Managers Monitor Performance Controlling is defined as monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed. There are six reasons why control is needed:

(1) to adapt to change and uncertainty; (2) to discover irregularities and errors; (3) to reduce costs, increase productivity, or add value; (4) to detect opportunities; (5) to deal with complexity; and (6) to decentralize decision making and There are four control process steps.

(1) The first step is to set standards.

informational area uses production schedules, sales forecasts, environmental impact statements, and the like to monitor the organization's various resources.

(4) The financial area uses various kinds of financial controls, as we discuss in Section

16.5. (5) The structural area uses

hierarchical or other arrangements such as bureaucratic control, which is and formal authority to guide performance, or decentralized control, which is characterized by informal and

A control standard is the desired

(2) The

second step is to measure performance, based on written reports, oral reports, and personal observation. (3) The third step is to compare measured performance against the standards established.

tests, employee surveys, and the like as controls to monitor people. (3) The

characterized by use of rules, regulations,

facilitate teamwork.

performance level for a given goal.

personality tests, drug tests, performance

(4) The fourth

step is to take corrective action, if necessary, if there is negative performance.

organic structural arrangements.

(6) The

cultural area influences the work process and levels of performance through the set of norms that develop as a result of the values and beliefs that constitute an organization's culture.

16.4 The Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Maps, & Measurement Management To establish standards, managers often use

16.3 Levels & Areas of Control


the balanced scorecard, which provides a

In applying the steps and types of control,

fast but comprehensive view of the

managers need to consider

organization via four indicators:



(1) the level of


(1) financial measures, (2) customer

status. One type, the balance sheet,

satisfaction, (3) internal processes, and

summarizes an organization's overall

(4) innovation and improvement activities.

financial worth-assets and liabilities­ at a specific point in time. The other type,

The strategy map, a visual representation of the four perspectives

the income statement, summarizes an

of the balanced scorecard-financial,

organization's financial results-revenues

customer, internal business, and

and expenses-over a specified period

innovation and learning-enables

of time.

managers to communicate their goals

Ratio analysis is the practice of

so that everyone in the company can

evaluating financial ratios. Managers

understand how their jobs are linked to

may use this tool to determine an

the overall objectives of the organization.

organization's financial health, such as

Measurement-managed companies use measurable criteria for determining strategic success, and management

liquidity ratios, debt management ratios, or return ratios. Audits are formal verifications of an

updates and reviews three or more of

organization's financial and operational

six primary performance areas: financial

systems. Audits are of two types. An

performance, operating efficiency,

external audit is formal verification of an

customer satisfaction, employee

organization's financial accounts and

performance, innovation/change, and

statements by outside experts. An internal

community/environment. Four mechanisms

audit is a verification of an organization's

that contribute to the success of such

financial accounts and statements by the

companies are top executives agree on

organization's own professional staff.

strategy, communication is clear, there is better focus and alignment, and the

16.6 Total

organizational culture emphasizes

Much of the impetus for quality

teamwork and allows risk taking. Four

improvement came from W. Edwards

barriers to effective measurement are

Deming, whose philosophy, known as

Quality Management

objectives are fuzzy, managers put too

Deming management, proposed ideas for

much trust in informal feedback systems,

making organizations more responsive,

employees resist new management

more democratic, and less wasteful.

systems, and companies focus too much

Among the principles of Deming

on measuring activities instead of results. Some areas are difficult to measure, such as those in service industries.

management are (1) quality should be aimed at the needs of the consumer;

(2) companies should aim at improving the system, not blaming workers; (3) improved


Some Financial Tools for Control

quality leads to increased market share,

Financial controls include (1) budgets,

increased company prospects, and

(2) financial statements, (3) ratio analysis, and (4) audits.

be improved on the basis of hard data,

A budget is a formal financial projection. The most important budget­ planning approach is incremental budgeting, which allocates increased or

increased employment; and (4) quality can using the PDCA, or plan-do-check-act, cycle. Total quality management (TOM) is defined as a comprehensive approach­

decreased funds to a department by using

led by top management and supported

the last budget period as a reference

throughout the organization-dedicated

point; only incremental changes in the

to continuous quality improvement,

budget request are reviewed. Budgets are

training, and customer satisfaction. The

either fixed, which allocate resources on

two core principles of TOM are people

the basis of a single estimate of costs, or

orientation and improvement orientation.

variable, which allow resource allocation to vary in proportion with various levels of activity.

In the people orientation, everyone involved with the organization is asked to focus on delivering value to customers,

A financial statement is a summary of some aspect of an organization's financial

focusing on quality. TOM requires training, teamwork, and cross-functional efforts.

Control & Quality Control Improvement




Fourth, executives need to directly participate in improvement projects not just "support" them.... By observing the successes and failures of improve­ ment programs firsthand, rather than relying on someone else's interpretation, executives can make more accurate assessments as to which ones are worth continuing.

3. Which of the three levels of control were miss­ ing from these process-improvement initiatives? Provide examples to support your conclusions.

4. Thinking back to what you learned about teams (Chapter 13) and organizational change (Chap­ ter 10), what would you have done differently if you were leading these process-improvement initiatives? Explain.

For Discussion

1. What are the key reasons the Six Sigma initia­ tives failed at this aerospace firm? Explain.

2. How can the balanced scorecard and strategy mapping process be used to increase the success of Six Sigma initiatives? Discuss.

5. What are the most important takeaways from this case? Explain your rationale. Source: Excerpted from Saty a S. Chakravorty, "Where Process-Improvement Projects Go Wrong," The Wall Street

Journal, January 25, 2010, p. R6.

Self-Assessment Do You Have Good Time-Management Skills?

8. I feel resentful when someone reminds me I haven't finished my work .


9. I have difficulty deciding how to use my time.

1. To determine how productive you are. 2. To discuss what time-management skills need

10. I generally put off semester projects until the week before they're due.


Interpretation Count the number of "No" responses. Your time­

Introduction As we learned in this chapter, productivity is important to companies because it determines their profitability. For managers, productivity depends on effective time management, a skill involving planning and self-discipline that should be per­

management skills may be characterized as follows:

9-10: Excellent 8-9: Good, but they could be improved in mmor ways

fected in college.The purpose of this exercise is to

6-8: Somewhat inadequate; you could benefit

evaluate your time-management skills.

from training

4-6: Poor; you definitely need training. 4 or less: Emergency! You know little about

Instructions Read each question, and answer each one "Yes" or

time management and need to pay immediate

"No." Answer not as you feel you should but rather

attention here

as you feel you would if you were being completely truthful.

Questions for Discussion 1. Were you surprised by the results? Why or why

1. I have a hard time saying "no."


2. I sometimes postpone a task so long that I 'm embarrassed to do it.

2. Many statements in the assessment represent pro­ crastination, with good intentions being eclipsed

3. I feel like I 'm always in a hurry.

by excuses and bad time management. Do you

4. I feel guilty when I play or goof off instead of

frequently procrastinate? 3. What are some ways you could improve your


5. I tend to make excuses when I don't finish my

time-management skills? Discuss.

work. 6. I often feel like I have too much to do.

7. I work better under pressure.



Source: .com © Thomas Harriot College of Arts & Sciences, Advising Center, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.



Is Corporate Monitoring of Employee Behavior Outside of Work Going Too Far? Attempting to cut health care costs and increase productivity, companies are increasingly trying to get employees to lose weight, stop smoking, and ex­ ercise. For example, Incentive Logic Inc. in Arizona "keeps track of points employees earn for every­ thing from walking to passing health screenings and it lets employees redeem their points for iPods, plasma TVs or other items they want from its 3 million­

What types of employee behavior outside of work should organizations monitor and reward/ punish?

Solving the Dilemma I. Organizations should stay out of our personal

lives. If we want to overeat or smoke, that is our choice. Organizations should not be allowed to monitor weight and smoking behavior. 2. Organizations should monitor employees' weight

and smoking behavior and reward/punish accord­

item catalog." F urther, some companies claim that health care

ingly. After all, overweight people and smokers

costs are higher for smokers and overweight em­

cost employers more in terms of health insurance

ployees than they are for nonsmokers and nonover­

and it's only fair that people pay for these in­

weight people. "In response to these higher costs,

creased costs in one way or another.

more employers are instituting bans on hiring

3. I'm okay with rewarding/punishing people who

smokers, even if they only smoke during off-duty

are overweight and smoke, but that is it. Organiza­

hours, and/or are charging more for health insur­

tions have no business tracking how much I drink

ance to smokers, overweight workers, and other

and what type of sports or social activities I enjoy.

categories of employees."

If I want to go skydiving, it's my business, not the

Right now, organizations are targeting and monitoring smokers and overweight employees, but other groups might be next. "Other groups that may be subject to such 'lifestyle' regulations include people with hypertension or high serum cholesterol levels, social drinkers, and sports enthusiasts."

company's. 4. Invent other options. Sources: Jane Larson, "Firm's Reward Program Gets Employees Moving,"

The Arizona Republic, May 24, 2008, p. DS; and Training, April 2008, p. 11.

"Off-Duty but on Your Mind,"

Control & Quality Control Improvement





The Project Planner's Toolkit Flowcharts, Gantt Charts, & Break-Even Analysis


major question

How can you use planning tools to enhance your performance and achieve utmost success? THE BIG PICTURE Three tools used in project planning, which was covered in Chapter 5, are flow­ charts, Gantt charts, and break-even analysis.

Project planning may begin (in the definition stage) as a back-of-the-envelope kind of process, but the client will expect a good deal more for the time and money being invested. Fortunately, there are various planning and monitoring tools that give the planning and execution of projects more precision. Three tools in the planner's tool-kit are (I) f lowcharts, (2) Gantt charts, and break­ even analysis.

Tool #I: Flowcharts-for Showing Event Sequences & Alternate Decision Scenarios A flowchart is a useful graphical tool for representing the sequence of events re­ quired to complete a project and for laying out "what-if" scenarios. Flowcharts have

been used for decades by computer programmers and systems analysts to make a graphical "road map," as it were, of the flow of tasks required. These profession­ als use their own special symbols (indicating "input/output," "magnetic disk," and the like), but there is no need for you to make the process complicated. Generally, only three symbols are needed: (1) an oval for the beginning and end, (2) a box for a major activity, and (3) a diamond for a yes or no decision.

next page.)

(See Figure A.l,

Computer programs such as Micrographix's ABC Flow Charter are available for constructing flowcharts. You can also use the drawing program in word pro­ cessing programs such as Microsoft Word.




The Project Planner's Toolkit



Update old -







Compare prices per

1,000 people reached



print ad






Stop Yes


Find ad agency to do ad

Find new ad agency to


do ad


Meet with


agency to


give info

about ad

Approve final

work &


make changes

ad & launch


rollout of ad




Example of a flowchart for improving a company's advertising


Flowcharts have two benefits:

Planning straightforward activities. A flowchart can be quite helpful for planning ordinary activities-figuring out the best way to buy textbooks or a car, for example. It is also a straightforward way of indicating the sequence of events in, say, thinking out a new enterprise that you would then turn into a business plan.

The Project Planner's Toolkit




Depicting alternate scenarios.

A flowchart is also useful for laying out

"what-if " scenarios-as in if you answer "yes" to a decision question you should follow Plan A, if you answer "no" you should follow Plan B. Limitations

Flowcharts have two limitations:

No time indication.

They don't show the amounts of time required to

accomplish the various activities in a project. In building a house, the foundation might take only a couple of days, but the rough carpentry might take weeks. These time differences can't be represented graphically on a flowchart (although you could make a notation). Not good for complex projects. They aren't useful for showing projects

consisting of several activities that must all be worked on at the same time. An example would be getting ready for football season's opening game, by which time the players have to be trained, the field readied, the programs printed, the band rehearsed, the ticket sellers recruited, and so on. These separate activities might each be represented on their own flow­ charts, of course. But to try to express them all together all at once would produce a flowchart that would be unwieldy, even unworkable.

Tool #2: Gantt Charts-Visual Time Schedules for Work Tasks We have mentioned how important deadlines are to making a project happen. Unlike a flowchart, a Gantt chart can graphically indicate deadlines. The Gantt chart was developed by Henry L. Gantt, a member of the school of scientific management (discussed in Chapter 2). A Gantt chart is a kind of time schedule-a specialized bar chart that shows the relationship between the kind of work tasks planned and their scheduled completion dates.

(See Figure A.2, next page.)

A number of software packages can help you create and modify Gantt charts on your computer. Examples are CA-SuperProject, Microsoft Project Manager, SureTrak Project Manager, and TurboProject Professional. Benefits

There are three benefits to using a Gantt chart:

Express time lines visually. Unlike flowcharts, Gantt charts allow you to

indicate visually the time to be spent on each activity. Compare proposed and actual progress.

A Gantt chart may be used to

compare planned time to complete a task with actual time taken to com­ plete it, so that you can see how far ahead or behind schedule you are for the entire project. This enables you to make adjustments so as to hold to the final target dates. Simplicity. There is nothing difficult about creating a Gantt chart. You

express the time across the top and the tasks down along the left side. As Figure A.2 shows, you can make use of this device while still in college to help schedule and monitor the work you need to do to meet course re­ quirements and deadlines (for papers, projects, tests). Limitations

Gantt charts have two limitations:

Not useful for large, complex projects. Although a Gantt chart can express the

interrelations among the activities of relatively small projects, it becomes cum­ bersome and unwieldy when used for large, complex projects. More sophisti­ cated management planning tools may be needed, such as PERT networks. Time assumptions are subjective. The time assumptions expressed may be

purely subjective; there is no range between "optimistic" and "pessimistic" of the time needed to accomplish a given task.




The Project Planner's Toolkit





Stage of development I. Examine competitors' Web sites

2. Get information for your Web site



11111111111111111111 11111111111


11111111111111111111 11111111111

11111111111111111111 11111111111

3. Learn Web-


11111111111111111111 11111111111

authoring software



\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\


11111111111111111111 11111111111

4. Create

(design) your


Web site

5. "Publish"

( put) Web site




This shows the tasks accomplished and the time planned for remaining tasks to build a company Web site.

Tool #3: Break-Even Analysis-How Many Items Must You Sell to Turn a Profit? Break-even analysis is a way of identifying how much revenue is needed to cover the total costs of developing and selling a product. Let's walk through the computation of a break-even analysis, referring to the illustration.

(See Figure A.3.)

figure A.3

We assume


Total sales revenue

® Break-even point


� c:


; planned and unplanned, that celebrate important occasions and accomplishments in an organi::ation's life, 240 ROA (return on assets), 524 ROI (return on investment), 524 Role modeling, 244

Roles Socially determined expectations of how an individual should behave in a specific position; sets of behaviors that people expect of occupants of a position, 359-360, 417-418 Root-cause analysis, 49

Rule A standing plan that designates specific required action, 150 s Sabbaticals, 399 Safety needs, 374-375 Salaries or wages, 6, 294

Sales commission The percentage of a company's earnings as the result of a salesperson's sales that is paid to that salesperson, 395

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Ojien shortened to SarbOx or

Simple structure The first type of organi:::ational structure,

SOX; act establishing requirements/or proper financial record keeping for public companies and penalties for noncompliance, 83 Satisficing model One type of nonrational decision-making model; managers seek alternatives until they find one that is satisfactory, not optimal, 202,221

wherehy an organization has authority centra/i:::ed in a single person, as well as a flat hierarchy, few rule.\; and low work specia/i:::ation, 252 Single-product strategy Strategy hy which a company makes and sells only one product within its market, 181 182 Single-use plans Plans developed for activities that are not

Scanlon plan,396

likely to he repeated in the future; such plans can he

Scenario analysis or planning, 177 178

either programs or projects, 150

Scientific management Management approach that

Situational analysis,174

emphasi:::es the scientific study of work methods to improve the productivity of individual11·orkers, 40 42 The Secret Handshake (Reardon),236

Situational interview A structured interview in which the

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 83,174,

Situational leadership theory Leadership model that hold�

395,469 Security A system of safeguards for protecting information

technology against disasters, system failures, and unauthori:::ed access that result in damage or loss, 492 Seeds of innovation The starting point for organi:::ationa/ innovation, 319 Selection process The screening ojjob applicants to hire the best candidate, 281 284 Selective perception The tendency to filter out information that is discomforting, that seems irrelevant, or that contradicts one's beliej.i; 353-354

Situational control,450 -451

interviewer focuses on hypothetical situations, 284 that leaders should adjust their leadership style according to the readiness of the followers, 454-- 457 Six Sigma A rigorous statistical analysis process that reduces dejects in manufacturing and service-related industries, 322,534,542 544 Skill-based pay,396 Skill-building,398 Skill variety,388 389 Skills tests,285 "Skunkworks," 257 Sliders,417

Self-actualization needs,374--375

Slogans and sayings,244

Self-centered leaders,447

Small Business Administration,25

Self-efficacy Personal ability to do a task, 342

Small teams,416

Self-esteem Selj:respect; the extent to which people like or

SMART goal A goa/ that is Specific, Measurable, Allainable,

dislike themselves, 342 343 Self-fulfilling prophecy Also known as the P ygmalion e./feet; the phenomenon in which people's expectations of themselves or others leads them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true, 46,357 Self-managed teams Groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains, 411-412,529 Self-monitoring Observing one's Oll'n hehavior and adapting it

to external situation.\; 343 Self-serving bias The allributional tendency to take more

Results oriented, and has Target date.\; 147-148,386 Social anxiety disorder,478 Social capital Economic or productive potential of strong,

trusting, and cooperative relationships, 60,273 Social loafing The tendency of people to exert less effort when

llwking in groups than when working alone, 417 Social performance, 80 Social pressures,312 313 Social responsibility Manager's duty to take action that will

benefit society's interests as ll'ell as the organi:::ation's, 85 89

personal responsibility for success than for failure,

Socialized power Power directed at helping others, 440

356 357

Society for Human Resource Management,84

Selling,456 Semantics The study of the meaning of words, 479-480

Senate Intelligence Committee, 421 Sender The person wanting to share information, 475 -476 Servant leaders Leaders 11'110 focus on providing increased

Sociocultural forces Influences and trends originating in a

country, society, or culture; human relationships and values that may affect an organi:::ation, 78-79 Soldiering,40

Sonic Boom (Easterbrook), I 06

service to others meeting the goals of both followers and the organi:::ation-rather than on themselves,

Span of control The number of people reporting directly to a


Span of management, 250

given manager, 250

Service Employees International Union, 75

Speaking skills,497-498

Services,530 531

Special-interest groups Groups whose members try to

Setting and communication,482 Sex-role stereotypes, 354 Sexual harassment Unwanted sexual allention that creates an

adverse II'Ork environment, 279

inl f uence specific issues, 76 Special-purpose teams A team that meets to solve a special or

onetime problem, 529 Specific goals, 147

Sexual orientation,94

Speed to market, 309

Shared leadership Simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence

Spiral careers, 139

process in which people share responsihility for leading, 463

Spokesperson roles,22 23 SQ3R Method,31,495-496



One of three grand strategies, this strategy involves little or no significant change, 172 Staff personnel Staff with advisory functions; they provide advice, recommendations, and research to line managers, 251 Stakeholders People whose interests are affected by an organization's activities, 71 Stability strategy

ethical dilemma, 193 execution, 184-187 forecasting, 177-178 planning and, 140 process, 169-173 strategy formulation, 179-183 SWOT analysis, 174-177

external, 71, 73-79

Strategic Management Society, 167

internal, 70-72

Determining what an organization's long­ term goals should be for the next 1-10 years with the resources it expects to have available; done by top management, 146, 165-167, 173 Strategic positioning Strategy that, according to Michael Porter, attempts to achieve sustainable competitive advantage by preserving what is distinctive about a company, 168 Strategy A large-scale action plan that sets the direction for an organization, 165, 167-168, 184-185, 521 Strategy formulation The process of choosing among different strategies and altering them to best fit the organization's needs, 173 Strategy implementation The execution of strategic plans, 173 Strategy map A visual representation of the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard that enables managers to communicate their goals so that everyone in the company can understand how their jobs are linked to the overall objectives of the organization, 519-520 The Straw Bale House, 181 Strength perspective Perspective of organizational culture that assumes that the strength of a corporate culture is related to a firm's long-term financial performance, 242 Stress The tension people feel when they are facing or enduring extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities and are uncertain about their ability to handle them effectively, 358-362 Stressor The source of stress� 358 Strategic planning

Also known as procedure; a standing plan that outlines the response to particular problems or circumstances, 150

Standard operating procedure

Standards, 512-513

Plans developed for activities that occur repeatedly over a period of time; such plans consist of policies, procedures, or rules, 150

Standing plans

Start-ups, 320-321 Static budgets, 523

A statistical technique that uses periodic random samples from production runs to see if quality is being maintained within a standard range of acceptability, 533-534

Statistical process control

Steady-state careers, 139

A standardized mental picture resulting from oversimplified beliefs about a certain group of people, 481 Stereotyping The tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics one believes are typical of the group to which that individual belongs, 354-355 Stock options The right to buy a company's stock at a future date for a discounted price; ofien a benefit given to key employees, 294, 396 Stories A narrative based on true events, which is repeated­ and sometimes embellished upon-to emphasize a particular value, 240, 244 Storming The second of five stages of forming a team in which individual personalities, roles, and conflicts within the group emerge, 413--414 Strategic allies Describes the relationship of two organizations that join forces to achieve advantages that neither can perform as well alone, 74, 116 Strategic control Monitoring performance to ensure that strategic plans are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed, 173, 515 Strategic goals Goals that are set by and for top management and focus on objectives for the organization as a whole, Stereotype

147, 149

The development of a systematic, comprehensive strategy for ( 1) understanding current employee needs and (2) predicting future employee needs, 274 Strategic management A five-step process that involves managers from all parts of the organization in the formulation and implementation of strategies and strategic goals: establish the mission and the vision; establish the grand strategy; formulate the strategic plans; carry out the strategic plans; maintain strategic control, 165-167 Strategic human resource planning

competitive analysis, 174 dynamics of, 164-168



Strong stressors, 359 Structural area of control, 516

interview in which the interviewer asks each applicant the same questions and then compares the responses to a standardized set of answers, 284

Structured interview

Study habits, 30-31

Performance evaluations based on a manager's perceptions of an employee's traits or behaviors, 291 Subsystems The collection of parts that make up the whole system, 51 Sunk-cost bias (sunk-cost fallacy) Biased way of thinking in which managers add up all the money already spent on a project and conclude it is too costly to simply abandon it, 218 Subjective appraisals

Supervisors, 18

A person or organization that provides supplies-raw materials, services, equipment, labor, or energy-to other organizations, 73


Supportive style of leadership, 453 Surroundings, 398

Economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability offuture generations to meet their own needs, 13, 508


The search for the Strengths, Weaknesses; Opportunities, and Threats that affect an organization,

SWOT analysis


An object, act, quality, or event that conveys meaning to others, 240 Synergy Situation in which the economic value of separate, related businesses under one ownership and management is greater than the businesses are worth separately, 183 System A set of interrelated parts that operate together to achieve a common purpose, 51 Systems viewpoint Perspective that regards the organi::ation as a system of interrelated parts, 51-52 Symbol


Monitoring performance to ensure that tactical plans-those at the divisional or departmental level-are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed, 515 Tactical goals Goals that are set by and for middle managers and focus on the actions needed to achieve strategic goals, 147, 149 Tactical planning Determining what contributions departments or similar work units can make with their given resources during the next 6 months to 2 years; done by middle management, 146 Tactical control

types, 411 virtual, 407

Fifih type of organizational structure, whereby teams or workgroups, either temporary or permanent, are used to improve horizontal relations and solve problems throughout the organization,

Team-based structure

255-257 Teamsters Union, 75 Technical redesign, 412

Skills that consist of the job-specific knowledge needed to perform well in a specialized field, 28 Technological forces New developments in methods for transforming resources into goods or services, 78 Technology All the tools and ideas for transforming material, data, or labor (inputs) into goods or services (outputs). It applies not just to computers but any machine or process that enables an organization to gain a competitive advantage in changing materials used to produce a finished product, 312-314 Telecommute To work from home or remote locations using a variety of information technologies, II, 397, 491 Technical skills

Teleconferencing, 490-491

High-definition videoconference systems that simulate face-to-face meeting among users, 491

Telepresence technology

Teleworking, 491

Tahoe Regional P lanning Authority (TRPA), 76

Telling, 456

Target dates, 148, 154

Tests, 285-286, 340-341


A trade barrier in the form of a customs duty, or tax, levied mainly on imports, I 18

Task behavior, 456

Theory X, 46, 374 Theory Y, 46, 374 Thoughtfulness, 397-398

A performance appraisal in which employees are appraised not only by their managerial superiors but also by peers, subordinates, and sometimes clients, 292

Eleven groups that present workers with daily tasks to handle: customers, competitors, suppliers, distributors, strategic allies, employee groups, local communities, financial institutions; government regulators, special-interest groups, and mass media,

360-degree assessment


Time and task management, 21-22

Task environment

Time and communication, 482

Task identity, 388-389

Time magazine,

Task-oriented style, 450-452

Time management, 30-31

Behavior that concentrates on getting the team's task done, 417

156, 204

Task role

Time orientation, 128-129

Task significance, 388 389

Tolerance for ambiguity, 209-210

Task structure, 450-451

One of three managerial levels; they make the long-term decisions about the overall direction of the organization and establish the objectives, policies, and strategies for it, 16--17 Total quality management (TQM) A comprehensive approach-led by top management and supported throughout the organization-dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. It has four components: (I ) Make continuous improvement a priority. (2) Get every employee involved. (3) Listen to and learn from customers and employees. (4) Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems, 528


A small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals; and approach to which they hold themselves mutually accountable, 409; see also Group

cohesiveness, 419-420 group versus, 408-412 groupthink, 420-422 importance of, 408 motivation, 415 norms, 418-419 performance goals and feedback, 415 roles, 417-418

Titanic (movie),


Top managers

core principles, 56--57, 528-530

self-managed, 411-412, 529

Deming management, 526--527

size, 416-417

RATER scale, 530

special-purpose, 529

tools and techniques, 531-534



Touch and communication,482

Toy Story (movie),26,441 TQM; see Total quality management Trade protectionism The use of government regulations to limit the import of goods and services, I17-118 Trading bloc Also known as an economic community; a group of nations within a geographical region that have agreed to remove trade barriers with one anothet; 119 Training Educating technical and operational employees in how to better do their current jobs, 244,288-289 Trait approaches to leadership Attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders, 444--447 Transactional leader One who focuses on the interpersonal transactions between managers and employees, 458-459 Transactional leadership Leadership style that focuses on clar(fying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance, 458--459 Transfers, 297

Transformation processes The organi::.ation's capabilities in management and technology that are applied to converting inputs into outputs; one of four parts of a system, along with inputs, outputs, and feedback, 51 Transformational leadership Leadership style that transforms employees to pursue organi::.ational goals over self: interests, 459-461 Transitory careers, 139

United Auto Workers, 75 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 6,275 U.S. Census Bureau, 275 U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 295 U.S. Department of Justice, 161 U.S. Department of Labor,368,403 U.S. Department of Transportation, A 4 U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 161 U.S. International Trade Commission, 118 U.S. Postal Service, 352 U.S. Supreme Court, 100

Unity of command Principle that stresses an employee should report to no more than one manager in order to avoid conflicting priorities and demand.\; 249 University of Michigan Leadership Model, 448

Unrelated diversification Operating several businesses that are not related to one another under one ownership, 182 Unrepresentative sample bias, 195

Unstructured interview interview in which the interviewer asks probing questions to find out what the applicant is like, 283 284

Upward communication Communication that flowsfrom lower levels to higher leve/.1; 487 US. News and World Report, 212 USA Today, I06,127 Utilitarian approach One of four approaches to solving ethical dilemmas; ethical behavior is guided by what will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people, 81

Transportation,I 04--105 Traveling overseas, I 03, I 09-110,133-134

Trend analysis A hypothetical extension of a past series of events into the future, 177 Troy (movie),468 TRPA (Tahoe Regional Planning Authority),76

Turnover The movement of employees in and out of an organi::.ation when they obtain and then leave their jobs, 351 20-20 hindsight bias, 195

Two core principles of TQM ( 1) People orientation­ everyone involved with the organi::.ation should focus on delivering value to customers; and (2) improvement orientation-everyone should work on continuously improving the work processes; 528 Two-factor theory Herzberg's theory that proposes that work sati.\faction and dissatisfaction arise from two different work factors-work satisfaction from so-called motivating factors and work dissatisfaction from so-called hygiene factors, 379-380 Type A behavior pattern Behavior describing people involved in a chronic, determined struggle to accomplish more in less time, 359

v Valence The value or the importance a ll'orker assigns to a possible outcome or reward, 383-384 Validity Extent to which a lest measures what it purports to measure and extent to which it is free of bias, 286 Value orientation, 209-210 Value stream mapping,49

Value system The pallern of values within an organi::.ation, 81 Values Abstract ideals that guide one's thinking and behavior across all situations; the relatively permanent and deeply held underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a person's behavior, 81,345,348 Vancouver Sun, 230 Variable budget A/lowing the allocation of resources to vary in proportion with various levels of activity, 523 Vertical communication, 486--487 Vertical hierarchy of authority, 247 Vertical loading, 388

Videoconferencing Using video and audio links along with computers to enable people located at different locations to see, hear, and talk with one another, II,490--491 Virtual corporations, 255 Virtual learning, 289


Virtual offices, 491

Uncertainty avoidance, 123-125

Underemployed Working at a job that requires less education than one has, 94 Unfreezing stage, 328 Unified hierarchy, 153 Unions and associations,75



Virtual organizations Organi::.ation whose members are geographically apart, usually working with e-mail, collaborative compuling, and olher computer connection.\; while ofien appearing to customers and others to be a single, unified organi::.ation with a real physical location, 59, 255, 257 258

Virtual teams, 407

ethical dilemma, I 00

Vision A long-term goal describing what an organi::.ation

ethical responsibilities, 80-84 external stakeholders, 71, 73-79

wants to become; it is a clear sense of the future and

internal stakeholders, 70-72

the actions needed to get there, 460

social responsibilities, 85-89

Vision statement Statement that expresses ll'hat the organi::.ation should become and where it wants to go strategically, 145, 163, 171

Work-life benefits, 398 Work-related attitudes, 349-350 Work specialization, 249 Workplace behaviors, 351-352


Workplace stress, 358-362

Wages or salaries, 6,294

World Bank One of three principal organi::.ations designed to

The Wall Street Journal, 9,37, 54,66, I 05,156, 193, 199,

facilitate international trade; its purpose is to provide


low-interest loans to developing nations for improving

Warfare, 425

transportation, education, health, and

Web 2.0, 314 When Talking Makes Things Worse! (Stiebel), 473

telecommunications, 119 World Trade Organization One of three principal organi::.ations

Whistle-blower An employee 1vho reports organi::.ational

designed to j{tcilitate international trade; it is designed

misconduct to the public, 84 White Men Can't Jump (movie), 95

to monitor and enforce trade agreements; 119 Writing skills, 496-497

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (TV show), 225 Wholly-owned subsidiary A foreign subsidiary, or subordinate section of an organi::.ation, that is totally owned and


controlled by the organi::.ation, 116

Youth stage The stage in 1vhich the organi::.ation is in a pre­

Wisdom, attitude of, 37

bureaucratic phase, one of growth and expansion, 261

The Wisdom of Cro11·ds (Surowiecki), 421 Women as executives, 445-446,484 Work environment; see also Global management diversity, 90-95

z Zero-based budgeting (ZBB), 522




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