Application Requirements (2025)

How to Submit your Transcripts

Official transcripts should be sent from the high school or college directly to or mailed to PO Box 32004 Boone, NC 28608

High school counselors can mail high school transcripts or send them electronically via a recognized transcript delivery service such as Common App, CFNC, Naviance, National Student Clearinghouse, Parchment or

College transcripts must be ordered by the student directly from each prior institution (Registrar or Records office) and be sent directly to App State. Due to privacy laws, App State is unable to order student transcripts from other institutions.


Do I have to send ALL of my college transcripts?

Yes, we need to receive transcripts from every institution you have attended. This includes:

What is an official transcript?

Official Transcripts are transcripts still in unopened envelopes that were sealed by the issuing institution or sent electronically via a recognized transcript delivery service such as Common App, CFNC, Naviance, National Student Clearinghouse, Parchment or

What if I started but didn’t complete a semester?

If you started classes but withdrew we also need those transcripts to verify you did not receive a grade in the class. If you withdrew before the drop/add period and are told you do not have a transcript but we have record that you attended that university from your application, you will need an official email from the institution (usually from the Registrar or Records office) sent to stating that you withdrew and have no official grades.

Should I wait to send my college transcript after I have completed my courses?

We review the courses that have been taken so far along with the courses in progress in order to provide an admissions decision. We encourage students to meet our suggested dates to apply by submitting official transcripts for courses completed to date.

Why am I being asked for an updated transcript?

If you applied for a prior term or we noticed on a transcript a school you didn’t mention, we will add a checklist item asking for an updated transcript. We require transcripts for all completed coursework even if the courses do not transfer. That will also help us in making an admissions decision.

When do I send an updated transcript with new grades?

Please send an official transcript anytime new coursework has been completed.

Test Scores

Test Score Consideration for First-year Applicants

Test Scores (ACT/SAT) will not be required for fall 2025 and spring 2026 first-year applicants with a weighted GPA of 2.8 or above.

If you have a weighted GPA below 2.8, you will be required to self-report a test score with your application. Upon admission, you will need to provide an official score that matches that self-reported score after you confirm your enrollment to App State.

If you have a weighted GPA of 2.8 or above when you apply to App State, you will be required to indicate whether or not you plan to submit SAT or ACT scores for consideration in the admission review process.

  • Will it negatively impact me if I don't submit test scores?
    No, If you have a weighted GPA of a 2.8 and higher, you will not be disadvantaged if you indicate you do not want scores to be considered in your application review.
  • What if I submitted scores previously, but do not want them to be considered?
    If you indicated on your application that you did not want your scores considered for the admissions review, we will not factor in any scores previously sent to us.
  • What will be considered in the admissions process?
    At App State, you are more than the sum of your GPA and test scores – we want to learn about who you are, what you are passionate about and what you can contribute to the Appalachian Community.
  • Will my scholarship eligibility be affected?
    No, students with a weighted GPA of a 2.8 and higher who choose to waive their test scores will still have the opportunity to be considered for scholarships.

Submitting Test Scores

Although test scores are not required for students with a weighed GPA of a 2.8 or higher, if you think your scores will enhance your overall academic performance and you opt to submit them, feel free to self-report them on your application to be considered in the admission review process. We encourage you to submit all your scores and we will consider your highest sub-score from each section across your test dates to create a super-score.

Self Reporting Test Scores

Should you choose “I would like to submit SAT/ACT scores for consideration” and submit self-reported test scores, we will need to verify your test scores prior to enrollment at App State.

Downloadable Score Report

Students have the option to download their official score report for ACT and/or SAT. These downloadable score reports may be emailed to to be added to your application.

How to download a score report

  • Log-in to ACT or CollegeBoard to access your ACT and/or SAT scores

  • Once you are logged in, click on “View Scores” in the top right corner

  • Next, click on “Download Student Score Report” as a PDF

That’s it! You have successfully downloaded your official score report that may be submitted to App State.

Verified Test Scores Required for Enrollment

We verify self-reported test scores for all applicants who enroll at App State. If you indicate you plan to submit test scores on your application and self-report them, official SAT (Code # 5496) or ACT (Code # 3064) test scores must be submitted directly from the testing agency once you confirm your enrollment to App State. If you sent an official score previously but your self-reported score was your highest score and considered in your admission decision, you will need to provide an official score that matches that self-reported score.

Application Requirements (2025)


What is an application requirement? ›

Application Requirements are the individual requirements for a given rule. Checklist Items are the individual records for a given application's requirements, with their completion status. These are displayed via a related list on the Application record and can be shared with applicants via the Applicant Dashboard.

What is the meaning of applicant requirements? ›

Application Requirements means the formal and substantial requirements which each applicant must meet, as set forth in these regulations; Sample 1Sample 2.

What are admission requirements? ›

Admission Requirements means the specific minimum criteria a school must adhere to when enrolling a student into the school.

What is needed for a college application? ›

While different colleges have slightly different application requirements, there are several items you'll need to access multiple times.
  • Official high school transcripts. Official transcripts must come directly from your high school. ...
  • Test scores. ...
  • FASFA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) ...
  • Essays. ...
  • Application Fees.
Aug 3, 2023

How do you define app requirements? ›

How to write a great mobile application requirement document
  1. Describe the app idea.
  2. Describe the navigation patterns.
  3. Identify must-have features.
  4. Mention existing apps.
  5. Focus on functional specifications.
  6. Mind the app technology requirements.
  7. Provide wireframes.
  8. Choose the requirement format.
Sep 2, 2022

What are the performance requirements of an application? ›

Performance requirements define how well the software system accomplishes certain functions under specific conditions. Examples include the software's speed of response, throughput, execution time and storage capacity. The service levels comprising performance requirements are often based on supporting end-user tasks.

What does my requirement mean? ›

something required; something obligatory or demanded, as a condition. the requirements for college entrance. 3. something needed; necessity; need.

What is Applicant Qualifications? ›

Qualifications are the criteria which an applicant must meet in order to be eligible for an opportunity award. They are used to narrow the field of all applicants to only the most qualified applicants for any opportunity.

What is an example of an applicant? ›

An applicant is someone who signs up or applies for something. A job applicant for example, often fills out a form and then interviews for the position she hopes to get. When you submit your college application to a school you'd like to attend, you are an applicant to that school.

What is the meaning of entrance requirements? ›

entrance requirements in British English

(ˈɛntrəns rɪˈkwaɪəmənts ) plural noun. the grades in school examinations required for admission to university.

What is an admission checklist? ›

Admissions Applicant Checklists allows Admissions to create a list of requirements a student needs to complete to gain admittance. Some checklist items can be set as mandatory where the application will not show as completed until they are met.

What is recommended for admission? ›

The recommendation for admission means that the department has judged you an eligible candidate, and they are recommending your acceptance to the level that makes the final acceptance (Dean/Admissions Office etc. depending on the context).

How do colleges look at applications? ›

Admissions officers look at “hard factors — GPA, grades, and test scores — and soft factors — essays, extracurricular activities, recommendations, and demonstrated interest — to gain a full picture of applicants.

What do colleges look for the most? ›

What do admissions officers want to see on your college application?
  1. Good Grades. ...
  2. Challenging High School Curriculum. ...
  3. Strong Standardized Test Scores. ...
  4. A Well-Written Essay. ...
  5. Extracurricular Participation and Leadership Skills. ...
  6. Diversity. ...
  7. Enthusiasm for the School. ...
  8. Letters of Recommendation.

What looks good on a college application? ›

A good college application should showcase strong grades, high test scores, volunteer or relevant work experience, compelling letters of recommendation and an honest and thoughtful personal essay. It's also good to show improvement and a willingness to challenge yourself.

What is considered a requirement? ›

A requirement is something that you must have in order to be allowed to do something or to be suitable for something.

What is analysis of application requirement? ›

Requirements analysis (requirements engineering) is the process of determining user expectations for a new or modified product. It is usually a team effort and demands a variety of human soft skills, such as critical thinking, communication and judgment.

What does requirements mean in college? ›

Degree Requirements are prescribed by an institution for completion of a program of study. Requirements may include a minimum number of hours, required GPA, prerequisite and elective courses within the specified major and/or minor areas of study.

What is the difference between request and requirement? ›

Request is to ask a person to do something or to express the need or desire while require is to make someone to do some thing consider obligatory.


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.